Message added by william.scherk

For a ground-floor view of the phenomena of QAnon ... including the gestation of 'Watkins-Q-kun':



Credence and interest in the QAnon phenomena  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Which choice best represents your interest in the QAnon phenomenon

    • Uninterested
    • Interested, but skeptical
    • I already know what I know
    • None of your business. I don't declare my interests
    • "Don't bother to examine a folly ... "
    • I'd be interested in an objective analysis of the phenomena
    • I will explain everything in a guest post here, if given the opportunity

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  • Poll closed on 12/02/2018 at 02:32 AM

I'd like to open a field of discussion for the QAnon phenomena.  Here is where I will post in already existing material presented at OL by members.  I'll take direction from comments and from poll answers. 

  • What is Q / QAnon?
  • Why should anyone on OL pay attention?
  • Is skepticism justified?
  • What are the main questions readers have in mind to guide discussion?

No special rules or guidelines for this thread; the OL guidelines are good enough and will apply here. .  Please keep personal abuse to a minimum. Creative insults are kosher, but if they aren't on topic, why post them?


Our forum leader opened discussion on the phenomena back in January of this year.  My key-word search-term was "QAnon,"  not "Q," so the search results will not necessarily return all incidence of discussion touching on the phenomena.

On 1/3/2018 at 4:10 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

[...] If you really want to go down a Rabbit Hole where anti-deep state magic happens for real, look into "QAnon."

I will post a thing about him later, probably in a new thread or on the Conspiracy Theory thread. He's been spot on accurate predicting a lot of recent happenings right before they happen. More recently he's been doing some twittering and he seems to like hamming it up a bit, so here are a few teasers:


And this:



And this:



And this:





More coming...



Recommended Comments

Watching your Pantyfa scum friends get severely mistreated by order of my President is going to be so, so sweet.



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1 hour ago, Jon Letendre said:

Watching your Pantyfa scum friends get severely mistreated by order of my President is going to be so, so sweet.



Just saw the Seattle Mayor's response...the balls on that women...


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Seattle is out of whack, but there is no real threat.

LARP = Live Action Role Playing.

This is done by rich kids who have no meaning in life except to glue themselves to role playing games 24/7.

One day they wake up and see an opportunity to role play for real and CHANGE THE WORLD!

Out they come and stake a claim.

Then reality slaps them hard upside the head.

Those who don't get carried off cry and go back to their parents' basements.

And once they see how easily they sell each other out, they wallow in self-pity about how unfair life is.

Then back to the role playing games.

The fake news mainstream media likes LARP, though. They can gin it up and make it seem like real war. And, for a short time, that makes them look like they are doing real news.

And where is reality?

Well... If reality were a person, it would be looking on in wonder at all this foolishness right before it lowered the boom.



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5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Seattle is out of whack, but there is no real threat.


I think you're right, in the long run. (POTUS has already made clear he'll intervene if the mayor and governor don't step up, and since they're flipped him off in response, he most likely will.) But I admit that I personally can't just casually dismiss the short-term threats, if the reports are true about businesses being "shaken down", the property damage, etc. I'm also thinking about how it's affecting people psychologically, having to witness this, especially the potentially innocent people caught in the cross-fire.

(And now, there's someone acting as "warlord" already edging out Antifa?)

The O'ist conception of government's legitimate function is to protect people from the initiation of force, and in Seattle, government has not only abdicated that function, it's aiding and abetting in that initiation. This  headline says it all: "Antifa Deserves a Military Response"

And yes, I know Trump is letting the leftists state leaders expose themselves before he steps in, to "show" the people, and maybe that's necessary. But for HOW long? How long do people have to watch and endure other's suffering before it crosses the line from strategy to sadism? When is it enough?  "Trust the plan", I hear. Still, it chafes against the O'ist impulse in me to stop the initiation of force.

(Yes, maybe those people aren't so innocent, ideologically speaking, etc. Or, regarding the innocent, the Q explanation "you can't just tell the people, they have to be shown." Perhaps. Still isn't easy to watch. Like the Taggert Tunnel disaster scene. Even Dagny had to be told, upon leaving New York to the darkness, "don't look down!", lest she turn into a pillar of salt...)

