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WSS rants about Oslo



The horrifying terror killings by the anti-multiculturalism 'Justiciar Knight' dominate the news in Norway, of course, and top the headlines worldwide.

The most gruesome comments I have heard are from zealots at Israeli news sites (commenters): among the addled are a few voices that say Norway got what it deserved. Are those voices explained in the Ellison book, I wonder?

Of course, from my opinion, the writings that 'explain' the killer and his plots are his own. The milieu that grew him was contemporary Norway, where for nine years he had been completing preparations for his crimes. That milieu included English-language opinion-makers from our side of the pond. That culture of xenophobia nurtured death.

Noxious instant pseudo-expert commentary abounds, of course, with a particularly awful explanation piece by Bruce Bawer in the Wall Street Journal today. I would like to compare his to Ellison's, but figure Ellison will win.

The saddest part about Bawer's piece is the way he explains how the killer cited his, Bawer's opinions, 22 times in the purportedly plagiarized manifesto.

It shall be very interesting to see how those who support the killer's political fanaticism extricate themselves from scrutiny for their own rhetoric. Bawer is not the only notable Western enemy of Islam or enemy of multiculturalism cited by the killer . . .

Pedlars of the Eurabia myth, like Mark Steyn? Anti-jihadis like Robert Spencer? Will they blame Norway too for its follies, and urge we take a closer look at and restrict and expel dangerous Muslims? Will Norway abandon its non-racialist immigration/refugee policies on the recommendation that the killer's stances were justified by Islamist menace?

The hate market, the MoozlimsAreScumDogKillers pedlars, the merchants of odious tracts and all those who sell trinkets and touchstones of religious war -- they too fueled this killer's fantasies. The merchants of fear, the merchants of hate, the merchants of hysteria will be having some attention paid to them. And they know it.

Thankfully or not, most Objectivist sites will not touch this story with a bargepole. It is odd to find no comment on this at SOLO, where Perigo's Death To Islam warrior cry remains policy.

I am sure Richard Wiig can be coaxed into giving us a lesson on They Brought This On Themselves.

Or, here is Glenn Beck on the 'disturbing' political camp shooting. "What is going on is exactly what I said would happen" blah blah Geert Wilders from Denmark blah blah We are in deep, deep trouble. He said Islam is evul, I don't say that, but Amedinejad blah blah is evul blah blah this kind of understanding of Islam is evul, period blah blah we don't want to stone people to death blah blah sharia law has no place in today's world, period blah blah I warned that what is coming in Europe last fall is going to go into trouble with radical Islam blah blah the cities are overrun blah blah they are like on the city council making all the rules blah blah squeezing the neck of Europe blah multiculturalism is killing Europe blah blah Spain France blah blah what is coming to Europe is the right wing blah blah blah leftist communist giant government or anarchy blah blah that's the left and right here in America blah blah they didn't replace it with We The People blah Nazis and Communism blah blah blah the shooter is from the Right Wing different from our Right Wing doing the work of people who want Big Government blah blah blah blah this is the act of a madman who needs to be in prison for the rest of their life no difference between him and the 9/11 bombers or bin Laden . . .

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Source: Harlan Ellison explains the Norway Killer


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Somebody called this massacre a "politicide" and I suppose the master Templar tactician thought he was much smarter than previous assassins who murdered only leaders who represented, in what passed for their minds, all that they most feared and hated, -- the Warcraft wizard took out future leaders too.

J, Kay discusses his dread of sexuality and loathing of "promiscuous" women in his family in the NP today. The similarities between his views and Hitler's are striking.

Bleivik's views I mean, not Kay's. I don't equate him with dear Mark "he didn't kill Muslims so my ideas have nothing to do with it" Steyn. So far anyway.

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