Message added by william.scherk

For a ground-floor view of the phenomena of QAnon ... including the gestation of 'Watkins-Q-kun':



Credence and interest in the QAnon phenomena  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Which choice best represents your interest in the QAnon phenomenon

    • Uninterested
    • Interested, but skeptical
    • I already know what I know
    • None of your business. I don't declare my interests
    • "Don't bother to examine a folly ... "
    • I'd be interested in an objective analysis of the phenomena
    • I will explain everything in a guest post here, if given the opportunity

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  • Poll closed on 12/02/2018 at 02:32 AM

I'd like to open a field of discussion for the QAnon phenomena.  Here is where I will post in already existing material presented at OL by members.  I'll take direction from comments and from poll answers. 

  • What is Q / QAnon?
  • Why should anyone on OL pay attention?
  • Is skepticism justified?
  • What are the main questions readers have in mind to guide discussion?

No special rules or guidelines for this thread; the OL guidelines are good enough and will apply here. .  Please keep personal abuse to a minimum. Creative insults are kosher, but if they aren't on topic, why post them?


Our forum leader opened discussion on the phenomena back in January of this year.  My key-word search-term was "QAnon,"  not "Q," so the search results will not necessarily return all incidence of discussion touching on the phenomena.

On 1/3/2018 at 4:10 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

[...] If you really want to go down a Rabbit Hole where anti-deep state magic happens for real, look into "QAnon."

I will post a thing about him later, probably in a new thread or on the Conspiracy Theory thread. He's been spot on accurate predicting a lot of recent happenings right before they happen. More recently he's been doing some twittering and he seems to like hamming it up a bit, so here are a few teasers:


And this:



And this:



And this:





More coming...



Recommended Comments

4 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

If one doesn't read that judgement, and takes the sloppy antics at the Gateway Pundit as truth ...  "rhetoric is not a correct epistemological form for identifying facts."



Does it matter?

The only thing that matters to people who think poorly of Sidney Powell and similar--or those who like her--is if she will still be standing after all the legalities are exhausted.

If she is still standing, then the entire judicial thing against her is and was bullshit. 

If she goes down, then I might get interested to see why. And even then, I would be interested to see if this was an objective judge before digging in. Life is too short to spend in on analyzing the work of hacks.

But the real issue is that there's just been way too much bullshit about this stuff to care at this stage of the story.

Right now I think Sidney is a top lawyer in America and a big girl. She can take care of herself in the courts far better than I ever could.


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On 11/30/2021 at 5:08 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

My judgment so far is that Sidney is innocent until proven guilty.

Sure, and in this case, no charges have been laid.

On the other hand, with regard to Ruby Freeman, "judgement" is that she is guilty of unspecified crimes.

The Telegram account "Deepstate Dave" is I think, the guy who goes by the name of Gordon Rose on this YouTube channel:

David Rose apparently has a big hate on for General Flynn.  He appeared with Ann Vander Steel to discuss the "MAGA Family Feud."




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On 12/5/2021 at 3:02 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
On 12/5/2021 at 2:49 PM, william.scherk said:
On 12/4/2021 at 9:24 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
On 11/30/2021 at 5:08 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

As to Sidney Powell...



Obama Judge Linda Parker ignored Trump’s case on the integrity of the 2020 Election in Michigan raised by attorney Sidney Powell.   It’s not clear if she ever looked at it.

That is some sloppy reporting.  Judge Parker went through each of the Michigan "Kraken" affiant declarations, one by one, as summarized in her August judgement.

If one doesn't read that judgement, and takes the sloppy antics at the Gateway Pundit as truth ...  "rhetoric is not a correct epistemological form for identifying facts."


Where are the facts about Ruby Freeman, then? Especially since the "rhetoric versus correct epistemological form" quote is from the same someone who has already judged her guilty, guilty, guilty ...

Lin Wood with Stew Peters:


When Kyle was first arrested, prosecutors slapped him with an absurd $2 million bail figure, even though Kyle had voluntarily surrendered to police and was a non-existent risk to...

-- I think one of the most odd items out of Lin Wood is the allegation that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a communist.

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33 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

... with regard to Ruby Freeman, "judgement" is that she is guilty of unspecified crimes.


I haven't looked deeply into this stuff, but that's one hell of a statement, don't you think?

I mean, there's video, her own words, everything...

