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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Yes, I thInk you are right. We have lots of Trump fans and a strong tradition of conservatism, especially in the West, but not proportionally enough to form a powerful base such as your Republicans have. And our history and institutions tend us towards compromise rather than confrontation. Our founding in1763 started with a compromise, guaranteeing the conquered French freedom of religion and language, and though that causes problems to this day, including separatist movements both in Quebec and western hand eastern regions, the compromise still holds. Your magnificently unique republic started with only one compromise, that with slavery, which th FFs. Had to make to a,achieve victory over the British.Sadly it has caused one civil war already,, and from the outside, Jan. 6 looked like a feeble attempt to start another.
  2. There are plenty of wars going on in the world, civil and uncivil alike. But since the only alternative to naïveté about it seems to be paranoia, I'll stay naive. I just don't have the energy to feel .threatened and outraged all the time.
  3. Now Michael, don't be greedy. Tarring and feathering an appeaser without a world war to justify it? Didn't Mama teach you you can't eat your revenge cake, hot or cold, and have it too?
  4. Why are "intentional lies" so much more believed now than intentional truth? Or even simple small facts? Yes, that is rhetorical. I know too many answers to it, it seems as many as the individuals who believe them.
  5. Please, Michael. I never heard of this Elias character before and did not take the time to research him. I haven't talked about his shortcomings, only Cohn,s which I have researched, and the other lawyers who came to my mind. Ii was going( to make a joke here, but reading you again, where you assume If I had heard of that Milwaukee case I would have excused evil in someone I presumed to share my political views, hurts me so deeply that I won't write anything for awhile. I thought after ten years you knew me, but apparently not.
  6. his sexuality was perverted because in his mind, womenought. To satisfy his sexual urges, and If they didn't do so they should be killed.Undoubtedly this is a form of mental illness. He used women as his chosen instruments for achieving fame but the desire for fame came long after his despair-induced misogyny. If you mean perversion means only pedophilia, of ,course your argument is right. This guy killed as many women as he could, and I suppose he would include male victims as friendly fire casualties. we are talking about i sexuality here, right? If you love the opposite sex, or your own, it is natural not to want to kill them in general. Not for real. And if you hate them, it is rational to leave them alone. Between those realities falls the shadow.
  7. Footnote to my last surely I wrote about the "incel killer" who killed some of those women right outside my workplace, though I wasn't there at the time. The Canadian pervert and misogynist just got sentenced last week.
  8. er , I said One killer, one, an individual as you and I both are and as every southerner and christian and even (gulp) gun lovers are. All the billions of us are distinct and different. i am sorry but I can't turn off the bolding, I only wanted to highlight the word one. as to the rest, answers to your questions are 1.yes 2. Yes 3. No.4.'No.5.Yes, but fewer per capita because we have fewer gunshot deaths, ditto with accidental deaths.6.yes 7.yes. 8. I don,t know, but Americans aren't,t very interested in Canadian news, even when we have had horrific and heartbreaking crimes. I have written here on some of them, too. If you think I should preface every comment on crime with " Canada has the exact same crimes the U S has, " I will do it,though it woul,d be tedious. Please take your narrative subtexts away on the horse they rode in on.
  9. How did my last post get into this thread? I hardly know what paper money looks like, never mind crypto. One of my favourite gospel tunes is"If you don't love your eighbour you Don't Love God." If you want to get a correct idea into someone else's differently-abled head besides mine, you might start with Atlanta's Christian Sex addicted community. One of them hates women much more than he loves God. spread the word.
  10. I must apologize for in fact not having read your over and over posts on elite conservatives, or I forgot them . I am over a century old, after all. I did not know, because I didn't check, that in. fact there was a recognized class of elite right wing conservatives. I do know that you can read also, so you might have noticed I asked about an elite conservative, which I imagined as a loose class of top thinkers and activists. I didn't say elitist, which is the kind of liberal you imagine me to be. Miss Spruce Mrs Roper's Superior Boarding Establishment, Burton Street, London W1
  11. Do you consider yourself an elite conservative?
  12. And I would expect this from you. I mentioned Jonathan Haidt on here years ago, and admire him greatly. His findings are no doubt correct. I am glad that you (and Ipresume Haidt) don't consider all liberals as de facto elitist.Yet you have decided how I see life, according to the simple conventional wisdom of the right - other people are either superior or inferior to me, and I look down on those inferior. Maybe I hate them. Anyway, I hate freedom and don't want anybody to have any. It is no use telling you that the facts of my life and loves and mind do not conform to your ideas because you understand what I think and feel, more than I do. You know better. Right? Politically we are mirror images and maybe you are my better half, but I don't think so because I can't feel so, and neither can you. Anyway, back to Cohn,isn't "fighting dirty against those who fight dirty" based on the principle that the end justifies the means if your cause is just. What about a fair fight? fi()
  13. Since you have brought it up, Michael, you must know that his penchant for very young men, his mob ties and efficacy as Trump's fixer make him more akin in many people,s eyes, including mine, to Epstein than Elias. I find it hard to believe he had any morals, in his political views or anything else.
  14. Er, Cohn was disbarred for defrauding.g a dying client. An example of what he believed in?
  15. Epstein and Gandhi? Michael we are talking about two lawyers here fighting a political battle. Well, three if you drag Gandhi into it, but surely he suffered enough when he was alive. Clarence Darrow and Roy Cohn, I could see.
  16. William, wow. O.f course this is just one case, but based on it, it looks like the dyna mic duo are calling for equal access to a trial for lawyers who don,t know or don,t care about court procedure...a kind of .legal Equal Opportunity mandate.
  17. Good not-so-old OL. I never heard of Lin Wood before today , wrapped in bucolic innocence here in Avonlea. Who I s the equestrian on his or her website photo, Screaming Lord Sutch?
  18. Legal theories argued in court with evidence.which show proof must be considered by the adjudicator to be credible, no matter the basis of the theory, does not that happen? Or is the issue about the rules of evidence or what constitutes proof?
  19. e Ellen, I am puzzled about the deprivation of counsel of your choice. If you choose a lawyer you can,t afford, say, does this mean legal aid should pay for them, or what? Perplexed alien
  20. Tratment" is an elitist term for an unmentionable practice by fictional characters who practise all the time but never get it right.
  21. Vin Diesel is Italian, who knew, I thought he was related to Schwarzenegger , and isn!t Ferrigno dead? not that there is anything wrong with that. DiCaprio looks too northern Italian, a Torino when you need a, you know,Vespa scooter or something. I will go with Danza to show he still has acting chops after his cruel tratment t by that dominatrix Angela.