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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Aw, c'mon Brant -- don't exile him from the, uh, symposia-- we know he can be annoying but he's kind of cute. Lubricia Gaedorama regular
  2. Dear Emile, More troubles! Wife learns that dinner was not extra night practice like I said. I tell her it was innocent merry talk all truth and she tell me I am stupid lunk. I am hurt in my feelings. If she want smart why marry hockey player? How she find out? I start to think Leo is sneaky Finn. M.
  3. Dear Emile, The poutine was not bad and my stomach is OK but I have other etiquette question now. What is oagull? Is it some kind of bird or bad thing? I am afraid Captain did not like my merry talk with Miss Cuthbert but it is hard to tell, his face always frozen like Siberian river and he talks like robot. He said I better score goal soon or I be on bus to Oklahoma with Marlies. Maybe joke but I made nervous. I did score goal but nobody else did . All team sad and I do not feel like eating anything. Leo says I should contact Sean Avery for advices, he has lots of time now for talk, but I think I trust you better. Your friend M>G>
  4. I did, If this is indeed the person of interest, I am surprised that a person so well connected to the jihadist network had so few resources. The 9/11 Saudis had jet planes and he had two pressure cookers? Carol: Money transfers have become more easily traced than ever before. Therefore, do not conclude that this asymmetrical warfare with easily placed simple I.E.D.'s all over America will not be even more effective than box cutters, which were a very simple weapon.. A... Sadly and horribly, you are right.
  5. Governments and law enforcement usually lie to "protect investigations" and of course, their own precious posteriors.
  6. How great was the Chicago Trib sports cover? Today I too am a Toronto Celtic and Patriot, though I canna ken the football to save ma' life.
  7. I did, If this is indeed the person of interest, I am surprised that a person so well connected to the jihadist network had so few resources. The 9/11 Saudis had jet planes and he had two pressure cookers?
  8. Or maybe I do not know the difference between darkness and shadows, or the truth about light.
  9. No! Without looking them up, I am remembering the Irving Oil and the horse-train one, and my whole impression is of shadows, shadows which obviously must only be in my mind. That is amazing.
  10. I just realized I would like to see what I said here as a painting in the style of Colville. But I don't know what it would look like. Maybe I have learned more from the art threads here than I thought.
  11. Ah yes...a cynic - a humanist with experience! Or a free-market idealist without it. Work experience, that is. Because the job market is not rational. Do you mean to suggest Mr. Limbaugh is without work experience? No indeed, but I believe he has feared being so in the past. As who has not?
  12. lol, and if eye contact should be made between BO and Samantha Cameron, it could be if not quite Murder in the Cathedral, at least Shabby in the Abbey.
  13. caroljane

    food vs crap

    Most OL members by now can guess who wrote this: How foolish to insist on feeding under conditions of an already existing plethora! Why insist on "plenty of good nourishing food" under conditions in which food cannot be digested and assimilated? Nature knows full well how to guard and protect and this is the meaning of the lack of desire for food, nausea, vomiting, distress after eating and other symptoms of protest. When digestion has been pushed and "stimulants" and drugs have been given for the purpose of forcing a reluctant appetite, we only add more burden to an already overtaxed organism. Fasting may here be used to best advantage. If your stomach throws the food back in your face, the hint should be obvious. Jerry: I am an OLer who does not know who wrote it the bold quote supra... 2nd, I do not believe your stomach paradigm works for Bulimia and Anorexia, the nervosa twins...correct? A... Jerry: I am an OLer who does not know who wrote it the bold quote supra... 2nd, I do not believe your stomach paradigm works for Bulimia and Anorexia, the nervosa twins...correct? A... Jerry: I am an OLer who does not know who wrote it the bold quote supra... 2nd, I do not believe your stomach paradigm works for Bulimia and Anorexia, the nervosa twins...correct? A... What hint? Do you know? Twins are Henrik and something else Norski, not those Italian guys! Doubled over, Mikhail G.
