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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. And when you and Andy sued for false arrest/imprisonment, what happened? I had no standing to sue, he was an adult. My only role was to persuade him to hire a lawyer, which he did not believe he needed because he hadn't done anything wrong. The police were directed to destroy his fingerprint records etc., but I bet they didn't.
  2. Speaking of justice Darrell, I see you are from Colorado. I don't suppose you are a hockey fan, but your team just got the best young player on the planet in the draft. I am wondering though if there is any local frustration because they did not pick Seth Jones, also rated best by many and a Denver native, son of a former Nugget. Or is it a non-issue there? Sorry for offtopicking, Adam.
  3. Z also needs to prove that his recorded words about "a**holes and punks " who "always get away" do not denote spite.
  4. Certainly it needs to be proved that Martin was the initiator, that he knocked down and beat Zimmerman, and most importantly that Z's head wounds were caused by Martin. There needs to be more evidence on that than Zimmerman's unsupported word.
  5. I should make it clear that the police knew the description of the alleged vandal when they grabbed Andy. They did not ask the witness to identify him, (because they knew they would then have to let him go and be deprived of their arrest?)They just locked him up. Because they could.
  6. Good, it was a probe. Are you aware that the media is fueling the fire for riots when he is acquitted? A... No, I am not aware of that, I haven't read anything here about possible riots. What media?
  7. Hi Carol, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. As a parent of three children including two sons who like to wear hoodies, I sympathize with your feelings. But, this isn't about feelings. It's about who did what to whom. Darrell Thanks Darrell, of course it is about actions, but it is very much about feelings, Zimmerman's feelings. He needs to prove he felt deadly fear of Martin.
  8. Adam, "I am sure you subconsciously support the media drumbeats for riots..." Really? You are sure about my subconscious? I am not sure about yours, although I think we know each other pretty well. My conscious does not support such a thing. Frankly I find your presumption hurtful and insulting.
  9. Yeah, I'll wear that jersey, but not any pants! And if they still let me in I'll pop a Viagra! --Brant my protesting ways That's the spirit! There is no better way to meet compatible friends than through Hockey!
  10. Haha Brant, you are still stuck with an \NHL team,now called the Arizona Coyotes. Soon you will be wearing your state-mandated team Jersey and attending "voluntary" pep rallies as the Secret Plan moves into Phase 2!
  11. DDL, you are exactly right. Few people actively seek out things to be outraged about (somebody here called them Injustice Collectors, excellent term), the rest of us just react to what comes to our notice and strikes a chord. This case strikes several chords with many and the result is, of course, discordancy. My chord is the corner store, the teenage boy in a strange neighbourhood. My own son was stopped in the same way, by the police - half a block from his own home - because he was wearing a basketball shirt identical to that of a youth who had been reported attempting to vandalize cars nearby. Although we found later that the vandal was an Asian or Filipino, about 16, 5'7 or 8 with dreadlocks, they arrested my 6'1 20-year-old white short-haired son, kept him in jail overnight and actually took the case right to trial, where they had to drop charges right before proceedings were to begin. The police were mistaken about who he was. But he is still alive. You have a son Deanna,and I have two. Most reading this thread have been young men themselves. They identify with the older man who felt threatened by the younger. But I imagine my boys in both positions.
  12. I know zero about Jimmy Wales, but once again I am learning that Brant Gaede is pretty damn smart.
  13. Wouldn't it have been more logical to shoot the wife?To my mind yes. For the record, this verdict was outrageous.
  14. I think Zimmerman has a pretty good chance of getting off. Another Florida man, Lt Col Wald, was just acquitted of the same charge. He killed a man he found having sex with his wife. Everbody involved was white!
  15. Carol, Really? Would you have said anything? All I've heard so far is crickets chirping. There's a butt-load of crimes--and add more on top of that--I can dig up if you are interested in pursuing these feelings. All senseless vicious .crime outrages me as it does every normal person. I don't know about Chicago but the toll of black-on-black crime here is regularly highlighted and deplored in the media especially the Toronto Star, which is mandated progressive. If you want me to express my outrage everytime I hear of such crime and relay media reports, I will. But I would have to learn how to cut and paste or link, and I am not at that tech level yet.
  16. Heh yourself Michael. Possibly you do not hear things you are not listening for.
  17. And with him as your new boss, don't worry about that silly leave-your-guns-at-the border stuff. Rob's pals and their buds in Buffalo will fix you up fine.
  18. When my Dad was in the NY State National Guard in the late 1930s, one member of his unit who wouldn't shower stank to high heaven. A bunch of guys grabbed him and hauled him down to the river, stripped him naked, threw him in, tossed him a bar of soap and told him he scubbed or would be scrubbed. He scrubbed. Please forward this as a suggestion to your mayor. --Brant lol I will and I will mention your name. You will soon be recruited as his new Chief of Staff and your first assignment will be to horse-trade with lobbyists for free soap!
  19. BTW we have plenty of gangs here in Toronto. But the mayor has some real good connections with them and likely has a plan to clean them up.
  20. As the token guilty-liberal, howling mob leader here, I can only tell you that if Zimmerman had been blacker than Martin (I am sure there are black neighbourhood watchers, even in Florida) I would have felt and said the same things about this case as I have done. But why should you believe me - Progressives are all liars or at best, self-deceivers; there is no individuality of thought processes among them.
  21. "When he was fifteen he tried to drown himself because he loved a girl, his first love, and she laughed at him. ' A thousand women have paid for that' -and his tight little mouth turns down at the corners." Katherine Anne Porter ," Flowering |Judas"
  22. Peter, your comments are of course your own reflections but not germane to what I have been commenting on, the trial itself and the SYG law. It is the law itself which drags in race because it can be in this case a factor. It is a stupid, redundant, "Don't-Need-No-Stinkin'-Alibi" law, which can nowhere be proved to reduce crime in general, but does produce an increase in what Wiki calls "raw homicide" rates. The raw homicides - the corpses - may well all have been horrible criminals that the world is well rid of. A few were simple mistakes (as with the man who shot his son to death thinking him a burglar). Some of the deterred rapists, burglars etc may have been capable of redemption. But we will never know, and the longsuffering taxpayer is relieved the burden of maintaining them. If all would-be criminals are righteously killed, though, how are the retired sheriffs who run the private prisons going to make a profit?There are only so many embezzlers and alimony deadbeats getting convicted every year.
  23. lol are you suggesting we should all relax and take a nap? What I need is to be more awake and productive, not to sleep even more comfortably!
  24. For example, if Doug Bandler, noted Soloist, shot a Muslim in Florida, or any state with a Stand Your Ground Law, a good lawyer could easily get him acquitted. It could be proved that Dog genuinely believes any and all Muslims want to kill him because he is a Western infidel.
  25. The trial is about second-degree murder. If race contributed legitimately(and that is possible) to Zimmerman's stated fear for his life, then repellent as it is, he should be acquitted if the other evidence proves favourable to him. But his defence would naturally want to play that angle down (they would have to prove Z is terrified of all blacks, or something like that)