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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Some of the stuff Mr. Kolker mentions is ridiculous but given the FBI's recent history the FBI should always be a prime suspect. A point James Corbett makes in this excellent video: However the Tsarnaev brothers are unlike the FBI patsies described in the above links. Apparently they went through with an attack willingly, knowingly, enthusiastically, and perhaps without being paid for it. ADDED: Identity of the Men In Black and Khaki Uniforms at the Boston Marathon Bombings They were from the New York and Massachusetts Army National Guards' "Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team" (1st & 24th respectively) augmented by those of New York and Rhode Island (24th & 13th resp.). Their presence suggests that there may have been prior intelligence of a possible bombing or, as was announced at the time, there was a drill going on. (The latter would make a trilogy with 9-11 and the London Underground bombing.)      
  2. "... Tsarnaev would be eligible for the death penalty on a federal offense ..." The crime was committed on Boston city property against civilians, so he isn't or at least shouldn't be. The very idea of a federal crime is problematic. All crimes occur somewhere, perhaps at multiple somewheres. Better to prosecute them locally. Police and judges and other politicos are better kept under control if they aren't too far away.
  3. It's now mainstream: "Although the FBI initially denied contacting Tsarnaev ..." So why should we believe what the FBI is saying about it now?
  4. The following is from a Russia TV article: ------------------------------------------------- Zubeidat Tsarnaeva ... ... expressed her dismay at the allegations, recounting Dzhokhar’s life in the US and talking of his status among his peers and friends ... But her biggest suspicion surrounding the case was the constant FBI surveillance she said her family was subjected to over the years. She is surprised that having been so stringent with the entire family, the FBI had no idea the sons were supposedly planning a terrorist act. "They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me…they were telling me that he [the older, 26-y/o Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!" ... Russian 'Alpha' Special Forces team-veteran and vice-president of its International Association, Aleksey Filatov, believes there is more to the case than meets the eye. He emphasizes, firstly, that the origin and religious beliefs of the suspect, along with the specifics of the bombing, have all been carefully pre-meditated and planned by someone within the United States in order to distract the public from the true identity and long-term aims of the actual planners. "Putting a young Chechen in those shoes was top-notch professionalism in distracting everyone from the true identity and motives of the planner," he told RT. "The executors were chosen to confuse the American public and simultaneously untie the White House’s hands in a way that would justify a departure from the rhetoric of non-involvement in military action on foreign territories." ------------------------------------------------- The article doesn't say how Aleksey Filatov knows this. It looks like conjecture at this point, though not unfounded conjecture given the mother's statement (even discounting her claim that the FBI was “controlling” her sons). In the interview (audio in the link) the mother says the FBI had been tracking the older son for three years. Even if Filatov's conjecture is wrong this is huge news yet at this point I can't find it in the mainstream media.
  5. There seems to be a debate over whether to proceed with this as criminal case or a military one. Some want to treat him as an "enemy combatant." This appears to be a criminal case, the creep's motivation for the crime is irrelevant. After all, this is – or used to be? – America. If found guilty in a Massachusetts civilian criminal court the maximum penalty would be life without parole. The feds should be out of it completely by now except as witnesses for the prosecution.
  6. Found wounded and hiding in Watertown. Three others arrested in New Bedford, near the University of Massachusetts [ADDED: Released a day or two later.].
  7. Fox News isn't a good news source and they're already compromised. (I won't elaborate as it's out of focus for this thread.) I’ll give them credit for featuring Andrew Napolitano — great guy, even if he annoyingly uses religion as bedrock (and like the typical Catholic he is pro-unrestricted immigration). Still, he’s swamped there by milquetoasts and neocons.
  8. Alex Jones and his InfoWars has done some good work but today he’s making a fool of himself. At first government involvement in this particular attack was a possibility, and he was right to emphasize it when it was a real possibility. That possibility is now extremely improbable [ADDED: see posts #182 & #185] yet he’s now writing as if it were certain. Government and its sympathizers will still use this affair to its advantage. Though demonizing "the right" is now out they will use it for more "war on terrorism" and more war against the Bill of Rights. I see the attack principally as evidence for the evil of unrestricted immigration and visas, and partly as blowback from mucking around in foreign countries, as was 9-11 both. (On the subject of 9-11 and unrestricted visas, see the Shea Memorandum.)
