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Everything posted by Mark

  1. I was thrown off a forum called “Galts Gulch Online” for the following submission: In “The Civil War Within the GOP” Edward Hudgins writes: “The GOP is in long-term demographic decline. In 2004, some 44% of Hispanic-American citizens voted for George W. Bush, while in 2012 only 27% went for Romney. Hispanic citizens, who accounted for 17% of the population when Romney ran, will represent at least 30% by 2050.” He could have noted too that in 2012 Asian-American citizens, as a percent of them voting, voted even more for Obama than Hispanics did. And African-Americans even more than Asians. And he could have noted that as a percent of the U.S. population these two groups, like Hispanics, are increasing. Will Hudgins, like me, be called a racist for pointing out these demographic facts and their logical consequence? By the way, Peter Brimelow and Edward Rubenstein wrote an essay back in 1997 entitled “Electing a New People” along similar lines. It begins “Demography is destiny in American politics.” Getting back to Hudgins, the same man in the same article concludes that the best strategy for the GOP is to “unite behind a consistent freedom agenda.” Yes, and at the same time the GOP must do what Trump is doing and address the problem with which Hudgins started his article. Mark
  2. In a 2013 interview Trump said, in so many words, Edward Snowden should be assassinated. Unfortunately Trump’s position hasn’t changed much since then. In a CNN interview last July he said: “If I’m president, Putin says [to Snowden] ‘hey, boom — you’re gone’ — I guarantee you that.” and went on to say that Snowden would be treated “harshly.” To hell with Trump. I hope he reconsiders, and fast.
  3. I enjoyed reading Wolf's reminiscences. Jonathan sounds like an ill-natured lout.
  4. A slight correction: It's my understanding Trump attempted to use eminent domain three times (one of which was in Scotland of all places), and failed in the courts all three times. That he failed doesn't mean he wasn't a jerk for trying, but I'm glad his promoters can say he never actually used eminent domain.
  5. Marcus mentioned one way Trump handled the immigration issue, and made a false observation about it. His post can be criticized for this. Verily OL is a thief of time.
  6. Focusing on one small point: Immigrant "stranger violent crime" occurs so frequently that Trump could have found a horrible murder not long after whenever he began his campaign.
  7. What I quoted is not in the printed version of "Of Living Death" in The Objectivist journal, published by Rand. I think it is from her talk by that name, and was therefore excised by Rand before publishing it, strongly suggesting that she thought it was incorrect or unclear. If by "take on Rand" you mean her other work, yes, and not even superficial. But right here she says exactly that.
  8. “When you bring children into the world, you sacrifice your own sovereignty and become a means to an end. The end, the primary concern, are the children.” is Ayn Rand speaking in This audio as video seems to be excerpts from her Ford Hall Forum talk "Of Living Death" except that the above quote, and the preceding five sentences, are not in the printed versions, either in The Objectivist or in The Voice of Reason. If it's true -- is it ? -- that it's from the Ford Hall Forum talk "Of Living Death" then it looks like Ayn Rand herself thought there was something wrong with it.
  9. By “official Objectivists” I mean the folks at the self-styled Ayn Rand Institute.
  10. There’s no comparison between Red China’s "Ministry of Public Security" and immigration law enforcement. Among other things I think Mikee described the contempt official Objectivists have for laboring Americans. The lower class and lower middle class are being driven down by mass Third World immigration. Not everyone has a six figure income and can insulate themselves inside a gated community. The official Objectivists sneer at laborers: the world doesn’t owe you a job!
  11. The media has no sense of history. In 1954 the Eisenhower administration deported approximately 1.3 million illegals, by force or the threat of force. (It was called “Operation Wetback.”) The INS forcefully deported only about 80,000. The numbers are in dispute but the point is that the INS got many more illegals to leave than they had to round up. Most saw the writing on the wall: better to leave under their own control than be suddenly arrested and expelled. Trump could have ICE begin with high profile in your face illegals such as Jose Antonio Vargas.
  12. Pasted from the online version of Merriam-Webster ... modus operandi : a method of procedure; especially : a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime In other words, mode of operation with a certain connotation. If the presidential race comes to Trump vs. Hillary Clinton or Trump vs. Jeb Bush, Trump should refer to his opponent's modus operandi every other day.
  13. Peter makes an analogy between those who advocate what I’ll call “true immigration reform” – the opposite of the leftist-big business coalition’s “comprehensive immigration reform” – and those who shout into an echo-chamber. In the analogy Coulter, Trump, Brimelow, ... correspond to the shouters. Who or what corresponds to the echo-chamber? The same group of people? No, most of America, and they don’t echo what they say they thought it long ago and finally have found their spokesmen. After more mockery Peter says that at least an exception to an immigration moratorium should be made for “refugees.” Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch is a great resource to see why not, also the refugee racket articles on . BG calls this “inchoate conservative cultural noise.” In fact it’s a clear and consistent position.
  14. That thought had occurred to me too. You’re probably right. About Trancinski, he’s in sync with a long article in the latest issue of The New Yorker. Trump is “expanding the discourse of hate” and those who support him are “drifting deeper into unreality.” The author approvingly quotes someone else about Trump’s supporters being “paranoid,” etc. Rand spoke of the disconnect between the intellectuals and the people. The disconnect has never been more obvious than over Trump’s campaign.
