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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Leonard Peikoff is not voting for Trump, and defers to Yaron Brook to tell us why.
  2. GOP Establishment Running Their 1964 Stop Goldwater Plan Against Trump Great article (the part on Trump anyway), thanks for telling about it.
  3. Of course my first reaction was “This is gratitude?” But then I don’t know much about Lewandowski. I gather his more or less replacement is Paul Manafort, a total sleazebag. According to one account – it may not be true – one reason that Trump dropped Lewandowski is that he had encouraged Trump to criticize that Mexican judge, which in fact was a great thing to do.
  4. Listened to the Dallas rally video with half an ear while working. I could have done without his pronouncing “Latinos” with a Spanish accent. And did I hear him suck up to what is called the "LGBT community?" If he keeps that up he will lose votes. He says his rallies are safe places, and so they have been. Afterwards, outside, is another question. Fred Reed on what happened at San Jose. He might have mentioned what happened in San Jose.
  5. That's not the only reason, see your quote of GH Smith earlier. I don’t know who originated it but something like the following has been making the rounds on the Internet. This is what Trump ought to have focused on exclusively: Instead of having a surveillance state to watch Muslims, let’s have a free country without Muslims. And the same could be said for a wider class of people. I’m sick of talk about military invasions.
  6. Roger, Robert Kolker lecturing us on good manners is like Rodney King saying “Can’t we all just get along.” Note that Kolker removed his dirty tagline (in Hebrew) before becoming a goody-goody.
  7. Contra Trump (the second of the two installments)
  8. ARI Watch unloads on Binswanger: Contra Trump (the first of two installments).
  9. Great quote, I can use it. Thanks.
  10. It might be difficult to remember since there’s so much to watch and read about Trump, but do you happen to remember where Trump said this? Mark
  11. I’ve been enjoying MSK’s posts analyzing Trump’s popularity and his methods. Though my mind just doesn’t work that way I can appreciate what he is doing even though I can’t do it myself. I skimmed the Limbaugh transcript and noticed the name “Jim Kallstrom,” described as an executive director of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. Now where had I heard that ... ah yes, the lying head of the FBI’s TWA 800 crash investigation back in 1996. Now he’s the CEO of that charity for Marines to which Trump just donated a million dollars. Trump’s staff need to investigate things more:
  12. Rand was a hypocrite in this business – she didn’t do Platonism but then she didn’t do divorce either – still ... “[James Valliant’s PARC is a] corrective counterpoint to the equally one-sided version of history promoted by Nathaniel Branden. It is possible to read both of Nathaniel Branden’s ... memoirs about his affair with Rand ... and forget that Branden lied to Rand’s face for nearly five years. Branden makes it somehow seem Rand’s fault that she placed so much trust in him – and gave him such a prominent place within the Objectivist community – that he couldn’t possibly tell her the truth about his feelings.” from “In the Ayn Rand Archive” by Jennifer Burns in Raritan (an academic journal of Rutgers Univ.) Fall 2012. (In this article Burns pretty much trashes PARC otherwise.) Mark
  13. Great article by Fred Reed about the RNC blocking Trump's nomination: The Mask Comes Off
  14. “Donald Trump is a delusional narcissist and an orange-faced windbag. A speck of dirt is way more qualified to be president.” — Senator Rand Paul Mark
  15. Here is some of the propaganda that Johnson and his supporters used to beat Goldwater: TV attack ads Libel History repeats itself. Added: Except it's not working this time.
  16. Certainly don’t want to turn off readers in the very first paragraph. Trump is now worth “several billion.” And added to the footnote: Also in dispute [besides how much he inherited to start with] is how much he is worth now. Estimates range from 4.5 to 10 billion dollars. Considering that most of it is invested, doubtless the amount depends on how it’s counted and it also fluctuates. Anyway, he’s rich ...
  17. Fear and Loathing of Donald Trump If you haven’t the time or interest to plow through such a long article just read the Introduction and Conclusion.
  18. Peter, ---------------------------------- Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife! 9:53 PM - 22 Mar 2016 ---------------------------------- Do you want a vice president whose wife has beans on her?
  19. Neil, About the Binswanger exchange, probably he didn’t know who Mark Hunter was. When I posted I didn’t say I ran ARI Watch or link to it.
  20. A brief talk by Mischaël Modrikamen, founder of the People’s Party in Brussels. The accompanying note says it was filmed 11 days before the recent massacre.
  21. Will wonders never cease? Binswanger replied as follows: That's his complete post. Nuts, now I'll have to be nicer to him in future.
  22. There are isolated neighborhoods where you could say Islamism has taken over, and these will expand and their number increase. Still, I agree with you. What is sweeping the continent are people foreign to the West both culturally and racially. Talking about an Islamic takeover is a way of avoiding talking about culture and race, while really talking about it – implicitly. In Europe you risk going to jail if you point out that whites sustain the West. And in most cases the threat of jail isn't necessary, the interdiction has become internalized.
  23. Attributed to Cardinal Richelieu (1585–1642): “Give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I will find something to hang him.”
  24. My chart for Tuesday indicated, vaguely, I shouldn’t have added the last line. I put it in because I didn’t want Salmieri to go into that aspect of his original post. Years ago a government agency (NSF I think) funded a study of astrology, which ended up proving that astrology was .... drum roll ... unreliable. Isn't that annoying, annoying beyond the fact that the government had no business funding studies of anything? There wasn’t the slightest tincture of a reason to spend money or effort or time doing the study. Think of a denial-of-service attack (DoS) on a computer or network, where the attacker overloads the system with requests for information trying to bring it down. Something similar would happen to people if they had to investigate every “arbitrary” theory such as astrology. That said, the official Objectivists – OrgOists – misuse the epithet, just as they misuse every other Objectivist epithet. I see Salmieri replied to my post, saying he disagrees and continues regarding Trump (emphasis mine) “I think the way he handled the Trump Steaks issue is an example in miniature of how he's handled every issue in his campaign, and that, despite his reputation, he’s the least straight talking candidate of a particularly unsavory and dishonest lot (on both sides).” And goes on to say he doesn’t want to talk politics. Probably I won’t reply because I can only repeat what I said before well enough.