Message added by william.scherk

For a ground-floor view of the phenomena of QAnon ... including the gestation of 'Watkins-Q-kun':



Credence and interest in the QAnon phenomena  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Which choice best represents your interest in the QAnon phenomenon

    • Uninterested
    • Interested, but skeptical
    • I already know what I know
    • None of your business. I don't declare my interests
    • "Don't bother to examine a folly ... "
    • I'd be interested in an objective analysis of the phenomena
    • I will explain everything in a guest post here, if given the opportunity

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  • Poll closed on 12/02/2018 at 02:32 AM

I'd like to open a field of discussion for the QAnon phenomena.  Here is where I will post in already existing material presented at OL by members.  I'll take direction from comments and from poll answers. 

  • What is Q / QAnon?
  • Why should anyone on OL pay attention?
  • Is skepticism justified?
  • What are the main questions readers have in mind to guide discussion?

No special rules or guidelines for this thread; the OL guidelines are good enough and will apply here. .  Please keep personal abuse to a minimum. Creative insults are kosher, but if they aren't on topic, why post them?


Our forum leader opened discussion on the phenomena back in January of this year.  My key-word search-term was "QAnon,"  not "Q," so the search results will not necessarily return all incidence of discussion touching on the phenomena.

On 1/3/2018 at 4:10 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

[...] If you really want to go down a Rabbit Hole where anti-deep state magic happens for real, look into "QAnon."

I will post a thing about him later, probably in a new thread or on the Conspiracy Theory thread. He's been spot on accurate predicting a lot of recent happenings right before they happen. More recently he's been doing some twittering and he seems to like hamming it up a bit, so here are a few teasers:


And this:



And this:



And this:





More coming...



Recommended Comments

Pro-Trump Objectivist and psychologist Dr. Michael Hurd weighs in on the matter of Q:

"Why Conspiracy Theories Steered Us So Wrong"


"Consider the events of 2020 and early 2021. Conspiracy theories told us the Chinese Communist Party and the Democratic Party (same thing) plotted and brilliantly carried out a scheme to impose coronavirus on America, to destroy America’s economy and divide the country. While there’s no doubt Communists in China and America WANT to do this, they’re not nearly that brilliant. If they were that brilliant, they wouldn’t be Communists. What’s much more likely is coronavirus came on the medical radar, just as similar viruses had in the recent past, and they decided to create a panic. They gambled that the American public would buy it, and then they’d have control over the citizens they never dreamed of getting in Obama’s terms of office. You know the rest."
"Conspiracy theories also give the good guys too much credit. How many counted on Trump to “do something” to stop the obvious — and first — political  coup d’état to take place in the United States of America? Trump is very smart and amazingly courageous. If anyone COULD have pulled it off, I’m sure it’s him; but it simply wasn’t possible. The bad guys, while irrational and not very smart, could count on the fear and ignorance of millions of people, something that people on Trump’s side obviously underestimated. America is no longer America; we know that because if it was, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Nobody can overcome that...."
"Bottom line: You can’t fix stupid. If too few Americans are enlightened or courageous enough to embrace liberty and reject totalitarianism, then no grand conspiracy — orchestrated by Donald Trump, or anyone else — can rescue us."

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ThatGuy quoted Doctor Hurd: “Bottom line: You can’t fix stupid. If too few Americans are enlightened or courageous enough to embrace liberty and reject totalitarianism, then no grand conspiracy — orchestrated by Donald Trump, or anyone else — can rescue us."

President Trump was and is a fine President but I am not in favor of “hero worship,” but I am glad to see our guy is beginning to “stir.”

Slanting off that idea I was listening to a commercial that featured folk singer Peter Seeger. It sounds fine and seems to be “earlier” American but Seeger was not a “country singer” by any means. He was a fake. And on top of that he was a Communist and I don’t mean with a little “c.” I seem to remember he preferred the Communism under Stalin, including mass slavery, deliberate starvation and executions. He was a baaaad man. I won’t ever think well of him or “that bee-atch” Jane Fonda for manning a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun. And that was no joke. 

