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23 Reasons Objectivists (Might) Love Roy Moore [Updated]



Elsewhere on Objectivist-Trumpism Living, the Republican run-off between Luther Strange and Roy Moore was highlighted. 

On 9/22/2017 at 2:04 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Hopefully, Roy Moore will be elected in Alabama over the Strange Swamp Creature


On 9/26/2017 at 9:02 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Well, Roy Moore won.

Get ready for the ride of a lifetime. Like Moore's supporters said, the deal is Trumpism, not Trump the man. Trumpism is what they vote for.

And we now a strong precedent is set and we get to witness major history in the making.

It made me wonder just what qualities and policies an Objectivish person might celebrate in the Republican candidate for the December 12 special Senate election.


I have narrowed it down to 24 attributes exemplified in direct quotes from the man ...

  1. "Homosexual conduct should be illegal"

  2. “We have blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting, Democrats and Republicans fighting, men and women fighting. What’s going to unite us? What’s going to bring us back together? A president? A Congress? No. It’s going to be God.”

  3. "Now, I haven't seen one thing in the press about this, and yet the President of the United States will not produce his birth certificate [...] That's very strange indeed. Why we don't hear about it — because the press won't report it."

  4. "We have child abuse, we have sodomy, we have murder, we have rape, we have all kind of immoral things happening because we have forgotten God.”

  5. “False religions like Islam who teach that you must worship this way are completely opposite with what our First Amendment stands for"

  6. “I want to see virtue and morality returned to our country and God is the only source of our law, liberty and government”

  7. "I'm sorry but this country was not founded on Muhammad. It was not founded on Buddha. It was not founded on secular humanism. It was founded on God,"

  8. “[Islam is] a faith that conflicts with the First Amendment of the Constitution”

  9. “Just because it [homosexual behaviour is] done behind closed doors, it can still be prohibited by state law. Do you know that bestiality, the relationship between man and beast is prohibited in every state?”

  10. “There is no such thing as evolution. That we came from a snake? No, I don’t believe that.”

  11. “Homosexual behavior is a ground for divorce, an act of sexual misconduct punishable as a crime in Alabama, a crime against nature, an inherent evil, and an act so heinous that it defies one’s ability to describe it.”

  12. "When we forget God, we lose the only true basis for morality and ethics, and we are cast upon the shifting sands of moral relativism in which anything goes, including lying, cheating and stealing."

  13. “God’s laws are always superior to man’s laws.”

  14. “Buddha didn’t create us. Mohammed didn’t create us. It’s the God of the Holy Scriptures. They didn’t bring a Quran over on the pilgrim ship, Mayflower. Let’s get real. Let’s go back and learn our history.”

  15. “You think that God’s not angry that this land is a moral slum? How much longer will it be before his judgment comes?”

  16. "God is the only source of our law, liberty and government,"

  17. "The free exercise clause of the constitution does not apply to any religion but Christianity."

  18. "Anytime you deny the acknowledgement of God you are undermining the entire basis for which our country exists."

  19. “Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress”

  20. “We’ve got to remember that most of what we do in court comes from some scripture or is backed by scripture.”

  21. “‘It was the general, if not the universal, sentiment in America that Christianity ought to be favored by the State’”

  22. “There are communities under Sharia law right now in our country. Oklahoma tried passing a law restricting Sharia law, and it failed. Do you know about that?”

  23. "But to deny God — to deny Christianity or Christian principles — is to deny what the First Amendment was established for. The rights of conscience are beyond the reach of any human power; they are given by God and cannot be encroached on by any human authority without a criminal disobedience of the precepts of natural or revealed religion."



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Roy Moore is mostly not doing interviews outside of friendly precincts, such as American Family Radio: JUDGE ROY MOORE: IF ELECTED, I WON’T OWE ANYBODY ANYTHING EXCEPT FOR THE PEOPLE OF ALABAMA AND ALMIGHTY GOD

I've edited down a fair-use excerpt of the AFR 30-minute interview, preserving all the Moore locutions. 

One apparent exception to the "friendly" interview rule is in the Guardian, but this was first recorded back in August, during the Republican special election primary. Did you know Roy Moore speaks Russian, and that he thinks Putin might be right that America is the source of evil in the world?  Key word: gay marriage.


Edited by william.scherk
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My prediction of a Roy Moore victory still stands, but there is some countervailing information suggesting the race is actually tighter than I surmise. Fox News's latest poll, for example (although the Real Clear Politics average suggests Moore is up by a couple of points).

