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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Do they sell those in Canada? I've been looking for weeks.
  2. Baal was just putting the celestial Leonard Cohen where he is at home, among the garbage and the flowers.
  3. I can guarantee a twofour of Moosehead. It might have a weird looking Spanish label, but nevermind.
  4. She is about the age when I first learned about Objectivism and indeed. it only took 20 minutes a day, with recreation breaks.
  5. Looking at the board has given me an idea for a name: Everybody Lands on Michael 2014: Crony Capitalism at its Best
  6. Vunderbar/ on the Space Oddity. I have a pretty full ischedule of new petticoat fittings and lotto ticket buying, but am prioritizing your Summit coverage. Why don't you foist the extra ticket on Gary-ji? Tell him it is a strategy session for Canucks boosters. Um, those event planners you asked for a spec 2014 schedule have listed my hymn sing as a "prayer breakfast". I don't eat breakfast.
  7. I am shocked///shockd!! That you rely on one study from a community college yet, to prove your argument/ Show me that all those hapless diploma holders have been thrust out onto the mean streets unable to read or write.
  8. Of course it is Dulwich. God is better at prognosticating Drones than anybody. He loves me, he loves me not.....
  9. caroljane

    RUSH - 2112

    Who is that? An artist's rendition of Serapis Bey... Are you shure it isn't Michael Flatley?
  10. I will take jts's side here. Those "graduates" all have cellphones on which they text and read messages. It is not my idea of literacy but it is not illiteracy.
  11. Just came across this interesting topic. My father had requested no eulogy, so we did not have one for him, just the traditional Anglican service. My mother I knew wanted one, but not multiple speeches from friends and relatives. )Anyone who has read my related posts knows Ma pretty well). So I spoke for about five minutes about her. It was not written down but I think it was one of the best things I ever composed. Certainly it was the most deeply felt. Tributes and reminiscences are best for the wake/reception after a funeral, And for the rest of the lives of those who remember.
  12. Fun Wodehouse fact: His beloved school Dunwich was founded in 1619 by an actor. who provided for the education of "12 poor scholars, by God's Gift." Other gifted alumni worthy to stand beside Pelham Grenville include Sir Ernest Shackleton and Raymond Chandler. It's too Dorothy Dunnett for words.
  13. ... To the dead, says Hitch. To the dead. Cheers, cheers all. To Death, may You take me unawares. To my lovely Friend Carol, whom I have never yet met, what a moving prose poem of your death, your mother as her eyes turned to glass. Brant, brother OLer, may we meet in actuality. I suggest rather fantastically that MSK decree an OL Conflab in Chi-town in 2014 or sooner or whenever -- a self-organizing social, a Ball of Reason, an Event. No papers delivered. No formal speeches, no icing on the cake. Just OLers being their passionately reasonable best. As good as if not better than the Kissimmee Konklave of long ago SOLO-RoR. We could loudly but reasonably finish this skirmish then, brother Brant? I do so want to meet a few lovely cronies like Carol and MSK and Kat and you before we become cargo ourselves. Bill, thanks. Ma would have loved her funeral (she was a connoisseur of funerals); her idol Lloyd Robertson even sent flowers. In her casket we put the sonogram photo of the first great=grandchild who entered the world five months later, bringing back her mischievousness and fiercely loving heart. Chicago 2014! I'm there. But I warn you, I will probably sing. Just a dirty room and a silver spoon will do for me. I can bring the spoon. May I recommend to you and everyone Ye Gods, by Tom Holt, in which Osiris escapes from a nursing home after a food protest, and assisted by a lorry driver and a State Registered Nurse, raises the walls of Jericho via ram's horn. Well, obviously that put everybody entirely off. I might as well go full disclosure: I will probably sing hymns: "Glorious things of thee are spoken, Galtgulch city of our laud...."
  14. caroljane

