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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. In effect she also abandoned Rearden, leaving him to fly around Colorado for a month looking for her while she was on a sabbatical. In respect to your example, not mine, I think Rand wanted to make a more general point about the indefiniteness of the future. --Brant !! "a general point about the indefiniteness of the future!" In a book which predicts a future based on false moral choices, which can only be saved by self-made souls who direct their own futures by the purity of their moral choices!
  2. In effect she also abandoned Rearden, leaving him to fly around Colorado for a month looking for her while she was on a sabbatical. In respect to your example, not mine, I think Rand wanted to make a more general point about the indefiniteness of the future. It's true she was purblind about a lot of normal human being things, but you need more than that to burn a productive genius at the stake of righteousness. Go get Henry Ford or Charles Lindbergh if that is your wont. --Brant Indeed they both built their own stakes, showing a bigoted ugliness that was at least equal to their productive genius. |N Bigoted? Er, yes. Ford was a violent anti-Semite and Lindbergh was Nazism's #1 American fan and booster.
  3. Also, I do not consider being a pioneer aviator as the same as being a productive genius.
  4. In effect she also abandoned Rearden, leaving him to fly around Colorado for a month looking for her while she was on a sabbatical. In respect to your example, not mine, I think Rand wanted to make a more general point about the indefiniteness of the future. It's true she was purblind about a lot of normal human being things, but you need more than that to burn a productive genius at the stake of righteousness. Go get Henry Ford or Charles Lindbergh if that is your wont. --Brant Indeed they both built their own stakes, showing a bigoted ugliness that was at least equal to their productive genius.
  5. And when Dagny didn't need Eddie anymore, she abandoned him. Nice one, Dags. Loyalty is a one-way fictional Randland, leading to a dead end.
  6. What an opener!Triple overtime in a Clash of Titans... tiny Shaw getting in the face, at least the chest, of man-mountain Chara..heroic goaltending...brilliant altogether.I can hear Lord S beating appreciation on the sides of his stately mausoleum. Can't wait for Saturday.\ \ Carol Exhausted
  7. !!!! Which Kennedy were you working on assassinating? No, sshhh, you better not say...
  8. Ginny, here is the belated local poutine descriptions minus their titles: cheese curds and gravy bacon, onion, cheddar and gravy \\ BBQ pulled pork and goat cheese Tomato salsa, guacamole, cheddar and sour crème Sautéed mushrooms, swiss cheese and gravy feta cheese, diced tomato and lemon oregano dressing today's daily poutine was spicy mayo, baby clams and gravy.
  9. We will herd him into the kennel yet, Brant. You take the right wing and I will take the left.
  10. Surely a lion would have been less quick to mistake an English-South African for a Boer.
  11. Men on the hockey sites can be a bit predatory but it is not money they are after. And not what else you are thinking either. They are looking for friends or female relatives of team executives or scouts or coaches or season ticket holders.
  12. Cripes. I am wondering if you could send me the electronic cigarette, or would we both go to jail? It is not sold here, even though guns are, although not many. Binswanger is such an ass. Even if you have nothing to hide you still have the absolute right to hide it if you want. Why do the ARi all want to be seen as such |Good Citizens within a system Rand would never have approved of|?
  13. Good lord what next. Illinois! at least we know it is not you or ghs. Could it be a former OLer or other Oposter who has lost his marbles and scruples? As I only post here and occasionally on hockey or royalty sites |I have never heard of this person but I will be on the look out.
  14. LV, if you do not realize the essentiality of soap opera, serial drama and storytelling in the life of the mind and spirit, I feel sorry for you! .And true life stories are always most interesting
  15. What is your point? Do you have a point? The spinal cord tumor developed while I was eating an extremely bad diet. I was deteriorating rapidly at the time. Since then I improved my diet and became stable. Do you want to draw a conclusion from those facts? Many years ago the doctors did a dangerous experiment on me. They admitted it was dangerous and a document had to be signed so they wouldn't be sued if it went wrong. It involved sticking a needle in my spine. I don't know if that has anything to do with the spinal cord tumor or not. How I got the tumor is mostly unclear. I used to do some really bad pro-tumor things. But now the focus is on beating it. Are you opposed to beating it? Your former clinical depression probably was choice. See a dark cloud in every silver lining. Expect bad things on principle. Give up without a fight. Jerry that is silly. Your tumour was not a choice and you never did anything bad or good, that we all here did not do more, and we never got any tumours. You seem to know nothing about the medical condition depression, which interferes with the brain connections and distorts the reasoning process, so you had better not talk about it.
