Message added by william.scherk

For a ground-floor view of the phenomena of QAnon ... including the gestation of 'Watkins-Q-kun':



Credence and interest in the QAnon phenomena  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Which choice best represents your interest in the QAnon phenomenon

    • Uninterested
    • Interested, but skeptical
    • I already know what I know
    • None of your business. I don't declare my interests
    • "Don't bother to examine a folly ... "
    • I'd be interested in an objective analysis of the phenomena
    • I will explain everything in a guest post here, if given the opportunity

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  • Poll closed on 12/02/2018 at 02:32 AM

I'd like to open a field of discussion for the QAnon phenomena.  Here is where I will post in already existing material presented at OL by members.  I'll take direction from comments and from poll answers. 

  • What is Q / QAnon?
  • Why should anyone on OL pay attention?
  • Is skepticism justified?
  • What are the main questions readers have in mind to guide discussion?

No special rules or guidelines for this thread; the OL guidelines are good enough and will apply here. .  Please keep personal abuse to a minimum. Creative insults are kosher, but if they aren't on topic, why post them?


Our forum leader opened discussion on the phenomena back in January of this year.  My key-word search-term was "QAnon,"  not "Q," so the search results will not necessarily return all incidence of discussion touching on the phenomena.

On 1/3/2018 at 4:10 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

[...] If you really want to go down a Rabbit Hole where anti-deep state magic happens for real, look into "QAnon."

I will post a thing about him later, probably in a new thread or on the Conspiracy Theory thread. He's been spot on accurate predicting a lot of recent happenings right before they happen. More recently he's been doing some twittering and he seems to like hamming it up a bit, so here are a few teasers:


And this:



And this:



And this:





More coming...



Recommended Comments

40 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

There will likely be a new crop of people at the September 13 Washington DC rally. 


You can count on it.

FBI infiltrators who actively entrapped people who would not have otherwise broken the law (mostly due to sheer incompetence since the people targeted for entrapment are generally young and dumb) have already been busted for the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping attempt. I believe it was 12 FBI such infiltrators out of the 18 involved. And many such infiltrators have already been busted for the capitol rally mess on Jan. 6 while many more are being busted right now.

In other words, the Deep State has blown many of its undercover agents who are willing to make crime happen and participate in it rather then stop crime from happening, but I have no doubt the Deep State has a lot more agents in the wings salivating to go undercover and who have sold out their integrity as law enforcement agents long ago.

So I expect a new crop of those.

And, of course, there will be the members of Antifa, BLM and so on who are paid to instigate violence. There will likely be a new crop among those, too.

Incidentally, around MAGA-ville, this is a drumbeat. They are telling people to not allow themselves to be set up and be wary of anyone promoting violence or crime. Such promoters will probably be from the FBI or some other alphabet soup agency.



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One of the main organizers of the September 18 demonstration in DC is Matt Braynard. His YouTube channel is Matt Braynard - YouTube

In this upload, Braynard has some requests of assemblees on how to peacefully interact with any law enforcement attending.

On Twitter:

Who is Matt Braynard?


At a #FreePoliticalPrisoners meeting on July 14th sponsored by Braynard's "Look Ahead America" in Arizona, a number of 'election integrity' voices were heard, on the screen and on the stage live -- including such luminaries as Paul Gosar.

Jacob Chansley's status at the time was a great concern. I've cued up the video to the part where Chansley's case was covered at the event:



Edited by william.scherk
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With that lineup, now you are in the ballpark.

I wouldn't rely on the HBO propaganda series, though. Granted, I haven't seen it. But going by the comments on YouTube, it's at a Minstrel Show level about Q followers.

Entertainment for retarded bigots. 



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19 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I wouldn't rely on the HBO propaganda series, though. Granted, I haven't seen it.

Granted.  Although ...

On 8/27/2021 at 9:58 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Well how can one identify something at all, much less correctly, if he never sees it?


19 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But going by the comments on YouTube, it's at a Minstrel Show level about Q followers.

Entertainment for retarded bigots. 

Bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

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19 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.



Trump Derangement Syndrome, ergo MAGA Derangement Syndrome, fits this perfectly.

You make a mistake, though, in thinking that one must see ONLY one thing and one thing only to be able to evaluate it.

One can look at the products and views of a person or organization over years, detect a strong bias, then see a new product come out featuring the very thing they are biased against, then make an educated guess that this is more of the same old shit.

In other words, "never sees it" is not quite accurate if one has seen the same people produce the same bigotry over years.

Having HBO do a documentary on QAnon is akin to having David Duke do a history of African-American achievements in the world.

Would you want to watch that for information?

If one were black, would a black person really have to look at that shit in order to be informed of what being black means?

