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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Did go further - apologies. iHave not ,read you on this subject because .for Years I only browsed sporadically after I realized .there was no place for me here , but I guess hope springs eternal.
  2. Michael, I cannot honesty say that My concept of the Deep State is yours. I cannot see a clever ruthless conspiracy when m
  3. That certainly describes a lot of GOP "lawmakers" right now, I cannot but consider the likes of Graham to be anything but a craven turncoat. Wasn't it a Republican who said, "I,d rather be right than President?" (You see I ' ve found the ""s) politics makes strange bedfellows I know but is just hating the same people enough for more than a one night stand? and do you feel great about yourself the morning after? caveat The Dems are worse, deep state is everywhere and I know I am writing on a proud weapon of magaworld, so I am grateful for your forbearance. Lying down with .the dogs of lithe culture wars, you can .get up with some pretty big fleas.
  4. Disagree. With Meg they tried to learn from the mistakes of the Abdication and do everything as differently as they could, since the worst threat to the monarchy had already once come from an American divorcee, nOw I think the Firm will cut its losses and resign itself ,to another embarrassing Duke in exile,. And Harry will stay in love with his wife as his great uncle ways with his Wallis. )
  5. iT is interesting to people interested in English history and the re-echoing themes of the weird families of the Saxe-cobourg-Gothas ((fat.hers hating sons And vice versa, and in 21st century redo of AMerican Woman! GEt away from HE! This keyboard has no quotation marks, and apologies to Burton Cummings. and Michael, don,t tell me the all right media cares about this story either - since you don,t indulge in the MSM, how did you even hear of it? still hate this wretched device
  6. Weill, look at my profile. There is no mailbox on there now th Though I sent a pm before .
  7. No-name dropping, the hottest new trend among elite influencers! Daunce Lynam -Elitist
  8. I'm not dead! No, I don't need the cart ..I think I'll take a walk

    1. william.scherk
    2. caroljane


      That previous message should have gone on my profile, not the board - browsers then could continue to think ( was dead and communicating from the Great Beyond. Oh, well.

    3. Michael Stuart Kelly

      Michael Stuart Kelly


      ... browsers then could continue to think ( was dead and communicating from the Great Beyond.


      Hi, Carol...


      I can't see the browsers thinking that. You don't vote for Democrats in the US like those from the Great Beyond do. You're Canadian.



  9. Who's for desert? well, somebody did say that if he managed to lose to the worst candidate "who ever ran IN HISTORY" , he might have to leave the country...
  10. from the desk of the Hon. Clarence Thomas... Dear Hillary, OK,OK. You win the bet. I spring for dinner at Joe's and I affirm There really were deplorables in that basket. See you at 7 next Friday. But I ain't wearing my Afro wig! C'mon. I,ll throw in dinner for two guests instead. But not Bill! Ruefully, C
  11. And we absolved everybody. Hallelujah! (Eat your heart out, Harvey W,) Venus Flytrap, far left in photo)
  12. No matter how much you exercise that paranoia muscle, dear cousin -- don't you ever think that sometimes that itch is in a phantom limb, that you lost long ago in battle? Rhetorical, of course, I don't expect a reply. But if there is one, please do not let it be just a retort that my delusions are way more evil and harmful and all-round pathetic, etc etc, or at least don't remind me of my obesity and idiocy - for auld lang syne's sweet sake.
  13. "I'll go upstairs! Whatever there awaits... -a raging Lil or whimp'ring Jim or worse, I won't stay down here to be mocked! No, dammit! No man compares ME to that creature Mamet!"
  14. Wow, what class is displayed in that exchange. Especially between the lines.