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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Michael, I am sorry , and the political message in the Saunders piece was too heavy, but I cannot agree it was not too clever, it had me in total stitches. "She was a writer, I was a high school junior-- what did we know about walking on girders?" It is so, so funny.
  2. Well, obviously this is a fake - she does not mention her cats even once!
  3. Now it is the New Yorker bashing Rand by the most brazen means the MSM has tried yet. It has published a column she supposedly wrote for Parade magazine in the 1980s, and it is an obvious fake and/or forgery, or else heavily edited after her death in a most calumniable manner. I have not read it myself of course, I would not soil my hands, but I am reliably informed that it is a probably actionable res by the Estate. LP, PhD
  4. Crime in general is in decline as the population ages.
  5. Caution to WSS though: Steer clear of Kelowna!
  6. New flash, it has just been announced that Toronto the Good has the lowest per-capita crime rate in Canada. And the national crime rate is the lowest since 1972, although I may have misheard that part in my excitement and relief that Dggl can now walk the mean streets with less apprehension.
  7. Dear Diary, I do not know what to do. Papa and Cam were visiting and admiring dear little George and Papa joked ."He is well named, he looks just like the fourth one!" We all laughed but K looked confused so I said, "You know darling, the fat one haha." And she burst into tears and grabbed the baby and rushed into the bedroom an slammed, positively slammed the door! I have never ever known her to slam a door before.What on earth? Motherhood did not change Aunt Anne into another person, or Aunt Sarah... or Cam for that matter...well, this is just one challenge I must try to figure out alone, I do not think I will consult Papa about it. Perplexedly, W.
  8. I know The Jerk has already been made with Steve Martin, but somebody should be shopping Jerk II: The Ultimate right now.
  9. Carol: I find this attempt at humor very insulting. Not just regular insulting, but very insulting. I ask for an apology. If you don't give me an apology, I may petition MSK to have him force you to give me one to assuage my tender feelings that may or may not have led to my finding your post so very, very insulting. Also, I think you owe Darell an apology too, because his former adviser may be reading this, assuming he can break away from his research long enough to do so. PDS: I am so devastated and distraught that I can barely type through the retching sobs that wrack my body. Once again I am persecuted for telling the Truth, that smart people are scary and comprise a feral underclass who want to destroy the rest of us and it is almost too late, and although this is obvious to everyone they evilly pretend not to see it and to mock and deride us Truth Martyrs -- O god there is an encyclopedia salesman at the door - even I know nobody sells encyclopedias anymore - this could be the end! Goodbye, I forgive everyone....
  10. "I have the ultimate compelling argument against the two above evils that will unite the AWMs to stop it!"ut Well, maybe he does. But he reminds me too much of Mr Benjamatic, who had an ultimate compelling argument that would defeat the evils of professional architecture associations, for me to think he is anything but crazy.
  11. No, he did no knock Locke, I was referring to the fact that Locke would have knocked him if he knew his name was being taken in vain like this. You are being wonderfully tactful with Desai but surely you realize that Crazy does not discrimate ideologically.
  12. Yesterday, or thirty years ago We promised what we wanted and would keep. Not knowing much, or caring, what would grow But sowing seeds that spread out roots so deep That time and seasons took them much for granted; We hardly tended what was there, but planted New each season, when the fancy took us. And learned but little when the seasons shook us. Today I love the rain and watch the sky And plant (I'll never learn) against the season, And never know how is it comes that I Should still live more by rhyme than by clear reason. What has been most,that should have been the least? I ask the founder of my harvest feast.
  13. I am not a big Locke fan (more a John Stuart Mill chick) but he does not deserve this kind of exhumation.
  14. And how about "the lowest level people like beggars, uneducated labor, pimps and prostitutes\'...ugh, just ugh.How dare laborers be uneducated!
  15. Also: "Governance by majority opinion is not a civilized society.=" Contradicts reality in many societies let alone countries.
  16. Well, let's look.." "As per mankind's history so far, government expanding beyond its powers as defined by the FFs is the greatest evil.." Mankind had a fairly long history before the FFs came along and had introduced much greater evils than Big Government.
  17. I felt for the interviewer who was trying to HELP HIM SELL HIS MOVIE and got such contempt for doing his job. I hope the thing flops big time.
  18. "Anything that does not promote your leftist agenda is crazy" OK fine. So anything that promotes your rightist agenda is sane? Like the OP?
  19. You are a brave person, Darrell. I would be scared to have a friend who was much smarter than PDS.
  20. I would suggest that Mr Desai might be partially motivated by the recent entitlements of sweepers (sorry, Dalits) to more dole in India, to the affront of the higher castes and the further subversion of the natural order. He projects this situation onto America and indeed the world. But not, as many have previously noted, in an organized fshion.
  21. That is very funny and I cannot send any of the responses that come to mind because I am far too Respectble.
  22. Darrell, in Reason Man you have found a person who has already been swayed. He does not need convincing: he is on board. You stopped reading his post because it was "disorganized." I stopped reading it because it was crazy.
  23. And what is wrong with Winers? Just because I am a Beerer does not mean I have to be prejudiced against them!
  24. OOOOOO - lol. So that's what he's telling the girls! Photoshop is wonderful. While I have your attn. Michael, I still can't edit anything, so could you remove my penultimate entry in Williams Diary please? HRH is too busy to do it. Thanks.
  25. About 30 seconds gives me a headache. I like the " " better than anything else I've heard recently.Carol: Wordcraft is considerably harder than you realize for most people. It is unfortunate words come so easy to you, you might have developed other skills, like the ability to reason. I forgive you. I enjoy your poems and prose.