Duke has made it clear where he stands about blacks over years.

Ditto for HBO. And this is reinforced by the comments to the documentary, which are nothing but sniggering and mocking Q people.

You get your information from there if you wish. I have better things to do.

I don't want to watch propaganda by bigots and call that information.


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Not too surprising, but. Ron Watkins has signalled his intention to run for a congressional seat in Arizona. It's not clear if he will be able to establish residency ...


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40 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Trust the plan, y'all ...\


The plan is real and I trust it! 

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22 hours ago, Marc said:

The plan is real and I trust it! 

Interesting. Sidney Powell and General Flynn have both remarked that there is no magic plan. 

On the other hand, there is a bargeload of things you can kind of believe in ... this video was just projected at the “For God & Country Patriot Double Down”  in Las Vegas.

Are You Ready for the Light?

(QAnon maven has tweeted cuts from a Great Awakening video)



A new Earth is coming ...

It's a feast, a blood feast ...


"We Are The Plan," dammit.


Edited by william.scherk
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Apparently some offshoot or minority withing the Q community believes that JFK Jr is still alive, and will appear in Dallas ... 

Will Sommer is there ...



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An excerpt from a Michael Flynn/Lin Wood conversation about Q ...

Does it seem like Flynn has abandoned WWG1WGA?

Soon to be uploaded to Soundcloud

Edited by william.scherk
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I realize everyone is seeking the One True Truth about others (Jews are greedy, Blacks are lazy, Homosexual men are effeminate, Whites are callous oppressors, etc. etc. etc.), but those categories are simply not true for vast quantities of people.

Q is the same thing.

If you listen to the end of the conversation you posted, Lin even says (I paraphrase) that he judges Q on what a specific person talking in the name of Q is saying because facts are facts and fantasy and/or misinformation is different. It doesn't matter where a fact comes from. It's still a fact.

Both Lin and General Flynn agreed that, when Q is a "leftist or CIA disinformation campaign" (to quote The Q Origins Project tweet in your post), it is about 75% fact and 25% disinformation.

Notice how you almost always gloss that kind of information over? How you ignore it?

In most of your postings on Q I have seen up to now, I think it would be safe to say you want Q portrayed as one thing only, a One True Truth, that it is 100% wrong, either a disinformation outfit or simply an organization devoted to boneheaded opinions presented by boneheaded people (the more white, the more Christian, and the more Southern the better :) ).

Note: I don't mind that you dislike Q. I feel a cringe, though, every time I see you misidentify what it is. If you commented on the goofy shit, the misinformation shit and the actual facts a Q person presents, I would be perfectly fine with it. Frankly, I would probably agree with you most of the time.

But I can't agree with you on any of it when you are judging a fantasy and calling your fantasy a fact, or implying it is a fact, and want everybody to treat that fantasy as a fact.

And presenting only the goofy stuff and pretending that eliminates the facts part (which, according to Lin and Flynn in your very post just now, is about 75% facts when it is a psyop) shows a total misunderstanding of how propaganda works and what Q--in all its variety--really is.

I have said from the beginning years ago that Q is some kind of information--or better, propaganda--campaign due to all the covert techniques employed. Nowadays, I would even call it entrenched in the culture as a meme. And I admired (and still admire) the sheer competence of those who came up with such a cultural figure. I don't know who they are (although I have a few speculations), but some day I could list the covert stuff again that I have identified if you like. But not within the context of the One True Truthy Truth.

Every time I have tried, we talk past each other and it goes off into some kind of verbal dueling. At which point I have generally given up with a dive straight into banter. (At least banter is fun. :) )

Notice that you even asked:

2 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Does it seem like Flynn has abandoned WWG1WGA?

I didn't get that impression at all.

I got the impression he abandoned the people he now considers as using Q to run psyops from the left or from the Deep State. 

There are a hell of a lot of good patriotic people left in the Q universe and I don't get the impression that General Flynn has abandoned them at all.

I don't know how much General Flynn believes in the more extravagant claims of some of the fringe Q people (such as many government leaders like Hillary Clinton, James Comey, etc., have already been executed by the military or are imprisoned at Gitmo, etc., etc., etc.) but I don't recall hearing him ever say these things. So I think Flynn likes the people--especially the military people--in the Q orbit he knows and respects and doesn't believe in the bullshit the fringe engages in. And now he sees another part of it, psyops from hostile quarters using Q.

That, to me, is what he doesn't like. Not the entire One True Truthy WWG1WGA Truth.

On the contrary, I actually think it possible, given Flynn's history, expertise and experience in nonconventional warfare, that he helped come up with Q as a propaganda tool.


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Maxwell trial starts tomorrow, and theyre getting ready to shutdown the world ( well, some parts ) and limit communication in Israel.

