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Everything posted by william.scherk

  1. All is organic, Brant, when you are stewed in time, like the shit of ancient creatures; I bear in mind too more 'literal ashburgers' answers to the Matzo-Stone Ba'al Bob. They grow 'organically' out of what came before. And speaking of organic development, my epistolary bromanceª with Phil is rekindled. I dare not share our mockery and gassip, save for this exchange: WSS >> a bit snotty and cold in Vancouver -- not to mention the weather Philip > It's actually a bit too hot and moist for me in Florida. Not only that, I don't much care for the temperature and the humidity. Now, again, for the man who can't tell his matzo from a slice of fossilized sand and grit, hi ho, another deep and imponderable. Is this art? --- and for you again, Braint, should you be still impondering out on the desert, tracking animals by their spoor (which is an 'art' and not a science, almost a 'skill'), or should you not: All of this lovely shit and more @ http://geologyinart.blogspot.ca ________________________________- a) would you believe it? On checking my spelking via Google, I find "Epistolary Bromance" already in play. b) a line in the art of shit page made me think of Doctor Mrs Dr Hsieh. The paleoparasites . . .
  2. Answer: Paleontology, natch. Epidemiology. Etc. See the queen of fossilized shit, Mary Anning. And think about being less full of slag in your one-liners and your Wrath of Old Persons. I still do not forgive you for misidentifying a Matzo as stone. Scientist? I wonder. Here is Mary Anning, in Dorset, with her dog Babby. In her basket is shit. Realizing that 'bezoan' stones were fossil caca, Mary went places in her life and her studies. Skill? Talent? Pshaw. Tell me a scientific theory about talent and then we can talk. Matzo? Shit? Coprolites? Bezoan? Art?
  3. Oi. Which was it? Who is our mole in The Atlas Society? Which notion brings me to ask, Who amongst the annointed ARIanites have attended or spoken at CPAC, albeit not in official ARI role/s? Finally, is there a sometimes whiff of the wingnut at CPAC (think Pamela Nutterzone Geller)? If yes, help or harm? If no, will this splash of ARI bring, this splash into a pond of giant conflab, big-video/blogosphere/right-wing-radio-Rodeo Meetup-of-the-Year -- will it bring good attention, will it bring objectivish rah rah contingents from far and wide? Will near OL folks have infiltrated the venue/s? Will Dr the 9th visit the proceedings with his ready wit? Will doctors Campbell and lesser take that junket to DC. Will Doctor Mrs Dr Diana Hsieh, PhD be there ... in spirit or flesh, peddling her vanity radio or yam spread or not? It brings on stomach feelings in me to contemplate, but will it be good or bad for Objectism and its tributaries. Should the rest of you celebrate as I and Jerry are doing, with giant bottles summoned from the cellar, swords cutting off the hock bottle tops, almost drowning in the foam from expensive sparkling wines? Silly questions, yes, but almost anything could happen with the Ayn Rand Instititute instituting itself and joining all the conservative call-girls, rent-boys and lap-dancers in one general area (the Watergate this year, yes?)? ********************************* Hope you are on this case all the way, Mr Biggers. I also hope we might fund and equip a guerilla-type Objectivist Living rapporteur at the ARI appearance. (view the type of guerilla tactics I foresee)It's like the Pope coming to Poughkeepsie. Who gets more ink, the graceless catholic drag queen or the decaying rust-belt shithole? [kindly forgive the multiple add-on edits.; WSS has drank five magnums himself alone and is now staggering and singing loudly/ He will post anon,. gawed willing]
  4. Phil will likely answer my last email to him ('Thrice-yearly checkup') and crush us all into dust with his achievements since he last graced us with his presence. I think one of the best threads (to 'meet' almost everyone' and to see how low and how high a discussion can go) for a newcomer is the fabulous J Neil Schulman-titled thread about the 'mind-meld' with Gawed. Page one (of fifty-one) starts here. Random sample:
  5. No doubt a helluva professor. I can only imagine the night classes. Clink. That foot is indeed you. You have crossed the Is and dotted the Ts and I think the machinery of excommunication can be primed and oiled, ready for a trial ...
  6. Neither. I think he could enroll in the Philosophy Inaction improvement regimen: -- and of course, slow roasted grapes, I assume sour grapes:
  7. Mein gawed, again. I thought I was his elder, but only by days, months maybe. The tyke is fifty-three, wow. Happy he is still with us, pulling that wagon as hard as ever, keeping his intellectual venue open (JARS) while neglecting fierce and pointless O-spasms as the Movement grinds on like a glacier -- grinding non-immortals like Dr Mrs Doctor Hsieh into madness, dust and dwindling impact. Seems all kook out in the end, all except for the good guys like Chris (and fiendish collaborator Robert Campbell). It is so dang arbitrary that DIana cannot publish anywhere on earth at all, except on vanity internet radio and her dead blog, while Chris ushers a new JARS issue to bed and to print and to the internets and scholarly databases. Hah. Must be nice to float above it all at fifty-three. Describe my extreme rational valuation of his staying power when you next communicate with him please, Somebody. How she fights for her meager pleasures, against her challenges. How he does not. He eats his dish quietly and with robust satisfaction, even cold. Meanwhile, at Magic Apeshit Dinosaur Caveman Diet Cult Radio Advice From a Loser Show, she goes on, and on, and then on. Weekly.