  9. I should think he would gain more new viewers if he just came out with it. Anyway, this is not the time for advertising tricks.
  10. You're guessing, LOL. Mr. Beck's quite a showman. For a few days this puts attention on him instead of on his news. To change the subject, consider this report about FEMA: They think we're children.
  11. Most informative news article so far: Here's another: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was born in Kyrgyzstan, where people speak Kyrgyz, a Turkic language, and "shares strong cultural and historical ties" (Wikipedia) with Turkey.
  12. Off key. In this situation, the expression of a jerk. The perps are Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, brothers from "a Russian region near Chechnya." However, they may have been from Turkey. They've lived in the U.S. "about a decade" and "legal permanent residents."
  13. According to news reports, Chris Bauman -- one of the victims -- saw the man who dropped a backpack laden bomb in front of him. Later, in hospital, he gave a description of the man to the FBI, who then used it to choose their pictures. So far there is no report saying that Mr. Bauman has seen these pictures and approved them. It's such an obvious detail that people will want to know. The media should say one way or the other.
  14. There are millions of bright people all over the U.S. who went to school in the Boston area and who care more than usually about what happened. This bombing around I don’t think the corrupt element of government is going to get away with anything for very long. Indeed! Why did they omit this? It's as suspicious or more so than saying don't confuse us with any more pictures.
  15. The Boston office of the FBI has a history of corruption. The following is by Rodney Stich, former FAA agent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around the year 2000, sufficient information was uncovered by media investigators and published in Boston area newspapers that enabled state prosecutors to charge FBI agents in the Boston office with criminal activities spanning several decades, which included FBI agents providing information on government informants to organized crime figures that knowingly resulted in the assassination of those working with government agents. ... This publicity forced a congressional investigation into FBI misconduct to issue a two-volume report (February 3, 2004) titled, "Everything Secret Degenerates: The FBI's Use of Murderers As Informants." That report focused on FBI agents in the Boston area being involved in murders, providing information to organized crime figures, and protecting murderers from being prosecuted. ... ... the several decades of FBI agent's involvement in murders in the Boston office was known to FBI and Department of Justice Headquarters, including FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who became complicit in the crimes. Obviously, the misuse of FBI offices and FBI agents in murders constituted a culture incredibly dangerous to the people of the United States. ... ... ... it is dangerous, sometimes fatal, to expose corruption of people in control of the FBI and other Department of Justice divisions. (The same can be said about exposing corrupt federal judges). One of the latest examples of how dangerous this can be was the attempted murder of a petit 5-foot-4 mother of three: Angela Clemente, on June 16, 2006. Clemente was a well-known forensic-intelligence analyst who took an interest in the murderous conduct of FBI Supervisory Agent Lindley DeVecchio. She, and her associate until he died, Dr. Stephen Dresch, spent years obtaining information about his relationship with Colombo mafia boss Gregory Scarpa. Her information, along with others, helped motivate Brooklyn District Attorney Michael Vecchione to file murder charges against retired FBI Supervisory Agent DeVecchio in early 2006. The attempted murder of Angela Clemente was described in an article in the New York Post (June 17, 2006) ...: The gutsy single mom who helped prosecutors crack the case against accused FBI mob mole Lindley DeVecchio was found choked and left for dead early yesterday in a remote section of Brooklyn. Cops, responding to a 911 call at 5.45 a.m., found Angela Clemente in the driver's seat of her car, it's door open, her body sprawled half in and half out, near the Caesar's Bay strip mall in Bensonhurst. From her bed at Lutheran Hospital in Brooklyn, where she suffered a seizure yesterday while being treated for neck and body injuries, a groggy Clemente told investigators she had received several messages from her assailant before agreeing to the early-morning meeting. Her bearded would-be informant got into her black Hyundai and started talking about the case. She told investigators he pretended he had information. And then, Clemente said, he asked her, "Are you going to continue on this case?" "Yes," she answered. With that, she told cops, he whacked her on the right side of her body with something hard, and then put his hands around her neck and started choking her. Apparently convinced he had killed her, he took off. At 5:45 a.m. Clemente was spotted lying halfway out of her car door by a passing dog-walker and a jogger. She didn't know the name of her assailant, but she did provide cops with a description. She remained in the hospital, under police guard. [she had] made a phone call to a journalist about midnight, informing the reporter about the meeting. "If I'm not back by 6 a.m. call the Brooklyn prosecutor," the reporter claimed Clemente said. The journalist called the DA's office at 7 a.m. Prosecutors made calls and learned of the attack. Assistant Brooklyn DA Michael Vecchione, the prosecutor who credited Clemente with helping him get a murder indictment against [retired FBI Supervisory Agent] DeVecchio, believes the attack is linked to the former G-man. Vecchione also would not discount the possibility that the murder attempt was the work of DeVecchio sympathizers, some of whom are former FBI agents. Earlier this month, Vecchione complained in court that some witnesses had been harassed by DeVecchio's FBI buddies. The ongoing saga about that case, the FBI and DOJ, is described in book, Crimes of the FBI-DOJ, and the Mafia, and to a lesser extent in the book, FBI, CIA, the Mob, and Treachery. ... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. From the FBI press conference: "other photos should not be deemed credible." Why not?