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6 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

I know Trump is letting the leftists state leaders expose themselves before he steps in, to "show" the people, and maybe that's necessary, but it chafes against the O'ist impulse in me to stop the initiation of force.


I agree.

Sometimes reality is a bitch to swallow. But swallow it we must. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.

And one reality is that a war is far more important to win than any single battle for solidifying a system of government. In our system, a crime must be committed before it can be punished. The people who voted for their local governments in the current trouble spots in America elected assholes who crapped all over the police. No wonder they are walking off the job or doing things half-assed. The only way to fix that is let the crimes be committed, make all due appropriate legal cases and paperwork, then go in and clean it up without mercy. Then make sure everybody knows what the rules are for there on out, and make sure they know bad things will happen to them if they try to infringe those rules to harm others.

You and I, for as much as we feel for the innocent victims in these situations, are not the ones who commit the crimes. The criminals are.

So feel bad, if you must. I certainly do when I see distress signals of the innocent. I think I have an oxytocin overload inside me. I can turn into mush on a dime. 🙂 

But never guilty. Never feel guilty for something wrong you did not do. Accept the reality that in a situation like Seattle, you did nothing wrong.

If you accept that frame, and you believe in law and order based on individual rights, you will opt for permanent solutions, not temporary appeasements and gestures that are easily undone just to stop the suffering of someone you did not attack, but someone else did.


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29 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


And one reality is that a war is far more important to win than any single battle for solidifying a system of government.


"War." The word on the tip of my tongue, but didn't want to speak. Because once it's clear that it IS war, the whole context changes, doesn't it? And expectations have to change along with it.


29 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But never guilty. Never feel guilty for something wrong you did not do. Accept the reality that in a situation like Seattle, you did nothing wrong.

If you accept that frame, and you believe in law and order based on individual rights, you will opt for permanent solutions, not temporary appeasements and gestures that are easily undone just to stop the suffering of someone you did not attack, but someone else did.


Admittedly, there is a pang of guilt. Not in the sense of doing something wrong, but in not have done enough, in the sense of, "What more could I have done?" "What could I have done differently?" Shouted louder? Begged, PLEADED for sanity before it was too late?

But I think it's ultimately something besides guilt. An emotional reaction? A way to try to keep control over things out of our control? Perhaps we're going through the "five stages of grief" in witnesses the death of what use to be, because once it's accepted that this is INDEED a war, there's no going back.  "Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance." And "guilt" is part of the "bargaining" stage, before accepting what's to come. "Does it have to be this way? Was this the ONLY way? What else could we have done? What more can I do?" Bargaining.

29 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Sometimes reality is a bitch to swallow. But swallow it we must. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.


(I still mourn for Eddie Willers.)

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One other thought about "war" in this context that crossed my mind: the blurred distinction between civilian and combatant, in the sense that the civilians are not mentally prepared as the soldier is. If combat gives even seasoned warriors PTSD, what of the civilians watching their streets being taken over in a scene they've ever only seen in movies? Watching their business get looted and burned down. The economic hardship that came with the unemployment of the shutdowns was bad enough to cause "suicides of desperation". They weren't psychologically prepared for this. Hence, my concerns about strategy crossing over into sadism.

I know, life isn't "fair". And far worse happens overseas in middle eastern countries to civilians. Still, for most of these people, they've been sheltered from that kind of "life during wartime", and I worry about those "suicides of despair" among people unprepared for this. (It can be said that they SHOULD have been prepared. But still...I'll make moral allowances for the uphill battle most probably faced in this culture to do so. ) That's the most heartbreaking thing to me of all.

(It also angers me that this infliction of despair is the goal of these terrorists in response to injustices experienced by others, out of a perverted sense of justice.)

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Please excuse me taking this discussion over to a different thread. Right now we are in a section of OL called blogs and I know for a fact that some readers refuse to read them. (Their choice, so whatever.)

