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Everything posted by william.scherk

  1. Another revealing picture of her with her cousins, in-laws, or possible voters.
  2. Here is the next Premier of Alberta ... (if she wins today). Libertarian, gun-lover, small-government hound, and -- apparently -- now married into RajGary's extended family. Pic from the Globe and Mail.
  3. Meeting the wall of hypocrisy does not appear to hurt some people ... Here below is Dr Mrs Doctor Hsieh, in oblique response to Ninth Doctor. (I wonder if it burns her onions (I mean, gluten-free cult-diet muck) that such as Ninth Doctor can have play on OO.net. I wonder if it burns her turnips and wheatgrass to realize that she is no longer in a position of authority on OO.net. I wonder if after she burps her way through the painful aftermath of her animal fat and mung bean lunch she looks back, back, back to the glory days when she could influence the course of events on OO.net with a toss of her fully-righteous head. I wonder, if after the fever passes from the parasites in her fresh whole-milk fat-shake with coconut oil, she wishes she was still the Empress of the Third Tier, Empress of SOLO, Killer of Sciabarra and ally in monomania with Jim Valliant. I wonder ... but no, I think she has worn her blinders so long they have fused into her skull, and that all is perfectly fine in her world of horses, dogs, blogs, stomach-aches, rashes, anemia, podcasts, and triumph after triumph. I think her Empire of Right Thinkers is about the size of a paddly pool, and about as powerful as her argument for not eating Wrong Food. I could be wrong in the justice of my questions, as usual, but I do wonder.) I should mention that although I mock Diana, I fully support her mania for Bacon. It is, as I am sure she will agree (obliquely), Nature's Most Perfect Food. Burp.
  4. My friend Raj at the local Mac's Milk convenience store is an indicator of the insidious penetration of Hockey into every home in this benighted nation. A nice fellow, doing a full-time job, full-time studies (in Finance), single -- and when I met him last year, he told me he did not give a shit about Hockey, only asking customers about "The Game" to fit in and drive Mac's local reputation as The Friendliest All-Sikh Convenience Store on the Semiahmoo Peninsula. He let me know that Cricket was the Game, would always be The Game, and hockey was a bore (except for India's official sport, field hockey (on the grass/dirt). He coached young kids in cricket and played in our Surrey cricket league ... Fast forward to that terrible night six months ago, when he asked me about The Game. I replied with my usual mockery. He looked me in the eyes the way only tall Punjabi-speaking youngsters can look you in the eye, and dashed into the back. He returned with his new Canucks jersey. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I paid for my smokes and scuttled home. Last week he instructed me to stop calling him Raj. He is now to be known as Gary. He has been in Canada for less than five years. He has no family here. He is dooooooooomed. He has become Canadian. The final proof was when he stopped loving Mozhdah, denied wanting to marry her, and asked for my help in finding him a nice blonde girlfriend who ... likes hockey. And now ... I am out of smokes, I have no idea if the Canucks won or lost and I must cycle that dark road to meet up with Raj Gary at the till ... In other extremely boring news, Daunce, why have you not featured the incredible snoozefest election in Alberta? Is it not remarkable that the first libertarian premier may be elected tomorrow? Is it not boring enough that the two front-runners are both female? Is it not remarkably uninteresting that the hard-right libertarian supports gay marriage and decriminalization (if not legalization) of marijuana, and that she will not allow votes on contentious social issues on her watch (meaning Gay Pot Lesbian Nude Protest Abortion Christian Heritage)? (of course, news of the extremely uninteresting Muslim (dark-skinned) Mayor of Calgary has already caused numerous episodes of sleep apnea here, so this is strictly off-limits) Is it not staggeringly boring and pointless that the Progressive Conservative's 42 years of government is at risk? Is it not coma-inducing for our non-socialist friends here that if either of the women wins the premiership, this will make how many women in the driver seat in our land? Premier Christy ClarkPremier Alison Redford / Danielle SmithPremier Eva AariakPremier Kathy Dunderdale If our friends refuse to succumb to the dull, soporific nature of our politics ... I again point to the inability of the Republicans to stop their plunge in support from America's independent women voters. Let the Transvaginal Express roll on ... and on ... and on ... until November. Then we will all wake up and PARTY! [Added:] It is well-known that the best hockey team (name) is The New Westminster Salmon Bellies ... and for whom are they the farm team? Do NOT click this link ... or you will never ever wake up.
  5. I must give props to the Good Doctor Mrs Doctor ... for this intriguing bit of research: Which Think Tanks Have The Most Influence?
  6. I had a lovely (private) exchange of messages with Betsy Speicher on Facebook, civil and frank. As far as Checking Premises goes, the schisms/fractures do not follow all the expected fault lines. So, we have Betsy (almost) supporting Dr Mrs Doctor, and various former groupings splitting along unknowable lines ... the frenzy for de-Frenzing Facebook entities is like a merry-go-round for adults, and I no longer know if it is possible to discern any ideological/cult allegiance driving the mini-splits and snits and huffing and puffing. It reminds me of the glory days of Communism in Canada, when the ML-Trots worked against the ML(non-Trots) who worked against Hardial Bains kookshop, who denounced all other contenders ... None of it makes sense to me at all.-- unless I re-read Bizarro Superman comics: Thank you, Ninth, for trying to sort out the various unrolled spools of kookery and spreading stains of craziness. [Added] Meanwhile, and I am sure this has been noted already. Noodlefood is now Philosophy in Action: http://blog.dianahsieh.com http://www.philosophyinaction.com/wp/
  7. Cheri, you might consider placing your story in your own personal Blog here at OL. Blog entries can only be read by members, which -- if you have the least privacy concerns, would let us all read and comment, but keep the details of your personal life one step beyond internet search engines ... Contact me backstage if you need a walk-through the mechanics; our MSK is always willing to provide.