  17. The investigators need to explain their delay (almost a day) in realeasing the picture of two suspects [ADDED: later exonerated] and their continuing delay (over a day now) in realeasing the video.
  18. Strategy of tension - Boston Marathon bombing by Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley Excerpt:   As the initial shock subsides to make way for an official narrative that will no doubt squeeze every ounce of political capital from this heinous deed, we want to point out some of the inconsistencies we've noticed thus far. A marathon spectator, Fred Milgram, speaking to Irish 'NewsTalk' Radio, said that he was talking to Boston Marathon runner Tim Hare, who saw a trashcan explode. Milgram stated that the other bomb was in the Marathon Sports store close to the finish line. This contradicts 'anonymous sources close to the investigation' ... who claim that the explosives were contained in "6-liter pressure cookers and hidden in black duffel bags" left on the sidewalk. Milgram also stated that marathon runner Tim Hare claimed that there was a young man who had been wandering around warning people for hours that "something was going to happen". Another Boston marathon runner, Mike Heiliger, told the Squamish Chief newspaper that a woman holding several bags had been telling runners who were picking up their pre-race packages in downtown Boston on Saturday (April 13th) that they were going to die if they participated in the event.   "I was downtown on Saturday and you know, you see these people on the street and think it's just some nutbar," he told The Chief from his Boston hotel on Monday. "It was a little creepy ... I heard her say to this runner two feet away from me that, 'If you run tomorrow you're going to die.'"   [More at ] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Comment: Beware of the fallacy of culling preceding events. If nothing had happened no one would remember these warnings. Still, they are facts worth considering.
  19. The stuff coming from the Left you couldn't put in a satire, it's so far out. Some of them want a tax protester to be the perp. A crazed tax protester wouldn't kill IRS agents, no, he'd kill random taxpayers! Of course it would be best if a lone nut were the perp, whatever his motivation – possibility number 1 in my list of four in post #30. The other three possibilities entail more attacks. Trouble is, with the twisted logic of the Left a lone nut means the feds should crack down further on guns – even though no guns were involved! It's insane and the insanity is in your face. "How stupid do they think we are!" and they think we're imbeciles, with some justification.
  20. Short radio interview with Alastair Stevenson, well worth listening to: Boston Marathon Witness Interview He comes across as objective and reasonable, not given to exaggeration. The conclusion he doesn't allow himself to say is that the local government is lying. Why, that is, why the lie?
  21. From a review of John Mackey's Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business (Ayn Rand once called Milton Friedman almost her exact opposite, but looking through Mackey's dim intellectual lense they appear similar): Obviously he hasn't read Ayn Rand with any understanding.
  22. An animated graph of drone attacks in Pakistan alone: produced by Last week there was an "Obamadrone" attack in Afganistan which killed 12 children. A friend of mine in Boston – who had been 100 feet away from where the first bomb exploded and only five minutes before he and his girlfriend had gone to the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel behind the Public Library in order to use the bathroom! – tells me his first thought was that the Marathon attack might have been by a Moslem student in reaction to the drone attacks, that the one last week was the trigger. To go off on a tangent: If so, what is that Moslem doing studying here – for the most part at U.S. taxpayer expense – if he has good reason to hate the U.S. government and the stupid, ignorant Americans who cluelessly support it? The college/university administration who admitted him should be held partly responsible. Again, if so.
  23. A brief history of this "Jewish liberation" can be found in the footnotes to The (First) Attempted Assassination of President Truman