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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. So youI did, I had even forgotten! Congrats Nostradamus. Hope you had a real bet on it! And I said Bruins on a dice roll, which the ice last night sure made likely. Have you ever seen such a watchable series? Carol still recovering and trying to remember what normal life is like
  2. Stephen Harper walks into the Bank of Montreal. "Hello bonjour, sir or madam. I would like to cash this cheque please - I believe this is Mr Duffy's branch?" "Er, yes... may I see some ID sir?" "But I'm Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada! Where are you from, anyway?" "Uh,Dipper Harbour, N.B.-- the thing is sir, I know who you are of course, but the regulations and the bank policies, I have to have some ID. As a bank we're a private enterprise responsible to our investors-- it's not like we're a credit union or anything." "Well, I don't seem to have any gosh-darned ID and I'm on a tight schedule --- look around, everybody here must know who I am!" (Staff look up in blank non-recognition) "Well sir, this is how we have solved this problem in the past, well-known people without their health cards. You see that cracked window over at the far corner? One time JP Arencibia came in without ID, and he batted a ball right into the middle of the pane. And then Phil Kessel the same thing, he put a puck into that top left-hand corner. So they proved they were who they said they were and we could cash their cheques. Now sir, if you can think of something like that, it will be my pleasure to serve you." . "You should get that window fixed, the duct tape is starting to give." "Yes, they're replacing it as soon as the Canadiens leave town..." Harper eyes the window in silence and then sighs heavily. "Well, I can't think of one blessed thing. I could never get a puck into that corner." "Toonies or loonies, Mr Prime Minister?" ` "You should get that window fixed, the duct tape is starting to give
  3. lol Good one gulch. I am adapting it for Canadian plagiary already.
  4. Tortorella is going to Vancouver???? He is the worst fit for that city I can possibly think of. The NY sports media were fawning on him, compared to what the Canucks crowd will do if he carries on with the arrogance. Hockey is the only game in town there.
  5. My God, the Calgary floodwaters have reached the luxury boxes at the Saddledome, 10 tiers up -- what if the Flames had made it to the Cup final (as if,insert joke here)--- I suppose they would have used the Jets rink or maybe Vancouver - yikes. My son is still stuck there as of now, he has been sending reports to his station in Barrie. Back to important things, it is best of 3 now. They are taking away Crawford's oven mitts so he should have a better game tonight.
  6. I an imposter, how dare you madam? Preposterous! Montgomery (General , Lord, etc)
  7. I have come to fear lately that I am believed to be the laziest Internet user on this or any forum. Just so you know, Sheikh |Mohammed of Dubai looked so ridiculous in his |Ascot getup, I suspect him of being a parodist. I get around and know about these things! I know it is not strictly Canadian politics but this is my pet thread and it is Commonwealth, sort of. and pretty boring.
  8. So far yes. Jeez! I have seen the Bow river and it is so low and narrow, more like a canal. But it must be subsiding soon.
  9. +lyricists should always get credit. Haydn who wrote the melody does not need it , everyone has heard it.
  10. I'm in favor of eating food. Eating stuff that is not food is a different matter. Obviously there is much more to health than diet: exercise, sleep, digestion, air, water, sunshine, emotions, poisons, genetics, prenatal influence, etc.. Fasting can have a role in recovering from a disease. I don't believe fasting should be a way of life. By now probably everyone heard of life extension by calorie reduction. Reduce the calories to half or two thirds or whatever and double or triple the life span of the mice. I'm told that life extension by calorie reduction worked on every species it was tried on. It seems a reasonable guess that it might work on humans too, but the experiment has not yet been done formally on humans and would take a long time to dat.o. There might be some question of the quality of life; the body slows metabolism to adjust to reduced calories. It is said, a drunkard sometimes lives to old age, a glutton never. Now back to the original topic. I'll drink to that, bro.
