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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I used to read the Epoch Times occasionallyyears ago when it was distributed free from convenience stores etc., also sold by the homeless sometimes. I tried to read the article but they wanted my email before I could read it, and I don't need to get on anymore mailing li sts
  2. I will take your word about what Sidney said.I was referring to to what her lawyers wrote in this statement in her defence. i wasn't aware that believing a theory, or taking it as a statement of fact,had to be regarded as two different things. Once again, I do not write crap . (Or at least not the type of crap you accuse me of)
  3. I didn't read anything by that hack, but the one in Forbes mag, which quotes the court filing by Powell,s lawyer(s). In it they use Dominion,s words back on them, to argue that "no reasonable person" would believe the conspiracy theory about the company's voting machines being used to commit voter fraud. Since every Trump supporter I know , and random acquaintances whom I don't know well but have heard on the subject, does believe it, from the statement of defence I take away that those who believe it are not rational. Hence my post. I certainly like to play games with William but the kind you describe has no attraction for me. Do you think I only go to one source, because I consider the source credible? I always will check out at least two more. Even my time is not infinite. I am not interested in furthering anyone,s agenda of spin and lies. My posts are not crap, and if I trust William to report facts accurately, as I do Ellen and you, it is because I have found this to be so for a long time. To aid your categorizing my knowledge of Trump supporters, the ones I speak of here in NB are about half a dozen I know well,five of them for most of my life and three are close relatives. Two are Americans. In Toronto I knew more . One of them is my new grandson'sgrandfather. I love or Lille them all. They are reasonable and intelligent and admirable. They don't consider me a dupe of the Chinese Communist Party nor a propaganda purveyor. I think their political ideas are more flawed than mine, so do they, and we agree to disagree. We get along well together. If my contributions are garbage, then don't put them in the recycle box, but please give them at least the respect of naming your unsupported a ssumptions about themassmptiosassumptions
  4. Along with new members, what old members would any of you like to see posting again? My first thought is X-ray for those who remember - knowledge, wit, conviviality and endless patience for Adams endless raids in their epic long running battle. Of course, the incomparable Selene himself, but I m sure he would be here if he were still in the land of the living, so I presume he is gone and we're unlikely to look on his like again. I see Angela visited my profile in 2019 so if she is ever browsing again----miss you girlfriend! .
  5. I don't know what Trump said about Nazis, if anything, but here Powell,s lawyer seems to imply that a powerful lot of Trump supporters are not reasonable persons . (Just like Biden supporters, Taliban supporters, Elizabeth May supporters, and people in general).
  6. OK. I do believe in double checking the authenticity of whatI find difficult to accept as fact, but I do admit I tend to trust in CTVs reliability as in this instance. It will be tiresome to record every news story that catches my interest and research all the participants, but I ll do it if I want to participate in discussing it henceforth if I can. Luckily l am on fairly good terms with some expert researchers here on OL !
  7. Of course Trump did not call them up individually and tell them to revolt. But Michael , I saw them and/ or their lawyers being interviewed, I think on CTV.They were introduced as people who had participated in the event and some were under arrest. And they said they were doing what the president wanted. Were they impostors? What about the lawyers?
  8. Just botching it. Giving impressions of a sound bite Tv interview on a subject on which I didn't,t have any knowledge. I should not have bothered to post it. I really didn't know he had presented the evidence publicly on other occasions, but I should have. So I apologize to Mr. Wood unreservedly. I never, ever knowingly write anything here which I believe to be untrue, unless in obvious sarcasm . Nor do I write it elsewhere come to that.
  9. Many thanks for this, the arguments he has are pretty much clear from this forceful statement. The arguments themselves are kind of unforceful to me, and sometimes inadvertently comical. "Rod Rosenstein who is trying to protect hHillary Clinton who is trying to protect Mike Pence."Mr. Wood says. he continues, "I didn't say that." Sure, I lifted the text out of its surroundings there, but I couldn't resist this time. And the names of course are accurate and boy, talk about strange bedfellows. Besides instructing the legally uneducated in his audience about consistent consistency's important place in building credibility, he mentions documents which have disappeared and mountains of hard evidence which no judge would look at,but he doesn't tell the audience where they can look at it either. If it has been around the block so many times, why isn't it available to public view? Why was the guy threatened and tortured, To make him keep quiet?And since he wouldn't keep quiet why can't he accuse his torturers now, since he is resolved to face whatever happens bolstered by his faith? It seems ,to me with all the public nexposure he would be!/safer to do so now than never before. Just my reactions and maybe way offbase, but I'm a stranger in these parts.
