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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. In Old Man Taylor's maunderings about collectivism and individualism, he has failed to note that Zimmerman did not; apparently perceive Martin as an individual; his first words to the stranger were not "who are you?" but "what are you doing here?" This says to me that he had already decided who and what Martin was. Again in the prosecution's words, he had profiled him.
  2. When was this put in .evidence? I am only reading news reports of the trial, I haven't seen this. Did he take a polygraph also? Are voice stress tests more conclusive than polygraphs?
  3. O Brant, you poor naïve boy. This is just the beginning - the day after the draft! How about that first round? What do they put in the water in Cole Harbour anyway? Love Darnell Nurse going to Edmonton--the Oilers will gush again for sure! Another hockey player with basketball/football antecedents - Popeye Jones "lost his boy to hockey" when he took him to a Stanley Cup final... Um...I sense you'd rather I take myself off to the TooManyMen site....
  4. If I were facing a Florida prison sentence I would sound pretty scared too.
  5. It seems like the majority of people cannot even entertain the idea that Trayvon was an asshole. I don't know the facts, but neither do most people. Just because he's black does not make him an angel. If he did in fact attack Zimmerman and legitimately threaten his life, then he got what was coming to him. Can you at least admit that? Zimmerman has taken a voice stress test that indicated he honestly was afraid for his life. Apparently you did not read my post. I am willing to believe, even concede that the victim was an asshole (the world is full of them, moreso in the perception of some than of others), and to concede that he roused strong feelings in Z and that the memory causes strong feelings of fear in him. I am not willing to believe on the evidence so far, that Martin was the pursuer, that he sucker-punched Zimmerman and pounded his head, just because Zimmerman says so.
  6. Michael, Ellen is referencing a famous exchange between orators, or writers, whom I forget except for a suspicion that one was Churchill. Someone was complaining about the style and grammar of another,charging him with the crime of ending sentences with prepositions. The alleged perp replied that the attack was "an outrage, up with which I shall not put." Carol sans Wiki
  7. Adam, that just sparked another "core memory" in me, a lovely one. When I was put to bed so early I amused myself singing, all the songs I liked ..and always ended up with O Canada , and then went to sleep! I had totally forgotten that, till this exchange! Thanks bro! , The parents never minded or commented on those concerts even though I have never been much of a vocalist.
  8. lol my memories of futile crib rebellion are nothing to it! I thought that was a great "core memory." Thanks Adam. I know it is a real memory because there has never been anyone I talked to about it even remotely, not significant enough -- just one of those things that surfaced sometimes, I always meant to ask Ma how hard it was to get me to sleep and so on, but never got to - you know how the time you think is always available does run out. So, who is Mr Ottawa then? And who is he to tell Americans about their own birthday?
  9. , Honesty compels me to correct further. The group consisted of another maleObjectivist, maybe John Ridpath who I don't remember meeting but certainly met often with the others, and two Students of Objectivism, friends who very probably had crushes on my boyfriend.
  10. I should correct that, it was not a bunch, it was my boyfriend and 3 or 4 other people. Plus another half dozen from Toronto, and maybe the guy has moved.
  11. I have know way of confirming the persons place of residence. Know, I do not mean confirming a place of residence - I just mean, where did you see that it was a person from Ottawa, I didn't see any info on the blog about the blogger. Maybe there are a bunch of them, Carol -only interested because I used to know a bunch of Ottawa Oists!
  12. Curi, I still think it is possible that they just do not have enough people to work the software. Maybe there is a validating period or something. They like what you say, I am sure. Unless you have a history with Lindsay Perigo or one of his friends there?
  13. Yes, they would not post your article (which they would like) and then ban the author! It must be a tech thing. ARCHN did not ban you even though you called them "rotten bastards" - they said they were going to put the quote on the masthead!
  14. Adam, how do you know this is from Ottawa? I clicked on and found no info on the blogger, and the articles are all about American stuff as far as I can see. Just wondering.
  15. The Soloists are pretty "pure" in this sense. maybe.
  16. I have not yet heard convincing evidence that Martin approached and sucker punched GZ. Incidentally, though I agree that there is a huge racial spin on this from outside, I think that if Martin had been a white 17-year-old, there would still have been a public outcry for charges, and for re-examination of the SYG law.
  17. Unlike George I will wait till all the evidence is heard before I try to decide if he should be acquitted or not. Of course I will interpret the evidence through my own biases, and you know them. One of the things the case is about, to me, is vigilantism, the stranger being shot by a person who was not a police officer yet who was in contact with police. Martin was guilty of being a stranger,a potential mugger or burglar, judged and executed for it. He was profiled, in the prosecution's term.
  18. Carol, LOL... Of course we aren't. You did make me think, though. With all the stuff I have studied about persuasion, I still don't know how to covertly handle the dude who shows up when people are having a good time and tries to spoil it. I always go for spoiling their spoiling--sometimes aggressively--and, while it feels good, it actually does what they want: to spoil the good times of others. (Or maybe the spoiler just wants to spoil the good times so he can then save the day with his awe-inspiring wit and superior intelligence or whatever. ) I have some books on energy vampires. I'll take a look. But I don't like using covert crap on this board. I like to alert people to social manipulation, not use it on them. Maybe an energy vampire is a form of pre-bully, but I just don't see Michael M developing in that direction (like, say, the bigots). He just gets in bad moods, feels insecure, or whatever, then dumps on people out of nowhere at odd times. But he always goes back to his old quirky self, which I find charming. I think he doesn't know how to deal with the fact that I--and others around here--like him for real. Michael Awww...go on Marotta, pick up the rose.
  19. Michaels! Play nice. Neither of you is fat or ugly or a bully.
  20. Sorry - the ref is to "The Bachelor" where ladies vie for a man and he finally picks one, the season ending with a gag-inducing "rose ceremony".
  21. lol! How about Dr Diana blushingly accepts the rose from Binswanger, while Dr Paul stands by in dignified silence.
  22. Ah, the family mythology. I have clear recollections of events that I do not remember! Lol. The "stories" that you hear so much that you think you remember them. Of course you were two (2), so it is possible. However, it is more than likely the framing of the story is what you imprinted in your memory. That is interesting Adam - I do not know the child psych of it, but when you wrote that I remembered (maybe) something from when I was around 2, and I do not remember ever hearing my parents talk of it- it was so commonplace , I was just standing up in my crib yelling and crying because I did not want to go to sleep, then I realized nobody was going to come and take me out of bed. That is all I remember but it is quite vivid, I remember the twilight. And I don't remember any emotions, just I was yelling and trying to get them to come. Maybe I had some conversations with my parents that I Forgot? I never even remembered it until your post - shades of Cathy! Also I remember somehow that the crying itself was quite satisfying in itself -a sort of project? I just cried as long as I could until I got tired of it.
  23. Several million viewers - it isn't too late! How about Objectivism's Dumbest Moments? It could be a cult hit!