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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. lol. A current rerun on the reality-show channel here is poor Bristol Palin's stupefyingly dull short-lived series, in which Bristol mainly talks about Sarah and her awesomeness. Tonight's episode: "Bristol attends her book launch and her mother makes a surprise appearance." Wonder what the fee was? No, I don't think Bristol is very widely read either. Yes, "nice pair of" Bristols also "wrote" a book. And her mother has had two bestsellers. I do not deny that either of them is capable of writing a book. However I seriously doubt that either of them actually did. Most celebrity books are ghostwritten,with or without acknowledgement to the writers, as anyone familiar with mainstream publishing knows. Think about it. How long does it take to write a book? At least a few months, with the writing being a primary activity. Say a year. How many celebrities or politicians have a year to write for four or five hours a day? I am talking about now, not the past when writing was a regular activity for most educated people. It is much more reasonable for the celebrity to provide the material to a good interviewer, which takes a few weeks, and then revise and approve the final ms. There are exceptions naturally. Joan Collins for example does her own writing. (Honest, she does... don't sue me, Miss Collins!)
  2. Adam and DDL, You two are the kind of parents who have always made me feel like a complete piker. Frankly I was just glad when my kids paid attention to anything they heard at school (Son #2 never seemed to hear much except in gym class) and expected them to learn about religion and politics at home.
  3. Yeah, a proportion of the population is homosexual, and a proportion of the population is psychotic, and a proportion likes to kill people. The world should watch out.. Rosie O'Donnell's son goes to a military school !
  4. -- well, there is that cute Joe Biden, but I am no cradle robber.
  5. Sir! The topic of Mrs Palin has obviously overheated you gentlemen -- perhaps we should turn the conversation to someone who appeals to old white ladies --
  6. The apostrophe is an error. Does Mikey need a book?No, it isn't an error. The word "the" or "an" is missing before "average" though. Still it is clear that "CEO's" modifies " writing level" which being understood does not need to be repeated.
  7. lol. A current rerun on the reality-show channel here is poor Bristol Palin's stupefyingly dull short-lived series, in which Bristol mainly talks about Sarah and her awesomeness. Tonight's episode: "Bristol attends her book launch and her mother makes a surprise appearance." Wonder what the fee was? No, I don't think Bristol is very widely read either.
  8. Nah. As I indicated in in #117, it's obvious who our anagramous friend is. Xray figured it out when he first appeared.
  9. Jonathan always has a lot of ironies in the fire.
  10. I know how you're ribbing me, and you know you are always welcome to rib away. But I maintain that the facts you presented, which I accept and believe, to me are not sufficient to persuade away my own perceptions (or my inner story, as you will); just as they are sufficient to justify your own. Again I never thought Palin was in any way literacy impaired, I just thought she was not a reader by choice and I still don't think so, that's all. Sdk's charity is well directed and gladly received. You and your minds are dear to me.
  11. No use. I sent him two pairs of lucky maple leaf socks already but he still won't trade. Kadrette
  12. Someone should tell Weird to curb his cravings for gratuitous insult, or he will find himself down in the minors again. Waterboy with the Missouri Mules, maybe.
  13. As to "writing" books, surely you do not consider that a sign of superior literacy. As to them best-selling, that is about marketing and/or great good luck. Yes, even for Ayn Rand. She wrote her novels when people were reading them, an d she had an agent and a publisher with big bucks behind her.
  14. Well, something speaks stronger to me than "anything I can get my hands on" consisting of a sports memoir and a childhood classic and a couple of magazines. A constant reader of mature years would have a more voluminous answer, given the circumstances.And to mention that you read your local paper-- that does not even count, everybody reads their local paper, except for Dennis May. As to the Bible, I do believe she has read that and I have that in common with her. Happy Easter!
  15. Michael, weaning has nothing to do with it. I never said Palin was uneducated or unable to write good English, let alone illiterate, nor did I ever think it despite the media traps she was set during the campaign. I said my visceral impression of her was of someone who did not read (not was unable to). My own son read nothing but Sports Illustrated throughout his teenage years and only graduated from high school, but I would vote for him for public office .Not only because he now reads books either. I have the same impression of Jane Fonda btw. She had quite a leftist political presence and I thought she was on the correct side, but I also felt she knew nothing of her own knowledge, but was only reciting lines she had learned from other people. Of course she was a pretty good actress. I think Palin is a better one, because she is only portraying herself.
  16. Having carefully read this thread and observed Palin over the years (always loving her hair and glasses) I have to say that my innards agree with yours. I just get this feeling, this woman has never willingly read a book in her life, and doesn't think there's anything to be learned from them.
