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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Dear Emile, Longtime fan, first time writer! Just wonder if you could pass along a message to RL in Vancouver, I know for a fact that Muslim fans would not be offended if he goes on a fast even if he is Italian. My imam is an expert on all this and he says it is all OK unless he might come play goal for the Leafs, in which case it would be sinful to fast and wear down his fitness. Hope this helps. N.K. toronto
  2. No, indeed, never waste one. Without the comforting presence of his gun, would Z have confronted Martin? Would the fight have ended in death, instead of a bloody nose? Someday George Zimmerman might think about this, if his handlers let him. As he becomes the symbol of true American justice and the definition of the right to kill, he will also remain defined by the life he took.
  3. Just came across this thread again by chance. I am wondering when VPs long-described and heralded "new" novel Hungry Artist is going to burst upon the scene. Also, what happened with that film about him that was such a big deal? I understand that he is earning an honest living these days without the support of female partners (or male that I know of) so I hope he will spare the reading world any more contemptuous smiles playing about the corners of his lips.
  4. Dear Emile, Thanks again! As to your question, I will not go into details but things worked out better than I could have hoped! An entrepreneur from the Objectivist club helped me and my mother-in-law set up our own business, and ourBeneath the Blue Jacket Boutique is thriving! Happily, Contented
  5. Dear Contented, I am enchante that my advice has helped! May I ask for the benefit of other readers, if the underwear situation was worked out satisfactorily? All congratulations and best wishes to you two and little Bobbi. Sincerement, \ Emile
  6. Well, I guess that was the reasoning of the three(3)defence lawyers and their many (+++)advisors.
  7. Absolutely not. The prosecution did not establish "malice," and, or, "depraved indifference." Clearly, there is reasonable doubt, since: 1) there were no witnesses who "saw" who struck the first blow; 2) there were no witnesses who "saw" Zimmerman "stalking" Trevon; 3) there was one witness who "saw" Trevon on top of Zimmerman and striking down; and 4) Zimmerman had the broken nose and the damage to his skull which were injuries that were in consistent with his out of Court statements. The above are enough for reasonable doubt. A... I see your reasoning, as I said before. But if it were me I would have taken the chance and had him testify. If your case is strong and your defendant is prepared, that can be so influential on a jury.
  8. Only when they are bearing down on you. |Just remember when in Toronto, look left before crossing the street!
  9. A bunch of saps? --Brant Wellyeah, but lovable ones - at least by me!
  10. Cripes, what a - er - diverse place! I just read that a Saudi princess who owns mucho property there, has been arrested for keeping slaves. Does Neighbour Peikoff have anything to say about this?enquiring minds want to know,
  11. Ba'al Chatzaf Yes, I do. Have you been here\? I live in the most streetcar-heavy area, near downtown. I was there about 12 years ago.; I remember getting on the trolleys at Yonge and Dundas. I love the streetcars and subways in Torontosh. Ba'al Chatzaf O! you should come back again, it is not much different,,and grandkids love streetcars!
  12. Why do those damn Egyptians not listen to the Ones who KnowBest? Like those dang colonists back then - cutting off their commercial noses to spite their face , if they lost-- run into a heap of trouble after they won their dang \Revolution!
  13. Ba'al Chatzaf Yes, I do. Have you been here\? I live in the most streetcar-heavy area, near downtown.
  14. Dear Emile, This is a great big MERCI! I wrote to you two years ago and your advice was brilliant. I did encourage my bf to join the Objectivist club and it broadened his horizons and he even won some debates and one fistfight about Tim Thomas (Objectivist or Jerk? - it started out as a debate..) Long story short, we had a beautiful wedding at centre ice and soon welcomed our firstborn, Sergei |Babrovsky Higgins. She is the apple of her daddy's eye. Before, I was at Wits End but now I am proudly Contented in Columbus
  15. The defence have already said they will appeal if he is convicted of anything. So Adam, do you think Z should have taken the stand? I know I am pestering but it is too hot to go out as |I had planned and all the streetcars are diverted because of a big fire anyway.
  16. One thing that always made me wonder was when the Brandens said they just picked their new last name out of thin air without thinking of the incorporation of Rand in it -- talk about programming the subconscious!
  17. Jerry, Sowell is indeed published widely. His column is carried in the Toronto Sun here, a popular tabloid.
  18. A hint, Peter. Don't take sarcasm lessons from jts.
  19. Just want to join Adam and any other Rangers fans who are welcoming Dominic Moore back to the team that first drafted him. He spent nearly two years off the ice to be with his wife Katie who was dying of a rare cancer. He's 32 now. I believe they met at Harvard where he played hockey. Love Story for real. He is a centre and what hockeytalkers call "a character guy".
  20. Disillusioned blacks are just calling him Whitey now.
  21. I have a query for PDS, or any other armchair defencepersons: If Zimmer were your client would you have put him on the stand? I realise there is no need for it when as now the defence thinks its case is strong enough without his testimony. But what would you do?
  22. Why does PETA discriminate against the eggs of other species except the chicken? They do not address the outrage of caviar consumption, which is a veritable genocide of the innocent sturgeon!
  23. Now that you're shriven, tell me that you agree with all my posts. I have been a little outnumbered here. Verily, Shrove Thursday. What I can say is that I feel the emotion of all the posts in a different light than I did last year. The feelings of loss, the loss of a young life, the felt non-necessity of lethal force, the rejection of riot ... I hope I understand how the feelings arise. I think OLers, on balance, hope for a kind of tempered justice, not vengeance, not punishment, some kind of truth to emerge via the jury. For the parents of the dead kid, some closure. I think and feel your heart is in its heart-place, Carol. As are the hearts and minds of the rest of the commenters here. But here, there is a 'hung jury.' I wonder if in the near future, more neighbourhood watchers will consider carrying a firearm. I wonder if such watchers might prepare for the inevitable conflict or 'hooded nogoodnik' sighting or even punchup. Will the watcher rehearse such lines as "If you do not get off me, I will shoot you," or if they might consider leaving the sidearm at home. Thin gruel, I know, Carol. But very nourishing.