  16. As a clinical depression expert of sorts Baal, I can state authoritatively that diet does not affect it in any way.
  17. Yes, they are peculiar in considering themselves exceptional and claiming special privileges.
  18. This could also be laid out with the notion of arguing with Creationists on scientific grounds. The best-equipped-for-prime-time Creationists do not accept any findings that contradict the conclusion, and begin from the conclusion: Gawds created the heavens and the earth, the 'kinds,' species, and every type of organism flourishing or extinct. No evolution of species is possible over cosmic or geologic time because the Kristyen Gaud created it all in the beginning. Arguing backwards from the conclusion, via cherry-picked data, unsound assertions, and unwarranted claims, these argumentative strategies and tactics are poison to reason and to reliable knowledge. Take one word that throbs with 'value,' such as Darwinist, Evolutionist, Atheist, Joo ... and dress it up with code-words, prejudicial, partial (and faked) 'findings,' and you have the grill and coals ready for the burning. Add other coded phrases and winks and nods, and be ready to invoke censorship or 'correctness'; be ready to invoke skepticism as a positive scientific, rational quality of inquiry, but do not actually use its tools. As with the creepy Joo-hate conclusions by the Stooge who is merely 'skeptical' of the Nazi extermination programmes, the question-beggaring is striking. Here is an example of horse and cart. It is not necessary to illuminate even one of the damned groups, nor to drop a fact or two about the damned groups and their work/aims/achievements. They are assumed to be destructive. They are assumed to be alien and threatening (to the white Us). They are damned first ... and then comes the switch. Instead of explaining why any of us should presume that "opposing what Bnai Brith . . . has done to destroy America" is a good, and in place of arguing or proposing the actual mechanisms and activities that Bnai Brith has done to Destroy America, instead of 'showing the work,' the work is submerged in cant. By this non-argument, the only sane or rational response to Joo organization is presumed to be an angry opposition -- a mix of loathing, fear, other-izing, and rejection. What have all these organizations left in their wake? What have these dreadful and un-American groups (included the unmentioned 'others') done to the USA? Where is the argument, and where is the reasonable set of facts that leads to this wide-brush conclusion? (of course the adherent of 'racial' presumptions about The Joo can also turn table on questioners ... to reject the complex of unwarranted conclusions and non-rational valuations offered is to be part of a different Them, a cohort of folks who cannot face up to facts as assumed). Me, I find no understructure supporting such a wide antipathy to Joo things -- except for racial prejudice and thinking-in-groups. Mark, your lines above appear disturbingly prejudicial and void of argument. Do you really want OLers to take as fed the large meal of hatred, to swallow whole the notions that each of these Joo Orgs has committed 'destruction' of America? Do you take it as given that Bnai Brith has (through its actions) 'destroyed' something? Do you take it as given that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society has 'destroyed' something over its century of existence, something which you (I/We) mourn? Do you believe that both AIPAC and JINSA have (in some way or in some part) destroyed America? If you answer to yourself yes to these queries, how would someone who does not share your racial antipathy gain traction on your beliefs and prejudices and presumptive conclusions? Tell us. Tell us how The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society served to destroy. Tell us what exactly was destroyed, or is significantly damaged or in the process of destruction. Tell us how you arrived at your judgement. Please do not assume that your judgement is common currency. I am willing to give Mark a hearing, should he wish to dispassionately explain his antipathy to the Joos and the Joo organizations noted above. If he can tell us how he came to view these organizations as contributing to the destruction of the country, great. But until that time, I support MSK shutting down threads that smell bad to his nose, and defer to his vision and his judgement of what is and should be cleared-for-takeoff here. I am glad that Anti-Joo Airlines is currently grounded for inspection. Here's a quote from a day when racial prejudice was free and open and in flight across the USA, from "The Passing of the Great Race; or, The racial basis of European history," by Madison Grant. My own prejudgment suggests that these words do not stink to the McFakeynamed ones. Bill! This is not to the point, but so in tune with what I been thinking on on other threads, about parenthood and humanity and so on. Usually shifts and strikes and unemployment let us look after the kids ourselves, but at some times we had babysitters and both were in our apartment building and both were outstanding. Annette looked after Stu and gave him a good grounding in decorum . Shanna "the |Banana" her daughter was a child star in commercials, and her husband Orville appeared endlessly in Gold Bond commercials, although I never knew him to suffer from any foot itch in person.Annette was so influential that when I took Stu home, he would beg me to hide from her sight if he was not wearing his hat and mittens. Yvonne had a severely retarded daughter, there is no other word. She was encephalic and lived in a beautiful spotless room, in a large crib where Andy would play and laugh with her, although she could not speak, or ever would learn to, and she enriched her mother's life, and Andy's and mine, through learning what we had not known before, how deep humanity is.