  8. Cheri, some of the most moving and revelatory writings on the traps that bedevil the Objectish are personal stories. One of our prime cultists (the nameless Schoolmarm) revealed his early "social retardation" in a series of painful tales. In the tales he touched on his disappointments and exclusions. It struck me at the time, and upon close re-reading, that Objectivism can damage the vulnerable, those who are the least bit autistic or socially inept. Far better for one's (false) self-image to believe or state that it is The Other Guy's fault in all conflict situations. This is a hallmark of the kind of thinking that requires -- in extremis -- cult exit counselling. Whether a mind is willingly delivered into membership of The Elect as with the schoolmarm, or one is (as with Scientology, Church Universal and Triumphant, etc) lied to and emotionally-manipulated into adherence -- along with est, Landmark Forum and other totalistic systems, the common denominator, the operating principle, acknowledged or inherent -- is separation from the larger community, from attachment to the Wrong Ideas and the Wrong People. Using ancient techniques of shame and group pressure, and by exploiting people's emotions, and apparent need for certainty and security, many slip unwittingly into mental bondage to the Ideal. They abandon the Wrong People who have harmed them -- their own mothers and fathers first, and then outward in rippling circles. Of course, the ancient techniques are part of the human repertoire of behaviour and will never be absent from humanity, but if we can be vigilant we can sometimes help prevent someone going down the rabbithole. One of the things that you might research is Attachment Theory. This is 96.8% hooey, but with a kernel of truth. The takehome message is that if a child cannot form an attachment to another human being (usually parent or first caregiver) at an early age, the normal process of human development is stayed or hobbled or retarded. (this of course does not equate to anything pathological -- as with infants who cannot easily form attachments because of profound autism or other developmental disorders, And it does not include those who have received the kind of brain injury that damages regions of the frontal lobes -- what is known as aquired sociopathy, and its related loss of impulse control, moral reasoning and emotional valuation ). The most horrifying examples of extreme attachment disorders are those that are caused by neglect -- the kind of horror that was discovered in the Romanian orphanages, those pathological incubators of mentally damaged and deformed children. It is a commonplace and a truism that predators alway seek the vulnerable, but those children who have formed poor attachments are at risk of victimization. An inchoate, pre-conceptual mode or incipient emotion of longing for love (without knowing its name or its expression, only its absence) can lead those children to further damage at the hands of exploiters and predators. There is one cult group that you should be aware of -- the Stefan Molyneux cult. It operates on the ugly standard lines. Its 'exclusion' terminology is not that of Scientology, but it apes every successful cult from the first religion on -- the Molyneux cult calls it De-fooing. Foo meaning Family Of Origin. His most awful psychological 'crime' is that he uses the techniques to separate people from reality at the very time of their routine adolescent separation dramas. He preys on those at the cusp of adulthood, using the selfsame emotional storms that accompany separation (from nurturant family to independence) to bind his victims to his personal enterprise. This is Thought Control, the element that stalks the margins of Objectivism, the impulse to control the beliefs and behaviour of those under the same epistemic roof. You see the repeat eruption of this again and again and again in the 'movement'** -- it is remarked upon in the current continuing thread about Dr Mrs Dr Hsieh, who is building her own cult and having troubles with the mechanics of Thought Control. It is the hallmark of the degeneracy of Peikoff, chief cultist, and represented also by the inept toads of the new anti-Hsieh Puritans. It seems your son was unable to form a strong, enduring attachment -- for whatever reason -- and so was extremely vulnerable to The Ideal, a set of principles that could explain his pain and feelings of exclusion. It is not him, not circumstances beyond control, not particular damaging things that were done to him actively or via neglect. It is The Fools and the schmucks whom he separates from ... I guess he is managing his move into adulthood with what tools he thinks he has, his own mind and passion, and without guidance. You sense a tragedy ... as any mother would, because you love him and will always love him ... Bless you for your heart and your seeking mind. You have certainly found a haven for independent thinking here. __________ ** it would be tragic if it were not so funny. The new Cult of Extreme Cultitude at Checking Premises is populated almost entirely by non-achievers, ciphers, cranks and non-entities, whose only claim to glory is that they follow the One True and Narrow Path. Of course, from my point of view, that path leads to a bunker with no escape and no happiness, just delusions of being Elite. I will not name anyone in particular, but a close look at those pathetic losers is quite instructive. Lonely, loveless, single, stupid and righteous, hoping to attach to a surging Vanguard, and finding themselves ultimately bereft of humanity or sense of proportion. The sad and hilarious spawn of a deformed Objectivism.
