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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. "for each man kills the thing he loves..." Wilde
  2. So, you saved enough from work to pay off your costs from the bankruptcy and start up a new business, without bank loans or any injection of extra capital? I salute you. If my comments come off as sarcastic, I am not writing well enough.
  3. Brant, I never thought that NB was less than supportive of his patients. I do not think that button-pushing "Tough Love" therapists if there are any, can maintain much of a clientele
  4. Robert B, there is actually a serious point buried in the banter here. Distraction, focus and reinforcement of pleasure are basics of cognitive therapy. I know it is very effective, but not having had it or studied up on it, my impressions are very subjective and may be wrong (maybe Dennis H or Sharon P who are therapists might look in and correct me) Most of us use these techniques without realizing they are therapeutic: Resolutely we set our minds to a positive reassuring truth to fight the dark spiral of suppositional self-doubt and its deceptive supporting examples. Or we deliberately disengage to a soothing impersonal mind game, alphabet challenges or making up Jeopardy categories and questions, or whatever. We allow ourselves to breathe, to regroup, because depression is so exhausting that without help we will eventually get too tired to fight.
  5. PDS, your post helped me achieve a seminal insight, I almost dare to call it an Integration. I have a standing therapy appointment every Saturday night! And sometimes weekday lunchtimes, in emergencies. My inner resources are greater than I knew, and while the zero-sum balance proceeds with the outer resources, I will continue my therapy as long as I can afford it.
  6. True enough, but under that definition, the occasional glass of Ale probably qualifies as therapy as well.
  7. No, you didn't. I was assuming that therapists know what causes pain to their clients and explores those issues, being careful to avoid causing that same pain except for explicit therapeutic reasons. Good swoop. Now it is STEP one-two-three, Turn one-two-three....
  8. Sure you have, PDS. Don't you practice martial arts and read the Stoics?
  9. I do not think any therapist should intentionally hurt a client, however tough. But oh hell, Brant, up off your feet and let's do the Semantica ... they're playing our ....! (Complete this sentence)
  10. This is vey heartening. Who threw the money at you to restart after your first business failed? They took a risk and obviously were rewarded handsomely.
  11. Forgot one thing, the genetic factor. Serious (clinical) depression is highly heritable. If any family members have suffered from mental illness or displayed observable symptoms of psych disorders, an individual's potential for developing problems is unfortunately multiplied. Take these into consideration when trying to get to the root of depression /anxiety.
  12. This really should have gone on Canadian Boring but it did not make the cut.
  13. Dear Durham Regional Officer Scott Burns "Joe Mayo": When next your outraged sense of justice demands that you contact douchebags, card-carrying al-Qaidans, advising them to readjust their ethnic anatomies in unrealistic ways, do not contact the Provincial Ombudsman. Stick to the City Councillors of cities you do not live in. Just a hint. Concerned Served and Protected Citizen
  14. There is also the (unquantifiable) negative benefit expressed by therapy clients, roughly, "I know I'm a neurotic mess but without Dr X I would be way, way worse."
  15. I gave you my experience, |Robert, skimpy as it was I considered it successful. If Brant wanted to I think he could amplify on his own experience, as I understand it he was in therapy with Nathaniel Branden, which he has often indicated was highly beneficial to him.
  16. If everybody could adjust their brain chemistry just by using their brains, there would be no need for discussions like this.
  17. jts, you do not have a freaking clue about this subject. SHUT UP. Er, please, if you wouldn't mind.
  18. It depends on if the depression is situational or clinical. IMO "talk therapy" only works for CD in conjunction with antidepressant meds. Based on experience as I had it descend on me twice out of nowhere, at points of success and happiness in my life, before I found out that it was physically based. If Moralist is reading this, he will be glad to know that I certainly blamed myself for my misery both times, and did not assign blame or anger to outside agents.
  19. I saw a therapist twice, and she was great. I would not have gone there, except she was free as a "sorry we fired you" sop to the 10% of a payroll axed by a well-planned and totally unexpected downsizing by the company I worked for. I don't know what kind of therapist she was, and apart from praising the creativity of my resume (which indeed got me tons of interviews) she didn't help me get another job, but after talking to her I definitely felt better - actually physical lighter. Not that the feeling lasted long.
  20. "Oversimplification" is a very benign description. Rand's view of history is so selective that I am convinced she knew even less of history than she did of psychology.
  21. "...only get wages..." Damn editor is on break again
  22. "Livable wage" is subjective, but the "living wage" that I was talking about is calculated by lowest average costs for housing and food for a single person, couple or family, such as are used in determining welfare rates. People who struggle for a living wage know only too well that you can only get based on your boss's definition of productivity.
  23. Michael, I was referring to your comment about "friend in this business", re the HP and the WP, not you or your friends at all.
  24. Wowie William! Is there any way to see a similar breakdown of their costs/outgoings?
  25. All fine and well, but the ARI and innumerable other "not for profits" whose mission is to eliminate taxation and destroy the welfare state, routinely reap tax exemptions in the same spirit. Ayn Rand and Social Security, etc.