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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I must protest at the constanthilarity! ridicule poured upon this person simply because of his name. Sure he has made mistakes, but the fact that one's ancestors once lived in Vienna is no reasonable basis for hilarity!
  2. Dear Diary, Granny is very pleased with the baby. She did not say much when we gave our shortlist for names -- James, Michael, Gary, Diandrew and Aethelstan (this was a very underrated early king Papa says, and we could call him Stan for short). Oh HELL, it is my turn for nappy duty- \I do hope K agrees to be traditional about royal toilet training, Papa was trained at six months! Ich dien W -
  3. Dear Diary, I am a father at last! The bliss and the joy and indescribable - but good grief, he has such an enormous head! The doctors have all said he is perfect and I am sure they are right -- but I did ring cousin R just to double check you know, and he reassured me that there was nothing in it. Ich dien William (Father of one!)
  4. It would explain a tendency to start topics or support arguments by cutting and pasting from other sources, and to misspell common words and names in a way that suggests he did not recognize the correct spellings automatically as most readers do. It would also explain his broad but shallow knowledge of Objectivism, which is taught by lecture, discussion and debate, famously by audiotape and telephone and now by podcast. It would explain the odd disjunctions in his arguments and frequently amusing "typoes". Example: "I will say this mush:" {then proceeds to write mush}
  5. Gee, I hope he killed him. No heroics otherwise.
  6. One of the myths still surrounding WWII is that it prevented Nazi Germany from murdering every last person in Europe that they did not want in Europe. I believe that this myth is true .
  7. Moral and material costs are obviously calculated by this poster on a different scale from that of most of humanity.
  8. You are right brother. That person might think it is a laugh to take over the most sacred institution of the United States, but he will not laugh when he tries to take over ours!
  9. Browsing around in Aesthetics, to look at the pretty pitchers and try to pick up some pseudo-knowledge to impress people with, I have become fascinated in the stories of various threads and had a lot of thoughts. One of them was about learning styles. As a teacher I was trained to adapt lessons to the most common individual learning styles: Visual, aural, audio-visual and textual (Some people are tactile learners but I just hoped and prayed I would never have to try to teach any of them). Reading the discussions on art by those who respond so emotionally and intricately to paintings, was a real revelation to me. As a text-based non-visual type, I have realized that there are other languages than the ones I know. I was especially riveted by the many great posts of Ellen, Kevin Haggerty and Jonathan. A side thought was that one of the most frequent posters may have battled dyslexia, which would explain a few things. This subforum is a real treasure trove, Michael. I will never understand philosophy or art but I will always find ways to argue I do not need to!
  10. Poor Detroit! I think the Sabres donate some players to them in a gesture of city solidarity. Then Detroit would have real Buffalo Wings.
  11. Ayn Rand on gun control: "I do not know how the issue is to be resolved how to protect yourself without giving you the privilege to kill another at whim" - from Ayn Rand Answers
  12. HNIC? This is the last straw for him then! If he replaces Don and Ron we are declaring War! Outraged Canada
  13. Hi Conny, what a lovely looking family. Don't mind Brant, he is like that with all the girls. We do not get many new ladies on here so he can appear overeager to those unfamiliar with his true, rational, aloof self.
  14. It's "For we like sheep have gone astra-a-a-ay" Get It right, you bloody posthumous plagiarists! GFH
  15. In any case for we is not grammatically correct. Unless "for" is used as "because" as infor we are little lost sheep who have lost our way....
  16. Did you know that Thor's Hammer is one of the 57 symbols you can have put on your headstone if you are a veteran and the government is burying you? (after you are dead I mean). They have Wiccan ones, Humanist ones, and Atheist ones and all sorts If you request a new design and they approve it it will be yours. Vets, get out your drawing pads!
  17. I pose the proposition that it takes a direct object modified by an apposite (us), according to me (Carol)
  18. Little that is very interesting gets posted on Oonline these days. Much of OO is reblogs from Philosophy Inaction, the Objective Standard etc. But a reblog from the latter did have a catchy title, "What the Poor Owe the Rich". I admit I did not click on the video, as I usually don't, and the cutline "so-called poor" sorta put me off anyway. I suppose biddle berates people for thinking themselves poor when in fact without the rich they would be way poorer or even dead, which in a twisted way is true. But I can't help seeing it as a question for the so-called poor, asked and answered decades ago by the immortal T.E.: Ford; Hey poor guy, whaddya owe? "My soul to the company store".
  19. The "poster boy for Guns=Liberty" is the Minuteman statue in Concord, Massachusetts. --Brant It was. Now it is George Zimmerman. The Intellectual Heir, as it were.
  20. "Moral is what you feel good after" -Hemingway
  21. Gulch, Somewhere in my head I got the idea that the liberators of the Bastille carried at their head a dead eagle they had "liberated" from a taxidermist,which turned out to be actually a buzzard, in an incomplete state of taxidermy. I got this idea from a history professor at university. People of any IQ will not get into their heads any concept they do not want in their heads. Good luck to the Students of Liberty but Central Banking is just not as sexy or scary as the Red Menace, the Yellow Peril or even the Black Death. And the human race has survived all of those,