"Stuffing ballots" is just not that hard to write...

21 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

I think one of the most odd items out of Lin Wood is the allegation that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a communist.

You and me, both.

Once again, I haven't looked deeply, but my antenna is wigging in the direction of religious differences.

One criticism I have of Lin is that he is willing to go scorched earth--even with Michael Flynn--on types of prayer and things like that.

Frankly, even though I love Lin, and for defense, I cannot think of anyone better, I would hate to see him wielding real political power as administrator and warlord. I fear he would become authoritarian in that Christian manner you so love and admire.




EDIT: This is not a trick post or banter. I mean it.



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On 12/8/2021 at 1:07 PM, william.scherk said:

Where are the facts about Ruby Freeman, then?

Here's a twist -- Kanye West supposedly involved.


Weeks after the 2020 election, a Chicago publicist for hip-hop artist Kanye West traveled to the suburban home of Ruby Freeman, a frightened Georgia election worker who was facing death threats after...


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On 12/10/2021 at 11:47 AM, william.scherk said:
On 12/8/2021 at 1:07 PM, william.scherk said:

Where are the facts about Ruby Freeman, then?

Here's a twist -- Kanye West supposedly involved.

Update via Reuters: Special Report: Trump aide set up meeting where election worker was pressured



Floyd said that he had left his role in the Trump campaign before the Jan. 4 meeting. Trump himself “never asked me to go” to Georgia, he said, and board members of the Black Voices for Trump group “had no involvement in this.”

Floyd said he arranged the meeting in an effort to help Freeman. He said he himself believed she was seeking assistance, including immunity from prosecution over claims from the Trump camp that she had committed voting fraud.

Freeman, through a spokesperson, said she never reached out to anyone to seek immunity. Her lawyer, Von DuBose, declined to comment further.

A former Justice Department official in Georgia confirmed that state and federal investigators concluded in December 2020 that there was no evidence Freeman committed fraud. As a result, the department never considered offering her immunity, said the official, who had direct knowledge of a Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry into Trump’s Georgia election-fraud claims.

Floyd did not directly answer when asked whether Freeman requested immunity at the meeting. He said Freeman wasn’t willing to “put anything down on paper,” so he had nothing to “run up the flagpole,” referring to his more senior contacts in Trump’s political operation.

Asked if he told Freeman that he was a Trump campaign official, Floyd said: “I’m pretty certain that I made it clear.” He referred to a comment by Kutti, captured on police bodycam video, telling Freeman that “federal people” were involved in offering her help.

“Who was the current president at that time? President Trump,” said Floyd. “If she’s there saying, I’m here to connect you with federal people, well, that’s people in the Trump administration.”

Freeman told Reuters in a previous interview that she did not know Kutti was a Trump supporter until after the meeting at the police station, when Freeman researched the publicist online.

Kutti and her lawyer, Robert Barker, did not respond to requests for comment. In an Instagram post last Monday, Kutti denied pressuring Freeman to falsely admit fraud.

A spokesperson for Trump did not respond to requests for comment for this story. The Republican National Committee, where Douglas is now employed, did not respond to a request for comment.

The involvement of Trump campaign figures in the meeting with Freeman highlights the aggressive and unusual steps taken by backers of the former president to help reverse his loss in the once-reliably Republican state.

Beginning on Dec. 3 last year, Trump and his allies falsely claimed that video of vote-counting at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena proved that Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, another Fulton County election worker, committed election fraud. They alleged the mother and daughter illegally tabulated mysterious ballots from a suitcase multiple times to create 18,000 fraudulent votes - enough to cause Trump to lose the Georgia election. State and county officials quickly disproved that allegation. The false claims sparked months of death threats and other harassment by Trump supporters toward Freeman and her daughter.

The district attorney in Fulton County, where Freeman worked on the ballot count, is conducting a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged interference in Georgia’s election. The district attorney, Fani Willis, has said the probe would examine a now-famous call in which Trump pressed Georgia officials to “find” him enough votes to overturn his loss in the state. On the call, Trump singled out Freeman by name 18 times, calling her a “professional vote scammer,” a “hustler” and a “known political operative” who “stuffed the ballot boxes.”



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I can't figure out the issue in that story.

It comes down to he said, she said, he said, she said, Orange Man Bad with a lot of buzzwords thrown in.