  8. Tell me what to do next. Shall I reproduce it in acrylic clay?
  9. Last I knew it simply died down because LP stopped replying which is a simple and so far only effective way to stop Moellor. Like I said before--that is, before the acrimonious thread died down.Hmmmmm. It makes me wonder if the 'dying down' of the acrimonious thread is the price paid for hypocrisy. Because of the dwindling crowd and the shrinking front bench of players, it does not make sense for Lindsay to beat his friendship to death in public. He would lose a literate voice and further seal his reputation as a bile duct on the internets. In this case, though, he saves Moeller for SOLO, but Moeller does not presently post. What a deal.
  10. O yes--roast,compliant with chcken or beef-----bread sauce and Yorkshired pud forever.---- Rgghh. I will issue myself a potato challenge (or as it would be said in Charlottetown, a budayduh challenge). I will take plain mashed potatoes inside a pastry shell and make it something other than a knish. You know what a knish is, dontcha? Ya just put potatoes and bread together and let them kiss ...
  11. "One wonders why, with all this love in the air, we have crime, hate, and anger in our society?" It is the primate in us, I believe. You cannot expect a garden of bliss and harmony, even among reasonable people, not until we examine the womb's products and flush any product that might go ape in the future. In my more hopeless and cynical modes, I think Darkness is not to be ever fully extirpated -- because the opportunities for anger dwell in our bones and flesh and necessary activities, hate awaits the flame set by danger and fear, and crime is but two or three paycheques away for the underclass and slightly above. I am glad Ed found love and grandchildren to leaven his own hopelessness and cynicism, when the mode is on him. Romantic love is for me the wick that runs through human reproductive/partnership stories, the glue of propinquity and pleasure keeping the taper well in place. We burn with love sometimes, and sometimes we don't. Romantic love can be as violently emotive as war, if not much much more so. Enjoy your loves, Ed. They feed you things you need, I think, to lead a happy human life.
  12. In re the skookum BBC video on art, brain, emotion: This gives me an idea for my next 'is this art' query for Jonathan and Brant. If I use a gold surface and soft rendering of a body, will dopamine surge? If I also have a repetitive pattern embedded, will serotonin really be stimulated? In the meantime, zzzzzzzzzz. Klimt is making me sleeeepy. Very sleeeepy.
  13. I did not yet read beyond this. It makes sense, and I like the spirit. I too love taking a shoe to idiocy. The hanging chad, the test of the pudding, the long smear on the road, though, is in determining the idiocy. Mere slogans and labels do not do that job.
  14. All I needed was sufficient income to live on while writing weekly essays on anything I like, with the assurance that I would not be edited or told what to write or told how write it -- and I was off to the races. ... Libertarianism.org is doing quite well, and I have been told that my essays have contributed substantially to that success. ... In 66 weeks, I have published 64 substantive essays without being late on a single one. and that was no mean task. I can only imagine, being dreadfully lazy and lackadaisical about my writing. Oh well, I am only 55. Maybe I will write one book, on my deathbed. Now that I have thought about it, don't slow down. It is keeping everything about you fit and useful. Even on Facebook you are more productive and aware of 'task-completion.' With 64 task-completion tests behind you, hmmm, I am thinking the next project set for yourself will be coming quickly along the pike. Thanks for checking in with us divan-sprawlers and OL socialites.
  15. Jonathan, in case you haven't seen this already, a skookum BBC video on art, brain, emotion: Some log-rolling from a fellow neuroscientific name, at Amazon:
  16. Oh, Carol, the pain of growing up spuddy in Nova Scotia New Brunswick, all monoculture, scabby russets and lumpy grey mush. As you may or may not know, Bolivians love potatoes -- and they grow some of the oddest native varieties. Here is just a sample, from the website Ode to Capitalism ... I recommend to you the Bolivian 'black' potato -- the one that looks a trifle more scatological than the others. It is said to have a crisp buttery flavour. Baked until the black skin turns brown, then crushed with a fork under a load of salted butter. Sort of what Obama might taste like fresh off the pyre ... That said, until you have tried my latkes, you have not tasted the glory of potato.