  15. “Unrestricted immigration causes real problems that need to be known and considered and dealt with rationally over time through changes in policies and laws ...” We haven't much time left! “... the radical solution is to tear down all barriers now, which, of course, will tear down the United States as we know it in the name of a Utopian justice ...” Radical solution in the sense of leftist. Our radical solution can begin with an immigration moratorium, deportation of illegals, an end to birthright citizenship, automatic denaturalization of convicted felons – they would be deported after serving their sentence, etc. Mark
  16. Re Marcus’s last: M.O. is for criminals. I’ve committed thoughtcrime. Repeat offender. Interesting word tolerate. You tolerate only what you do not like. If you like something you don’t use the word tolerate. America never was the color-blind utopia Marcus makes it out to have been. As for today, just look at the news. I think Wolf is mistaken about immigration. I gather he would do away with countries, that they’re undesirable, that what countries there are should have no effective borders. Open the gates of Vienna and defend women and children on a local basis. I can’t follow him there. By the way, I want to say I like Wolf. He’s smart; writes really, really well; has done lots of interesting things. What I say is not a personal attack.
  17. All right, Selene satirized what I wrote. What I wrote is still correct even if the satire isn’t. The satire doesn’t work. Clovis is a pretty bad egg and Trump made him national co-chairman of his whole campaign. Clovis isn’t confined to Iowa. Trump couldn’t find a human being who knows Iowa? Do Iowans know Clovis? Assuming another and better billionaire doesn’t show up, I hope Trump gets the nomination and wins the presidency even if he is carrying a parasite like Clovis. Mark
  18. The world ought to be divided into independent nations, along cultural lines if not racial, and an essential aspect of that independence is control of the borders. Mass Third World immigration is an attack on American women and children. The migrants come from cultures that disrespect – or despise or hate – women, and they bring that culture with them. Google Sweden muslim crime For another strong point of diversity Google “immigrant mass murder”. Mark
  19. That’s a typical straw man argument. Did I criticize Clovis for not being perfectly pure? Nope. However the man is a political hack who knows how to lap up the gravy. My purpose is simply to see things as they are. Trump made a stupid choice. It makes him look like the other candidates and I don't want him to be like them. ADDED: Clovis is not just temporary for Iowa. Trump made him the national co-chairman of his campaign. If Trump wins he likely will reward Clovis with a political appointment.
  20. He looks like a creep, says creepy things, has a creepy got the word “creep” from a teenager. It’s an inarticulate all purpose negative.) Clovis’s entire career is big government oriented and he’s been getting a fat government check for a good part of it. He tries to fool you with “private sector” but in fact he’s a war profiteer. “... earned an MBA from Golden Gate University and studied at Georgetown University in the National Security program. ... doctorate in public administration from the University of Alabama and then entered the field of higher education. He has taught at various other institutions including Iowa State University in the Masters of Public Administration program. “Upon his retirement from the Air Force, Dr. Clovis entered the private sector ... . ... Logicon Corporation, providing leadership to a wide array of capabilities including human factors engineering, Wargaming for the United States Air Force and technology applications for defense industry clients. .. Associate with Booz Allen and Hamilton [99% of its revenue comes from the feds] ..., Northrop Grumman ... Homeland Security Institute, a DC-based think-tank.” I’m disappointed in Trump about this.
  21. New ARI Watch article: Yaron Brook on Executive Amnesty
  22. She didn't support Reagan. See Presidential Elections – Ayn Rand 1932 to 1980.
  23. Indeed, . About Marcus’s latest ... Stormfront sounds like a neo-Nazi outfit. I’m not familiar with it but if somewhere they say 2 + 3 = 5 then at least so far as that I agree with them. One could say Marcus sounds like Susan Sontag or Tim Wise but maybe that’s going too far. Marcus would bring up the Nazis. To quote Peter Brimelow in his book Alien Nation: “There is a sense in which the current immigration policy is Adolph Hitler’s posthumous revenge on America. The U.S. political elite emerged from the war passionately concerned to cleanse itself from all taints of racism and xenophobia. Eventually, it enacted the epochal Immigration Act (technically, the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments) of 1965. And this ... triggered a renewed mass immigration, so huge and systemically different from anything that had gone before as to transform – and ultimately, perhaps, even to destroy – the one unquestioned victor of World War II ...” I elided “quite accidentally” after “And this ...” because on the contrary it was on purpose, which Peter Brimelow came to realize (the Vdare website is now in a fundraising drive).
  24. After reading Marcus’s latest ... My tone ain’t whiny, good grief. The “nation of immigrants” cliché is addressed on ARIwatch right here. If the FBI said that in 2011 whites committed six million violent crimes against stranger blacks then the FBI is on drugs. Hey Mr. Comey, just say no. In any case this is the wrong statistic to measure. In my last post I specified, precisely, the two statistics you need to measure and compare. As for just what the two numbers are, I don’t know because the FBI makes it hard to find out. But in the event, the comparison is so overwhelmingly lopsided that the truth filters through the mainstream media despite obscurantist efforts: one number is much, much larger than the other. You’ll never guess which. I mean Marcus won’t. Or look at the mug shots, filtered for violent crime, on any police department’s website, e.g. that of migrant-vibrant Los Angeles.