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Man, do I ever know how to procrastinate.



With five or so pressing projects, engagements and intellectual chores awaiting, how interesting that I cannot stay on task. I jump in to an OL thread with a dorky translation for George H Smith, I pat myself on the back, gain an interesting insight into liberty of minds, and then look back at my trail in dismay ... I blame Carol Jane, not because she caused it, but because she is so nice, she can take it.

My last four posts to OL made zero impression anyway, except for a comment on Roger's blog. I started a conversation with him, that went nowhere fast, and my exchange with Michael Marotta on the subject of MENA revolutions being 'spontaneous' slipped off the plate of discussion with no notice. I am either very annoying, very chauvinistic, very demanding, or just no fun to discuss things with. My internal lantern of Watch-Your-Arrogance-Bucko is on full, so I cannot imagine I scare people. The only things that scare OLers are Obama and Collectivism, The Insidious Cancer ....



Here is my stab at it, George, with assistance from GoogleTranslate and a touch of OCD. X-ray may be adding just a touch of 'between the lines' -- I think the message is fairly straightforward (if luscious-sounding in Italian!)

The word

, and
at the same time
the coexistence of the
and even
is obvious
From time to time, t
he sensitivities
of free minds
flee from
the politically-correct,
do-gooder, "progressive' and/or 'progressivist' connotations.

Maybe you can post this translation back to the gentleman to verify: I assume, perhaps wrongly, that he is not reading George H Smith in Italian.

Source: Anyone here read Italian?



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You have hit the bottom of slippery slope. As Thomas de Quincey put it:

"If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination."


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I accept the blame, and damned well if I do say so myself. I am a trained Blame-Absorber, a little-known job niche with almost limitless potential. I am experienced in all areas of the field right up to the point where they wrap you in a goatskin and throw you off a cliff.

But if you think I'm so nice, the quality of my PMs must be slipping.

Was deQuincey Scottish? It's well known that it's a mortal sin for a Scots Calvinist to have sex standing up, because it might lead to dancing.

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You think you can procrastinate? You are a piker. Look, just look at how many times I have posted over the last two days, in which I not only had to physically go out to work but should have been scouring my abysmal residence for inspection.

My Big Fat Greek landlord atop whose laundrymat I live in joyous sloth, lives in deadly fear of the insurance inspectors and the fire department. He has told me not to use the fire escape, ever, except if there is a fire (very inconvenient since it is just a few steps by FE from the aforementioned Mat). Not to put anything on the fire escape, ever. To clean my quarters , hiring cleaners if necessary, because if they don't like the apartment, he will not get insurance for Oscar's Coin Laundry.

I will also have to reinstall the fire alarm, if I can find it. I disassembled it because it screams and automatically calls the fire department every time I boil a kettle, let alone try to cook anything. I incautiously mentioned that last yeqr I burned up the Thanksgiving turkey, so he has told me that if the stove is dirty, they will refuse the insurance.

I am surrounded by these insurmountable tasks and an impossible deadlines and here I am on your blog, which apparently you never even check into, and IT's all your FAULT, Sauce for the gander, Bill Scherk, or Yusuf Al-Canadi or whatever you are calling yourself these days, And they won't give me airmiles at the drugstore just because I don't have a stupid airmiles card...why are people so blind and stupid... I want my mother, you brute!

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