  9. This is a bit harsh, don't you think? Talking heads on the left have generated a lynch-mob mentality, going so far as to describe Zimmerman as a "white" hispanic, since he has one white parent. By that standard, Obama should be described as a "white" black man, since his mother was white. There is no reason why race should have entered into discussions of this situation at all, but OL members are not the one who did it. We don't have enough information to know what happened, but this hasn't stopped the "race hustlers" (to use Sowell's term) from exploiting it. Btw, I watch a lot of news, including MSNBC and Fox News, and I can assure you that Fox has been more objective than other networks. Of course it is harsh. It revolts me that folks have no interest in justice, and operate in the Red Zone of prejudice. Look back through this thread. Find me the post that lays out a concern for justice without reference to race. As for Fox being the voice of truth in this matter. Are you fucking kidding me? The channel that has a hard time choosing between blonde and blondes and blondes -- who chooses its female cough journalists by bust size - and who apparently cannot find a commentator or expert who is not a losing candidate for national office for the Republicans. The more that Objectivish people clap along with the nutters and haters of the right-wing Christian fuckheads, slipping into bed with retrograde Xtian zombies like Santorum, or deluded old fuckheads like Gingrich, or fucking idiots like Perry or demented crap-dealers like Bachman, or magic-underwear plutocrats like Romney ... and the more they show the empathy of a cow patty, the more the Ick drips. Fox is a reach-around circle-jerk, the mirror image of the sniggering bias of Russia Today's channel. My remarks reflect my personal revulsion for the grotesqueries found in this thread (of course, I have not noted the 2 or 3 reasonable comments, or the mutterings of that daft socialist windbag Darth Lynam who wants to grab your guns). As for this: There is no reason why race should have entered into discussions of this situation at all With respect, George -- his makes absolutely zero sense to me. I have said my piece. The advanced race-jurists and windbags here can litigate this until they sober up or get out of Detox. Maybe the case will have come to verdict by the time of our Election Party at OL. I will keep my mouth shut until that time. [George -- you are a rare blue diamond. My apologies if any of this reads as personally-directed. I did not mean to do that, but will let it stand. I do not often go nuts myself, but when I do, it is because of a deep anger. I cannot hide that. Every day this year I have dealt with gruesome violent death and oppression in my work with Syrian activists, media outlets, etcetera. The horrifying bias of media in the Middle East (and on the Middle East) sickens me each day, and I am afraid I let my absolute bias and anger bleed through. I respect your opinions, but I differ mightily on a few items. -- back to my cave.]
  10. I am still waiting for commentary here that does not prejudge the entire matter. I expect that the many little judges on this list have reached verdicts in their hearts. I cannot find a note here that has the least interest in shutting the fuck up until the case goes to law. And now, of course, now that Zimmerman has been brought to law, charged with unlawful killing, the judges have decided that justice is suspect. The ICK factor writ large. The disempathy and knee-jerk attachment to Fox verities. The seeming need to make this a make-or-break case that will illustrate the awfulness of folks who are concerned about the death of an unarmed youth. The rampant sleazy prejudice and mocking of a grieving family's concerns. Does anyone grandstanding and huffing and puffing worry that they may sound just like any other lowlife fucking racist whiteburger peckerhead? The ICK factor of this forum. Seriously. That kind of coded shit makes me sick to my stomach. I accuse no one of straight-up racial prejudice, but I smell something foul in the reactions of folks whose opinions I otherwise respect. Of course, if we wait for the black Objectivists here on OL to say what is in their hearts ... they may not be willing to speak up at the moment while the White Guys tell us what to think ...
  11. OK, got your attention. Yeah, so it does not exactly pertain to Objectivism, except by reference to a terrible prejudice that they often do not give a shit about anybody not related to them by blood or commerce. Of course, the benefit to someone like the fabulous ARI head of state would be great. From UK's The Independent:
  12. This is sad news. I offered my condolences to his friends and family at his Facebook page, where tributes continue to be posted. He added to OL, and now can add no more.
  13. On the subject of Islam. Craig Winn wrote a book titled "Prophet of Doom". It consists of passages from the Koran in chronological order, for each passage 5 of the most respected translations, and commentary from Craig Winn. The book is free of charge. [...] The truth about Islam is in the Koran. Perhaps Muslims should kill everyone who reads the Koran or encourages people to read the Koran. I see it does not take long for the hypnotic quality of stereotype to do its number on my first post. I do feel a little bit like Phil, bemoaning my 'good points' ignored, sob sob, but I can state my concerns without whining and keening, perhaps. The cartoon of Islam presented by the three worthy gentlemen here is evocative, and in a strange way, comforting. Without doing a lick of work in challenging and testing the assumptions underlying the stereotypes, cartoon notions allow us to slip into comforting old slippers of mental habit. Infidel knows enough about Islam to know it is Evil. Same with Ba'al, and so, apparently with Jerry. And all LM needs to know about Ba'al is that he is The Jew. What is the point remarking upon or discussing reality -- which is not an Orc, nor Muhammed, nor slavering Jews -- examining the reality of this man el-Shater and his chances of acquiring power? What is the point of remarking upon the details of his life, his character, his actions, his policies, and his competitors? What is the point of looking at Egypt and its relationship (security, above all) with the US, with the peace treaty, with war and Israel and the rest of the challenges of beginning the end of the authoritarian era? As Phil might say it in rather more stagey, operatic screams and flounces, why do I raise such issues on OL?** Since Jerry, Ba'al and Infidel already know the plot, the ending and the major events, no need to refer to reality -- or discuss it -- whatsover. As for our Libertarian Muslim, he happily draws on the oldest, sleaziest of caricature himself. From refuge of contempt and arrogance, the four creatures regard each other and test their ability to work some wisdom from complicated issues. Fuck it. Fuck discussion. Far better to simplify, cut a big slab of I Got The Truth cake, cite some Crank-of-the-third-class, step into those comfy slippers, and slop around a bit -- amongst ones prejudicies, ones set-pieces, ones pleasurable illusions of possession of knowledge and mastery. ___________ ** while continuing to sob and keen, I should note that like Phil, I do take my voice and opinions and eyeballs to other forums. Phil has his classes in poetry at the local church, and I have my Syria Comment. I will think twice before sob sob hiccup, raising an issue here for Cartoonizing ... hiccup snivel.