Something happened, I guess.


The way I read it, if this kind of thing is starting up again, the Dems are scared.



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Ah, geez, Louise...

Now anons are claiming Betty White's death was not a "coincidence";  executed  "17" days until her 100 Birthday, a "deep state" handler for Hollywood, was the sister of Barbara Bush, and the  adrenochrome-guzzling daughter of Alistair Crowley...

Rubbish, I say! Absolute Rubbish!!!
(Then again, she did live to 99...and had joked that she has "been around the block, I've seen a lot of things, I've done 1 or 2, I know a few things...not much, but some..." 😉 )

Lighthouse Keepers on Facebook with "corroborative" Q posts...


Patriots supporting each other and POTUS and his administration. We research and confirm here, we pray here, we dig here and we love one...


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44 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

Ah, geez, Louise...

Now anons are claiming Betty White's death was not a "coincidence";  executed  "17" days until her 100 Birthday, a "deep state" handler for Hollywood, was the sister of Barbara Bush, and the  adrenochrome-guzzling daughter of Alistair Crowley...

Rubbish, I say! Absolute Rubbish!!!
(Then again, she did live to 99...and had joked that she has "been around the block, I've seen a lot of things, I've done 1 or 2, I know a few things...not much, but some..." 😉 )

Lighthouse Keepers on Facebook with "corroborative" Q posts...


Patriots supporting each other and POTUS and his administration. We research and confirm here, we pray here, we dig here and we love one...


Barbara B always told me that her and Betty W were good friends.


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2 hours ago, Marc said:

Barbara B always told me that her and Betty W were good friends.


So, what you're saying, then, is that Barbara B was Deep State, too?
How deep does this go? Was Ayn Rand part of the Illuminati, after all? Alan Greenspan's involvement with the Federal Reserve makes more sense, now...
(There are no coincidences...)



Isto é fora dos curriculums escolares, mas ..... por que barrar o inquérito da verdade? Ayn Rand - Philip Rothschild's Mistress? « on: April 29...





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19 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

So, what you're saying, then, is that Barbara B was Deep State, too?
How deep does this go? Was Ayn Rand part of the Illuminati, after all? Alan Greenspan's involvement with the Federal Reserve makes more sense, now...
(There are no coincidences...)



Isto é fora dos curriculums escolares, mas ..... por que barrar o inquérito da verdade? Ayn Rand - Philip Rothschild's Mistress? « on: April 29...




Lolllllllllll right?!?!??!?

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On 9/14/2019 at 11:17 AM, Ellen Stuttle said:
On 9/14/2019 at 7:23 AM, Brant Gaede said:

It's all quite simple. "Climate Change" is the core left religious belief that the liberals use to signal each other of the brotherhood. Express the slightest doubt and you risk banishment. Real science is irrelevant--WTF is that? And "that" isn't even a question.


he's a bear baiter

I agree about "Climate Change" being a core (not the core, but part of the core) leftist religious belief.

Furthermore, William has many leftist beliefs.

However, contrary to the dominant opinion here, I don't think that William's belief in AGW comes from leftist, or more narrowly environmentalist religionism.  I think that in his case the belief comes straight from scientific ineptitude.

I am starting to miss Ellen's tart commentary and hope she is doing well offline. I may not react, but I do read.

This is of course the old William is an incompetent reasoner and doesn't know it point, which is given dry or hot. 

On 9/14/2019 at 11:17 AM, Ellen Stuttle said:

I don't see William talking about "The Environment" in reverential tones, as if speaking of the Holy of Holies with a quaver in the voice.  I don't see him going on about vanishing caribou herds, or hunters clubbing baby seals to death, or the (prodigiously baby-seal-eating) polar bears.

I think that William's big worry is the permafrost.  And I think that he believes that he learned the basic science needed from Spencer Weart and that the case for AGW is now clear cut - see the melting Arctic sea ice, what else do you need?  I think that that's the poor competence level of his reasoning - as he's given away with some things he's said.


What brings me back to this place today is this is the last time Ellen mentioned Spencer Weart on OL, and I discovered today a letter to Physics Today from Ellen's husband, Lawrence Gould that I thought to share. You can click on the link or image to read the whole thing. 

