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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Now that you're shriven, tell me that you agree with all my posts. I have been a little outnumbered here.
  2. Hey big boy, you think my platform is sexy, you should check out my stiletto..... MME X Manhattan Vote for Me!
  3. Baal, I hope for your family's sake that you cook better than you pun!
  4. I will take a gamble and guess against the expert. Acquittal or manslaughter. My reasoning is blatantly sexist. Women tend more to compromise and try to reconcile opposing views, men to debate and well, stand their ground. This jury may be discordant but my bet is when it is over they will sing together.
  5. The days of the Founding fathers are gone forever, and trying to bring them back sounds to me almost Wa'habist.
  6. I think you misunderstand or simply don't know. It's both an American thing and a male thing. You need to be part of that. When I cut a guy who wanted to rape me in college, my brother-in-law poured me a drink while my sister deplored it. -Brant You may have been right here. "The point of a gun was the only law that liberty understood". The womenfolk, as I recall, would hide.
  7. Reification rears its ugly head again. Carol Trying out my New Word for the Week
  8. What media? From what I have followed, they are reporting a trial which is of wide general interest. The reports are accurate - what is your beef?
  9. Sure, gun control fits. Gun absence would fit better. Is there nowhere we cannot see evidence that it is not a good idea for the means of immediate, effective elimination of one's fellow citizens should not be universally available?
  10. Stupid if he doesn't. \juries need to listen to and look at accused telling their own stories. As I have said, Z is appealing with the sad eyes and chipmunk cheeks. Still who knows, it isn't over till the fat lady sings, and this jury is all ladies maybe thinking they look fat.
  11. I know. The prosecution has not done a great job so far. And Z has had a year to perfect his story. When he testifies, he will be prepared for everything.
  12. They bear on fact patterns, that killers have been shown to self-inflect wounds after killing people, in order to appear self-defending.
  13. The Christopher Vaughn case was one precedent. There was another, a Dr Kirk somebody, who was acquitted, in the minds of many wrongly.
  14. Carol: As much as I love you, that is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever seen you post. So, despite the one eye witness who saw Travon, on top, and, punching down at Zimmerman, you "believe" that Zimmerman, after shooting Travon, punched himself in the nose, breaking it, and then slammed his own head into the cement! Got it, so it looked like this... Now I understand... A... Adam, as much as I love you also, my statement was not ignorant but cognizant of precedents and probabilities. "Liar Liar" is an appropriate addition to a Zimmerman thread.
  15. I believe that it is known that under the stress of strong emotion, men have slammed their own heads into hard surfaces. Also that in some murder cases, defendants have presented wounds which were proved to be self-inflicted. Also that fearing death in battle, some soldiers have "accidentally" shot off their own toes or fingers.
  16. As I have said before, and you know my biases, too much depends here onZimmerman's unsupported word, and I am not inclined to believe him. He was not especially truthful about his financial resources to the court while on bail, for example. I don't even believe his nose and head wounds were inflicted by Martin.
  17. Umm, discretion? Michael is a happily married man who would never vote for anybody unless Kat told him to!
  18. Remember? At first Michael thought you had taken creative writing courses. That shows that you have the natural gift for telling your story.
  19. Cathy, you don't need any help until after you have written down your impressions when you meet Jim and start your "sentimental journey", just in the way you write your posts here. He may be all the help you need as he has already written stuff.
  20. From certain comments made on other threads, I am sure she would get Brant's vote.
  21. Ginny, I had the same experience with classical music, in that it was my Objectivist boyfriend who introduced me formally to the composers - although I already knew a lot of them just not by name, mainly through the church music that my father and I both loved, and my piano lessons. In fact the boyfriend said he was writing a symphony when I first met him. \I don't know what happened to that, as I don't think he had any musical training,but he ended up writing novels and | guess with Objectivism all things are possible. I don't feel I owe this to Rand however, but to him.
  22. I checked out the Replies to 9th's OP and I loved this one: A conservative, a moderate and a liberal walk into a bar. The barkeep says, "What can I get you, Mr. Romney?"
  23. Dear Emile, I am in a hostage situation similar to Vinny and Rick, and it gives me hope to see they have been freed, though I would not call "Philadephia Freedom" haha. But I am getting weaker and losing hope. If I went on a hunger strike, do you think it would rouse sympathy among the public? Or would the Muslim fans be offended for an Italian to fast during Ramadan? R.L. Vancouver
  24. Ginny, your family experience was truly sad. My family and my husband were blue collar (I still am), but there was no reverse snobbery about books or music -- they were part of daily life. I join Adam in celebrating your survival and hope you enjoy every day of your self-made life to the fullest!
  25. Carol: Bars are the peoples venue. One of the great failings of the Libertarian Party in NY State was their inability to make that transformation to where the worker played. I was never able to convince those effete snobs that the power to turn out votes was basically hard core, blue collar folks. Now, with all the folks on the dole, it is more than ever there. A... Absolutely. Maybe Madam Lib will know better. An infinite number of prostitutes walked into a bar....