But yeah, Q does not even remotely exist.

Everything in a war should be taken at face value.


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1 hour ago, Marc said:

Maxwell trial starts tomorrow...


Comey's daughter (yeah, that Comey) is the lead prosecutor.

Anyone doubt how this is going to turn out?


The good news is that I believe the MAGA side now has a whole lot of sneaky shit they will be pulling just to get the information out there. They would not do that before, but I think they are fed up with the persecution, and especially with the pedo stuff.


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9 hours ago, Marc said:


Everything in a war should be taken at face value.


Then at not.


if you're fighting the criticism follows; if you're not it proceeds

I enlisted in the army in September 1964 and was recruited into Special Forces in Basic Training n in jump School March  1965 the training NCO told us conventional forces were going in n the Marines landed in April

I thought, 40,00 Americans died in Korea but they stopped it by drawing a line across the peninsula, how could d they do that in Vietnam

does this mean 40,000 will die in Vietnam? but how will they stop it? look at those long borders

naw, they can't be that stupid; they must've learned something

I was 20 yo n two weeks I left Ft Benning on a bus to Ft m Bragg n passed the wooden barracks of the soldiers made famous by the Mel Gibson movie  with some Air Cav soldiers lounging about wondering how many were going to die

looking at dead men, I knew I was looking at dead men hoping I was wrong

we arrived in SC on Sunday, my 21st birthday n no place to buy a celebratory drink, boy was I pissed

at Ft Bragg I jumped into my short sheeted bunk

before that the well made bunk had a cherry on top

thus I was welcomed into the United States Army Special Forces

I wasn't dumb; I volunteered for medical training and many months of hedonistic temporary duty at Ft Sam Houston Texas after of which I went to two months of hospital training at Ft Gordon GA

and former President Eisenhower had a heart attack playing golf at Augusta

(he kept hitting his balls into one tree n asked it be cut down n was refused but it became the Eisenhower Tree which out lived him}

so I volunteered to help take care of him n I was taken to a blocked off corridor in this old WWIi wooden army hospital n left alone --five years before the most powerful man in the world--with him while he was sleeping all beneath a primitive beating heart monitor

the next night they moved him into  a large suite n several days later the brass sent down the prettiest army captain nurse to share the evening shift with me

I kept out of his sight but one PM I saw an elephant with flowers sent to him by my hero Barry Goldwater so I walked up to it n put my Green Beret on its head, looked at Ike looking at me me looking back at the elephant then back at Ike then giving him a huge Eisenhower grin then walking out of view

about a year n a half later he had a Readers Digest article saying I have seen the youth of America n I'm not worried about the future of our country!

he died on my 25th birthday n I knew smoking had taken ten years off his life n that's the day I stopped smoking

I smoked in the army because I figured I had a good chance of being killed in Vietnam so WTF?


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12 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

Then at not.


if you're fighting the criticism follows; if you're not it proceeds

I enlisted in the army in September 1964 and was recruited into Special Forces in Basic Training n in jump School March  1965 the training NCO told us conventional forces were going in n the Marines landed in April

I thought, 40,00 Americans died in Korea but they stopped it by drawing a line across the peninsula, how could d they do that in Vietnam

does this mean 40,000 will die in Vietnam? but how will they stop it? look at those long borders

naw, they can't be that stupid; they must've learned something

I was 20 yo n two weeks I left Ft Benning on a bus to Ft m Bragg n passed the wooden barracks of the soldiers made famous by the Mel Gibson movie  with some Air Cav soldiers lounging about wondering how many were going to die

looking at dead men, I knew I was looking at dead men hoping I was wrong

we arrived in SC on Sunday, my 21st birthday n no place to buy a celebratory drink, boy was I pissed

at Ft Bragg I jumped into my short sheeted bunk

before that the well made bunk had a cherry on top

thus I was welcomed into the United States Army Special Forces

I wasn't dumb; I volunteered for medical training and many months of hedonistic temporary duty at Ft Sam Houston Texas after of which I went to two months of hospital training at Ft Gordon GA

and former President Eisenhower had a heart attack playing golf at Augusta

(he kept hitting his balls into one tree n asked it be cut down n was refused but it became the Eisenhower Tree which out lived him}

so I volunteered to help take care of him n I was taken to a blocked off corridor in this old WWIi wooden army hospital n left alone --five years before the most powerful man in the world--with him while he was sleeping all beneath a primitive beating heart monitor

the next night they moved him into  a large suite n several days later the brass sent down the prettiest army captain nurse to share the evening shift with me

I kept out of his sight but one PM I saw an elephant with flowers sent to him by my hero Barry Goldwater so I walked up to it n put my Green Beret on its head, looked at Ike looking at me me looking back at the elephant then back at Ike then giving him a huge Eisenhower grin then walking out of view

about a year n a half later he had a Readers Digest article saying I have seen the youth of America n I'm not worried about the future of our country!

he died on my 25th birthday n I knew smoking had taken ten years off his life n that's the day I stopped smoking

I smoked in the army because I figured I had a good chance of being killed in Vietnam so WTF?