  14. Carol, it usually only takes nine or ten pokes at the cage to make Janet come up with a tangible reference. If we started today, badgering her to show her homework, I think that maybe around May 4th Janet would cough up the correct reference to the Facebook entity or page she is muffling about. Otherwise, what do you have to go on? One of the straws in the stack is called Mumble Mumble, and Janet may or may not be causing her distress. Our job is to get the pitchforks and start sifting thoughr Facebook for Mumble? I'd say put that effort into scoring some jerseys for the friendly grudge match at the Election Party ...
  15. Times up. Here is him and her shots. Millionaire capitalist / Islamist, Khairat El Shater, and his possibly lovely wife, former engineer Azza Ahmad Tewfik, mother of eight girls and two boys. <img style="width:350px" src="http://www.egyptindependent.com//sites/default/files/imagecache/highslide_zoom/photo/2012/04/02/93071/shater.jpg"> <img style="width:350px" src="http://cdnlive.albawaba.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_headline_node//sites/default/files/im/AR_BTN/Azza-Khairat-Al-Shater-Wife-Egypt.JPG"> Click that glamourous mug for more information on possible First Lady Azza.
  16. As if we needed more proof that Canadian politics is a snoozefest, this! It is almost like prostitution has been around as long as trade was a concept and male was dominant over female. Or is that right? Our cousins in one of the chimp species have been observed using sex as a soother and an invitation to exchange (for food). Penguins too. I cannot see one society on earth that deals with this 'scourge' that will not be exterminated. Is it France, where it is legal but ... or Belgium and the Netherlands where it is legal but ... I am happy Canada stumbles sleepily beyond the legal, but ... zone, if only to offer one more small margin of protection to those who were victims of the pig farmer and police indifference. We can look to our cousins in Nevada, Europe and especially New Zealand and Australia, which have legal brothels in all but name, and we should consider the many cases against 'swinging' establishments in Quebec, and the legal efforts by organized sex workers to form a protective 'guild' or co-op (a brothel in all but name, even if to shelter vulnerable street prostitutes during their "dates"). How can you not communicate for the purposes of prostitution? What are the finer points of 'Bawdy house' 'living off the avails' 'communicating for the purpose' ... ? I think these adjoining issues will be forced in the courts again and again until firm decisions come down. Our laws date to 892 BC in some instances, it seems. I have no other opinion but a heavy sigh. But if this enduring activity cannot be expunged, the Canadian solution seems to be drifting towards 'safe' as the margin (as with Safe Injection). So, safe bawdy houses, maybe regulated up the ass by regional health on federal authority and on a steady if not friendly relationship with police. Questions remain (I am sure Objectivists have some of the most imaginative answers): If bawdy houses become legal, then who and what is still criminal communication, criminal "communicating for the purposes of prostitution," if not on the the street what about sex ads? Is the four pages of slick ads for Escorts and Ladies and You Know What Massage and More urban weeklies (like the Georgia Straight) soliciting, or is it just sitting in front of a congressional dais? How does a legal bawdy house pay for its business licences, for example, or arrange television advertising? And - what do the actual working girls and guys want in their various levels of struggle? Shall we invite the casino and hospitality industries to ally with provincial tourism departments and the Solicitor General to hammer out a plan for summer? Fly north, get stoned, get gay married to your buddy, poke up safely with heroin, visit a bawdy house, get a tattoo, get gay divorced, get an abortion, go shopping, get stoned, and then go back to security of the homeland. This cartoon is from Torontoist, depicting Justice getting a spanking from the Lady (a former successful dominatrix) who rode victorious over the Crown, Terri-Jean Bedford. -- and for my cousin but for the Homeland Adam, a bit from and a link to the Wikipedia article Canada v Bedford that details the boring new hole in Canada's criminal code, On March 26, 2012 the Court of Appeal struck down the bawdy house provisions as unconstitutional and amended the Criminal Code provisions to clarify that the prohibition on living on the avails of prostitution (pimping) applies only to those who do so “in circumstances of exploitation.” [41] However, the Crown’s appeal of the communicating for the purposes of prostitution was successful, as the Court of Appeal ruled this law does not violate the prostitutes’ Section 7 rights and is a reasonable limit on the right to expression. This means street prostitution, where prostitutes solicit business in public, still remains effectively illegal. The Court of Appeal stayed the effect of their ruling on the law against operating a common bawdy-house for 12 months to give Parliament an opportunity to amend the law in a manner that does not infringe the Charter.
