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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. That prehistorical women lived in caves does not mean that they ruled in them and chose their mates. There is an ongoing fascinating discourse of anthropologists about this. Feminist anthros have made radical propositions for matriarchy in prehistoric times, and mythology confirms it to some extent. But the most scientific studies seem to show a balance of powers depending on local conditions. This is why I love historical, and pre-historical fiction.
  2. This issue seems to resemble a little the discussion on coercion on another thread. If you are coerced into an activity, do you hate the activity as well as the coercers? If you are disrespected by a person representing an activity, do you hate or disrespect the activity, or just the person?
  3. Bill, I have looked again and a lot of those rooters resemble what Uncle Leonard occasionally brought us from his farm. I had no idea he was so experimental. They all tasted the same when cooked however. Nova Scotia is not New Brunswick! Ten lashes with the Cat-o-Nine-Dulse for you.
  4. NO. no hash browns or home fries, I hate potato salad...dumplings are other. What do you mean point? This is the Kitchen for galtsakes. Maybe I am trying to work out my feelings about Ma's relentless nutritionism vs. her rigid frugality , unleavened by any cooking talents, and its effects on my fragile childhood insensitive brute. If poor Sonia is fixated on bacon I hope it is Canadian bacon, she might still be saved.
  5. I forgot latkes. I have nothing against potato flour. May I say that when I clicked on your biscuits on the other thread, I could smell them. Divine.
  6. I grew up despising the lumpy blue-tinged inevitability I knew as the potato, but I have since learned to appreciate this useful though tragedy-tainted vegetable. I still don't like it in soups or chowders or in recipes except cheese-scalloped, but qua potato here is my top 5: 1. Baked, lotsa butter 2. New potatoes boiled 3. Mashed all to hell without even microscopic lumps 4. Fries very thin and non-potatoey, no gravy or ketchup That's it. I know I said 5, sorry.
  7. I do not understand anything about these update troubles, but in seemingly related news, if you ask for a oicture of God using Apple Siri., you will see Daniel Alfredsson, captain of the Ottawa Senators. What with the Pope resigning and alll, I am starting to feel nervous and trying not to draw conclusions.
  8. I meanwhile am getting ads for religious books and Christian dating services. Guess they know Respectability when they see it.
  9. I have never seen so much intelligence dressed in so much cynicism. --Brant Nathaniel cannot travel to Italy and the time for dumping on him has passed--it's even passed for Leonard Peikoff--why?: they can't defend themselves, though for different reasons, I think Brant, I had the impression that this comment was only about the attempted scam, not about NB at all.
  10. Over on SLOP, apparently loyalty oaths are now required to be posted for the record. Reasonably sane Damien just said an adieu with a ringing tribute to the webmaster. I do not know the Moellor story, what was the climax?
  11. Recently a letter was sent out , purportedly from an Ontario school, with a security advisory for students. It contained tips like , "Avoid eye contact with African-Americans" , as they are more likely to become enraged than other people. This missive did not attract much attention as it was obviously phoney. For one thing, there are few if any African-Americans in Etobicoke schools. There are black students, African-Canadian in schoolspeak, just Canadians in ordinary parlance. "African-American" here evokes Obama and Oprah, not Oxie Oxley from Jamaica, stuck in Grade 9 at age 16 and not happy about it. My guess is this was a student prank, somebody trying to be satirical or smartass. I hope I am right, and it was not someone with an agenda I would not like to look in the eye.
  12. Without checking out the answer or reading the rest of the thread until after I post, if this is art, the left hand corner of my fridge is a mini Louvre.
  13. And as to clergymen, do you not find it suspicious that the New Jersey Devils are at the top of the heap, amidst rumours than certain NJ "businessmen" made a certain offer of souls which a certain personage could not refuse? And then the Pope resigns?Hmmm... coincidence, I don't think so.