  11. Ginny, thanks for your concern. I just talked to Stu, very short call because somebody was throwing a major tantrum in the background I am pretty sure it was not my daughter-in-law. Calgary is something of Canada's Zion, "Glorious things of thee are spoken" especially of thy oil. And as to water "see the streams of living waters...well supply thy sons and daughters, and all fear of want remove... Who can faint, when such a river ever flows our thirst to assuage...?"+ Note to Jehovah, we could, if you don't cut it out...enough already! -The Sons and Daughters +John Newton, 1779
  12. Did BB get casting approval? All four of the leads are excellent actors - and Stoltz's misinterpretation may have been down to the script or director Johnny Depp could have done a great Branden if he put on a few pounds.
  13. Thanks for this perspective, Brant. Like Cathy, I have not read this book. I saw the movie when it came out. I knew that the shallowness of the young Nathan meeting Rand had to be wrong. I was much more serious and intelligent at that age than what was represented there, and I was pretty sure he was too. That movie introduced me to Helen Mirren. We see most anything she does, after learning of her. Recently, The Tempest. The actress Julie Delpy had not so stuck with me at the time, but a few weeks ago, I discovered the film Before Sunrise, which I liked very much. Then we learned of Before Sunset---so romantic. Now at theaters, Before Midnight. I digressed. Stephen, thanks for that perspective too. Men at that age are (and were ) more serious and intelligent than your and Brant's impression of this NB portrayal suggest; and if there is anything an outsider can know about the young NB, it is that he was serious and intelligent.
  14. No I am home in Toronto but my son and 2 grandsons are in Calgary! visiting the maternal grands, but I just heard they are fine and were not evacuated as the house is high enough up. I had a frantic short while you can imagine, but they are all fine.
  15. God talked to Bush, and the poor guy is still trying to figger out some of the big words.
  16. Carol:You are a remarkable human being, It is an honor to know you. A,,, I agree with you Selene...I liked her right from the start ~Cathy~ As a Martian I have examined thousands of earthlings and I have to agree. --Brant next! Couldn't agree more. Except for the Martian part. All sentiments are mutual Carol Blush, BLUSH
  17. In case you do not know him, jts is a nutritional conservative. He believes that not eating food is the path to health, as fiscal conservatives believe that not spending money is the path to prosperity.
  18. jts would say they will not live long enough to vote more than twice!
  19. You know Cathy,to gain a knowledge of objectivism is not a task or chore that you have to "do right" and get an outcome that is"correct" - well, I think you do know that. You are here to find answers to the puzzle of your own life, which is a task that every thinking person undertakes, on purpose or involuntarily. "The unexamined life is not worth living" supposedly, but much depends on the examiners - I hope you are finding as much pleasure as pain in your explorations here.We are all enjoying your company especially us minority socialist sheep!
  20. This is where coaches tear out their hair if they have any, on-air broadcasters forget to analyze and just roll around enjoying themselves, and team owners actually dare to go out and buy new packs of gum.
  21. Daunce...your a hopeless romantic aren't you we need more people like you in the world ~Cathy~Y.Dear Cathy! You do me too much credit. \I am not now nor ever have been a romantic, especially as your aunt defined it. And as in popular imagination - Candles around the bathtub are too dim to read by, and soft jazz playing in the background irritates me beyond endurance. \I am pretty hopeless at times, though.
  22. I did not see the movie but Peter Fonda seems like excellent casting for Frank - just on looks alone. Who played Barbara?
  23. And I predicted right! Rollercoaster 2nd period - eleven goals in a playoff game||!! For the fans it just Doesn't. Get. Better.
  24. William, It never is. Glenn is a dot-connector and he does not present his predictions as fact. When he talks of the future, he basis it more on principles, human nature ... People who watch Glenn regularly know that he owns up when he is wrong and is even grateful for it if what he was imagining was something real bad. Still, he has one hell of a batting average. Michael I cannot agree. As a continual predictor he is more like the stopped clock which is right twice a day. I don't recall that the Caliphate arrived with Sharia law when he said it would, or the stock market drop, or either 2010n or 2011 as Summers of Rages with progressives rampaging in the streets....just a sample.