  17. I think about my OL compatriots (and almost-compatriots, separated as we are by Homeland Security and old glories) even when trawling and reviewing my obsessions in the Middle East. In a couple of posts I made reference to the business/capitalism/entrepreneur class that produced many of the Freedom and Justice Party candidates and honchos in Egypt, and wondered at the story I fished up about US-FJP discussions slopping over into "we are capitalists, too!" wonderlands.** Still, as careful readers will have noted, libertarian ideas in one sector -- free economies (or a least a freeing of economic actors from state control and bureaucratic oversight) -- can come from the least-probable sector. Lots of the reform side of the FJP are of this stripe. But, and most horrible but, the guy who will either be the next President of Egypt or a close contender is a 'free-market' capitalist of high achievement as well as the husband of an apparent ninja woman ... If anyone can name him and picture his wife in the next ten minutes or so, I will donate several copies of Nietzsche translations for our Election Party. Besides that rather startling news about crazed capitalist sharia-guy as Prez ... I came across a Syrian Randian. I kid you not. Only the brave will venture into this site as it is dense with opinion (like OL) and argument (like, um, not SOLO) and a single obsessive topic. But get a load of this quote from a man called Khalid on Walls حيطان as a tease for new readers: “Crony capitalism” is an oxymoron. To advocate for a fettered market system is to advocate for a mixed economy and more of today’s problems. What we instead should be demanding is pure unfettered capitalism with the sole role of government being the protection of individual rights. Link to full-size version of this photograph of Farjella, one the many sites in Syria's haunting 'Dead Cities' region. ____________ ** The GOP Brotherhood of Egypt (Salon) Demonized in the U.S. as radical terrorists, Egypt's Islamists are actually led by free-market businessmen BY AVI ASHER-SCHAPIRO
  18. Thanks for that vote of confidence. I will collect a few of my better posts in re Syria and post some links here, in passing. What we will see in Libya is at least a year of struggle to consolidate a new temporary regime of security and economic management. Although some find alarming the lack of cohesion, it is still remarkable to me what happened after 42 years of their version of Mad King George. Frankly, at my most cynical, I must admit that even Canada acted lordly in Libya. We ran the airshow and are now collecting the commercial spoils as Mr Clean in the energy industry. US commercial interests expertly maneuvered the run-up and aftermath. Turkey will ease smoothly back in to construction and infrastructure. Other allied nations under NATO and Qatari blessing will prosper in Libya. Sadly, Russia and China will face a few delays in commercial harvests ... Libyans who took their exile in Canada, the UK, and the USA flocked back to the homeland. It is their 1777. I will be concerned in a year if they have not got more of their shit together, but Gazzafi really fucked up everything politically, save his insistence on education. That is obviously bringing benefits back along with its new stronger western tilt and alliances. I must give more than zero credit to America (subtract Obama) for coming out on the other side more deeply influential in both Tunisia and Libya. American power (to Russian dismay) expanded. I look ultimately to KSA and the princely states at least emerging into the 20th century in my time. There the US will face a mighty moral dilemma. Sorry to turn everthing back to the electoral choices Americans face in the run-up to November, and to the four horsemen of the Republican party, but Adam -- have you checked what little they have had to say on these MENA issues? When I say the rapture-infected maniacs have too much sway in the hoopla on the way to Tampa, I look at candidates support for acts and actual actual enunciated policies. Thus my distinction between what they say they will do and their actual plans and chances of implementation. On actual US policy and its continuance of US interests, we can disagree, of course. I say most American do not fear Obama at the foreign policy tiller because they understand the US Ship of State is huge and no one person can suddenly divert it from its pre-planned courses. If anything, all the Republicans foresee a strong turn, a more punitive, a militaristic if not bellicose America. I think more Americans are weary of this than relish it, as voters. In the case of Syria (as with Libya), the Republicans also offer a smorgasbord of contradictory options, Bomb/don't bomb, Arm/Don't arm, Get in there/Stay out. I do not get a sense that Romney, for example, has been properly briefed, and that Gingrich will say ignorant things to tempt ignorant votes. Which of those guys knows enough to handle the tiller in this sense? I have no idea where they are going or where they want America to apply its muscle and its moral commitments. Adam, less seriously, but not entirely in jest: do I come off like a maniac or bamboozled-by-socialist-shibboleths Canadian to you on US political issues? Do my opinions or reportage make a difference when you consider the line-up, or are you in a nose-holding pattern until November? On MENA issues, I just do not write much anymore. When I do write I prefer Syria Comment where I can engage closer actors in the drama, where a Wiig would not make it past the garden gate.