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And then the nighttime version of “The Price is Right,” if I am not mistaken, had the “Proud Pedophile” Patten Oswalt on as a contestant. I did not watch it just because of that.  I looked him up several years ago thinking his pedophilia was a hoax, but he was all over the internet. He said he was a proud pedophile though he was taking care of his daughter after his wife’s death (from fentynol? Some say he killed her) And he would never hurt his daughter, he said. And the best “explanation” I have found for his being a monster is below. I say he is a monster and the evidence supports that hypothesis. Out of context? Horse shit. Peter     

Notes from The Web. As for the tweet, it existed — but it was taken out of context: The angry “@” tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. “Pedo-phobe” shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!

That particular tweet was sent by Oswalt in the summer of 2013, during which time his use of Twitter for a particular style of joke was well documented. Oswalt shared a series of tweets in July and August 2013 that were conceived to leverage Twitter’s character limit in a humorous fashion. In the course of the bit, Oswalt would publish one tweet expressing a widely accepted sentiment. In the second of two tweets, he would continue the sentiment to create a misleading statement when only the second tweet was examined.

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From Vice:

Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Is the New King of QAnon



Wood’s official Telegram account has over 830,000 followers, which is far and away the most of any major QAnon figure.[...]

The next biggest QAnon channel on Telegram belongs to an anonymous influencer with 250,000 followers. The third-most-popular QAnon  channel, created by a group of major QAnon influencers, has amassed just over 200,000 followers.

Wood’s account is a mixture of conspiracy theories, Bible Scriptures, pictures of his home in South Carolina, and promises that any day now the truth will come out.

So why has Wood become so popular among QAnon adherents? He offers new storylines. 


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Vice is trying to smear Lin Wood with QAnon?


Too bad most Trump people think Vice's idea of QAnon is childish and bogus...

Vice is propaganda and nothing more. Even Tim Pool, who helped found Vice, can't stand it anymore. Not because of politics, but because of the constant lying to fit a narrative and calling that news.


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On 3/15/2021 at 12:22 PM, william.scherk said:

Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Is the New King of QAnon


So why has Wood become so popular among QAnon adherents? He offers new storylines. 


For me, one of the most intriguing storylines was one that L Lin Wood began to develop back in December -- within the assertions that he had reason to believe "heinous crimes" had been committed by plotters Rod Rosenstein, Mike Pence and John Roberts. 

The reality of the alleged crimes rested on the stories told by Wood's "whistleblower," specifically on an affidavit by said whistleblower -- the pseudonymous 'Ryan Dark White.' Of his social media accusations against Roberts et al Wood claimed "My posts are protected speech and I have credible whistleblower evidence to support the truth of my statements”).

One might say 'The 'proof is in the pudding,' or -- as Wood suggested when making this public, "You can judge for yourself."

"Credible whistleblower evidence": Full text PDF. The good stuff starts on page 11.

For a visual/audio of the interview: 

(36) Whistleblower on Rod Rosenstein - Released 1/24/21 by Lin Wood - YouTube






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On 3/16/2021 at 4:45 PM, william.scherk said:

The reality of the alleged crimes rested on the stories told by Wood's "whistleblower," specifically on an affidavit by said whistleblower

The same problem attended the "Kraken" suits -- a lack of due diligence or vetting of affiant "expert testimony." Ryan Dark White is one such affiant, the Kraken suits brought forward such as Ramsland, 'Spyder,' .

In any case, the Georgia Bar suit was made public by Wood in its entirety. 


1677 pages in the full PDF file.  Acres and acres of attachments and exhibits from various "Kraken" efforts and stages. If you want to understand L Lin Wood right how, dipping in to the complaint pays off.  Here, for example is the table of contents from one such exhibit;  the section that takes the Powell/Wood "experts" to task shows the extent of incompetence.


An excerpt from pages 1533-37 (footnotes/case notes removed):


E. The Declarations and Analyses “Supporting” the Complaint Were Full of Intentional Lies

The Complaint also relies heavily on “expert” declarations and affidavits, many heavily redacted. As the district court held in Bowyer, “the ‘expert reports’ reach implausible conclusions, often because they are derived from wholly unreliable sources.”