Democrat Doug Jones holds a 10-point lead over Republican Roy Moore among likely voters in deep red Alabama.



Greater party loyalty plus higher interest in the election among Democrats combined with more enthusiasm among Jones supporters gives him the advantage in the race to fill the U.S. Senate seat previously held by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

That’s according to a Fox News Poll of Alabama voters conducted Thursday through Sunday using traditional polling techniques, including a list-based probability sample with both landlines and cellphones.

Jones receives 50 percent to Moore’s 40 percent, with 1-in-10 undecided (8 percent) or supporting another candidate (2 percent) -- which could make a difference Tuesday. That’s even truer with such an unconventional election with unconventional candidates.  


-- in other Roy Moore news, wouldn't you know it, more interview oddities have turned up.  Apparently, Roy Moore's deep convictions that America needs to get back under God means that things were better under slavery, or at least before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and definitely before the addition of those pesky constitutional amendments that came after the 10th.  I don't know how much electoral stock to put in this pot. But.

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Roy Moore appeared yesterday at a rural rally with Steve Bannon and other worthies. Here below is the full video of the event courtesy NBC. I'll trim it down to the speeches of the two named gentlemen. I'll also add in the Moore bits from his final campaign radio interview, again with American Family Radio, this time with Sandy Rios. 

I don't know what time the acceptance and concession speeches will be forthcoming, but I will plug them in also when I can find them.

This is the full Sandy Rios morning radio show. For the Trump robo-call and the Moore interview portion, click on the player below, jump to 15:19.

Edited by william.scherk
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"Can you please send money to Roy Moore's campaign?" -- so that they can properly investigate and document incidents and reports of voting (and I presume electoral) fraud.  They need some 75 thousand bucks or so.


He seems really hungry for office. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

-- I didn't just watch election night reporting from the Decision Desk wonks. I also looked at Infowars and the channel (Your Voice America) that runs Bill Mitchell. On Infowars Owen Shroyer and co-host were a bit freaked out when the swing to Moore's opponent began to be apparent not only in the traditional Black Belt ruralities, but in the cities and some suburban areas. 

That swing came relatively late and fast, as hundreds of precinct results were added to the tabulation from rural and urban districts.

Bill Mitchell and guests were also freaking out a bit when the swing happened. Bill couldn't stop mentioning his wonderment at one particular jump in vote-counts for Moore's opponent.

I'll add in these interminable videos from Shroyer and Co (with plenty of call-ins) and Mitchell and Co. Each is cued up to brief excerpts -- or you can jump along the timeline and sample the mood at various stages of the race, before and after suspicion kicked in with final precincts swinging the wrong way ... I tried to capture the hinge point in the respective coverage.
[NB -- the Shroyer election night coverage did not survive the great purge ... ]

  [Mitchell and Vandersteel]

-- incidentally, Alabama has a hybrid voting system where you the voter are given a paper ballot to mark, and then you feed your ballot into an optical reader/tabulator. Each county uses the same machinery, and there are no variations in procedure. None offer a voter verified paper audit trail, but that is not so unusual in America. As in any organized election, there is a  list of registered voters. You must prove your identity when you cast your vote and if you are not on the voter list, but otherwise eligible to vote, you get a provisional ballot.

Alabama rigorously keeps its voter list clean, according to its Republican Secretary of State. So, although Moore may have hopes of finding serious irregularities or widespread hinkiness, the Alabama regime seems to be as tight as any -- I don't think he will be able to find enough votes in the provisional and military ballots yet to be announced.

Even Steve Bannon has told Moore to concede and move on. Which makes Moore's struggle to accept loss graciously even more sad. 

[This message edited on September 11, 2018, with the addition of a hashtag 'anchor' tag.]

Edited by william.scherk
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There could be a lifeline for Roy Moore's campaign to somehow get into the Senate. The Alabama Secretary of State has opened a voter fraud investigation. Details if you click the image ...


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At some point, my sense of pathos will become cold and inert. But this gave me a twinge. Roy really really wants to get to the Senate ...

(cell-phone screenshot of Roy Moore campaign entreaties from Lauren Walsh.)


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11 hours ago, william.scherk said:

At some point, my sense of pathos will become cold and inert. But this gave me a twinge. Roy really really wants to get to the Senate ...

(cell-phone screenshot of Roy Moore campaign entreaties from Lauren Walsh.)