  19. William: I am afraid no one can make that promise. Any more than we could make the promises as to the outcome of the "Arab spring" which looks a lot like it is going to wind up as a bitter cold winter. Pandering to maniacs just does not pay, in the end. But I see what you mean. There is, I acknowledge, a long slog ahead, even for a Western-ish bastion like Tunisia. Still, I would stress that people there are no longer at the mercy of an unaccountable personal state as they had been. They have a real, legitimate (if temporary) President and a real (if temporary) leader (PM) of the majority of their new constituent assembly. This after a fair, clean election for the first time. Bear in mind, Adam, that this is a Constitutional Congress, so to speak, in Tunisia's modern history. This is the first true representative assembly since before Bourghiba seized power long long ago. It is transitional, tasked with the delegating, assessing, and passing of a new constitution. It is a pioneer, but similar in status and progress to that of Egypt's. Both countries are still suffering tourism and finance knock-ons and need reconstruction and time to bear fruits of new freedoms, I think, and I am encouraged by the development of social forces that feel free to defend themselves by democratic means -- again for the first time in modern history. It is still a thing of relative and prospective good, to my soft northern heart. I am really encouraged by the friendliness of Tunisia to America and Canada, to Libya's and Egypt's struggling reform movements, to Syria's revolutionists. From my point of view Tunisia is doing pioneering work to consolidate and maintain both that country's civil tradition and its new long-sought liberties of expression. Even in Egypt's sorrow, look how it unified in devotion at the death of its son, its own Pope of its own church. I think they have the means and opportunity to work forward towards human amity and cooperation and realistic relations with neighbours. There is no immediate or looming threat from Egypt to US interests. it is still in thrall or in agreement with strategic relations between Israel, the PA, Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. In many ways they continue their intense security relationship with Israeli authorities, by terms of peace. Libya is an outiier, and will struggle in proportion to the destruction of its institutions and forms of security, and is further behind by many months from an election or assembly as in its nearest neighbours. One other thing to bear in mind is that the three countries have formed closer relations since last year and will support each other politically and morally in their advances. Moreover, despite surface scuffs, all three countries have moved closer to the USA's third most important ally, Qatar. Above all, from my point of view as a Canadian, our bilateral relationships and trade will surge by virtue of America's spin-turn on events, and via the not-inconsiderable influence of the UK, which sheltered the major Tuniisian political exiles now in office or major party leadership. Now, if I strain to look at things neutrally, from a purely strategic calculation of (North) American and NATO interests and aims, and the continuance of Bush-era advances in 'liberty promotion' -- something went right. In sum, the present Administration finessed a situation and advanced US interests, cornered world opinion against Russian, Chinese and other authoritarian influences, threw into relief the value and power of the western alliance.. America emerged from possible fracturing of its alliances or dalliances with dictators to renewed and strengthened alliances. It follows public opinion closely on non-intervention in Syria, but support for Syrian freedom by all other means. Does anyone really fear Obama at the wheel? Big changes in the world and America is still on top and on its international game. Sometimes the world goes your way, and not much has not gone the USA's way (or NATO's way) from Finland to Turkey. America retains a certain authority to act, as ever, as in Kosovo or Berlin or Korea or Grenada or Libya or wherever, as it sees fit, and as it pulls back from errors and overreach in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's policy and international power politics and worth discussing, but I mean to stress the human experience and the rational, human understanding of events that will take some time ramify in effect. How about this? If last year was Tunisia's 1776 or (in Canada's case) 1982, a legal and social-psychological break, a revolution indeed, when do we then weary of futile movements for freedom and democracy? In 1778, 1785, 1789? 1812? 1862? I am not trying to corner you to answer out loud to my loaded dice, just angling for you to take a look out my eyeballs at old hope and glory. How long does it take, my friend in liberty and rationality? As an addendum, I would also like to note how very much I do like to go on ... thank you for the opportunity.
  20. Sorry. I thought it was funny, but "news" is okay too. Sometimes activist atheists might seem dour and rather rank in their disdain. But, since I share a certain unspoken disdain for the self-delusion inherent in mythoreligious faith, I still like them, even in their broody, slightly whiff-of-grave negativity about religion. I feel every screaming cry for hellfire ought somehow be met with an equally firm Shut up JesusEater. But that is the nasty me that lurks inside and rarely leaves the house. He maintains radio silence. With this media-riffic stunt in Florida's Polk County, however, I applaud out loud. They stated their stunt was provoked. They were offended by the holy water blessing that had been stunted earlier on the same highway. I love it. Offended by religious group's highway blessing, atheists 'scrub' it away I mean, at a time when you have to kind of shut up and take it up the ass by a Christian Grundy like Santorum or a Christian Grundy slut like Gingrich or a Mormon Grundy cut-out like Romney, isn't it okay to express disgruntlement via the back door (disgruntlement with the menu available for objective-ish votes come November)? Republicans pander heavily to religious zealots, as shown by the four horsemen of the Transvaginal Express, every last one of them. They approve of heavy Christ-law paws down there in the ladies bits, for their own good. It is good to recognize the Ick when in it walks among us, yes? Look at the menu, ladies ... Faith, faith, faith, faith before all, apologetics after. Purges cleansed, holy books redacted, sayings of the prophets fought and sold and the possession of ordained custodians . . . it all just makes me rue the day that religiosity infected Objectivish things. I wish upon a star to get some support in invoking Reality on the kookiepants fundies currently rotting out the Republicans. Is that not possible here? Carol, save me. I seriously believe that Rand circa 1972/76/80 would call out Santorum's grotesque pandering if nothing else. I support the critical scrutiny given Santorum by Objectivish opinionists. I want my Objective friends to be the ones who frankly and realistically tell me what is wrong with the Republican choices, to reassure me that if one of these maniacs gets in the White House, they will not actually do what they promised ... in their pandering to the religious maniacs.