[...] 1. Spyder/Spider

Plaintiffs’ “experts” rely on the partially redacted declaration of “Spider” or “Spyder,” who Plaintiffs identify as “a former US Military Intelligence expert” and a “former electronic intelligence analyst with 305th Military Intelligence” Compl. ¶¶ 17, 161. But this was a lie by Plaintiffs’ counsel. Plaintiffs did not properly redact the declarant’s name when they filed the same affidavit in a different court, and it was publicly disclosed that the declarant’s name was Joshua Merritt. While in the Army, Merritt enrolled in a training program at the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, the unit he cites in his declaration, but he never completed the entry-level training course. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, which includes the battalion, stated “[h]e kept washing out of courses … [h]e’s not an intelligence analyst.” Ex. 17. According to the Washington Post, “Merritt blamed ‘clerks’ for Powell’s legal team, who he said wrote the sentence [and] said he had not read it carefully before he signed his name swearing it was true. Id. He stated that “My original paperwork that I sent in didn’t say that.” Id. He later stated that “he had decided to remove himself from the legal effort altogether” (which has not happened). Id. [...]


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On 3/16/2021 at 4:45 PM, william.scherk said:

The reality of the alleged crimes rested on the stories told by Wood's "whistleblower," specifically on an affidavit by said whistleblower -- the pseudonymous 'Ryan Dark White.' Of his social media accusations against Roberts et al Wood claimed "My posts are protected speech and I have credible whistleblower evidence to support the truth of my statements”).

Ryan Dark White's multiple claims in the two interviews (neither of which are technically affidavits) range over time -- without giving specific dates for events and occurrences he says he witnessed or knows to have happened.

As Ellen and ThatGuy might well have discovered as they review White's utterances, in the 2019 video he mentions that the "Voice of God" energy helped him recover from torture (among other things). 

Does he talk about his federal trial[§] in either interview? Perhaps, but I haven't caught it yet. 



§ -- he talks about false arrest, imprisonment and protracted torture, with extremely dire effects, but this covered a time circa 2008-9; I'll report in if and when I discover him discussing his later trial and imprisonment, circa 2017.

He also says yes, records exist corroborating his torture. 




Edited by william.scherk
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Why are "intentional lies" so much more believed now than intentional truth? Or even simple small facts? 

Yes, that is rhetorical. I know too many answers to it, it seems as many as the individuals who believe them.

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HBO premieres a six-part Q documentary tonight

From Salon's Melanie McFarland, via Raw Story:


[...] Long story short, Cullen Hoback's docuseries "Q: Into the Storm" is a crazy wall realized as a six-episode HBO Max docuseries. Any extended dive into the world of QAnon probably needs to be in order to understand how this mutating, supersized conspiracy theory infecting mainstream culture to an alarming degree came to be. Hoback traipses down several key timelines in the modern Internet's history and the rise of troll culture as he begins to explain it: What starts with the comedy meme site Something Awful in the late '90s morphs into the Anonymous hacktivist collective, Gamergate, the incel movement and Pizzagate.


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From Telegram's Patrick Byrne Chat channel, author unclear.

Ryan Dark White has really been around, it seems.