Beware of people who -desire- power.   Moore is an asshole and religious bigot.  Fortunately the voters of Alabama denied him his ambition (barely so, but so just the same).  Go 'Bama!

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"Muslims and Marxists delivered for Doug Jones."

On 12/20/2017 at 7:42 AM, BaalChatzaf said:

Moore is an asshole and religious bigot. 

Be that as it may, he is not finished fighting the fight. Today we discover he doesn't approve of Doug Jones's gay son celebrating his father's win. He also approves of a weird World News Daily (WND) opinion piece. Muslims and Marxists!


-- someone on the campaign had to put on rubber gloves and read the Marxist-Muslim-Sodomist report from gay magazine the Advocate ... (this second post has disappeared from the official Facebook account:)



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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

"Muslims and Marxists delivered for Doug Jones."

Be that as it may, he is not finished fighting the fight. Today we discover he doesn't approve of Doug Jones's gay son celebrating his father's win. He also approves of a weird World News Daily (WND) opinion piece. Muslims and Marxists!


-- someone on the campaign had to put on rubber gloves and read the Marxist-Muslim-Sodomist report from gay magazine the Advocate ... (this second post has disappeared from the official Facebook account:)



The man is a lunatic.

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The Fox10 story was seized upon by Moore's campaign ...   Alabama opened an investigation into the person in this video:

On 12/19/2017 at 12:58 PM, william.scherk said:

The Alabama Secretary of State has opened a voter fraud investigation. Details if you click the image ...


Alabama has closed the investigation. 

Secretary of State John H. Merrill Releases Updated Information on Questions Regarding Voter Fraud

December 21, 2017 - MONTGOMERY - The most controversial issue regarding potential voter fraud that has been reported to the Office of The Secretary of State following the US Senate Special Election is a brief video clip from a live broadcast during a FOX 10 (Mobile) election night report. 

During the live broadcast, a young person was asked about his excitement surrounding the results of the election:

Reporter: “Why are you excited to see this victory?”

Voter: "Because we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship. And, all of us pitched in together to vote and canvass together, and we got our boy elected!"

The reporter did not ask any further questions and therefore, many viewers were left questioning the validity of the opportunity which allowed this citizen to legally vote in Alabama. When these concerns were brought to the attention of the Secretary of State they were encouraged to submit their concern online at www.stopvoterfraudnow.com.

Thanks to the help of concerned citizens interested in the credibility and the integrity of the electoral process, the Alabama Secretary of State's Office was able to identify the young man who was anonymously featured on the news broadcast. After additional research was conducted, it was determined that this young man has lived and worked in Alabama for more than one year and is currently a registered voter in this state.

We applaud this young man's energy, excitement, and enthusiasm for the electoral process and we are always encouraged when we observe Alabamians who are actively engaged in campaigns and elections in our state.

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Happy Holidays from Mar-a-Lago. Peace, Blessings, Family, Gifts and Golf.  And a wee bit of politics. 

Hear that, Roy? You was a no good candidate, enthusiasm at the top of this topic notwithstanding. 

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Former Alabama Supreme Court justice Roy Moore is not done with us yet. From Politico, "Moore forces seek retribution against Shelby."

Moore’s supporters are furious with Shelby over his remark days before the Dec. 12 election that he “couldn’t vote for Roy Moore,” a controversial former state judge who was facing allegations of child molestation. Instead, Shelby said he would write-in the name of another unnamed Republican.

Moore’s backers say the comments from the 83-year-old dean of Alabama’s congressional delegation effectively delivered the election to Democrat Doug Jones, and now they’re fighting back.

This week, three Moore supporters submitted a resolution to the Alabama Republican Party executive committee calling for Shelby to be censured. It argues that Shelby “publicly encouraged Republicans and all voters to write in a candidate instead of voting for the Republican Candidate Judge Roy Moore,” and that his “public speech was then used by the Democrat Candidate in robocalls to sway voters to not vote for Judge Roy Moore.”

The move came after a pro-Moore outside group, Courageous Conservatives PAC, ran robocalls last month describing Shelby as a turncoat and calling on him to resign..

“Sen. Richard Shelby stabbed President Trump and conservatives in the back,” said one of the calls, which urged listeners to call his office and complain. “Tell Shelby you’ll never forget his disloyalty to President Trump and the Republican Party for his treasonous actions. Tell Shelby he’s betrayed his trust to Alabamians and he should resign his office. Call now.”