  10. I doubt many saw themselves as insurrectionists, but as patriots making their point forcefully but legally,though things did get a bit out of hand .Many have said publicly that they were only obeying the orders of the president, which must have been legal because the president gave them.Their actions however, were certainly those of .insurrectionists, whatever they were singing. Their next number is that durable oldie,"I Fought the Law".
  11. No Peter, this is an old exercise in how we relate and communicate with others depending on how close the communication is. "I am organized, you are a neat freak, she has OCD" is another example. The subject of his the comparisons doesn't matter. You probably ,know a few yourself.
  12. I admire leaders who have flaws, but their general integrity outweighs the flaws. You admire leaders who have shortcomings and commit sins, but they are fighting for a just cause, in your opinion. THEY worship Satan. Old tropes don,t die, they just get repurposed.
  13. Ok. My deduction was wrong and you would not consider the Hypolynch the kind of vigilante act you. said you approved in some cases. Have I got your meaning now? My brain is starting to hurt. Carol getting tougher but not smarter
  14. truly, no. Neither word applies to any OLers that I know of. I was being ironic about poorypothetical Pence, of course. If your question was just a rhetorical joke, then gotme. I don't mind. I am ng tougher.
  15. Michael, all I asked was whether hailing hypothetical lynchers of Pence as heroes , would be as repugnant as hailing the actual Portland killer as one . Both cold blooded murders whatever the motives. that was the situation I posited. Since you answered no, I am deducing that the hypothetical death of poor Pence would have been a form of vigilante justice such as you describe? Is that what you meant?
  16. Don't be too hard on your compatriots for being misled about the location and origin of people within that enormous continent. The geography and history of areas outside the US are not priority subjects in public schools and having finally got out of Vietnam, likely a lot of America would prefer to be reminded of Asia as rarely as possible.
  17. Bill, is there a transcript for this? Or if not could you précis his arguments? I don't watch most interviews or talking heads online because it takes so much longer than read does and I can't hear properly anyway. TIA mon gars, can't t wait till it's safe to travel to our rendezvous at the old rabbit farm. Daunceless
  18. Incidentally, if the shouters for Mike Pence to be hanged succeeded in doing it, would some rightists hail them as heroes? And would that not be as repugnant as the leftists who so hailed the Portland killer? Both cases would be politically motivated murder.
  19. I just read the Ny Post article, and my first take is this was a cold blooded murder, which is indefensible,, and that the left spread false information is also indefensible,. I. Hope the murderer has been prosecuted and senteNced to the full extent of law. This article is still the only info I know of the case and I apologize for not reading it immediately. I would never intentionally want to leave anyone hanging, even traitorous politicians, as I cannot support capital punishment. IIt is neither reliably just nor economical.
  20. Still tmj, like William Jay of legend, Brian is just dead as if he had been.
  21. To continue, I was silent on the Portland case because I never heard of it. I'll look it up. I have heard the assertions that the Jan 6 crimes were all instigated , if not actually committed by Antifa etc. But until more proof is brought forward they remain assertions. More assertions don't constitute more proof to my way of thinking. Quebec insurrectionists kidnapped and executed two people and left them in trunks of cars half a century ago. The prime minister imposed martial law. The FLQ cause did not prevail and Quebec is still a province of Canada.
  22. There are many evils in my tribe. I didn't notice being called out by you any more than usual, but I willlingly acknowledge the above and will try to keep doing so, with examples of evils similar to those of other tribes where appropriate , to save you the trouble of researching them yourself. "probably died of a stroke" does not exclude the possibility of having been killed by the effects of an attack, even if he had a preexisting condition and was just a stroke waiting to happen. Mr Wood as a top personal injury lawyer could probably get millions for Mrs Sicknick by arguing that, is my guess.
  23. Pax! Setting fire to courthouses and police stations can be equally construed as trying to start a civil war as invading the Capitol and killing a police officer , just on different levels of escalating violence ,OK? The other side always has equally bad actors, all of us being people, individuals. If I can acknowledge that, can't you? You ask why I don't mention heinous leftists alongside criticizing rightist actions. Well, I don't try to defend the indefensible or even more heinously to protect them as those with power may do. I do know of course that you ask the above rhetorically too, to reiterate your message more effectively. As is your right and good communications strategy. And before you retort, don't I do the same thing, ..sure I do.