  14. Ah yes...a cynic - a humanist with experience! Or a free-market idealist without it. Work experience, that is. Because the job market is not rational.
  15. Yes, Rush is intelligent, but I also think he is cynical.
  16. Limbaugh thinks the American public is even more stupid than the :Left thinks it is.
  17. J is not a chanticleer. I see him as the terrier who will always catch the pant leg but never the car. None of us will ever catch the car and not everyone cares for the taste of pant leg. But what we pursue is worth pursuing.
  18. How about THE ANARCHIST COOKBOOK? Originally published to facilitate "creative" expressions of the SDS/Weathermen, and other frustrated New Leftists of the 1970's (Note: If you are too young and think I'm possibly referring to The Weather Channel or something, drop a note to Presidente Obama's "former" friends - lawyer professors, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who led the Weatherman faction out of SDS, and which later launcned several bombings, requiring the Love couple to go into hiding from the Feds for 20+ years - after which they struck a plea bargain and spent time as guests of the U.S. penal system). THE ANARCHIST COOKBOOK was later widely available in bookstores, primarily due to its instructions on mixing psychedelic cocktails (along with its detailed instructions on terrorist devices). I believe its publication was stopped after the Oklahoma City bombings, but it is probably still available on the Internet. There are probably much more lethat instructions available, but in the wrong hands (those engaged in malice), this "guide" is still out there. This brings to mind a novel I have mentioned here before, "Vida", whose heroine is Weatherman-type who attempts a bombing and goes underground. The bombing conspiracy is fuelled and facilitated by, no surprise, an undercover FBI agent.
  19. Dear Emile, thank you for reply, the equipment guy passed under the bathroom door to me. I will try your advice, I did think Leo's Estonian blinis tasted funny but he told me it was his grandmother's recipe. Our team captain has invited us to his house for Alberta poutine. Even if I don't like it I will not mind, I will just look at his fiancee and make merry talk to raise spirits. M.G. feel better already
  20. A weapon of Jewish liberation. Ba'al Chatzaf Yes, that too. A's freedom fight is often B's terrorism. Although the debate is still ongoing on how far terrorist acts such as the hotel bombing actually aided the cause of liberation. Have the Islamist acts of terrorism advanced their cause ?
  21. The Islamic recipe book for bomb making covered it - I recall Beck talking about this "how to make bombs in your mom's kitchen" jihad information about a year ago. Dennis The Islamic recipe book for bomb making covered it - I recall Beck talking about this "how to make bombs in your mom's kitchen" jihad information about a year ago. Dennis This manual was also "highly recommended" by Stormfront in September 2011.
  22. I am reminded of the "Davidka" full of nails and bolts from Exodus. And yes, it was used as a terrorist weapon.
  23. My mother knew how! The neighbours called the fire department!
  24. Carol, Actually the left already is. Starting with Chris Matthews. He didn't use that phrase, but that's how he always defines it. (He's even defined racism as only being practiced by whites.) See here and here. I wouldn't have said it otherwise. If I dig, I am sure I will not have to dig far to come up with plenty of examples from others. And, no, I am not disappointed it didn't happen. I am saddened and irritated that it does happen. Michael "Domestic terrorists" (ie native born Americans) tend to be on the far right? Is that hollering an unjustifiable assumption? Maybe they don't tend to be rightists, my impression is that they have all been psychos whose ideology would not matter. I do not know the history of homegrown bombers , except early 20th century anarchists of whom that was certainly untrue
  25. I can see it this way. The Jews, hideously oppressed and persecuted in the past, are no longer perceived as oppressed or discriminated against or poor in the US, whereas blacks rightly or wrongly are still so perceived by some. The teacher used an historical example whose propaganda has been disproved and rejected by history. I will give this teacher huge benefits of doubt and believe she may have considered using the example of propaganda and arguments pro slavery, pro-KKK.