Bankrolling the anti-Shelby campaign is Dallas investor Christopher Ekstrom, a prolific GOP donor who has contributed nearly $300,000 to conservative and anti-establishment causes since 2012, according to federal records.

In an interview, Ekstrom likened Shelby to Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, two of Trump’s most outspoken Republican critics in Congress. Both men are retiring after this year.

“We no longer have Bob Corker to kick around, we no longer have Jeff Flake to kick around, but we do have Richard Shelby to kick around up and down the street until he gets out,” Ekstrom said.

Shelby, he added, had “destroyed what was a very strong GOP in Alabama.”

Ekstrom said the robocall was designed to lay the groundwork for the censure and that he’d been in touch with people in the state who supported the resolution. Still unclear is whether Moore himself supports the retaliation campaign. Multiple Moore campaign aides did not respond to requests for comment.

Shelby’s office said the censure effort threatened to split Republicans at a critical juncture.

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Please send money to former Alabama Supreme Court Justice ... it's not over until he gets his day in court. If you want the truth about God and Constitution ...


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On 11/10/2017 at 9:45 AM, william.scherk said:

[P]eople who believed that Hillary Clinton ran a satanic child sex ring from the basement of Comet Pizza are now unable to process the possibility that good old boy Roy Moore got his jollies with a fourteen year old.

One of the weirdest and most overwrought accounts still pressing the "Pizzagate" button is Liz Crokin**.  In the last 24 hours she has fixated on Christina Wilkie, a CNBC writer on the White House beat. 

I suspect that Crokin will get her ass disciplined for this kind of wild accusation -- of being an accomplice to the rape and satanic torture cult operating under Clinton's direction at Comet Ping Pong:



** A large percentage of Crokin's posts, interviews, and conversations are tied to a theory that "one-third of the government" is part of a satanic Illuminati-like cult that sexually enslaves, kills, and even eats children. And to maintain power, they draw on Project MK Ultra, an experimental CIA program from 1953 to 1973 in which the agency used LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering, and psychological torture. Last month Barr tweeted the words "MK Ultra"—which would have been well-known to those deep in the QAnon world.

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13 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Sasha Baren Cohen has a sit-down with Roy Moore ...


Wow. I'm embarrassed for Cohen. Career in the toilet.


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1 hour ago, Jonathan said:

Wow. I'm embarrassed for Cohen. Career in the toilet.



Cohen used to be funny.

What he's aiming for here is to "trigger" the hillbilly, much in the same way Milo Yiannopoulos triggers feminists.

Excep Milo does it with brutal, surprising, non-obvious one-liners, not after a big long clunky set-up and skimming along on the surface, meaning the cut of the quip--the fizzle in this case--is a well-worn run-of-the-mill criticism.

Also, there's something really wrong with Cohen's comedic timing in this series.

To be fair, people who look at Judge Roy Moore and snigger by default are people who probably find this sketch funny. But if they are already sniggering and Cohen does not collide with that world with a tangent, so that puts Cohen at corny-joke vaudeville level.

Showtime thought they bought an eagle, but got a turkey instead, crippled in one foot at that.


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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Cohen used to be funny.

What he's aiming for here is to "trigger" the hillbilly, much in the same way Milo Yiannopoulos triggers feminists.

Excep Milo does it with brutal, surprising, non-obvious one-liners, not after a big long clunky set-up and skimming along on the surface, meaning the cut of the quip--the fizzle in this case--is a well-worn run-of-the-mill criticism.

Also, there's something really wrong with Cohen's comedic timing in this series.

To be fair, people who look at Judge Roy Moore and snigger by default are people who probably find this sketch funny. But if they are already sniggering and Cohen does not collide with that world with a tangent, so that puts Cohen at corny-joke vaudeville level.

Showtime thought they bought an eagle, but got a turkey instead, crippled in one foot at that.


Yup. The entire gag appears to be to see if the disguise will fool the target, whom we've chosen because we hate him or her because we've all invented a Narrative about him or her that we want to believe. Isn't it funny that the disguise fooled who we hate? Tee hee hee! And then, after a while, the big payoff: let's insult the guest and see how long it takes before he ends the interview! Tee hee feckin hee!

It wouldn't be funny regardless of the targets' politics. It's just bitter and lacking in any imagination whatsoever.


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On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 10:05 AM, BaalChatzaf said:

The man is an idiot.

I came across an interesting mash up. "Flag and Cross." Will we return to the Dark Ages or The Crusades, brothers and sisters?

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