What an incredible story!!!!!

Very appreciated to read this.

Thank you 

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Byrne and Wood (I forget who first suggested it) briefly mentioned an off-stage possible investigation into Sidney Powell's fundraising org or orgs. Seems they were in the ballpark.

Lin Wood gave his best wishes ...


The love of money is the root of all evil. Follow the money and you will find the evil. Having stated that simple TRUTH, I pray that the investigation of Sidney Powell clears her of any wrongdoing. I pray for...


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You seem to like Telegram and getting into the legal weeds, so I have a recommendation.

Look up and follow Deep State Dave on Telegram.

He is one of Lin Wood's sources for knowledge about the goings on of the different people involved in these things. I learned this from a Telegram post by Lin himself.

I did not see Deep State Dave talk about Sidney, but he talks up a storm about a few others.


I don't have time to read all that, but I do read some. And my gut tells me this dude will be right up your alley, even if you may not agree with him at times.


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As to Sidney Powell, I looked at the WaPo article.

Same old insinuation-passing-as-fact shit as always. But this paragraph jumped out at me:


The subpoena reviewed by The Post was signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston, who is also handling politically charged matters related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, including contempt of Congress charges brought against former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon for refusing to testify in front of the House committee investigating the pro-Trump riot.

That tells me the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Columbia is on a fishing expedition, not on a mission to fight a crime.

They are still looking for a crime.

And that is probably why Lin said: "... I pray that the investigation of Sidney Powell clears her of any wrongdoing. I pray for Sidney Powell and I wish her luck."

Lin is legally accurate despite his speculative questions.

My judgment so far is that Sidney is innocent until proven guilty. Lin is a person who likes to get up into people's shit about money and he's usually right to do so from what I am seeing. But I don't see Sidney as a crook. I do see her as a control freak who tells people to butt out when they get too close to her money, though. :) 

Time will tell. I can't opine responsibly over the parts I don't know. But I can opine over the quality of WaPo's journal articles, which are generally to the left of pure garbage. So I will reserve judgment on Sidney until actual information comes out.

Fact-wise, she's under investigation from a political regime that literally hates her guts. 





As to Patrick Byrne, I don't see him in the same light Lin does--I think Lin gives him way too much importance. And I like Patrick because he's quirky. I think he's like Roger Stone in a sense. But Lin is very clear on his opinion of Patrick--much more clear than I am. :) 

Here is what he posted to Telegram today:


Since Patrick Byrne seems to be obsessed of late with publishing propaganda videos related to me, today strikes me as a good day to re-visit the TRUTH of Patrick’s actual words. 

I have little time and no enthusiasm for engaging with the likes of Byrne as I have better things to do (like play with my puppies), but in fairness, since he seems intent on attacking or even threatening me, I think I have the right to respond. Surely it is abundantly fair to respond with his own words. 

By the way, despite his claims to the contrary, Patrick’s call to me was not to engage my legal services as is easily discerned from his own words. 

I don’t really know Patrick. He was a guest at my property in SC for 2 nights in November 2020 when I was told he had offered his private jet to others to fly them to SC. 

I do know that I would never do business with the likes of Patrick Byrne. I would never endorse the likes of Vernon Jones either. 

Hopefully, Patrick will now leave me alone and return to his work on the Council of Foreign Relations. 

Just sayin.’



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On 11/30/2021 at 7:08 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

As to Sidney Powell...



Obama Judge Linda Parker ignored Trump’s case on the integrity of the 2020 Election in Michigan raised by attorney Sidney Powell.   It’s not clear if she ever looked at it. Then Judge Judge Linda V. Parker threw...


But this is more noise, not signal, that the press will use to create a fuss.

Why noise, not signal?



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On 12/4/2021 at 9:24 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
On 11/30/2021 at 5:08 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

As to Sidney Powell...



Obama Judge Linda Parker ignored Trump’s case on the integrity of the 2020 Election in Michigan raised by attorney Sidney Powell.   It’s not clear if she ever looked at it.

That is some sloppy reporting.  Judge Parker went through each of the Michigan "Kraken" affiant declarations, one by one, as summarized in her August judgement.

If one doesn't read that judgement, and takes the sloppy antics at the Gateway Pundit as truth ...  "rhetoric is not a correct epistemological form for identifying facts."

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