Mr White describes Joe Biden as a “well-known pedophile” and he says that in many of those videos we’ve all seen of Biden sniffing children in front of their family members as they’re being sworn-into their government posts, those children have been promised to him for his role in the securing those positions for their parents. White said, Joe “can’t control himself because he’s anticipating his payoff. So, that’s why you see these sniffing videos.”
Moreover, Jill Biden knew about his perversions going into the marriage. Indeed, she was 15 and Joe was 30 when they began dating. White says the Biden grandchildren are all sexual abuse victims, as well.
• Space economist, Molly McCauley was murdered by the same crooked DEA henchmen associated with Rod Rosenstein’s “Dirty Tricks Squad” according to White, because it was she who figured out that they were using satellites to steal elections, using the Hammer supercomputer with Scorecard and Sunrise software. Rod Rosenstein was heavily involved with the Hammer program.
• What really happened to Seth Rich. I had suspected that White was the whistleblower who came forward on the 2-year anniversary of Seth Rich’s murder, in July of 2018, when Matt Couch and a Republican lobbyist, Mark Burkman set up a press conference to introduce him as a new witness in the Seth Rich murder case. At that time, he was called “Luke” and he phoned into the event, to protect his identity.
It was clear to me that this “Luke” from the 2018 Seth Rich press conference was the same person as “Ryan Dark White”, as well as the same person who is known on Twitter as “@JohnHeretoHelp” and this was confirmed in the transcript.
Despite his many different aliases, White has consistently described himself as an intelligence veteran, a terrorism consultant and expert witness for the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland but the July 2018 event was fraught with technical problems, which made it come off as very amateurish and it was widely derided by people on both the Left and the Right.
White’s account of the Seth Rich murder was very non-partisan at a time when everyone on the Right was convinced that Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC.
White alleged that Rod Rosenstein was behind the murder. Seth’s DNC email breach would reveal Rosenstein’s operation with the DOJ’s (and the Republicans’) to tamper and alter the DNC’s emails throughout the course of the Obama Administration. And it would also reveal that they began spying on Hillary’s private server, almost as soon as it went live.
Back in 2018, it was hard to imagine this level of corruption and it went over most peoples’ heads but after everything we’ve seen, especially since the 2020 Election, it makes a lot more sense.
What we learn about the Seth Rich murder with Lin Wood’s release of the full transcript is that it wasn’t intended to be a murder and it really was a “botched robbery”, as claimed.
The MS-13 gang members who were hired and transported to DC from out-of-state by Rosenstein’s DEA henchmen, they were contracted to steal Seth Rich’s thumb drive containing the DNC server data and to replace it with another thumb drive that had all of the incriminating data pointing back to Rosenstein and the DOJ removed.
For years, we’ve heard rumors that Donna Brazile was at the hospital where Seth was taken and White confirms this in the full transcript. I specifically remember a Reddit post about a week after Seth’s death in 2016 from a male nurse working at the hospital where Seth had been taken, saying that Brazile showed up at the hospital that night and that Seth’s room was cordoned off and he was denied treatment.
White says that Donna Brazile and her girlfriend, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were waiting at the hospital before Seth was even brought in, and they also had people at the crime scene, in order to recover the thumb drive, which everybody knew Seth always kept on his person.
Rod Rosenstein’s hitmen had to quickly replace Seth’s thumb drive with his sanitized version before the DNC people could get to it and it looks like in the tussle to do that, Seth was ki


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Bill, is there a transcript for this? Or if not could you précis his arguments? I don't watch most interviews or talking heads online because it takes so much longer than read does and I can't hear properly anyway.

TIA mon gars, can't t wait till it's safe to travel to our rendezvous at the old rabbit farm. 


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Below is a transcript of a brief excerpt from  Zoellner and Clark's "Thrive Time Radio Show" Fireside Chat #15" (full video via YouTube below). I have dated the first appearance to no later than March 10.  The second-party video below is cued up to just before the transcripted passages about Ryan Dark White's credibility as a 'whistleblower.'

22 hours ago, caroljane said:
23 hours ago, william.scherk said:

L Lin Wood responds to questions in the air about "whistleblower" Ryan Dark White's credibility.

Bill, is there a transcript for this?

Yes, and I will plug the tool that let me get a fairly decent transcript for pennies a word: -- which tool I am just learning. Funny how our druthers differ for our mental input devices.

I will bang this into shape when I get back to the desktop; this is corrected to get as close to verbatim as possible.


Now Lynn you you posted on Telegram you said "as I have earlier made clear, I found the Whistleblower interview regarding chief justice Roberts former vice president Pence and other high-ranking officials to be credible. More dots are being connected by Third parties that suggest that The Whistleblower interview about Roberts, Pence etc is credible." 

Lynn, you are a very credible attorney. Again, you've gone against CNN multiple times and won -- what about the Whistleblower makes somebody credible or not credible because a lot of our listeners want to know what makes a credible whistleblower versus a non-credible whistleblower. 

Whell credibility is one of the key elements in the courtroom. You got to be credible as a lawyer. You got to be credible as a witness. Your story has to be credible has to be believable. This whistleblower tells a story that shocking as it may be is credible and believable. I also watched interviews and you give around two years ago with an investigator. His story then compared to his story now is consistent ... consistency in your story builds credibility. 

Plus I know that he's involved in ... was involved in a criminal matter in Maryland. And I know what got him criminally charged what they try to do to him. I know he told me there's a document or a body of documents in that litigation, sealed under a claim of National Security. Boy oh boy, if those documents are not there wonder why somebody disposed of them, but if they're there, challenge  it you're going to find is no National Security. 

