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Evil is as evil does. What is "The Fundamental Attribution Error"?

On 8/29/2020 at 12:07 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
On 8/29/2020 at 10:04 AM, william.scherk said:
On 8/28/2020 at 10:45 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But these people are not good,. They don't give a shit about good.

They are evil.

They know they are evil.

They like being evil.

The Fundamental Attribution Error.



It's a fundamental fed up and pissed off identification.

I despise people who kill innocents.

I despise people who promote endless war for profit.

I despise people who who use mankind as lab rats for profit.

And the dead for these people? Oh... oops... next batch.

When I look at people like that, I know for certain:

They don't give a shit about good.

They are evil.

They know they are evil.

They like being evil.

Fuck them.



On 8/29/2020 at 12:29 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


To add to my post above, I find your contempt for people like Mike Lindell and admiration for the elitist globalists a serious problem of blank-out.

You're like a turkey on a farm and totally unaware that Thanksgiving is coming.

You dug into the implanted memory thing, attributed it to Christianity versus Science, and with that settled, turned off your brain about identifying the character of people. Now you excuse muh science for turning into a religion far more toxic than Christianity. It doesn't have to be a religion, but that's what it has become as one hoax after another is perpetrated on mankind in the name of muh science.

The issue of misleading the public, whether it is called implanted memories or gaslighting or propaganda or the big lie or "the science is settled" any other term you may like, is based on character, not ideology. Ideology is the tool. The person using the tool did not have his character shaped by the tool. He chose to be evil.

What I see you do is shit on good people because muh Christians and raise up the worst kind of Randian villain, sleaze and power-monger because of muh science. Neither Christianity nor science have anything to do with evil people being evil. They are bad people because they chose to be bad people.

They are indifferent to killing innocents (with a million and one rationalizations where they project an image of caring) and they like to bully innocents because, you know, they feel they are superior and all. And they loves them some unearned money and power.

But you like to blank out the fact that they choose this--even when they tell you they chose it right to your face.

That is poor epistemology.

You judge the character of people by the wrong standard. They are not molded to be bad by Christianity or science. They choose to be bad.

To go to the duh level, there are Christians who are good people and Christians who are scum. There are scientists who are good people and there are scientists who are scum.

But an evil person is always an evil person. The only way for such a person to change is to choose to be good.

There are no good evil people.

Now call that a Fundamental Attribution Error as you blank out one of the most basic of all human skills we learn from infancy on up, judging the character of a man based on whether he purposely harms us and others by default, or chooses to respect us and others.




On 10/3/2020 at 10:20 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


On 10/3/2020 at 8:39 AM, william.scherk said:
On 8/28/2020 at 10:45 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But these people are not good,. They don't give a shit about good.

They are evil.

They know they are evil.

They like being evil.

The Fundamental Attribution Error.

Of course, nothing like that happened during the riots, I mean peaceful protests, right? 



To go into the subtext you like to present that Trump is a dumbass,




wasn't their behavior equally as dumbassy in terms of proximity and not wearing masks?




I mean there are plenty of photos and videos of this.



How do you not see that, or at least complain and snark about it?




The kind of one-sided speculation you are engaging in is part of the noise I am hunkering down to ignore.



Since only high-level Republicans are involved in getting sick right now, not high-level Democrats even though they engage in their own activities where such dumbassery as you point to is the rule, and I don't think the virus selects according to political party, I am more prone to see a sinister cause.



Are the bad guys Democrat or Republican?




I don't know. But I am pretty sure they are anti-Trump.



And they are such dumbasses themselves, they don't realize they need to infect some of their own as a smokescreen.


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