  21. I am glad MSK takes a glance at Maddow now and again. Her two segments covering HBO's "Game Change" (has anyone seen it yet?) were instructive. Some of the clips from the movie were new to me. Taken all together, Maddow's remarks speak to a new conventional wisdom that has replaced the old conventional wisdom. In a particularly telling passage, Maddow notes that Palin's Going Rogue book was the first to offer an insider's report of the 2008 campaign. In that book, remember, it was the named and unnamed 'idiots' and operatives and briefers and top campaign who were responsible for such things as her debacle with Couric. Palin's story reigned among Republicans. Those who took both McCain and Palin to task for lack-of-foresight or a unpreparedness, they were sour-grapers, or seen through Palin's lenses as incompetent or personally-hateful. Rumours of dissension and argument at the highest level in the 2008 campaign were common and reported, but this could be seen as inevitable recriminations that come after failure. Maddow speaks with the woman (veteran of Bush-Cheney 2004, and former White House communications honcho) who was tasked with briefing Palin (as with Gibson, Couric) for scheduled interviews. Does anyone recall how Palin told this story in her book? Well, the campaign staffer, Nicolle Wallace, wrote a book, a roman a clef called Eighteen Acres (the 2nd and 3rd clip below show scenes ostensibly between her, Schmidt and Palin) ... Then one of the honchos in the McCain campaign (now MSNBC voice) Steve Schmidt put out his version of events in turn, and that is the book that was adapted for the film with Julianne Moore. I believe Maddow was talking about, and stressing, the reasonable position that Palin was (at least partly) the agent of her own political misfortunes, and not just a victim of the McCain campaign. Since she herself noted the tension and rejected the advice of McCain campaign staff, it certainly is and was remarkable when McCain staff tell their tale in turn. I do not believe that Palin's account is without self-serving bias, nor do I believe that Schmidt and Wallace are not also glossing their tales. That's politics. But certainly we can examine their observations and claims, and by way of this HBO movie, figure out which of or which mix of narratives is true. In so many ways, Palin's own testimony supports their stories** -- she did not take their advice, she thought they were morons, she did not listen and preferred to do things her own way. Most importantly, and all that Maddow points out, the conventional wisdom on Palin has changed since the time of her book. There is a much more general impression that she was simply not ready for the top of a national ticket, and that her selection was an error. Me, I think they all failed, McCain, the staff, and Palin herself. In 'going rogue' she set herself up for the reaction. Is it a turning away from truth to entertain this kind of analysis? If so, what would an objective analysis look like? Here are two segments of Maddow, the second of which MSK finds unconvincing. Another glance and listen might reinforce or undermine that conclusion. Forced Vaginal Probing in Texas/Doonesbury/Virginia ultrasound debate ... <object width="420" height="245" id="msnbcf0523" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" /><param name="FlashVars" value="launch=46712965^51963^518252&width=420&height=245" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed name="msnbcf0523" src="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" width="420" height="245" FlashVars="launch=46712965^51963^518252&width=420&height=245" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object> Maddow covering the 'error' of the Palin selection, and in discussion with Wallace, cued up to Palin TV Movie clips ... <object width="420" height="245" id="msnbc55ce0" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" /><param name="FlashVars" value="launch=46712975^19735^250083&width=420&height=245" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed name="msnbc55ce0" src="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" width="420" height="245" FlashVars="launch=46712975^19735^250083&width=420&height=245" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object> <object width="420" height="245" id="msnbc3a7917" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" /><param name="FlashVars" value="launch=46713014^2111^430264&width=420&height=245" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed name="msnbc3a7917" src="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" width="420" height="245" FlashVars="launch=46713014^2111^430264&width=420&height=245" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object> __________________ ** but see Palin's video rejoinder to HBO, and the scriptwriter's reply that he wished she would watch his movie before bashing it.
  22. The white right of Alabama and Mississippi has spoken The great states of Alabama and Mississippi performed that excellent ritual of American politics, white people primaries. The level of basic education in the two states is so low, the aversion to reality-checks among Republicans so high (where half Republicans think Obama is Muslim -- a smaller percentage than believe Creation is truth and that reject 'inter-racial marriage') that the two guys who have not a chance against Obama scramble for the two first places ... with a small plurality by Santorum over Gingrich in both. Well, at least apparently the primary electorate is dimly aware of their own prejudices. They do not accept Muslims, evolutionists, abortionists, and can count their own black activists with two feet, they do not accept dirty atheists or gays, or womenfolk who oppose the Transvaginal Express**. They know this about themselves, they know what they want, and only 1 in 5 find Romney conservative enough for their tastes. And what do the Final Four get out of the contests, taken together? Romney takes at least 22 delegates (not counting Hawaii or AS), Gingrich 24, Santorum 29. Fair enough. The white right of Alabama and Mississippi has spoken. No ranking Randian as yet has lined up behind either of the last two gentlemen, let us thank our lucky stars. In the big race for Tampa GOP Glory, in total delegates now, Paul nets 50ish, Romney around 480, Gingrich weighs in at 130-odd, and Santorum has garnered near 250. Somebody needs to net 1,144 for the task of bringing down the Obama presidency. James Lee Burke's New Iberia, Louisiana character Dave Robichaud talks about some of his swampy undergrowth backwoods acquaintances as 'peckerheads.' For the life of me, I associate these two states with lynchings, bus strikes, segregation, George Wallace, dogs set on kids, exceptional rural poverty, virtual 'two nations' living separately, abysmal education, pig ignorance, voter suppression (approved ID only, poll tax), dire infant death stats, and other things that make me want to gather Alabamans and Mississipians to my heart and welcome them in Dominion as our 11th and 12th provinces. However, considering that exit polls of today's Republican voters suggests some 