  19. It's in the New Testament and it is a reference to Christ. John 1:1 Amplified Bible (AMP) 1 In the beginning [before all time] was the Word ([a]Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God [b]Himself. The original language of the Gospel according to John was Greek. "Logos" is the Greek word translated as "Word." "Logos" was an embracing term, encompassing "ordering principle" generally.How do the Amplified Bible people arrive at this term being equated with Christ? In a quick and unsuccessful Google to try to find some background on that interpretation, I came across this discussion of the differences between John and the synoptic gospels The material is part of a Connecticut PBS "Frontline" series From Jesus to Christ.Ellen That is not the only New testament source referring to Christ as the Word of God. Here is a far more graphic direct reference to Christ: Revelation 19:11-13 11 After that I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse [appeared]! The One Who was riding it is called Faithful (Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady) and True, and He passes judgment and wages war in righteousness (holiness, justice, and uprightness). 12 His eyes [blaze] like a flame of fire, and on His head are many kingly crowns (diadems); and He has a title (name) inscribed which He alone knows or can understand. 13 He is dressed in a robe dyed by [c]dipping in blood, and the title by which He is called is The Word of God. ...and getting religious information from secular leftist government subsidized PBS is like getting information about the Holocaust from Amahdinejad. No, it is not. That is an outrageously false analogy.
  20. Carol: I do not see it that way at all. I see joy and a lifetime of great experiences. I do not "feel" sadness at all. A... How wonderful that you can incorporate loss in that way. I am lucky that I can expect to have my cohort of cousins intact for the foreseeable future, the Stuart women are quite long-lived and though I have not lived as healthy a life as most of them, even taking the average of my two parents' lifespans I can feel secure of a decade or near of good company.
  21. Yes, I have noticed this. I have also noticed that police officers, at least here in Canada, are far less likely to be injured or killed on the job than any other classification of worker, where it involves physical labour. And that jobs which are physically difficult, tedious or odious, and which nobody wants to do from choice, are worst paid and least respected everywhere, unless they get unionized in which case they are both vilified and disrespected.
  22. It has been said that when young, Princess Margaret had a specifically \semitic beauty. The Illuminati have been on the alert ever since.
  23. Jerry, good grief I never once thought or meant, that cheese could cause such a calamitous condition. I was only joshing that the very slight possibility of cheese contributing to any health woes, was balanced by the certain enjoyment it would give. All I know of tumours is that age itself slows their growth, which must be in your favour, and of course anything that further slows or shrinks them must be of first concern to you, I can understand how much of your life must necessarily revolve around this wretched health necessity. Please believe, I just try to divert your attention from it sometimes and if possible cheer you up.
  24. I am so glad I raised my kids before the exhausting age of \'play dates" and "school runs" and the "right preschool|" Jesus please us! Driving kids four urban blocks to a school surrounded by speed bumps and crossing guards.My kids like me and their father walked it, including home and back from lunch. They learned what they wished and were able to learn and they made their friends there and in their evening and weekend sports, Scouts etc, and those friends they still have. \They can now hold down jobs and have found loving mates and I do not think they are in the slightest envious of any of their more financially fortunate peers.
  25. rYou have shut down the "jewish etc|" thread, where I don't think I said anything very bad, I would like to continue from my last post there and your comments on exceptions. There is exceptionalism in every ethnic or national or ideological or ideological group - American exceptionalism is a prime historical example - and whether \jesus was an actual individual or just a concatenation of the remarkable thinkers, preachers and magicians of his turbulent time, he was certainly a Jewish exceptionalist. Brant - apparently your Civil War was all about Canada according to a recent NatPost article! Carol we're everywhere, nowhere is safe