  17. thought you would like that one! A... Acourse! Cats plus goalkeeping - an ultimate pleasure not even guilty! Goalies are weird. They have to be, of course-- James Reimer is doing OK with the Leafs but he bothers me because he seems so entirely normal. Still, so did Ken Dryden, and he turned out pretty well. But he was an exception. Jacques Plante was so weird he pioneered the face mask and didn't even seem to mind being called a girly-man in both official languages with many colourful variations/ Ilya Bryzgalov likes to contemplate the stars and think about the universe, not the stars on the opposing team either, somewhat of a worry to his coach. Goalies are the bane of kid soccer coaches. The two most enduring memories of my husband's utterances on the pitch are "Come ON, Referee!" and "Patrick, for godsakes, GET OFF YOUR LINE!" Patrick became an actor and is having some success in commercials and presumably cannot ad lib much now. There was also a twin, whose father insisted the boys be on the same team (you can't blame him considering the logistics). Trouble was the twins liked to switch jerseys for fun, and the other twin was wretched in goal and had a short attention span and used to use the net as a climbing frame when the action was slow. One kid was made so nervous by his father coaching him from behind the net that Eddie had to take him out. He wanted to take the father out too, as you can imagine. His solution when desperate was to put his own son in goal, where he was highly competent but did not want to be, he was a midfielder. And too normal.
  18. Can you get me the number of the kit's agent? - Jay Feaster
  19. Dennis, I can see your mind is set on this issue, but of course I think your sweep is too broad. Though my viewpoint is progressive and leftist, I read everything -- including the Objectivist sites and Beck occasionally. I don't rely on TV or internet for actual news/ And the right-wing editorialists are as interesting and intelligent as the left wing ones, in most cases. Reporters are human and make mistakes, and editors get taken in by hoaxers, but even so I would rather make up my own mind, looking at both sides. It would be too boring to have an unrelieved diet of likemindedness!
  20. In case anyone hasn't heard of Dorothy Parker's famous quote, when somebody told her that President Coolidge had died, she said, "How could they tell?"
  21. Well that explains a lot. You are the 3rd person in one year I've run into who has filtered their sources of news such that nearly all of their hard news originates from Progressive sources. Without Fox News, Talk Radio, and The Blaze TV you are at most listening to one leg of the triad of valid news which also includes the Internet and Blogs. The next question would be what portions of the Internet and Blogs? You could in fact be missing all 3 legs of the triad of valid news sources. The only other occasionally valid sources of news I hear about are newspapers from the UK. Dennis None of my friends are Progressive. And not all internet blogs are left wing. I avoid to the left wing sources like the plague that they are. You exhibit a tendency to generalize with insufficient data. Do you do science that way too? I hope not. Ba'al Chatzaf In the universe of valid information you have decided to forego at least 2 of 3 legs of the triad: TV news [Fox News and The Blaze TV], & talk radio [Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levin, & Wilkow among others]. I hope your Internet blogs contain the original content from the other two legs or everything you think about politics would be a generalization from insufficient data. There are indeed good blogs out there and the other two legs of the triad talk about those valid blog sources all the time. It would seem your dislike for editorial comment as part of the news package is your primary reason for restricting your news intake to a tiny amount of what is out there. In the pre-talk radio and pre-internet days we had hidden agenda editorial comment, manufactured news, and news censorship from extreme Progressives like Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather. There was no news balance of any kind. Fox News presents the progressive version of the news and some of the conservative version of the news - balance being giving the progressives their say also. The Blaze TV and talk radio is the balance against the rest of the progressive media which runs virtually everything else except some Internet blogs. Dennis I take it you do not read national newspapers or credit sources like the AP or Reuters. etc. as delivering factual information, even on non-editorial pages. Is this assumption correct?
  22. Further to above I notice fans donated a few HATS to a struggling young player last night. Just checked a few stats and can't seem to find the Wings with a player in the top 10 or team points above 39, unlike,oh, say the :Leafs --gee, must be some mistake, no? Gleefully, Carol It sure is hard to type with all your fingers crossed.
  23. Daunce: I am certain you could get a pair from any member of the Toronto Maple Leafs.* *Probably no way to talk to a Canadian lady... Thanks for the advice. I shall make an attempt to remove them personally. If that's what they're wearing under the Blue and White these days, you can call them pantywaists all you want. It is not only Mormons and Emile's distraught Columbus correspondent who knows the power of magic underwear. Yours in cycling, Amelia Bloomer (Miss)