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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Surely he will win the Masterton trophy/ don't you agree, Brant?
  2. MSK, Isn't it time to remove the question mark from the topic title here?
  3. Let me upgrade respectable to incredible. Backup goalie Harding was last-minute and unprepared, yet he battled the entire game nearly to victory in overtime. First-star, heroic performance. And the guy has MS.
  4. I just Wikied it and I see there is a Tims in Norfolk! So Lili and Kacy can confirm my claims.
  5. My LBM is piping hot, handsome and well-spoken. The Timmys staff were just grateful it wasn't another order for a Large Naked Harper.
  6. Peter Taylor, don't sulk because Bobcat is more charismatic than your own familiar. Grumpy is probably photoshopped, like Adorable Baby Wullie.
  7. Live inside my own head much? I just returned from Tim Hortons where I ordered a Large Black Metaphor. Not kidding. Carol INTP
  8. Wilders acquitted themselves very respectably in Game 1 - ouchy OT loss. Jonathan, we know you may have unresolved issues but cripes, don't throw Atlases at the goalie! At least until the game starts.
  9. Self-sacrifice is an addiction. Self-sacrificers are often closet- or ex-morphine addicts. I can't begin to tell you how many addictions are prevented and/or "cured" through substitution. The number would certainly be startling to most people. - C.S. Hyatt All of us (the human race, that is) find ourselves thrown into this world at birth like a fish yanked out of water and left to flounder on dry land. Like the fish writhing, it's fishlips puckering in and out in a desperate attempt to take in sustenance, we too seek to soothe our souls with stave off the existential void which looms just around the corner when our basic survival needs are met. The horror, the horror. Yummy bait metaphor, thanks. And all time we are mourning our lost gills, the H and the O are combining themselves to supply our lungs for the sighs. - Lorelei
  10. Baal that is three ladies asking you nicely. You must submit!
  11. lol no, you didn't have a j. neil moment. Sometimes I just channel you. Yet oft I like thee Doctor Fell! The reason why I cannot tell. (don't know who to apologize to)
  12. Why Michael! If your misspelling is of Toews I am glad to see a Chicagoan enter into the spirit of the playoffs!
  13. Mark, to paraphrase PDS in another context, it is statements like yours that give addicts a bad rap. No, I am not going to look up the dictionary definitions. Dependence on something, a continuing need for it, to maintain one's life and psychological balance, is not necessarily self-destructuve. Philosophy, bottle gardens, gossip, novels (someone said they were the same thing), even golf are not in themselves toxic as alcohol and drugs are. Nor are love and friendship, or debate and conversation.
  14. I swear there is something about the topic and substance of this thread that is making some people a little loopy. That's right, Mark, you pegged it: my comment may actually be the straw that breaks the back of this website, if not Objectivism as a whole. It is like poison arrow, aimed directly at the heart of Galt's speech, nay Galt's Gulch. In fact, without MSK taking a bold stand in response to my statement, I could easily see the lights going on Western Civilization, because, as you have so thoughtfully elucidated, there can only be one meaning to my statement, i.e., that we are all drunks, or recovering drunks, and nobody else could possibly see it otherwise. Imagine the ripple effects if this statement is allowed to stand! Actually, don't. Dude, you need to get out and mingle with other humans a little more. Who wants to recover anyway? -Cleo
  15. Further to last, the Milgrim biography is being written now and maybe she will have to examine these new facts.
  16. OK Mr Late for Dinner, Let's go to Brant's house next Halloween in our liberal-progressive-morphing-into-fascist costumes. I am not visually gifted, maybe Jonathan or WSS could help us out with the costume design. Mine has to be blue and white though. It's what all the Progressives are wearing this season. D Smart! Thanks Dennis. It is just like my father's HM Customs/Douanes uniform from before they became the CBA. I still have a couple of his old summer shirts and the royal buttons. Off to the dressmakers! Btw I thought it was you Serapis was trying to dump his LSD on, not Ninth. Anyway, don't you listen to him either.
  17. I think they will just ignore it. Only the PARC veterans have been interested so far, and I think poor old Valliant is sick of the whole mess. His book was an assignment that he fulfilled, and whatever else exra he may have expected from it, I don't think he got.
  18. Ellen, we have enough horned pagans around here already. Vote for the kitty. Adam, I never said there was necessarily anything wrong with horned pagans. Don't be so touchy.
  19. Leafs are 18-1 against getting past Round 1. 18, the age of liberation into the adult world, ready or not-- I like it.
  20. OK Mr Late for Dinner, Let's go to Brant's house next Halloween in our liberal-progressive-morphing-into-fascist costumes. I am not visually gifted, maybe Jonathan or WSS could help us out with the costume design. Mine has to be blue and white though.
  21. David, Bullcrap. Most still are Rand aficionados. Just not fanatics. And most are not recovering from anything. They just have a place to talk as they honestly think instead of being peer pressured into a party line. I grant you some folks fit your description. Part of my own transformation from a Randroid-like jerk to a drug addict, then to a reasoned position might look like I am "recovering." But I am "recovered," both from the cult thinking and from the drugs. I have been for years. That's far more precise. I fully agree that most are "invariably interesting" and "well-read." If you have any more praise of OL members, I will most certainly agree with it. Michael What's with the hypersensitivity on this thread? When I say, in jest, that I am a recovering golfer, it means I used to be an avid golfer and now have put the sport in perspective, so to speak. And, by the way, I beg to differ about people on this site not "recovering" from anything. My impression is that we are all, in one sense, are "recovering" from our experience with Ayn Rand's writings and Ayn Rand the person, whether it be some version of Orange Hair Syndrome, or your reference to Randroids, or the PARC Wars, as you call them. That is actually one of the more amazing things about Ayn Rand: you can't touch the grail without getting some form of a shock to your system. Virtually everybody who posts on this site has some version of this story to tell, and given your fondness of the role of "story" in virtually all elements of life, it should be no mystery that this is one of the reasons people enjoy this site, i.e., they are sharing their post-Rand "story" with one another. Hear, hear.
  22. It's wonderful, Duddy Kravitz meets Howard Roark, Tansky's Cigar & Soda opens in Galt's Gulch/
  23. Whatever happens I am hoping for an Original Six final!
  24. I will say Chi, Anaheim, Van, La, NYI in huge upset, Mont, Wash and will wait for resolution of the mascot thing .