    RUSH - 2112

    I remember so vividly the first time I really listened to music (Moazart as it happened) instead of just hearing it. The power and the glory of it, the wonderful new pleasure. Like all first loves, it continues to inform and enrich my life. Don't worry about the hockey. For most of the past four decades the Leafs have not known the first thing about it either.
  15. ... To the dead, says Hitch. To the dead. Cheers, cheers all. To Death, may You take me unawares. To my lovely Friend Carol, whom I have never yet met, what a moving prose poem of your death, your mother as her eyes turned to glass. Brant, brother OLer, may we meet in actuality. I suggest rather fantastically that MSK decree an OL Conflab in Chi-town in 2014 or sooner or whenever -- a self-organizing social, a Ball of Reason, an Event. No papers delivered. No formal speeches, no icing on the cake. Just OLers being their passionately reasonable best. As good as if not better than the Kissimmee Konklave of long ago SOLO-RoR. We could loudly but reasonably finish this skirmish then, brother Brant? I do so want to meet a few lovely cronies like Carol and MSK and Kat and you before we become cargo ourselves. Bill, thanks. Ma would have loved her funeral (she was a connoisseur of funerals); her idol Lloyd Robertson even sent flowers. In her casket we put the sonogram photo of the first great=grandchild who entered the world five months later, bringing back her mischievousness and fiercely loving heart. Chicago 2014! I'm there. But I warn you, I will prob ably sing. Just a dirty room and a silver spoon will do for me. I can bring the spoon. May I recommend to you and everyone Ye Gods, by Tom Holt, in which Osiris escapes from a nursing home after a food protest, and assisted by a lorry driver and a State Registered Nurse, raises the walls of Jericho via ram's horn.
  16. sn True, but the topic does not involve "facts" nor "proof", but in fact, only "beliefs" as Lennox points out in his opening remarks. And that's when both sides lose the debate--trust me, I'm an expert at it. "When in doubt, shout it out!"e, but the topic does not involve "facts" nor "proof", but in fact, only "beliefs" as Lennox points out in his opening remarks.And that's when both sides lose the debate--trust me, I'm an expert at it. "When in doubt, shout it out!"Yes. Debates can be fairly won or lost only when the debaters agree on the basic premise. This is almost never the case, and all our rhetoric and wit, and knowledge and passion and belief - and the professional prepping that Xray so wisely noted - go for nothing, in convincing the audience.A teacher in high school told me I never let the facts get in the way of a good argument in mock trial.A teacher in high school told me I'd never get away with fudging the facts in a real trial.
  17. Yes, and and yes. Having spernt a large part of my youth visiting Cargo Facilities, and hearing my youngish and then midde-aged and then old mother extolling the excellences of Lonicera Hall (assisted living) and Lincourt Manor (end of the line, run by her niece)I have always expected to end up in one and then the other, unless I just drop dead unexpectedly. They are both nice places and when I get there. really,what will be important to me? When you get there, really, what will be immportant to you? Hmmmm. Let me guess. DinnerLunchBreakfastSnacksPub NightShuttlebus to BingoBingoSnacksGossipy 'friends'Bitching about the foodHockey trumps all in the TV loungeMy numbering may be off, Carol. Me, I have standing orders to treat me like The Walking Dead. If rendered a Zombi by stroke or atherosclerosis or too much Silk n Silver for men, apply the proverbial bolt-gun.You are bang-on. When the time comes I will not be too accurate on the numbering anyway. I assume we share the Lou Grant funerary ethos, "Just stand me in the alley with my hat on".
  18. + I am thinking of the same moment with my own mother.She died beside me, in an instant, in the car. Within moments she was in her grandson's arms, getting CPR, but it was death, on the roadside in the fog, and I saw her beautful grey green eyes turned cold agate, turned to cold stone, but I could not believe it and I could not bear to close them.
  19. Adam, was there a link missing in the big excerpt above at #27? Penuitimate question -- how many doctors/GPs/Geriatricians do we have here at OL? There have been a few confident statements about percentage chances (of recovery) and at least one confident statement that Lorraine Bayless would obviously have been saved from death by CPR. Has anyone a deep enough confidence in their percentages and medical knowledge to supply us with a link or warrant for such statements? I wish we had a straightforward Objectivish nutter like whatsisname in Florida who took deep and (insane?) aggressive umbrage at our MSK back in the day of Abandoned Baby In the Woods ... I will go re-read that thread and see if Hitchens is ready for another seminar with me. This is the TALK of the town at my Seniors Cargo Facility. No consensus but that all should Follow The Orders (of the individual patient/resident). General consensus also that nobody outside the privacy loop knows what was ailing Lorraine, and no one knows the date or circumstances of their own death but suicides. I am thinking of my mom's final moments in my arms. Should I have pulled her onto the floor and banged her about? No. This was death. Finally, has anyone here planned out their final days? Is anyone planning to be housed in an expensive campus like Glenwood Gardens? ________________ Added: "there was no crime committed" says the Bakersfield PD, who have finished their investigation, according to local news station KGET. Yes, and and yes. Having spent a large part of my youth visiting Cargo Facilities, and hearing my youngish and then midde-aged and then old mother extolling the excellences of Lonicera Hall (assisted living) and Lincourt Manor (end of the line, run by her niece)I have always expected to end up in one and then the other, unless I just drop dead unexpectedly. They are both nice places and when I get there. really,what will be important to me?
  20. What college a Checking out the link now. I'm with you on the bias, and probably more going to a college in Canada. However, my academic approach is pure mechanics. I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words. I have more difficulty being concise. And my grammar could really use some polishing. Do I want to learn what's out there? Certainly. It's why I try to read as often as I do. It helps me sit on the sidelines and watch some great plays. I think that book will definitely help, but I'm also no mainstream high school graduate. Those teachers are going to be hit with questions infused with the word "why?" haha! I'm going to get under their skin, or be their best friend. I don't see a middle ground here ;) Thanks again for having my six, Michael. ~ Shane What college in Canada? I could maybe get you a discount.
  21. sn True, but the topic does not involve "facts" nor "proof", but in fact, only "beliefs" as Lennox points out in his opening remarks. And that's when both sides lose the debate--trust me, I'm an expert at it. "When in doubt, shout it out!"e, but the topic does not involve "facts" nor "proof", but in fact, only "beliefs" as Lennox points out in his opening remarks.And that's when both sides lose the debate--trust me, I'm an expert at it. "When in doubt, shout it out!"Yes. Debates can be fairly won or lost only when the debaters agree on the basic premise. This is almost never the case, and all our rhetoric and wit, and knowledge and passion and belief - and the professional prepping that Xray so wisely noted - go for nothing, in convincing the audience.
  22. er Samson, what is a non hypothetical idea?