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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Honestly, Stewed, it's difficult to do the former without simultaneously doing the latter on a site like this. Apparently, you prefer contributors who dumb themselves down in order for you and other regulars to protect your egos, and keep your fragile self-esteem intact. Sorry if I can't accommodate that. I'm selfish enough to believe that other people's self-esteem is best kept intact by them, not by me. Of course, if you're trying to find a subtly oblique way of asking for a reading list that you would find both interesting and enlightening, I'd be very happy to accommodate you. Most happy, indeed! Anyway, you seem to believe that if little Bobby beats the crap out of little Sammy on a playground in order to steal his baseball glove — or simply for the fun of it — that this is the same thing as being a "natural born leader." Quite incorrect. Leadership rests on persuasion, not threat of force. And the point, of course, is that there are different models of "human nature", Freud's being only one. Golding accepted that model as an accurate description of reality. Do you? Weird Rand, I'm glad you kept going, because you helped me to resolve a problem--you. I gave you a final warning, so there is no final final warning. Your posts will now be reviewed before going live. I will remove the snark before letting them through. It's a pain in the ass for me, but that's the way it is. If you don't like that, I don't mind. Michael PS to the others: The reason I don't accept a snarky insult on my name as normal posting behavior is a respect thing, I won't have it here. I admit, what I do with this bozo's moniker might be considered similar, but his moniker is not his name, and it's already an insult against Rand and the community. Besides, this dude is the same who received a restriction before and used a new account to get around it. He's not here to discuss ideas so much as scratch a neurotic itch. And OL is not a toilet for flushing down other people's shit. It would be a pain Michael, but I doubt you will have to suffer it. Darren's interesting ideas and knowledge could be presented with his UberJerk personality edited out, but I doubt he would be willing to suffer such a division.
  2. Objectivism Online is the "offical Objectivist" forum. A lot of OLers are members there. I think of it as "OL lite". They are shi'ite Objectivists. ??? I would say Sunnis rather. I cannot imagine Lenny P even metaphorically as the martyr Hussain.
  3. Objectivism Online is the "offical Objectivist" forum. A lot of OLers are members there. I think of it as "OL lite".
  4. I don't know! My computer is possessed by the devil. Thanks for the exorcism.
  5. What is the proper purpose of government? To protect individual rights. What are taxes? A violation of rights. Government is a necessary evil (observe Somalia to see what happens when there is no government). A sufficient rate of taxation to maintain a defense is just one of the necessary evils that flow from the necessary evil of government.The basic problem is that there are evil people in the world. The only solution is to eliminate human evil. But who is going to eliminate the evil people, the people who are forcefully taking your money? Does a peaceful society depend on thugs at some level? The fact that American's have not voluntarily funded a competitive government may be something that supports your claim, though. Yes. As Orwell said, I know I sleep safe in my bed because somewhere in dark places, rough men do violence in my name.
  6. You are forgiven. And the Red Wings forgive you as well. Through all that equipment? Kewl!
  7. Carol, You mean this: Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards? From the site: The Charles Darwin Award Beck won seems to be just one category of this and is presented by The Economist. On the site, it says that all honorees will receive an award named in honor of Maslow: Here is the list of this year's honorees: Class of 2013. Go on. Click on it. Then you will see the reason for Jones's sputtering disbelief. Among the honorees are Twyla Tharp (dance), City of Manchester (for urban innovation), Garrett Camp (founder of StumbleUpon), Forbes Magazine, The African Robotics Network, Deborah Kenny (Harlem Village Academies), Urban Dictionary, Psy (Gangnam Style dance) and several others in a wide range of fields. May I suggest you look before you leap? And I mean that both metaphorically and literally. I would not want you to receive one of those different kinds of Darwin Awards, where you are honored for improving mankind's gene pool by removing yourself from it. Michael I did look, at Wiki anyway, which says that these awards are "tongue-in-cheek", but there are a lot of Darwin prizes and maybe I got the name wrong. Even if not, innovation is not always prestigious so I will stick to my guns for now.
  8. Say what??????? People can choose their beliefs and unbelief s. They can choose their premises and un choose them. It might not be easy but it is doable. It's a quip, Bob. It's a quip. Dayaamm! Ah hell, I can't resist: No such thing as an ex-Jew. Michael They exist, but they are few. If I'm for me, then what of you?
  9. Who is crossing the Atlantic Ocean? Who is occupying whose country? Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was not responsible for 9-11. If financial support for war had to be voluntary, government would need to convince people that the war is not murder. You are arguing ad hominid as usual.
  10. Michael, look up the Charles Darwin award. It is not prestigious.
  11. And thanks for the suburban explanation, PDS.. Now I have a name for a conversational variant I have enjoyed all my life. I have caused hurt by it at times, which I did not intend, due to misjudging the thickness of my interlocutors' skins. I'm sorry for that.
  12. He was delightful, honest and brave and loved movies and life, and enhanced the lives of his family, friends and fans.
  13. Because in Michaels parlance, he tells a story with every broadcast and has the gift of getting people to listen to him. How seriously we take the story depends, of course, on our own inner stories.
  14. From the Urban Dictionary... 1. pimping More commonly used nowadays as making something cool or better.Yeah, I was totally pimping up my profile today!2. pimping A person who has the best girls. and the most bling-bling of anyone.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The third meaning is the traditional meaning of a street level procurer.Pimping, in my non-Urban Dictionary world, is the act of perceiving a blind or soft spot in a friend or colleague and then repeatedly needling them about it. It is an affectionate form of needling. Kind of like what I do to you when I throw in witty remarks about your obsession with kink, or Daunce with her hopeless attachment to the Toronto Maple Leafs. Understood. I was just helping Carol who refuses to run Hey, I don't refuse. I am just not real good at finding things. Just like the RedWings don't refuse to beat a lowly team like Phoenix.
  15. Can someone explain the meaning of "pimping" here? Obviously J is not offering Roger for rent and I don't know of any other definition.
  16. If a Christian said to me what you wrote "that the kingdom of hell, like the kingdom of heaven, is within us”, I would consider that person a “mystical, new age” Christian. Yep, that is a pretty fair description of the Anglican clergy.
  17. Remember what Andrew Wilkow says: Socialism is for the people, not the socialists. Are you a socialist [ruler] or one who wants to live under socialism [one of the people]? Fortunately for Canada - at the moment - in respect to finances and business it is less socialist than the United States. Canada is however a free rider in many respects on the United States - particularly the military. Remember the lessons of both Russia and Germany - when socialists come to power the 2nd bunch of people up against the wall are the socialist puritans who fight the authoritarians who have come to power under socialism. Dennis The socialism of Canada is not that of Russia or Germany, because we are not Russia or Germany and have indeed remembered their lessons.
  18. And make room for the excluded middle? About time!
  19. This is a gem. Nay, a precious gemstone. Thanks PDS, I thought I would hear groans. Here's sparklin' at you, kid.
  20. Dennis, you are wrong. As a socialist I am perfectly willing to stand idle and take blame. It is a good survival strategy.
  21. The reality of hell is in Scripture, yes, but so is almost everything else, and I don't know about modern theology (or ancient theology come to that). But I have heard a few sermons on it and in Anglicanism at least, my impression is that the kingdom of hell, like the kingdom of heaven, is within us.
  22. Again, I am not saying that these ladies, or anyone literate, is incapable of writing a book. Most of us could if we had to - locked in a room and not let out until we produced the page quota. But not every Colette finds her Willy and most do not go looking.
  23. And of course you are submitting this high quality of evidenciary support for your argument with some objective source? Nary a one. I can't prove a negative. just entertain doubts.