I post on William's blog at times, but when a discussion starts going deep, I want to expose it to a wider audience. The best way I have found is to continue it on a normal forum thread and link back to the blog thread it came from, which is what I am doing here. You will find a response from me here. I am pretty sure you will find it food for thought.


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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Please excuse me taking this discussion over to a different thread. Right now we are in a section of OL called blogs and I know for a fact that some readers refuse to read them. (Their choice, so whatever.)

I post on William's blog at times, but when a discussion starts going deep, I want to expose it to a wider audience. The best way I have found is to continue it on a normal forum thread and link back to the blog thread it came from, which is what I am doing here. You will find a response from me here. I am pretty sure you will find it food for thought.


No worries! I am just grateful for a place to be able to verbalize some things I have to hold back during the daily grind.  ("I got the Blue State blues...") And your response was helpful.  Seeing someone like Tim Pool change gives a sense that there's "a method to the madness."

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Many leading lights of the QAnon movement just got together for a "pre-launch virtual live-stream" -- if I understand correctly, this will be the first of more "Virtual Conventions." Click the image or this link to visit:

One of the sponsors of the virtual event was partly responsible for the in-person "Great Awakening" events celebrating Q that were held in Washington DC and Tampa Florida.


I'll post any video I can find that shares the conference events one I find them -- I don't yet know if they are pay-walled or on an 'alternate platform' that can be embedded here at Objectivist Living. 

In the meantime, here is the QAnonAnonymous podcasters and guests commenting during presentations of the main speakers ...


Edited by william.scherk
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So, now you are terribly concerned about the seriousness of human trafficking and you object to how how Q people cause real world harm by distracting from this serious issue?

Fucking hilarious! 😆😆😆 Thanks for the joke!!!

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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

When the left piles on presuppositional adjectives, I know they are lying.


Opposed to them just talking/publishing?

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9 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

When the left piles on presuppositional adjectives, I know they are lying.

What the f? I don't take suppositories. Prune juice works in thirty minutes. You don't believe me? Do a scientific test. Oh My. Tomorrow and the next day in the mid nineties on Delmarva. 

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Hammer down on QAnon ...

Twitter bans 7,000 QAnon accounts, limits 150,000 others as part of broad crackdown


Twitter announced on Tuesday it has begun taking sweeping actions to limit the reach of QAnon content and banned many of the conspiracy theory’s followers due to ongoing problems with harassment and the dissemination of misinformation.

Twitter will stop recommending accounts and content related to QAnon, including in email and follow recommendations and will take steps to limit content circulation in places like trends and search. This action will affect approximately 150,000 accounts, according to a spokesperson, who asked to remain unnamed due to concerns about the targeted harassment of social media employees.

The Twitter spokesperson also said the company had taken down more than 7,000 QAnon accounts in the last few weeks for breaking its rules on targeted harassment as part of its new policy.

The sweeping enforcement action will ban QAnon-related terms from appearing in trending topics and the platform’s search feature, ban known QAnon-related URLs, and ban “swarming” of victims who are baselessly targeted by coordinated harassment campaigns pushed by its followers.

The spokesperson said while the targeted enforcement against QAnon fell under Twitter’s existing platform manipulation rules, its classification of QAnon as coordinated harmful activity was a new designation. The spokesperson said Twitter was taking action now because of an escalating degree of harm associated with the conspiracy theory.

Twitter plans to permanently suspend accounts that violate existing policies around platform manipulation, ban evasion and operate multiple accounts, behaviors commonly seen used by QAnon accounts, the spokesperson said. Twitter began blocking QAnon websites last week and will continue to block the distribution of QAnon-related URLs, the spokesperson said.

QAnon is a right-wing conspiracy theory that centers around the baseless belief that an anonymous tipster is revealing how President Donald Trump is leading a secret war against a so-called Deep State — a collection of political, business and Hollywood elites who, according to the theory, worship Satan and abuse and murder children. The conspiracy theory draws its roots from Pizzagate, which claimed Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring outside of a Washington D.C. pizza shop.