It was filed for the security of a man named Rod Rosenstein also trying to protect Chief justice Roberts also trying to protect Hillary Clinton. Also trying to protect former vice president Mike Pence . Now listen, I didn't say these accusations. I heard them from a man that I spent four or five days within person,  that I believe had no reason to tell that story for his own personal gain. He didn't ask me for money. 

I know his real name. I've had people that I've learned I know are connected with the CIA that have been trying to tell me don't believe this man. He's setting you up. Well, if he's setting me up he's setting me up. He's really good at it. I don't think he set me up. Nobody has gone in and investigated his story. 

Instead they want to get headlines attacking me for making the accusation. I didn't make it. I simply repeated what a credible whistleblower told me. Nobody's going after the whistle blower or are they? 

I think he's safe now, although he's lived under the fear of death with him and his wife for several years. I know he was tortured. His story -- I told him I said would you come down if I needed you in the state of Georgia and testify live under oath. 

He said Mr. Wood. I love God. I know I'm going to heaven even if they kill me. I'm willing to tell the truth. I have resolved the issue of fear of death. If that man comes into a courtroom and testifies the world better watch and they'll judge his credibility for themselves, but I know that there's a mounting evidence supporting what this man is saying. 

So let's find out why hasn't Mercer University looked into it. I sent him the video. Yeah, why hasn't the lawyers Club of Atlanta looked into it? I send the video. Why hasn't the State Bar of Georgia looked into it? I sent them the video and I sent everyone of them a massive amount of Hard Evidence of election fraud. 

They are trying to take my law-license saying you file lawsuits challenging the legitimacy of election, but wait a minute it never what lawyers do Frank we have Constitutional to petition our government for Grievances. And now look I'd look them and say what did you look at the evidence? Because if you looked at the evidence, you may not agree with me but there's plenty of evidence to support the legitimacy of the lawsuits are filed. 

They don't want to look at the evidence. They don't want to look at the truth. They want to attack the messenger so that people will not look at my message but people are listening. It's not because they know me it's because they listen to what I say and they know. No to the best of my imperfect ability. I try to tell them the truth. I make a mistake. I admit it. I'm not perfect. I'm imperfect. 

But my message has been consistent for 43 years as a lawyer. I have always aggressively pursued true to achieve Justice. I'm the same lawyer now that I was 43 years ago, six or seven months ago everybody in the country was telling you I've run Woods great lawyer real professional lawyer. What happened nothing. They don't like my message because it goes against their political agenda and the efforts to seize control of our government which they are undertaking now and we're watching our constitutional rights slip away quickly. We got to stop it and we got to get back behind the founding fathers and the things that this country was formed what we believed in we believed in truth. We believed in God, Justice. We believed in equal treatment. We believed in Freedom. 



Or if not could you précis his arguments? I don't watch most interviews or talking heads online because it takes so much longer than read does and I can't hear properly anyway.

Will work on that.


TIA mon gars, can't t wait till it's safe to travel to our rendezvous at the old rabbit farm. 


-- for Lin Wood Watchers who prefer audio to Telegram, Fireside Chat #16 is up!

(5) Lin Wood New Fireside Chat 16!!! - YouTube


Edited by william.scherk
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Many thanks for this, the arguments he has are pretty much clear from this forceful statement.  The arguments themselves are kind of  unforceful to me, and sometimes inadvertently comical. 

"Rod Rosenstein who is trying to protect hHillary Clinton  who is trying  to protect Mike Pence."Mr. Wood says. he continues, "I didn't say that."

Sure, I lifted the text  out of its surroundings there, but  I couldn't resist this time. And the names of course are accurate and boy, talk about strange bedfellows.

Besides instructing the legally uneducated in his audience about consistent consistency's important place in building credibility, he mentions documents which have disappeared and mountains of hard evidence which no judge would look at,but he doesn't tell the audience where they can look at it either. If it has been around the block so many times, why isn't it available to public view?

Why was the guy threatened and tortured, To make him keep quiet?And since he wouldn't keep quiet why can't he accuse his torturers now, since  he is resolved to face whatever happens bolstered by his faith?  It seems ,to me with all the public nexposure he would be!/safer to do  so now than never before.

Just my reactions and maybe way offbase, but I'm  a stranger in these parts.










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5 hours ago, caroljane said:

Besides instructing the legally uneducated in his audience about consistent consistency's important place in building credibility, he mentions documents which have disappeared and mountains of hard evidence which no judge would look at,but he doesn't tell the audience where they can look at it either. If it has been around the block so many times, why isn't it available to public view?


