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The Ick Factor (1)



When I first started posting at Online O-world forums, I used 'the ick factor' to signify an unquantifiable je ne sais quoi in certain Objectivish utterances, such as the initial ARI response to the Boxing Day Tsunami.

Here's a sample of what gets chatted about from Ugh, Solopassion.com, with Lindsay at the helm. An openline show with your kookiepants grandpa. Rather revolting. This is the man with the red button. Blech. Ick ick ick.

04:46:57 Lindsay Perigo You're reading me?

04:47:34 Lindsay Perigo Heller—Babs's bitch.

04:48:15 Lindsay Perigo The rarest quality of all.

04:49:18 Lindsay Perigo REvenge dear.

04:49:49 Lindsay Perigo Even though Babs wasn't fucking Nathan, she hated that Ayn was.

04:50:35 Lindsay Perigo She got away with all those years of painting Ayn as a pathological ogre who drove her husband to alcoholism. Now shown to be lies.

04:50:53 Lindsay Perigo Yes dear.

04:51:13 Lindsay Perigo Beswick tried to bonk Colin????????!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooooo, too funny!!!!!!!!!!

04:51:23 Lindsay Perigo Wot happened to that creature?

04:54:47 Lindsay Perigo Yes. Is there something to report?

04:55:48 Lindsay Perigo If so, use the private message facility.

04:56:45 Lindsay Perigo Ciao!

08:51:36 Lindsay Perigo Hello!


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That Perigo: such class! A "gentleman and a scholar." :lol: Are we sure that he's not an agent provocateur? Well, if such existed, it's unlikely that he would make the cut. :unsure::wacko:

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Awestruck. Ithought the awfulness was an online persona he adopted to appear larger than life, ie smaller and pettier

and meaner-spirited.But in his case it seems to be l'enfer, c'est moi=meme.

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Jerry's original comment suggested Perigo was an agent provocateur. Hard to say. Who would pay him to provoke himself and his toadies and also-rans? But it is hard to tell the difference between a raging nutcase and a raging nutcase for hire.

Robert's comment is apropos. The awe-inspiringness of Perigo is a given. We stand in awe before the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids, and I also stand gaping-mouth and trembling before the Full Fury of SOLO's Principal.

Carol, jeepers, some of us have been reading Perigo for a few years. He has always pushed the limits of discourse up to and beyond the Red-line of Kookiepants Self-thwarting . . .

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Thanks all for commenting on my resurrected blog. It can be lonely back here behind the front pages. Apparently the excellent OL blog software even lets me share administration tasks. I have made MSK an administrator, in case I ever get an AGW discussion off the taxiway and onto the runway and . . .

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re AGW, you're something of a terrier yourself aren't you? Hybrid gadfly?

You'll never get Adam to do the serious reading required - there are no legal or constitutional aspects to it that I know of (Adam if you are reading this it is a challenge). Maybe some of the science and math guys if they are not hating on you this week.

Btw Brant (he usually ignores me but what the hell),

Earthquakes Rock! (in uninhabited areas where no animals are harmed).

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Carol, I am no Pollyanna, that's for sure. On the subject of AGW, I am sure there could be a long-running discussion that fairly deals with 'agnostic' and 'skeptic' arguments.

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You should know that MSK has referenced one David Icke, a conspiracy theoriston the subject of alien lizards who eat human flesh,on a new "humour".This is obviously an indirect libel upon you, based on the title of this thread, and I urge you to seek counsel.

(I did really well in the LSAT and am probablycheaper than Adam)

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I do not pronounce it, it is a written name. Tell me how you pronounce Lynam and you will do better than 80% of my own relatives let alone spell it after 25 years familiarity.

This is not Ick but the mideast and Africa are aweing me. Today I noticed my taxi driver was Ethiopian (the streetcar had short-turned and I was late for work as usual).We had an interesting conversation, I mentioned I was interested in its history as the cradle of Christianity. He told me about an old series of churches where you walk underground on a spiritual journey. it is so dark that you can see nothing, and you meet Shaitan if you are a sinner in your heart, but you see light if you are truly good. Also, Hurricane Katrina originated in the highlands of Ethiopia. They have a 13-month year and on 9/11 it was their New Years Day. His Americanrelatives were all rounded up by the FBI because they had all booked the day off work so they "must have known".

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I would pronounce Lynam as first 'linnum' and then, after seeing consternated eyebrowing, as 'line um.'

Icke I have heard pronounced 'Ike' and also, of course, Ickee.

How come Gorgon George is poking you, dja figger?

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Right the 2nd time, Linem up and shootem down. Ghs is poking because I referenced his own mention of firing off insults at sjw "very quickly, spontaneously, spur-ofthemoment" etc in order to warm up his mind for long days of writing and research. I didn't think he would even catch the reference since I was just being general abt the playground shoving and jostling which I so enjoy reading.I thought my men's book club construct was pretty neat, especially since my sons are so pleased that I have joined a book discussion forum and spend less time out lolling around the pub.

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