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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I sense that you are disappointed that the left is not already hollering that it is aowg's.
  2. The other feel-good story from Ian Mendes is about Jason Simmonds of PEI (land of incredible women's field hockey). He was planning to spend the day staking out the finish line of the Marathon with his wife and stepson, but he met Dave Cameron, assistant coach of the Senators, who invited them to watch the morning skate instead. So Simmonds lived to tell the tale.
  3. Obviously I am distracted by hockey today (and no better distraction there is). I actually heard about the bombing on sports radio when the game day show was interrupted with the news, which then took over the they had a couple of stories from the Senators reporter who was there for the Bruins game. Four of the Ottawa players who were healthy scratches decided to go to the Marathon finish line after morning practice, but after lunch only one of them was still gung ho about it, but he didn't feel like going alone. So they all stayed at the hotel and rested. tThe time frame would have put them at the time of the explosion.
  4. Obama doesn't have to attend - someone [Kerry] should have attended. Dennis He would have, if Thatcher had died in office or shortly after retirement, because the diplomatic relations would be personal and fresh. But given the time passed, it is only formalities. I think it is right that the US politicians who revere her should be there.And again , were there Bushes at Mitterand's funeral in 1995? Or did we just not see them amidst the mob of mistresses?
  5. If they had snubbed the funeral of a former British PM who had left office 20 years before, whose ideology they disagreed with, you would have praised them for not being hypocritcal.
  6. If Bush i or 2 had been invited to Harold Wilson's funeral in 1995, would they have gone?
  7. I agree with DDL, comparing wounds is fairly profitless - each individual suffers to his capacity for suffering, and collective suffering is just that, collective. Was the Armenian genocide less a genocide than the Holocaust? Are the dead less dead?
  8. Dear Emile, I am Russian guy with a Canadian team and I have embarrassing problem. Food here does not agree with me. For one year I am upset in lower regions. Then coach tells me to play with more fire in my belly, and I get heartburn. Doctors don't find anything wrong. What can I do? Miserable in Toronto. Dear Misha, I would advise you to stop accepting lunch invitations from the third and fourth liners. Maybe it's their borscht that doesn't agree with you. Good luck, Emile
  9. Yeah, they are approaching again. Next week or thereabouts. The Leafs have not made them for nine long years, but this time...I don't dare to say more, except, it sure would be nice to be able to cut off this beard. I keep tripping over it.
  10. Tara Smith seems to be the only Ortho Oist who earns universal respect and admiration. Go Reason, go Reimer!
  11. Now why didn't I think of that? The next thing you know, they're going to outlaw bombs. Michael And remove the individual right to construct bombs in the privacy of your home? If those spectators had all had their own bombs this would not have happened.
  12. I am indebted to Beck's The Blaze for a valuable addition to my collection of favourite headlines: "Holy Relic: "True Face of Christ" found in Tennessee Motor Home" It's nearly up there with the tabloid classic, "Headless Body in Topless Bar"
  13. One thought I had was that to cause maximum carnage, the bombers could have targeted the Red Sox game earlier in the day, or the Bruins game scheduled for that night. But I suppose those would have to be suicide jobs, and maybe the so-far unknown murderers did not care to sacrifice their own precious lives. This eerily reminds me of a Val McDermid thriller in which the VIP section at a football game in Britain is bombed. Of course in the novel the bomber (a Muslim btw) does it to kill his lover's husband.
  14. Thank you, Patton Ewalt, and thank you Michael. And amen.
  15. Sure ain't -- 113 and still kicking! Welcome Liliway - you haven't seen a chick beach until you've seen me and Xray and Ellen in our hot beach cyber bodies! Very hot in my case, as my bathing costume is very Respectable and weighs 25 pounds. A good friend of mine married a navy man at 17 and lived in Norfolk for 10 years/ I didn't envy her the man but I did envy her the beaches. Carol
  16. Tim Thomas ? So are you telling me that I have been waiting 40 years for my beloved Flyers to find one goalie - Pelle Lindbergh RIP aside - and my most favorite owner in sports along with the Rooneys of course , could not even get an Objectivist super star goalie to play a few years for us ??????? Ouch , that is a dagger to my heart , Nobody could get Thomas. even by torture. He is on strike.
  17. Huh? Are we talking about the same thing? I was talking about the Masters tournament.Rules app;lied strictly and weirdly to the 14-year-old amateur and loosely to Tiger Woods.
  18. Totally agree. I feel the same way with the designated hitter in baseball. Yes, the DH always reminds me of the rich guys who paid poorer ones to do their soldiering for them. Unsportsmanlike conduct indeed. Carol: To the best of my knowledge, that "option" only happened in our Civil War and only in the North. Are you referring to a policy in Canada? A... No, it was the American history that came to mind -- but I had the idea that it happened in the Revolutionary War I mistaken?
  19. A new breed of ice found only in Canada. It is said to be tougher than steel, and it can out-drink an Irishman. lol, you are correct Kyle. It is only an urban myth that the term derived from the utterance of South Asian immigrants on their first Canadian winter: "Ice.....Eeww!"
  20. On top of Old Gawgia Where old fogeys go They abused a minor For golfin' too slow
  21. Michael, I am also serious in saying my feelings are mutual. One of the many commentaries I have read about the late Margaret Thatcher was that she was polarizing, and I cannot help but think that was her worst legacy.
  22. Serapis, I can't locate where you said, "Yes, I am an anti-Semite" etc, in the manner of our resident chimp. As I said there, farewell if you were serious. If you were just trying to be cute in the manner of jts, then cut it out. You are not that good at it.
  23. If you are serious Serapis, then farewell. You are too drear for my possessing.
  24. And I agree with you. But I think your extrapolations are a bit egregious."Could not possibly" does not equate "did".