Heartland Institute Replies to Physics Today: Spencer Weart’s One-sided and Incomplete History of Climate Policy


Weart's article is here without a paywall: Climate change impacts: The growth of understanding [PDF]

I also discovered Gould's personal page that has a variety of articles from his desk, a great deal on Global Warming/Climate Change, along with suggested readings and a number of links:

Ellen's mentions of Weart through the ages at this OL Search Link. Jonathan's mentions: OL Search Link. All mentions: OL Search Link.



Edited by william.scherk
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Hmmm..."they named names"...

Color me skeptical, but let's see if this has legs...

"QAnon founder may have been identified thanks to machine learning"

"With help from machine learning software, computer scientists may have unmasked the identity of Q, the founder of the QAnon movement. In a sprawling report published on Saturday, The New York Times shared the findings of two independent teams of forensic linguists who claim they’ve identified Paul Furber, a South African software developer who was one of the first to draw attention to the conspiracy theory, as the original writer behind Q. They say Arizona congressional candidate Ron Watkins also wrote under the pseudonym, first by collaborating with Furber and then later taking over the account when it eventually moved to post on his father’s 8chan message board."

There's more, mainly concerning the methodology, and pointing to success of previous "unmaskings", namely the disparate cases of HARRY POTTER author J.K. Rowland writing under a pseudonym and The Unabomber:

"People have previously used machine learning software to identify Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling as the secret writer of Cuckoo’s Calling, a 2013 crime fiction novel Rowling wrote under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. More broadly, law enforcement agencies have successfully used stylometry in a variety of criminal cases, including by the FBI to show that Ted Kaczynski was the Unabomber."

The people named as "Q" deny it, of course. The article concludes with this (making it clear that the intent is to ruin "Q" for the anons, while attempting to paint the idea of a  "Deep State" (meaning, continue the cover-up) as conspiracy:

"What happens next is unclear. The researchers who worked on the identification told The Times they hope unmasking Q will loosen QAnon’s hold on people. Spreading like wildfire on social media, the conspiracy theory has had a profound effect on politics in the US and other parts of the world. And while Q hasn’t posted a new message since the end of 2020, that hasn’t dampened people’s enthusiasm for conspiracies about the 'deep state' and its involvement in their lives."

Read full article here:



With help from machine learning software, computer scientists may have unmasked the identity of Q, the founder of the QAnon...


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Michael's "Take on Q," from December 2019:


On 12/13/2019 at 8:53 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

My Take on Q

There are only a few threads on OL where Q is discussed and a lot of what goes on is misleading. As people on OL speak for themselves and not in the name of any group-think, here is my own take on Q. I speak as Michael.

And, as usual, I start with trying to identify correctly so I can judge correctly.

Later, after this opening post, I might remember things that have been posted on OL about Q that are illuminating, so as I find them, I will post them.

Also, I don't want to restrict anyone from posting, so be advised that people who demean Q tend to find the least representative fringe proponents with odd ideas and set them up as typical. Those who do this tend to post a lot, and then some more, in order to shut down discussions through the sheer number of posts (generally with mockery as subtext).

This manner of thinking is reminiscent of bigotry--for example, thugs represent what blacks really are, greedy bastards represent what Jews really are, terrorists represent what Muslims really are, etc. If a person posted strings of posts showing only thugs, greedy bastards and terrorists to represent blacks, Jews and Muslims, and never mentioned average blacks, Jews and Muslims, a reasonable person will conclude that this is how that person sees blacks, Jews and Muslims, i.e., through a bigoted lens.

If this happens here, I will point it out and, if you are like me and want to evaluate the Q issue as reasonably as you can--with your own mind--amidst all the yelling, you are invited to jump over that material. I, for one, will keep posting what I think. So just ignore the excessive crap.

Anywho, here goes my take, which I have presented before. Peter asked a very good questions a few days ago.

On 12/7/2019 at 8:54 PM, Peter said:

What is Q? Brief synopsis? I haven"t been following. 

I responded with this:

On 12/8/2019 at 5:29 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Q is what the Tea Party tried to be--a spontaneous huge group of people traveling in the same direction--a good direction of freedom and individualism and family values--without a named leader.

This phenomenon scared the holy hell out of the ruling class establishment and the left with the Tea Party, and it scares the holy hell out of them with Q.


