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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. It isn't small government people you have to worry about, it is big government authoritarians taking over then cleaning out the true believer socialists - like happens every time authoritarians come to power when socialist reform was the pretense. Dennis Well, our big government pretends not to be socialist, so I guess I will survive until the next purge. When they go bad relocate to rural Canada or rural US - Canada has plenty of rural to be sure. Dennis Thanks for the invite Dennis! Should the need arise I and my 41 cousins and our families will be delighted to meet you and discover beauiful Missour!
  2. It isn't small government people you have to worry about, it is big government authoritarians taking over then cleaning out the true believer socialists - like happens every time authoritarians come to power when socialist reform was the pretense. Dennis Well, our big government pretends not to be socialist, so I guess I will survive until the next purge.
  3. I heard someone say this morning that they came over on refugee status. That was very common in the time frame mentioned. There are thousands of similar Islamic refugees relocated to Wisconsin and other pockets here and there due to warfare in Eastern Europe and Asia - even Southeast Asia. Dennis That was my assumption too. The endless war in Chechnya has created nearly an entire poulation desperate to escape.
  4. Look, I know I mentioned Chechens yesterday on another thread, but I had nothing to do with this! Please do not report me to Glenn.
  5. But Kyle, I spell better than Spellcheck! And Brant is a lot smarter than me. Maybe he meant crewing all along,
  6. How did you do that anyway Brant? The r is nowhere near the H. Don't yout touch type? Maybe it is time to put your clothes back on. Later, C.
  7. P.S. I am fortunate that I do not teach children so I do not have to deal with bigoted parents. But I have had in the same classes Palestinians and Israelis, Turks and Armenians, Russians and Chechens, and more. AndGypsies with "real" Romanians and Hungarians -- pretty bad.And a Saudi from the Victims of Torture centre.
  8. Michael, I was not aware of your experiences as described above, but I have always known you to be steadfastly anti-bigotry, whatever the target of the bigotry. And having no dog in the Common Core fight, I will accept your assessment that it is as bad as you say. What I could not derive from this one school incident was that this one school incident demonstrates that the American public educational agenda is anti-Semitic; that it is "always the Jews".. Addressing bigotry and its consequences past and present is difficult for teachers, and I too saw this from my own perspective. Carol
  9. don't human artists take art lessons? Exactly. Elephants are mammals like us - not that far removed genetically. Who is to say they don't have some kind of aesthetic instinct?
  10. I would be interested in PDS's observations on your above post. Muncie does not have much of a hockey team.
  11. Or howabout if he had the same platform but looked like Newt Gingrich?
  12. How far does another person's appearance influence our conscious and subconscious reactions to that person? This arises from Adam's comment on Obama on another thread, "This is what a tyrant looks like." And it brings to mind the Christian tradition of the devil assuming supernaturally attractive guises, wolves in sheep clothing, etc. For example, Obama is magnetically handsome, even with those ears. So was Romney ('memba him?), but his good looks were one-dimensional, sort of like the old Superman flat on the comic book page. Would Obama have won the female vote if he had had all his other attributes but looked like his father, instead of like a darker copy of his grandfather? I know there have been tons of psychological studies on this...but I haven't read many of them.
  13. Mike, Get hold of yourself, buddy. Just because "somebody says" something on the internet does not mean anything. Just because "somebody" is all postmodern and self-referential does not mean anything. There is no meaning and it's all relative. Watch out for that security guy on the left of the dressing room, all the same. I'm here for you, Emile
  14. Emile!! Now somebody say that somebody say on internet I am paranoid! So coach does not like me, that is not paranoid just true! I tell him I no need to sit on end of bench so much now to be near washroom exit and he say he does not like to take chances on me!
  15. Leafs have only got a black judge's son, an Evangelical Mennonite, a wily Arab-Canadian and a paranoid Belarussian. Plus the usual suspects. And Scrivens who lives with his wife in a basement apartment. Why not spend your money and emerge to the daylight Ben? Or do you prefer not to?
  16. I am in the sad position of hoping and praying that the Winnipeg Jets, whom I love, will lose their next two games. What's not to love about the Jets, who returned from their exile trailing clouds of pride and honour, if not quite glory? They have the perfect mix for the PC sports fan - the first NHL Cuban-American player, and the first Armenian American player plus bona fide homeboy backyard-rinkers. They have a goalie who looks all of 14 years old. And they have the ever-entertaing Dusty "the Skipper" Buff, behind whom guys have died of hunger in the buffet line. So go Jets go. Just go down for a couple of games and then rise again in glory.
  17. So, a tyrant looks half black and half white, with rapidly greying hair,and can appear robotic or angry and petulant in public while discussing the murder of two women and a child. Sic semper.....
  18. No! It is probably too late. First they come for Nicolas Cage.....
  19. It does not matter, it is the beginning of the rationale for Marshal law. The "facts" really do not matter. Rogue elements within the government could easily pull this one off. If it is the Saudi "Al Qaeda," scenario, it can, and I believe will, be used by this marxist administration to begin moving deeply, and quickly, to establish full control via the soft tyranny. Did you see the petulant, angry, apology for a leader today in the Rose Garden? Compare this angry speech by a spoiled brat who did not get his way to his monotone, static and robotic speech after the terrorist strike in Boston on Monday. This is what a tyrant looks and acts like. He is not a nice person. He is dangerous. A. Martial law was imposed inCanada for a short time in 1968 (I think) and never again since. It was shocking enough to us docile pinkos. Whatever you think of Obama I do not believe he could be so stupid as to risk trying it on Americans.
  20. Adam, why the Reichstag again? Is your implication that the government planted the bombs under the guise of training exercises? Could it not as likely have been real terrorists pretending to be officials?
  21. Just watched the singing of the National Anthem before the Bruins/Sabres game, first major sport event in Boston after the bombings. In tears.
  22. Just watched the vid of the National Anthem being sung at the TD garden before the Bruins-Sabres game, the first major sporting event since the bombing. In tears.