  14. Never mind the gods, what are the NHL disciplinary officials supposed to do about Max Pacioretty?TTalk about stupid. The man is lucky to be alive, let alone playing after what Chara did to him. Now he is whining that Grabovski bit him, after he nearly twisted Grabo's head off his neck. I hear that Mikhail explained that he is a devout Paleo Eater, and was very hungry.
  15. Heartening to see that true values have permeated even unto the porn industry. Keep it up Brant!
  16. Yet more of this searing epic! I give up. Ite missa est. I quit! -Benedict
  17. Yes, Rand is a cultural icon. But she was no Austen. And Aglialaro is making history, but for the moviegoer it is a history-making that in Austen's words should have "better not been attempted, perhaps".
  18. lol, he is a direct descendant of Buffalo Bill. Shoot first and take the royalties later.
  19. What happens when the unpredictable meets accepted theory, except that there is no accepted theory, until it can be proven.? I read an interesting article recently, about how the need for science to accord with beautiful and the symmetrical, and to reduce to the basic simplicity, no longer seems to meet the questions of actual science. I don't pretend to understand it all but it is interesting and I'm just saying.
  20. Peter, that is not hate, it is the "joy of battle" syndrome (not the bounty part, which is just cynical business practice) Feeling part of an "army" seems to be an atavistic emotional necessity, them against us, and They are not hated individuals, just an object to conquer in our glory and superiority and unity.
  21. Force exists from the state, from circumstance, from individuals, from the complex systems in which we live,from La Forza del Destino. Force is the bathwater, we need not throw the babies out with it.
  22. rt Daunce, Why, are you stereotyping and assuming that the youth of Idaho have never read a novel before? And you think its not a big deal to FORCE someone to do something they don't want? Is it not a big deal for me to FORCE someone onto a rollercoaster they would find frightening? Is it not a big deal for me to FORCE someone to skydive? Why are you so "not a big deal" about FORCE? And forcing people to read WILL MAKE MORE PEOPLE HATE LITERATURE. My father FORCED me to listen to Wagner when I was a kid and now I hate it (with the exception of his hit single, Ride Of The Valkyries). I was FORCED to participate in sport as a kid. Now I hate it. Does FORCING kids to eat their vegetables make them like vegetables? If you want people to like literature, coercing them is the WORST way to do it. It is completely counterproductive. You're a teacher, right? Well so was a specific relative of mine that I don't hold in high esteem. Is this "forcing people to do X is going to make them resent and loathe X" phenomenon something that teachers as a whole are incapable of understanding? ----- Now, onto the topic at hand. Forcing kids to read Atlas Shrugged is stupid and counterproductive. It is also likely to be detrimental to the cause of freedom by making kids paradoxically associate freedom with BEING FORCED. The hypocrisy is so brutal that I feel nauseous. SDK. you are too smart to equate a hatred of force (and hypocrisy) with a hatred for any objects or activities which are imposed by force. in and of themselves. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with novels, or sports, or vegetables except turnips and squash. Or Wagner's music although there was a lot wrong with Wagner Yet you have allowed your knee-jerk hatred of force and forcers to induce a hatred of at least two of these into adulthood.Things which might have been useful or pleasurable to you remain hateful, and your choices and understanding of human activities are lessened. I note you do not say thatit is universal or inevitable that we hate what is forced on us. By that logic, if you had been forced to read Atlas Shrugged you would hate it. I wonder how many of John Allison's employees loved it? I mean no slur on the great state of Idaho. Youth anywhere, and at any time, do not want to read novels and teachers are burdened by curriculum into coaxing or threatening them into reading a few. however tedious the process is to all parties concerned. Incidentally although a teacher I do not have to teach a set curriculum, my students are adults and the lessons are based on what they need and want most to learn. Plus what I know they have to learn if they are ever going to write a decent paragraph in English.
  23. Mailer had to use "fuggin'" in the Naked and the Dead. In Ireland it does not even sound like feckin' swearing.
  24. Kyle, good grief. to hate literature is to hate life. Live a little.