The Wikipedia Article

If you want to see an explanation and history of Q from the side of those who fear it, look at the Wikipedia article:


Just look at how the Wikipedia article opens:

Notice that this article does not say "Q". It just calls everything QAnon. I think this is on purpose to somehow try to diminish the impact of using Q only (which has a cool factor among other subconscious loads).

Also, Q is not a theory. It is an individual or group of individuals (nobody knows who) who publish cryptic short messages and predictions on the Internet. They are often called "Q drops." The idiots who fear Q and wrote (and monitored) that Wikipedia article couldn't even get that part right. They called QAnon itself a conspiracy theory.

If you read this article, notice a few things.

The first is how condescending it is, basically positioning smart people who know better and look down on Q followers as "us" and people who talk about Q and discuss the cryptic messages as conspiracy theorists. From the tone, it means kooky conspiracy theorists and wackos. Definitely not smart or serious people. Definitely not "us."

The second is the nature of the sources. The good guys in the article, (the smart folks) are The Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN and so on. The kooky folks (the conspiracy theory guys) who seemingly aren't worth considering or commenting on include famous people like Lionel, Bill Mitchell, Jack Posobiec and so on. 

The third is that, for an article based on a posture of superiority and looking down on nonsense to dismiss it, the article sure is long. :) 

The fourth is that the article tries to pin Q down to specific structures and beliefs it can then debunk. 

The fifth is kind of funny. In trying to debunk and pooh pooh everything related to Q, the article actually details items that cause a huge amount of cognitive dissonance in our culture.

For one example, the murder of Seth Rich. The article makes it seem like only retards would believe Rich was murdered by the Deep State and those who are entangled with it because Rich turned over damaging info from the DNC computer to Wikileaks after the DNC openly cheated Bernie out of his true standing in the primaries in order to guarantee Hillary Clinton the nomination. However, the result of such intense "pooh pooh" focus on the Seth Rich murder is to keep light on it and keep this speculation alive. Just look at how many people still believe it (as do I). So if you want a list of items where Q has scared the shit out of the ruling class, this article does a decent job of listing those items. The tone is "of course this is all nonsense." But the list is long.


Legitimate Q

Jon keeps up with Q a lot more than I do. He generally points people to here and here for Q texts. Those links are pretty much authoritative. They are the ones mostly used by the more serious people into Q.

The problem with ascertaining accuracy is that Q is anonymous. Hell, the identity of the more accepted Q, so to speak, could have changed over time for all anyone knows. And Q's messages are intentionally vague. In the beginning, he (or she or they) started dropping message on a huge Wild West-like Internet forum called 4chan, where anyone can post at any time on anything. (4chan is where many memes come from.) This is not what one could call peer-reviewed. :) But 4chan is where Q initially spread like wildfire.

Also, since people like Lionel and Jack Posobiec and other famous Q supporting folks have visited the White House, since President Trump often says cryptic statements that echo Q, and since Q's predictions--that could only be based on high-level inside information--often come true, the first order of the day for the terrified ruling class elitists was to get a bunch of Internet trolls to call themselves Q. This kind of infiltration is what they did with the Tea Party (in a different manner). The idea is for impostors to claim a central role and pose as legitimate, then start preaching pro-ruling class crap or exaggerating actual beliefs to the extent of ridiculousness. If the impostors do their job well, the movement gets discredited and fades away. This worked with the Tea Party. It hasn't worked so far with Q.

And, of course, when things are cryptic, actual true-believer fringe people always appear who are way over the top. These are the ones William likes to post on OL as Q to try fool people into thinking these guys represent what Q is all about. Now that Jesse Waters is on it, I don't see how this approach can continue, but I have little doubt those wedded to this approach will keep it up. After all, the "muh Russians" hoax was a three year mainstream culture thing and the Deep State insiders in Congress are still trying to resurrect it (including Hillary Clinton herself). Why wouldn't their followers follow suit?

So the best thing to look at if you want to see real Q stuff is to check the links Jon posts.


Why Q Spreads

Do you like to do crossword puzzles? Or do you like puzzles where you have to discover words among a lot of random letters? Did you ever have fun with Where's Wally? This is the essence of Q's appeal. He (or she or they) says just enough to get you interested, but not enough to make a clear statement. And, of course, there are statements that nobody has been able to figure out (which, to me, are there to trip people up and make it all even more intriguing, like red herrings in a mystery novel).