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There is a movie featured on the front porch:

Poker and Politics spent some time critiquing "Out of Shadows" ... a fun read for skeptics.

More Poker Politics ...


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"We are the news now ..." Martin Geddes is one of the erudite QAnon folks out there with a largish support network and using a real-world name.


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Qanon targets pedophiles, sex traffickers and satanists.

Twitter, Facebook, the MSM & some others target Qanon.

Making sense yet?


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Crazed Never-Trumper Rick Wilson dips deep into the bag of loaded language, in a Daily Beast article decrying that Trump endorsed a GOP candidate who is apparently a full-on QAnon cultist ...

The Party of Lincoln Belongs to QAnon Now. Thanks, Donald!


Winning candidates often receive a congratulatory message from an incumbent president. It’s one of those pro forma niceties of the Old Washington, and Trump’s staff craves moments that make him look like something other than a ranting, gouty old racist, so tweeting “Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big Congressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent. Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up - a real WINNER!” probably seemed like a good idea. Hell, Republican victories these days are few and far between.

But Marjorie Taylor Greene is crazier than a shithouse rat. We're talking weapons-grade, rabid, writing-your-manifesto-on-the-asylum-wall-with-your-own-feces crazy. Not to mention racist. 

From Politico:

McCarthy faces QAnon squeeze

One Republican called QAnon, which Marjorie Taylor Greene has embraced, the equivalent of "mental gonorrhea."



Now Republicans up and down the ballot will have to answer for Greene’s controversial remarks. And she’s showing no signs of softening her rhetoric. During her primary victory party, Greene ripped into “spineless Republicans,” called Speaker Nancy Pelosi “a bitch” and kicked reporters out of the event. Greene then celebrated their ouster on Twitter.

By Wednesday, Greene was already in a Twitter war with a sitting House Republican who said there is “no place in Congress for these conspiracies.”

Greene's actions offered a preview of the type of headache-inducing behavior that Republicans fear will come to define her and perhaps the broader GOP — especially after President Donald Trump on Wednesday called Greene a “future Republican Star.”

“If she’s the future of the Republican party, we’re in trouble,” complained freshman Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.), who was ousted in a June primary by a far-right candidate after officiating a gay wedding. “QAnon is the mental gonorrhea of conspiracy theories. It’s disgusting and you want to get rid of it as fast as possible.”

“If there’s people [in the GOP] espousing these views, it’s a massive drag on the Republican Party,” Riggleman added.


Edited by william.scherk
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Cultist? But you dislike loaded language, right? A cult with a leader who says over and over to think for yourself?

Is it a cult like the climate hoaxers' cult that tells everyone to shut up, it's all settled? Are you playing Opposites today?

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More kerfufflage re QAnon fanciers running for the GOP ... ignoring Mr Chemtrail Whoopee

Trump congratulates QAnon conspiracy theorist on GOP runoff win


Why it matters: The president's approval illustrates how the once-fringe conspiracy theory has gained ground within the GOP. Greene is among the at least 11 GOP candidates for Congress who have openly supported or defended the QAnon movement or some of its tenets, per Axios' Jacob Knutson.

What he's saying: "Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big Congressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent. Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up - a real WINNER!" Trump tweeted.

How it works: QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory that purports without proof that posts by an anonymous internet user from within the federal government are alluding to a secret war that the "deep state" is waging against President Trump.

  • Its growing influence is sowing fear and confusion around some of today's most important issues, such as election integrity and the coronavirus pandemic, write Axios' Stef Kight and Sara Fischer.
  • The FBI identified QAnon and other fringe conspiracy theories as domestic terrorist threats in 2019, according to Yahoo News.


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On 6/30/2020 at 3:02 PM, william.scherk said:

Many leading lights of the QAnon movement just got together for a "pre-launch virtual live-stream" -- if I understand correctly, this will be the first of more "Virtual Conventions." Click the image or this link to visit:

The next scheduled virtual convention is coming up soon -- according to the website Chemtrail J and I visit on occasion.


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