How can you possibly say things like this?

Good God!

He's said where in countless places on many occasions.

Hell, I started a thread right here on OL solely for presenting solid evidence from different places (many of which Lin has mentioned).

Are you lying on purpose or just faking it and botching it?


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4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


How can you possibly say things like this?

Good God!

He's said where in countless places on many occasions.

Hell, I started a thread right here on OL solely for presenting solid evidence from different places (many of which Lin has mentioned).

Are you lying on purpose or just faking it and botching it?


Just botching it. Giving impressions of a sound bite Tv interview on a subject on which I didn't,t have any knowledge.  I should not have bothered to post it. I really didn't know he had presented the evidence publicly on other occasions, but I should have. So I apologize to Mr. Wood unreservedly.

I never, ever knowingly write anything here which I believe to be untrue, unless in obvious sarcasm . Nor do I write it elsewhere come to that.



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4 hours ago, caroljane said:

I never, ever knowingly write anything here which I believe to be untrue, unless in obvious sarcasm . Nor do I write it elsewhere come to that.


If that is your intent, you have to double check everything coming from the fake news media.

Everything, as the saying goes, even the words "the" and "and."

The story they are selling you is false. They call it "controlling the narrative."

And big tech social media constantly deletes evidence to the contrary and bans people who insist on posting it.

Fake news media does not present it. Social media giants delete it.

Then people like you--who only look at those sources of info--are left to wonder why certain information is not more public when you are caught spreading totally false info. Never forget, you got that totally false info from them. They integrated it into the core story they propagandize you with.

So if you sincerely don't want to knowingly present things you believe to be untrue, double check it all when something comes from the mainstream. After you get debunked repeating their lies enough times, if you continue to repeat their lies without double checking, you will be presenting things you know are likely untrue.

btw - My position about double checking is the same when the left is lied about. Except during the current phase, the mainstream media does not lie about the left. It did lie a lot against the left back during "weapons of mass destruction" phase and the Iraq war.


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43 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


If that is your intent, you have to double check everything coming from the fake news media.

Everything, as the saying goes, even the words "the" and "and."

The story they are selling you is false. They call it "controlling the narrative."

And big tech social media constantly deletes evidence to the contrary and bans people who insist on posting it.

Fake news media does not present it. Social media giants delete it.

Then people like you--who only look at those sources of info--are left to wonder why certain information is not more public when you are caught spreading totally false info. Never forget, you got that totally false info from them. They integrated it into the core story they propagandize you with.

So if you sincerely don't want to knowingly present things you believe to be untrue, double check it all when something comes from the mainstream. After you get debunked repeating their lies enough times, if you continue to repeat their lies without double checking, you will be presenting things you know are likely untrue.

btw - My position about double checking is the same when the left is lied about. Except during the current phase, the mainstream media does not lie about the left. It did lie a lot against the left back during "weapons of mass destruction" phase and the Iraq war.


 OK. I do believe in double checking the authenticity of whatI find difficult to accept as fact, but I do admit I tend to trust in CTVs reliability as in this instance.  It will be tiresome to record every news story that catches my interest and research all the participants, but I ll do it if I want to participate in discussing it henceforth if I can. Luckily l am on fairly good terms with some expert researchers here on OL !

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9 minutes ago, caroljane said:

It will be tiresome to record every news story that catches my interest and research all the participants...


Tell me about it...

Anyone interested in accuracy of facts and truth these days has to do that. I, too, find it tiresome. But nowadays, I just bite the bullet. What is the alternative?

The mainstream liars keep lying and getting caught, then lying some more and getting caught, then lying some more and getting caught, etc.

And people (their audience) keep repeating the lies as if they were the truth when all they have done is heard the lies and repeated them.

Let me put this in terms more friendly to your own frame. The liars all work for companies owned by the 1%.

Something to think about...


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31 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Meanwhile, in Canada (and not for the first time) ...

Flat Earther Busted in Freemason Arson Spree


Ah, yawn, back to normal in dear old Canuckistan.  Maybe I should start up Canadian Boring again,to soothe today's anxious spirits with the comforting monotony of politics in days of yesteryear..once upon a time in the North...

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