In a culture where the fake news media lies constantly and gets busted for it over and over, there is no way it can combat this approach by Q. Even without the media's constant lying, how can it debunk a hint and wage a propaganda campaign against something that could mean anything? It can't pin Q's messages down. Anything big the fake news media does against Q, by asserting this or that is what Q really means, is seen by the public as overkill--except for folks with the elitist ruling class mentality--the Kool-Aid drinkers so to speak, who often think this time the media finally "destroyed" Q's message and so on.

Yet Q won't go away and it grows. Just look at people like Amazing Polly. Watch any of her videos and you start to go, "Woah... I may not fully agree with all this, but WTF?" Like her, there are many, many people on the Internet who constantly speculate about what Q is saying--and they go about digging up stuff to prove it.

On a deeper cultural level, one of the main tropes used in movies these days is a superhero with a fantasy name saving the world, but with a hidden real identity as a person in normal life. Americans can't get enough of this and Q comes off as such a superhero. So by default, people in general like Q and think he (or she or they) is cool.

There's real persuasion genius going on in the Q approach. The reason the ruling class has gotten away with all the crap it has over the decades is because the ruling class owns the media and (more recently) the giant social media corporations. It can make things like ruling class pedophilia, corruption, coup attempts, etc., go away through propaganda campaigns.

But Q's messages are so damn interesting to the public at large as a research game and string of mysteries, especially online research and mysteries, people who have felt powerless up to now join in the fun with gusto. They are a gigantic herd of ferrets. They snoop into everything and speculate about all of it. And they uncover one inconvenient thing after another. For ruling class people with something ugly to hide, it's like a school of piranhas attacking a cow in the river. 

There's a lot of crap Q followers point to and claim as fact, of course, but there's also a lot of true stuff that emerges that would have otherwise stayed buried. This last tends to float to the top in our culture (as verification starts becoming impossible to ignore) and ruling class criminals get real paranoid. I am convinced President Trump has encouraged the use of Q-based material by proper law enforcement agencies and the military--not as fully proven facts, but as situations and places for them to investigate.

The Q phenomenon is a form of crowd-sourcing the start of investigations. This used to be the role of investigative journalists, but their media companies got bought out and the reporters, for the most part, have sold out. Most reporters these days are ruling class hacks and toadies.


That's the gist of the Q phenomenon. It's the bombing campaign against globalism before the ground forces come in. Precision is not its nature. Unearthing and exposing hidden stuff is. (Including destroying deadly ordinance when possible)

That's why ruling class elitists, including those idiots who wrote and monitored the Wikipedia article, try to paint Q as a cult with specific weird-sounding jargon and beliefs. Q scares the shit out of them--like bombs are supposed to.

Here are some links Jon provided to more serious folks who discuss Q online:

On 12/8/2019 at 2:17 PM, Jon Letendre said:

... try the people I have recommended here for years. They are women, independent journalists, retired Air Force, authors, medics, gay men:

Also, below is one of the most criticized videos about Q I have come across. The critics call it recruiting propaganda.

And I guess it is in a certain sense, but recruiting for what? There is no Q movement. There are only individuals who read and watch and listen and sometimes comment on the Internet. Individuals, all.

I'm giving the self-proclaimed "old version" of the video, although the original must have been long deleted since that is how YouTube rolls to cut down view stats. Still, this version currently logs 1.4 million views or so. (btw - There are several versions of this same video in this same account, each with a million or more views, not to mention copies posted by other people and all those other video sites out there, resulting in millions and millions of views all over YouTube and the rest of the Internet.)

I don't mean this video is criticized in the manner of a snarky know-it-all bashing a screwball with 7 followers who talks about how he ran words in a Q message backwards, applied a cipher, then pegged this to specific verses from the Book of Ezra in the Bible to show how Satan manifested in Hollywood. Instead, it is criticized by some of the top intellectuals and pundits who defend ruling class elitist cronyism (and just as often progressivism). They consider the video below to be a top-notch piece of propaganda. 

I, for one, like it. If it's propaganda, then it's only propaganda due to its single focus and rhetorical emphasis, not to lies. Ah... and to its effectiveness. There's that...

I especially like the emphasis on the message that the surveillance state doesn't just spy on you and me, it spies on Deep State criminals, too.

This is Q as I understand the phenomenon in essential terms. There are many variations, but the legitimate ones all boil down to these fundaments.


