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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. One detail Cathy mentioned is very poignant. Frank and his brother were treated cruelly by their stepmother and essentially forced out of their home. This must have struck a strong chord with Rand, considering her early traumas, and formed part of the deep bond between them.
  2. I thought that that was a bit odd. If I had a famous novelist in my family, especially a controversial one, I'd be curious enough to read at least one of her novels. J She never said she hadn't started to read them. She should not have disclosed her location. Neil Parille will be on her like white on rice.
  3. I am becoming a fan of Aunt Agnes.
  4. That's it, I finally believe there are no coincidences. Especially as her daughter is now a police officer on TV -- an AGENT OF THE GOVERNMENT. We're doomed.
  5. Sorry, I should have said wife OR wife/mother. My recollection of the tunnel scene is, I felt Rand was expressing contempt for the mother for prioritizing the children. I got no impression of sympathetic treatment.
  6. SDK, this is an excellent analysis. I would add that Rand also seemed to have great contempt for women who chose the sole role of wife/mother, rendering them as leeches, mindless altruists or deluded idealists like Lilian, the Tunnel Mother and Cheryl.
  7. Yes Daunce, it's true. I am an inveterate yanker-of-chains. All in good fun... But...and I hesitate to say spite of what I just said....the fact is....and I say this with a heavy heart: I truly am a misogynist. I hang my head in shame as I write this. But it's true. mi·sog·y·nist (/məˈsäjənist) - n.: A man who hates women almost as much as women hate each other. (meow) Well, you keep mentioning that, so I guess I'm expected to make some response. Here goes... Hey Serapis, stop hating women, OK? Debussy is annoying.
  8. So then Baal, would you describe yourself as a formalist? How would you describe Dennis? (Keep it clean)
  9. That would be Max Tegmark who is a Platonist.Oh, Lord. I looked up Platonism and mathetmatics. Who knew math had its own philosophy? Now I am wondering if anything is real.
  10. O Marc, thanks. And O, the delicious caress of the cool spring breeze on my chinny-chin-chin! I don't really care how well we do, of course I hope we don't totally collapse. The long march back is begun with this step. No longer the laughing stock of the NHL, destroyed by Ballard, who truly hated the good for being good, mismanaged by subsequent corporate bumblers, now at last despite them all, a good team and maybe someday a great one again.
  11. So smallness is infinite, like largeness? There is no point of nothingness?
  12. Is there any particular emergency room you prefer to be taken too?And the Canadian answers politely, "I don't know this neighbourhood, do you have a recommendation?" The Californian moans because his health insurance won't cover it. Hope somebody likes that one, because after tonight I will never joke again if after nine years and so close we lose again. My spirit will be broken. I will devote myself to serious study. I think physics might be too hard, so I will emulate the Widow Casaubon and try to assist in a work of serious scholarship like the Key to All the Mythologies. I will help Kacy compile his definitive list of excommunicates..
  13. No, I am not posting in S&M by mistake. I just watched a show on Discovery hosted by Morgan Freeman. It seemed to be about quantum physics and how understanding the behaviour of the smallest particles is currently impossible. A scientist called Max said that if we can't understand the universe mathematically we might as well give up (I am paraphrasiing). This show was very interesting although I did not understand any of it. I only watched because I can't bear to watch the hockey game in case we lose. Even so, if anybody (Baal or Dennis say) could give a very simple background or frame for this, I would be grateful. I know I should read all the old threads on this but life is too short. Thanks. (Remember, I cannot play chess beyond 2 moves)
  14. That is the lie the administration put forward - 6 congressmen have seen the deportation paperwork and say it is a lie - the name is of the injured Saudi student who was there at the bombing who is from the Jihadist family in Saudi Arabia and has big time family connections. Dennis Who are the six congressmen?
  15. Makes me wonder if the Saudi student will go into witness protection unavailable to congress and/or be removed from the country before Monday so again no congressional oversight will be possible. It sounds like several congressmen, their staffs, and several law enforcement people have stuck their necks out on this one. Wonder if there will be a purge just like there was after Libya in the CIA and the military [plus all survivors hidden]. Dennis They are saying that the student is not the Saudi national scheduled for deportation, that is somebody else. (Deportations are usually scheduled at least a month in advance). Incidentally, relatives of the two (alleged) terrorists are saying that they, too, do not trust the FBI or the government. Like many here. Strange bedfellows.
  16. And no, I do not need to "learn" about elite secret societies, as if they are so powerful they would not be allowing the likes of Mark Dice to talk about their elite secrecy.
  17. No, it isn't a summary, it is a resume. It doesn't say anything about what the guy says in those 14 minutes. Bar tabs, Skull & Bones --that is my summary of the first two minutes.
  18. True - setting deadlines and shouting "I've got a big news secret!" Trumps journalism every time.
  19. Jerry, you are doing it again. Trying to force us to watch videos by not giving summaries. Needing distraction from the terrorist manhunt and the Leafs crisis, I actually clicked on this one. The Bilderberg catering bill and the Skull and Bones were as far as I got. Please for the sake of courtesy, outline the main points of the audio and video gems that you feel we need to experience in person and real time. Most of us have not got 14 minutes to throw away on something we have heard or read many times before.
  20. ... that the Saudi is a link between the bombers and al-Qaeda, maybe. The similarity of the brothers to the 9/11ers is striking -- young from middle-class (and apparently non-political) families, educated, Westernized. The student is identified as a member of a jihadist clan.
  21. Funny you would reference a socialist movie. Our own people don't work due to socialist intervention. 113 is a good sustainable retirement age for government retirement Ponzi Schemes. One factory I visited in Canada [Toronto] seemed to have lots of good workers - all Asian. Other factories I am familiar with but have not visited in French Canada had serious productivity issues - only about 30% the productivity of similar American factories manned by Americans, Americans and Mexicans/Guatemalans, or Americans and Asians. Apparently you need more Asians to move to French Canada to pick up the slack. Dennis OK, I'm sold. Along with family I will round up all the Asians I can find and bring them along. My role will be of the strategic and inspirational variety.
  22. Workers? You'd expect a 113-year-old guest to work? Did Ma Joad work? - and she liked to work!