80% self-identify as evangelical/born-again, I realize this is a non-starter. We canuckis are as vile as atheist socialist Danes to these southern eyes, fully as evul as liberal Seattlites. I know Seattlites and Birminghamsters look the same at Walmart (save that the southerners are noticeably heavier and more laden with items from the hominy aisle), but something about the history makes me feel for those states in a way I never feel for Washington or Oregon. They have had so many blows and so much ignorance and strongman Huey Long/Ross Barnett/Cornelia Wallace politics and so much to get past. I see why Romney could win Virginia battlefields but not Mississippi. I bet he wears Carbetbag cologne and never ate 'cheesy grits' till last week. The closest thing we have to compare to this kind of a regional split is a Trudeau wipe-out in Alberta (and most of BC) while winning Ontario. Trudeau could wipe out in Alberta and be hated like no leader until Mulroney, but still rule with a majority. Regional politics are interesting but often painful for somebody. I would never make fun of those two states, they have so many wounds. We have our own puck-banging version of peckerheads but not yet a province-full. Carol knows perhaps more of this exurban demographic, I believe, loving hockey and bus trips. Canadians just do not seem to have as many crazy people driving politics from my perspective, but I will note any corrections for the election night whoopup. There was one great national wipe-out in Canada. Mulroney had been elected with the largest majority of all time (still unbeaten at 2/3rds of the House of Commons seats). In the election following his resignation, the Conservative party was reduced to 2/300. Even the PM lost a place to put her ass. Wipe-out. I like crushing victories and crushing defeats. The Republicans in the South have not yet achieved consensus, let alone the party for a run at O. __________________ Numbers from that leftist rag Haaretz. ** I love Transvaginal Express. Maddow calls it 'forced vaginal probing' in reference to Rick Perry's compulsory measure for women in Texas, another state with too much history. -- love this image of the Northern Watcher at the Alert Wireless Station of Nunavut, apropos of election monitoring: ]
  23. <p>A funny but sad report from Rachel Maddow, who has much fun with the transvaginal express. In this five minute take, she tells of the Doonesbury cartoon that was held back, or posted to online-only/editorial page ... and Rick Perry's Veep chances, since his transvaginal express bill was signed last year. She also mentions a hilarious note from Georgia's transvaginal express lobby.</p> <p><p>She has fun with it, somehow, and is probably the only one on political TV who digs into the, er, full depths of the Republican love for probing women ... I trust her to be following her own nose on things like this, rather than pandering to the scandal of the week. She does keep her eye on a certain libertarian lesbian beat of state intrusions into all manner of ladies bits, lesbian and gay bits, military veterans bits, etcetera. She is no Rush Limbaugh, granted, but hey ... it's a free market on cable and she is more handsome than the other dullards and shills on MSNBC. For ever fox, a maddow to cross.</p> <p><p>Worth the price just for watching her talk calmly about Governor Vaginal Probe -- and for Rick Perry's clip advising women on why they must endure a legislated cold plastic peepshow up the hoho. For GOP Ick connoisseurs only, I might add.</p><p> <object width="592" height="346" id="msnbc26c7e1" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" /><param name="FlashVars" value="launch=46712965^49213^514128&width=592&height=346" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed name="msnbc26c7e1" src="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" width="592" height="346" FlashVars="launch=46712965^49213^514128&width=592&height=346" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object>
  24. A memo from the man at Premier Radio Networks to radio stations has been getting a lot of play. Seems like Premier ordered an advertising truce across all affiliates, telling local markets to avoid playing ads by some 100-odd listed advertisers during Rush Limbaugh (and other 'controversial' products it places). The two-week moratorium is explained by the industry insider at the link below, some of it (they did not publish the full list -- though a screenshot of the memo was preserved here). Creepy, the spin that is going on all over the place. Gossip, or gassip is on all burners, but the facts emerging suggest Rush is paying a commercial price for mouthing off Fluke -- and the Republicans themselves are wearing the stain too, for being so mealy-mouthed, because they each support the acts and legislation that Fluke spoke against. And none of them seem concerned about the (fair or not) anti-woman stain spreading beyond its first margins. If the Final Four keep sniping at each other in an attempt to corner the frothy-mouthed "base" holding up the elephant, with all four going to convention ... all in all this week's campaign news sums up as not good for the GOP, to my eyes. Michael, I think I would be fair to say now is not time to carry Republican banners if you are a woman. What can she write on the sign -- 'Make me submit to transvaginal ultrasound, vote Mitt, Newt, Rick or Ron"? When several high-profile Republican women have repudiated their own parties hard-charge to the wingy right, what does that portend for you in terms of the 51% (and prone to vote) ladies portion of the electorate? In 2008, Obama outpolled women strongly enough in places like Colorado to take fresh electoral ground for the Democrats. If the GOP does not forestall this happening again -- outpolling among women -- then similar effects will likely ensue. The Rush imbroglio is the stale lingering cliche on the larger unappealing cake, a big wodge of anti-choice and ant-abortion statutes hustled by GOP politicos accross the nation. I do not point any of this in order to do a victory dance for Obama, but to get folks mentally ready for the 2nd Reign of Evul next January, and to make sure that they understand the truly awful opposing candidates left in the race. Every last one of them faces being crushed by the O-machine in November, if they cannot change course to attract the disaffected. By spending months picking apart their rivals' flaws, they did Obama's job and helped get him ready for the debates. SInce old Southern Uncle Newt pledges to go all the way to Tampa, as does Santorum, Romney will face factional snipers from his own side and four-way money-splits until quite late in the game. By then, O-machine will have not had to spend its war-chest, nor had to do much but point to the newest misstep from the GOP 2012. If the economy continues to ramp up even modestly in the next eight months ... Rush's present issues will be a small sour memory of a stink eight months from now, but the tang will still be attached to the GOP. Sad but true. Rush syndicator tells news/talk affiliates not to run its barter spots for 2 wks