The New York Times published the results of some cyber wonk forensic ninja work -- in aid of figuring out who was posting as Q: 


Using machine learning, separate teams of computer scientists identified the same two men as likely authors of messages that fueled the viral movement.



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In the modern world of deep fakes, I ain't buying this.

The predator class has been trying hard to pin Q on a single person for a long time--hopefully for them a real kook--so they can destroy that person and, according to whatever delusions they have, destroy the hick hillbilly rednecks that are fueling Trump's support.

And, of course, this theory conveniently eliminates the infiltrators and all the other stuff.

It's all bullshit.

But I becha the people working on this identify Q from writing patterns project are making good money...



I forgot.

This was printed in the New York Times so it must be true, huh?

And the Russians ate their homework, too...



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Someone is having some fun with a new social media platform, if not Truth itself, if Karma is to be believed. I don't yet grasp what MagaHub is.


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On 2/20/2022 at 6:49 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The predator class has been trying hard to pin Q on a single person for a long time--hopefully for them a real kook--so they can destroy that person and, according to whatever delusions they have, destroy the hick hillbilly rednecks that are fueling Trump's support.

It turns out that the new Truth Social has a Q account. This is likely to turn into comedy material in time, depending on the skill level or impish humour quotient of whoever is behind it.

Meanwhile, VICE's David Gilbert reports on a new 'non-partisan' survey ...


Some people hoped that Trump’s 2020 loss and the disappearance of “Q” would dissolve QAnon. A new survey shows the opposite has happened.

The survey turns up some interesting findings, depending on whether it fits your priors.



So to get a better sense of how widespread core QAnon conspiracy theories have become, PRRI’s respondents were asked if they believed in these three core tenets of the movement:

  • The government, media, and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex-trafficking operation.
  • There is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders.
  • Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.

To get an overall picture of how widespread QAnon beliefs are, PRRI created a composite measure from these three questions and identified three distinct groups: QAnon believers, QAnon doubters, and QAnon rejecters.



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You gotta hand to to Chanel Rion. For a news-lady, she knows how to punch above her weight. Denver and Justin seem to spend an awful lot of time following the Patriot Media.

It is incumbent to panic, as long as one is moral and no raging mob storms the castle to destroy the monster.  I think I linger at OL because moralism is no problem. Moralizing is for everyone! Moralizing is bread and butter ...

But anyhow, Little Theatre dramatics. 


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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

I think I linger at OL because moralism is no problem. Moralizing is for everyone! Moralizing is bread and butter ...


You also get attention instead of people ignoring you.

Ideas-centered attention.

And banter...


But most of all, regardless of whatever you really think of the people around here you disagree with (I suspect it's akin to looking at space aliens or members of a savage tribe in the jungle :) ), one never gets the impression that people are lying on OL to win arguments, or call attention to themselves, or gang up in peer pressure to enforce ideological conformity, or whatever. Everybody is speaking their honest minds to the best of their abilities--and they speak as individuals.

You have to have observed that. You are certainly intelligent enough to. So I believe you like being in an environment where that is the norm.

It certainly beats the fake news.

Besides, that kind of honesty is a moral thing...



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On 9/6/2021 at 1:36 PM, william.scherk said:
On 9/6/2021 at 1:22 PM, william.scherk said:

Full promised line-up: Roundup Speakers – The Patriot Voice

The Watkins père et fils will be there ... here's some jazzy promo from Ron:

Cullen Hoback is the director of the HBO special series Q: Into the Storm.


From Gizmodo -- the story is that Twitter refused to allow Cullen Hoback to promote his special series ...


Twitter told the director of "Q: Into the Storm" it had "made the decision not to allow promotion of this documentary" when he tried to advertise the film.


As for Ron Watkins, he is a prospective candidate for Congress in Arizona. He spoke at a GOP candidate debate:


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This Daily Beast story has it all ... at least if you are among a minority who are interested in details of 'crossover' between QAnon world and the world of electing election officials in time for this fall's midterm Congressional elections.


Wayne Willott’s influence is growing in QAnon world, but almost nothing has been reported about his background. Until now.


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3 hours ago, william.scherk said:

This Daily Beast story has it all...


Except for one problem.

There is no QAnon leader.

Doesn't exist.

QAnon is a controlled narrative, not a reality.


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