
Metamorphs of Oblivion

This was my very first story idea as a sophomore in HS. Our regular English teacher had to take a leave of absence to care for her sick daughter. She was out for the full year (a blessing in disguise as her and I did not see eye to eye on how I should write). Ms. Lind was our substitute and stayed with us the entire year. She was a blessing. A couple months into the class, after completing a few writing exercises, she assigned us the task of writing a short story. A fault of mine is being w



Judge, Jury & Executioner

I think we'd all agree that the American justice system is a tattered one. Laws upon laws the either build and shore up other laws, or undercut others has led our society to lose faith when seeking justice. Celebrities, on most counts, get a slap on the wrist while your run-of-the-mill citizen gets the book thrown at them. This is circumstantial and differs from judge to judge. The levels of impartiality come into question as well. This concept came to me while on shift work in Tampa. It st




This was a project that I started out with a few friends back home. Again, this story has some heavy influence with my gaming background. Many new platforms have formed this way and my friends and I wanted to capitalize a bit on it. What started out prior to my entering the Air Force has been on the back burner ever since...we've all married, had kids, etc. But we still hold out for a day where we can all collaberate this as a priority. What's even better is that our ideas and ideals for th



Souldier Saga

Since as long as I can remember, I've abhored,to a certain degree, jotting down ideas. This relates to a feeling or notion I have that if it's written down and lost, then it's lost for good. I've never been a good note taker, a deficiency of my time management skills. But having been a member here for quite some time, I feel things are in order from a server backup perspective. I can relax a bit knowing there's a good chance my work here won't be "lost" after jotting down ideas. So here goe



The Redgrave's

We have recently had the deaths of Corin & Lynne. I think only Vanessa is left. They were all leftists and could be counted to support whatever bad cause was around. They were also very good actors. I'll enjoy their movies but wince when they give their political positions. They had Elizabeth Taylor as a step-mother.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Michael McKean

Jeopardy is have its Celebrity Tournament of Champions and I think Michael McKean will be the big winner. Michael McKean is one of the best proofs that the intelligence of actors should not be judged by the roles they play. McKean played one of two stupid guys on a show "Laverne & Shirley" that had several dumb people. Almost of his other roles he has played a lot smarter

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

The Fantastics

The Fantastics ran for over 40 years off Broadway. It has a very small cast. I believe the cast is less than ten people. A huge number of high schools have done it. It is based on a play by Rostand. A good number of the actresses who played the girl went on to become big names. The first El Gallo was Jerry Orbach who was on Law & Order.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Lee Patrick

This lady was one of the best character actresses. She appeared both in Vertigo and The Maltese Falcon. She was Mrs. Topper in the show with that name. She never got to be a star but she did good work.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Thoughts on Lou Dobbs

John Stossell had Lou Dobbs on his show last week. I realized that Lou Dobbs does not think that there are individuals acting. Because we speak of trade as between countries we do not see that trade is not between countries. It is ultimately between individuals. I decide I want a new car so I get a car that is Japanese but I as individual make that decision. I think this maybe that people like Dobbs are always seeing collectives.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

From: Walk for Autism

April is Autism Awareness Month. On Friday, April 2, 2010 (Autism Awareness Day) I joined a group from Autism Speaks on the NBC morning news to do the Friday dance with weatherman Andy Avilos and friends. Although you I'm in back and you can’t see my face or my wonderful attempt at doing the limbo under the Autism Speaks banner, I’m on TV doing the Friday dance! Please support our family as we raise funds for a very worthy organization that is doing very important work helping families, promo



Supporting Actors

Supporting actors or character actors can make a good movie a great one. The scene in Absence of Malice is made by several supporting actors of which not the least was Wilfred Brimley. They never get the girl and they may not be that good looking and sometimes they have the best lines. One example is Eve Arden's role as Mildred Pierce's friend when the two of them are talking about Mildred's daughter the Eve Arden's character says "I think alligators have the right idea, they eat their young

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Wilford Brimley's scene in Absence of Malice

The first movie I ever saw with Wilford Brimley was Absence of Malice. The movie was almost over. Suddenly this old man with a big mustache appeared. He seemed very grumpy. In ten minutes you forgot about Sally Field & Paul Newman. In less he tried up all the loose ends in the movie when he tells the unethical lead prosecutor that he has thirty days it is a moment not to be missed. I'm sorry that the only time I can see Brimley is selling diabetes supplies but I'm glad he making money.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

David Boaz's article about Freedom in America

David Boaz of the Cato Institute has an excellent article about libertarians who long for a golden age of liberty. He tells them to recognize that there as never been such a golden age. The worst of them proclaim the Confederacy as some bastion of freedom ignoring the fact that millions of people were held as slaves in the South. The South even before the Civil War engaged in censorship of anti-slavery newspapers. There is one little inter newsletter that proclaims itself a home for old Co

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

John Forsyth

He also died within the last few days. The role that that is being mentioned was Blake Carrington on Dynasty but my favorite was his portraying Alvin Dewey in "In Cold Blood." Alvin Dewey was KBI agent in charge of Clutter murder investigation. Alvin Dewey was a dogged investigator and Forsyth portrayed him that way. He was one of the good things in a very over rated movie. Forsayth was also used by Hit chock in two movies. Forsayth was not used anywhere as often as Cary Grant or James Ste

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

June Havoc

June Havoc who died on March 27th was an actress who had a very famous sister. The sister was Gypsy Rose Lee who was famous star of burlesque. Their story has been told in the musical Gypsy Gypsy is one of the best American musicals. It is the story of their travel around the country in the last days of vaudeville. June was Baby June. Louise was a support player in the act but later blossomed in burlesque. Their mother was the stage mother from hell. The part of Mama Rose has become the

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

In Plain Sight

This is a show about the US Marshall's who run the witness protection program. The people who are put in the witness protection program are people who have been involved in criminal enterprises who after helping the government are in fear for the lives. In some cases they are criminals themselves. In other cases they have been brought into the enterprise. They must in some cases vanish completely from their families The show has gotten good guest stars. The writing is solid. The only prob

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Kit Kittridge

This is a charming little movie set during the Great Depression which stars Abagail Breslin in the title role. Her father played by Chris O'Donnell loses his job and has to leave the family to go to Chicago to look for work. The mother played by Julie Ormond has to take in borders, raise chickens and sell eggs. While Kit worships Eleanor Roosevelt the family continues to make their own way. There is wonderful bit where the girls wear dresses made from old flour sacks which look very fashion

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption is the best prison movie ever made. It stars Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. It is based on a novella by Stephen King It is the story of Andy Durfresse played by Tim Robbins who has been convicted of killing his wife and her lover. As the prosecutor comments "He had to reload." He is given two life terms in Shawshank Prison. Red played by Morgan Freeman is older convict serving a life sentence I think for murder. The villains are the warden played by Bob Gunton a

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

The Blind Side

This movie won Sandra Bullock the best actress award at the Oscars. It is the story of a rich white Southern family that takes in a homeless black boy. The mother is played by a Sandra Bullock who does a wonderful job. The script is great. The supporting cast is good. The Bullock character has some great lines that are pro-second amendment. The boy went on to graduate from Old Miss and is now in the National Football League. Sometimes the progress this country had made in race can be

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

ObamaCare's Passing

This turn of events is not surprising. I hope the signs of strong opposition continue to come through so we can get rid of this very bad law. Some people are suggesting non-violent opposition. Any opposition must remain non-violent as the supporters will demonize any acts of violence.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb