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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. " "So to his boss he walked, and said, Look here, the answer's No And let me know Bill, on this day, If from here I must go." -John Rearden reproduced without permission
  2. And \Michael, your "friend in this business" comment tells me that you do not understand the business of actual journalism, apart from spinning. Maybe Arianna hates the ex-owners of the WP and all their works, or maybe they are her bffs, but if her purported news organ did not report on this significant story it would be remiss. Should friendship trump objectivity in business and professionalism?
  3. A for-profit business "fed off" the tax dollars extorted from Americans, in order to create wealth for themselves - isn't this the archetype of an Objectivist coup , using the resources of the evil to promote good? As for the students, caveat emptor.
  4. "" got to be carefully untaught" -Southeast Pacific
  5. Passion seems to be a major area of divergence. Epictetus, at least, considered passion, including erotic passion, an impediment to true happiness and reason, as it "distorted virtue". Rand reconciled passion with reason as an expression of an individual's highest virtues (with mixed results as we know).
  6. But a major characteristic of Rand was her passion. She was passionate about her ideals, passionate in her persoal relationships. Her own passion is also reflected in her fictional heroes and heroines - they too are very passionate. As for the stoic attitude toward passion: isn't it very different from Ayn Rand's philosophy?
  7. Is that spelling a hint that you are writing, "on this occasion?"
  8. Hail Mikee! Tho' life can be rocky And the damn welfare state is so balky, You can now spend your time on the government's dime, And it isn't too late to learn hockey! MHR Carol
  9. Dear Diary, Living with the in-laws is awfully jolly, and I am blessed that I have always got on so well with them, unlike poor Papa who does not get on at all with Uncle Charles and always refers to him as "that blighter." (He is much luckier with Cam's relatives who never cause any trouble or get into the newspapers). There are rather a lot of them however, more than I realized. When I go down to the kitchen in the morning to make Kate's wake-up cup of tea there are always some cousins or step-aunts there, no matter how early it is. And when I am changing a nappy or bathing precious Georgie, I always have an audience, they are very helpful with suggestions but it is a bit unnerving. Furthermore I have overheard a couple of comments such as, "It's all very well for him - off with the lads playing polo while poor Kate is stuck at home with a crying baby". Well, \I wanted to say, if the crying bothers you so much why do you not push off back to your own house? It brings to mind the situation of so many ordinary couples in the postwar housing shortage, and I now feel closer to the Great British Public than ever before. I mentioned this to K but she did not seem to take my point. "When we go back to Kensington we will be living with your relatives again", she said. "And there are bloody dozens of them."
  10. "News-gathering costs" I take to mean "paying actual journalists to gather the news in person and be accountable for it" instead of trawling the internet.
  11. PS, According to Captain Perigo, Bandler is exactly the type of "new intellectual" Objectivism needs to help lead the world to true freedom.
  12. Bill, that is why I put it in Entertainment but not Humour. His misogyny and racism are not funny. But the guy is honest, he really believes there are solid rational bases to his misogyny and racism. It is hard not to feel sorry for someone who obviously really has suffered emotionally, and is now sailing the seas, looking for landfall at Atlantis or Galt's Gulch, aboard the USS Caine.
  13. RB, I doubt that unfunded pension costs and unions were the straws that broke the camel's back in this case. Newspapers are a dinosaur industry thrashing around desperately to find ever-scarcer sustenance. They are already employing the fewest full-timers they can at the lowest cost they can get them. Henry Ford, who hated and despised labour, nevertheless paid his workers enough so they could afford to buy his cars. He invested that capital in wages, in a labour-intensive economy, because his industry was a new one he wanted to "grow". In an economy rapidly polarizing between luxury and poverty, many people are "middle-class" because they earn "middle-class" wages for jobs that are mundane or semi-skilled or even unnecessary. They can, however, buy stuff, which the minimum-wagers and unemployed cannot, and thus prop up other businesses, even the dinosaur ones . When crystal clarity and meritocracy and a true free market arrives unshackled by government regs and unions. my daily newspapers will be gone, and I will follow my dinosaurs into the mist. .
  14. Baal, as you have shown an interest, I have done extensive research and the technique Dog learned was "learned charisma" based on a book by someone who teaches seduction. I guess those thousands of conquests were mostly non-readers.
  15. lol I felt I owed it to Great-Uncle Whittaker. Seriously, I do understand why that scene had to happen in the context of the novel. What I said was I felt the way I did - the sameway I felt when I read sdk's comment on his teacher's death, an animus towards individuals. That's all. I would have italicized "felt" but editor is not working again. Sometimes it works but not often. What can I do it belongs to the Editors Union.
  16. I am not wrong in saying that labour is the easiest cost to cut. I never said it was easy in itself, just easier than the other costs such as taxes, equipment etc.
  17. Well, maybe it was the Metaphysicians then - so hard to keep you all straight wearing those hoods and everything!
  18. Baal; Your acknowledgement of Islamic preservation and advancement of mathematical and scientific knowledge in their "golden age" appears here to be , ahem, zero.
  19. Yes, this latest is one of his best, it may turn out to be his masterpiece.
  20. They are nice boys but they fill up your head with silly ideas.
  21. Huh? "Not necessarily untrue" does NOT mean "both true and untrue". It means possibly true, or possibly untrue. I believe my post to be true as I am not in the habit of posting untruths. You have been hanging out too much with those Epistemologists again.
  22. Baal, it is some kind of a Game he learned on the internet, a variant of approaching every woman you seeand asking her to sleep with -, sort of like cold calling in sales.
  23. lol you know Doug better than I do. I'm sure he has an alumni newsletter somewhere.
  24. Mr D. Bandler has disclosed that he is the subject of the recently-published "Men on Strike", by Dr Mrs Dr Helen Smith. As a self-described "Beta Male" Mr Bandler describes his experiences as a victim of the societal changes of the last four decades of the 20th century, specifically the "disruption of normal human mating practices." Had he come of age in the 50's, he would have been "settled for" by a very pretty wife and had two or three children with her . Instead he got the "let's just be friends" routine from the '90s coeds he lusted for,and suffered frustration and rejection until he discovered a magic technique that enabled him to have sex with thousands of girls. Now that he knows why it all happened, he fears it is too late for him to find true fulfillment in a normal mating practice. The Alpha girl who spurned him in college would settle for him now, but as he says poignantly, sure she'd marry me now, but who wants a 36-year-old? Bandler is no longer a man to be settled for, or to settle himself for less than his highest values. Some might find his views unsettling, but I have a family friend in the Phillipines who is desperate to get to the States and doesn't know much English, and they might not bother her much. She's very pretty.
  25. Plus the taser, the final insult to the mortal injury. I suppose that was following the procedure, only backwards. The saddest thing that I have heard is that Sammy was still alive when carried out of the streetcar. His last knowledge of life on earth was what had been done to him.