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Objectivism in the world



I have been wanting to write something like this for a while and after having done a bit of thinking on Anthemgate, and looking at Art in modern society I have decided to finally put my thoughts down.

One of the greatest problems in the Objectivist world today is stagnation. Put quite simply up until the election of the Emperor Mrs. Rands books and books to do with Objectivism were slowly growing in sales, however since Rand herself there have been NO major contributors to the Objectivist world. There are various organizations out there who have different objectives and goals but who do pretty much the same thing. None of the organizations have a master plan.

Culture wars

I am here going to propose two ideas which if adopted would create massive change in the world in which we live.


What we need not only as Americans but as Objectivists is a complete and total dismantling of the public education system. Most advocates of this options which I know want to do this by a top down decree which is much more difficult, and creates many objections in the minds of people (regardless of if these objections are realistic). A better and more practical option is to put the public schools out of business with private schools. Given the state of tech. today and the cost of running a private school (as well as the potential to lower these costs) we need an Objectivist group which establishes private and affordable private schools.

The curriculum of these schools should be oriented towards the individual education rather than collective education. The system itself would possess no K-12 structure but would rather focus on the individual students ability to pass a certain course. Students would be able to advance at their own rate rather than being held down to the level of the lowest common denominator. The grouping system would be 1-4, with 1 being the fastest learners and 4 being the slowest learners. In this system the best students could offer more specialized tutoring for slower students which is one way to cut costs. When students reach a certain in their education their education would be expanded to include philosophy, and Austrian Econ. The introduction of these two subjects would occur during what is currently 6th or 7th grade.

Where to start these schools? I would suggest that the optimal place to start one of these schools (or several of them) are in depressed areas, the poorer areas of Chicago, New York City, LA, the Bronx, etc., in these areas parents would be grateful to get their children out of a doomed school system. The Idea is not to end the public school system by government decree but rather to put it out of business by competition. When the government and the Unions move to do something about it they will create such a riot they will have to leave it alone.

The second group which needs to be formed is a group which supports and promotes objective art.

These two things will revolutionize the US.

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The youtube user (and Objectivist) MrCropper is trying to have a competing private school running. You should check him out sometime. Last time I checked he had 2 students but it's a start :).

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