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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. No, not a joke.Without having your knowledge of American law or the circumstances of the case (I have avoided the coverage since the charges were announced) -I think you will allow me to know what a joke is. I referred to Dreiser's title deliberately. It is a tragedy of the American dream, in this case the dream of perfect liberty and righteousness in defence of it, of defending one's own America by any means necessary, of having one's own perceptions held up as of right, enshrined in the law.
  2. I understand both. My Eddie preferred to have his ashes scattered, which we did, but some are saved so he can be buried with me, in the Stuart family plot with my parents and grandparents. It is a plot I am used to visiting,especially with Ma as she tended the graves and mentioned matter-of-factly that there was "one space left for me." It is a comfort for me to know that our physical remains will all be together. Maybe my children will visit there. It is a beautiful, old graveyard.
  3. Whatever the evidence ultimately shows, this trial is already a true American Tragedy.
  4. Thanks for that true gem, Peter, I hadn't seen it before. Even before I saw the name at the bottom I thought, "nobody could have written this but Barbara |Branden."
  5. Just listened to an interview with Tortorella as the new Canucks coach. I did enjoy his Boston/Yankee/street thug accent and how he says "excape" and "true" for through. He said that getting the heave from NY made him think twice about himself as a person and as a coach. Then he got the job offer from Van and his third thought was "I'm the best just like I already knew!" (I made up that last part). It does seem to have penetrated his brain that in Vancouver there is only one major league sports team whereas in NY there are four,and that he will get more media attention and comment than formerly. But he apparently intends to maintain residence in New |York, so I guess he will be able to get home often and excape the nuisance.
  6. Michael, If you are dumb and ugly, you have just as good a chance of being a reality TV star as do the dumb and beautiful! God bless the pursuit of happiness!
  7. They are saying the Alberta floods are the worst disaster in Canada since the Halifax explosion in 1917. My son & family are still there. How they are spending their summer vacation (and incidentally my son's birthday): volunteering with the Red Cross. This is certainly a trip that will make an impression on my grandsons. Jamie (4) will remember it and Callum (1) will hear about it so regularly that he will think he does.
  8. LOL, Mike. They take turns being the fat cow. Next up, Bruce Jenner!
  9. I don`t know how old but hope in the delicate British fashion that you have got your bus pass, or as my grandfather put it the burnt-out pension. Happy birthday Peter, and many more! 65 is the new 35 you know.
  10. Free to do what? Despair at feeling unworthy?Speaking of being set free, however - you got me started on this alternate history speculation with a remark on another thread awhile back - what do you suppose might have happened if Barbara had said "No" to marrying Nathaniel? Ellen If that had happened, I think that NB and AR would have gotten together sooner - maybe even married. Barbara would be out of the Collective and the movement, and might have written novels, very good ones. Them getting married was completely not going to happen, especially in the 1950s. --Brant I don`t know ....if NB had wanted marriage, and Rand`s reason persuaded her that it would be an expression of her highest values, would she have let her `conventional side`` carry the day I wonder. Poor Frank`s feelings would hardly have been much of a factor. She could have been a Joan Collins for the 50s.
  11. Brilliant Baal! I especially loved the UK and NZ. «My addition is inferior but here goes ANARCHISM You .have two cows, according to you. Your neighbour claims that they are his cows, not yours. As you reason with your neighbour, one of the cows initiates force and hoofs you in the head. Your neighbour has two cows.
  12. Free to do what? Despair at feeling unworthy? Speaking of being set free, however - you got me started on this alternate history speculation with a remark on another thread awhile back - what do you suppose might have happened if Barbara had said "No" to marrying Nathaniel? Ellen If that had happened, I think that NB and AR would have gotten together sooner - maybe even married. Barbara would be out of the Collective and the movement, and might have written novels, very good ones.
  13. Ha, only for the weak willed and lily-livered and !puny-prostated !Avanti! I AND ONLY I CAN LEAD US FORWARD! (name blocked in US)
  14. The hockey stick got me, I'm voting Palin in 2016.
  15. It was a super classic. Very well played, end to end skating, pretty clean and few stoppages. Oh, yes. No such thing as a non-essential hit, and no diving. If a guy goes down and bleeds a few minutes onto the ice,like Shaw did, either he's dead or he gets up and keeps playing, and everybody knows that. The balance between the painkillers and the adrenalin must be terrifying to the team docs. Some players will not take painkillers because they believe they slow them down.
  16. Brant/Adam, Jesuits are diplomats first and foremost. They will get back to you soon with an answer that will satisfy you both. Carol enjoyed "Black Robe"
  17. Stephen, Although I am sure Rand never fully developed her philosophy on death until AS as you say, the poignant final quote from WTL reinforces my belief that this was her best novel, indeed her only real novel by my conventional standards. In it the artist expresses not only her soul but says goodbye forever to her own youth and all that it might have been. If she had written it in Russian, it might have been even finer.
  18. Don't you sometims feel, that Rand should have left her estate to somebody else, and set him free?
  19. I cannot forbear to add, that what Piekoff meant was "I finally saw what Ayn was trying to pound into my head and could write what I thought she would like.Probably. Maybe". That is how I understand this event.
  20. I do not know what variety of denominational funerals you have attended. I can only say that over the course of my life I have sadly had to attend many, most notably those of my husband, father and mother. The first that I remember vividly was that of a nineteen-year-old cousin, killed in a car accident, whose death was never entirely recovered from by her parents and especially her grandmother whose favourite she was. The ritual words were the same in all the funerals, and there was no sermon at all, unless there was no relative who wished or was able to speak,in which cases the minister would speak of the best qualities of the deceased, and sometimes remind everyone that we live and die in God's love or some such. The tradition, the familiarity of the inevitable stark, centuries old text reiterating reality, the enfolding of the congregation in love and help to the bereaved, are what I remember most. Thankfully I have not had to go to any funerals lately, or listen to such ideologues as you have.