  17. Bob, you call yourself a scientific man and a Jew? Ha! You cannot even tell a digitized photo of matzo on a plate? (seriously, I gave a clue in the edited post above, 'the ugly truth')**. Jonathan, it is not shawarma and it is not burritto. The dough is extra-chewy, however, and the fact of the art is that wheat in the form of flat breads have emerged in wheat cultures everywhere, whether Chinese pancakes or one of six kinds of chapati/naan whathaveyou. I otherwise agree with your sage analysis. Bob may have been puckish instead of myopic and knew indeed that unleavened bread is various and that microphotographic examination of the fine grain in prepared slides might establish what the actual kind of rock was depicted. Puckish indeed, since as I say the dough is extra-chewy while still being soft as a baby's cheek. In other news, my sculpted Objecto-Heir bracelet project languishes in the workshop. Still waiting for your commercial 'art' design, Jonathan. Upward, naked, headback, dancing on the tips of our toes, exulting in the exhaltedness of O. _________ ** The image of Argentine-style Syrian Matzo before the digital fooferaw:
  18. Slow down, George, I cannot keep up with the production. I am still pondering the very challenging Ayn Rand/Comtean Autrisme pieces. You are in a good rut, I would say.
  19. I miss him enough to send him a cheery email every few months. He hasn't been missable much, not producing much for us to consume or disdain. You can subvert the wiggy quote a-function by working in bbcode alone, by pushing the leftmost button on the editing menu. Welcome to the serving US military man and former hardliner! What an interesting arrival. Over at The Other Place, I suspect Kacy would have been already beaten to death for not holding true to the Randian evermores and nevermores, edicts and dicktat. In years to come, he will perhaps eat Leonid's head. Who can tell in a determined world like Objectivist Living? Again, welcome Newest New Guy.
  20. Is this art? -- even knowing it was a photographic image digitally transformed by MSK's recommended program (Sketch Drawer)? The truth: is ugly.
  21. Dang, George's day falls on one of my 'bakling' days. Bakiing is like skiing. Fun but full of mishaps on the slopes; To George, venerable general in the individualist army against The State and its ramshackle ethics of freedom, I give these fortune buns from today's production. A cross-cultural treat, full of cheese and spice, like me. Full story at my lonely, fitful blog or here ... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151445712496743&set=a.49112546742.72944.518316742&type=1 Good fortune, General Ghs! You continue to produce challenging writing week after week. May your future bring you more of the fortune you deserve,
  22. There has been altogether too much chatter about that sluuuuuuut Beyonda or whatever. We should be talking about shocking food porn like this**: Experimental kitchen! _________________ ** the only reason for the shock was the amount and source of my frenz's commentary and interest. Have I come to this? Look for yourself ... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151445712496743&set=a.49112546742.72944.518316742&type=1
  23. Rowr. Interesting to learn you are whatever a 'lukewarmer' is. What is a lukewarmer? AGW panic earth mother poison evul alien science intellectual biosphere ranting aside. As Facebook's interrogation algorhythm might ask, "What's happening, Andrew? What's going on? What's happening, Andrew?" What happens when the Objectivish meet the notion of anthropogenic global warming of the atmosphere?
  24. Wow!!! Kathy Wynne,...what a knock-out! Has she been on Ru Paul's drag show?? I think I'd like to ask the Lady out (Kathy, not Ru Paul...well, on second thought....). Actually this androgyny thing has me all confused, Like, if I'm on a date with her/them/whatever, - exactly what is it that I'm supposed to do?? It's a political date, most likely, right? Kathy is going to be very busy. She said yesterday that she will be agriculture minister as well as first minister. She is going to unveil her gang of minions (the new Cabinet) somewhere around Valentine's Day. It should be incumbent on neither of the date-mates to achieve any more pleasurable personal congress than a moist handshake and an air-kiss. Seriously. You can role-play it Any Way You Want. I would expect a cross between Marshall Macluhan and Obiwan Kenobi, taller than Kathy and robed with the prestige and hilarity of some apostolic Capitalist sect. If you keep your mind out of the gutter of smut, you can be a date to anyone on earth, Jerry. That is what the Queen realized early in her training. She has been with Mudmen, she has been with tightass horse people in Kentucky. She has ate all manner of muck and been with more darker people for chats and handshakes and bun fights than you or I will ever meet. Take a card from her deck and go as the ambassador of a mighty (though diminished) empire. You will then get Ur-socialist Kathleen Wynne out of political mufti** and back into a showgirl outfit in no time. She will be eating out of your hand, Jerry! Ahem. Be always businesslike in your coffee and handshake dates with political bigwigs. We do not need to know the details of the exact moistness of the hands or the nearness of the lips to the cheek. Some things must remain in the shadows. ____________________________ ** Here is the soon-to-be first minister of Canada's largest province in mufti, making the strange lesbian symbol for togetherness that I have seen repeatedly on Rachel Maddow's show. Kathleen just looks so ... so normal. Not like the strange dried cookie who presently runs Arizona further into the sand, whatshername.
  25. Michael Shermer takes a shoe to the left's slack record on science, from his February column in Scientific American.