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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Whoo-hoo! Kessel has finally scored, a game winner, Kadri is winning the faceoffs not that he does anything with them but you can't have everything, In a sloppy season, this is as good as it gets.if you are of Leafs Nation you will put up with anything as we have proven - thanks for the dividend!
  2. What's the big deal? Nobody gets out of high school here without having read Anne of Green Gables or The Hockey Sweater or both. Atlas is longer and not as well written, true, but it won't hurt the youth of Idaho to tough out one novel at least in their lives.
  3. Maybe we are cycling back in history to when the sex preferences of rulers were just a detail, and insignificant compared to how well or badly they could rule. Look at Britain. even before the Norman Conquest, King Edward the Confessor had nothing to confess about regarding women. The Conqueror's son Rufus flatly refused even to get married (this did not annoy his biographers nearly so much as his atheism).Richard the Lionheart had to be dragged to the altar by his mother, avoided his wife (the most beautiful princess in Europe) as much as he could, there is no reason to believe the marriage was ever consummated. Edward II disastrously loved his Piers more than his queen, Richard II, a premature Romantic aesthete, appears to have been asexual. James the 6th and 1st obviously preferred boys to girls. And he gave us the King James Version, a glory of literature. None of these were great kings by any measure, but the ones who did not get assassinated were no worse than their overcompensating hetero progenitors and successors. England's greatest monarch was, of course, the Virgin Queen.
  4. Premier Kathy is just your average openly-gay granny. Her opponents next election time will be Unwed Mother Andrea, and Tiny Tory Tim representing traditional family values, a wannabe Reagan minus the charm and speechwriters. The unfortunate winner will be stuck trying to deal with Not-Henry Ford,a certified idiot who hates Toronto and has never lived here but is the mayor of it. His great vision is to rid the city of schoolteachers and transit workers and suchlike trash, making it safe for decent suburbanites in their cars. Just business as usual around here. I think the US was ahead of us in the gays governing area - haven't there been a couple of state governors who were confirmed bachelor types?
  5. Danke my dear schvesterlain. (hope that is corrrect). I am preparing a Tribute to Men for Valentines Day and am counting on the collusion of you and Ellen. As the current female regulars of OL it is the least we can do. Did you know our miserable hometown hockey team now has a German on its roster? Up Global multicult! Keep well, C,
  6. What a beautiful girl exemplifying the glories of America. I'd still prefer Roger in his tux however, after a proper classical warmup. on one of those few nights way back when that the Leafs beat the Habs. Carol Curmudgeon
  7. True. true. true. Hatred is energizing, even pleasurable, but so self-destructive. The only way to live fully in this world, it seems to me. is to love what you love more than you hate what you hate .
  8. If it is commonly understood that certain individual animals or people must be killed in the most efficient manner, then guns must be widely distributed amongst the population.
  9. Many more of our neighbors and countrymen die in automotive accidents or from bad eating habits. Ba'al Chatzaf So what? Everybody dies of something. They are not killed accidentally or deliberately by weapons designed only to kill, except by guns.
  10. You are still talking of the last century and deriving predictions from selected elements of if. Not very scientific.
  11. IThanks Michael, I don't know what it is, it is the computer Iam using, just don't ask, please.
  12. O Michael, you do know all about story. "We all believe in fairy-tales, and live in them." -GK Chesterton
  13. We don't live in the last century. And we are not dying in those trenches, but in our own homes and schools at the hands of our neighbours not the government.
  14. 54 of my hometown associates have also turned up dead in the last 30 years, and so have yours. I have never run for political office, I don't know about you. Get a grip, Dennis May. How many were to testify against you in criminal proceedings? How many were you involved with in illegal drug dealings? How many helped you obtain prostitutes? I am not talking about people dying of old age and disease. I am talking about people shot in broad daylight in downtown Little Rock at a stoplight, dying in light airplane crashes, being shot in the back with rifles from a distance, being killed in "robberies" where nothing was taken, turning up dead in the trunk of a car, etc. If you were an associate of the Clintons in Arkansas and things went sour your chances of turning up dead went through the roof. If you were in the White House and you were to testify against them suicide, plane wreck, or robbery gone wrong were your options. Every authoritarian socialist regime that has come to power leaves a litter of bodies behind. The Clintons like Obama are authoritarian socialist wanna-bes. Why do you think anything would be different in America than the pattern repeated dozens of times around the world. It is the norm proven historically time and again and to be expected. Dennis If you live anyplace where guns are in every household, your likelihood of being killed by them rises exponentially. Just another reason i have always not wanted to visit Arkansas. I have more.
  15. Interesting. There is a story about a Roman matron held for ransom or something, who was given the Sophie's choice of saving her brother , or her husband or chid (I forget which, maybe both). She chose the brother saying, I can get another husband and or child but I cannot get another brother.
  16. 54 of my hometown associates have also turned up dead in the last 30 years, and so have yours. I have never run for political office, I don't know about you. Get a grip, Dennis May.
  17. Just thinking of who the new premier of my province is. Things dreamt of in our philosophy Horatio!
  18. Mutual dear Adam with, uh, some reservations
  19. Carol: Geez...did they not realize it was your birthday? Next year, my Amazon Brigade, now that women are permitted to be in combat, will hold the families of the referees in secret locations until the final score is decided for your inept least it will be a nice birthday present... A... Alright!!! But remember what happened the last time -- don't employ any goats...
  20. So, Boston have beaten us again. No news, they always beat us, but at least this time it was only 1-0 and the 0 is arguable, if you want to argue with the refs, good luck. the Leafs are a good representation of our city; a couple Ontarians, including a homeboy Muslim. a German, a couple Scands.. some Yanks, an African-Canadian, a Franco-Albertan captain, and 1/2 a goaltender.
  21. Sure: what the other fellow should do. --Brant And the consensus will be between two fellows. For a short while.
  22. "If I could live a thousand years and all my dreams come true/ my memories of love would be of you" -Denver/Domingo
  23. The provocative topic irresistibly begs a one word answer. I would wonder, is Christianity good or bad for the individual? Raised a Christian I would say on balance it is good. Only because the central imperative, "Love one another as yourselves" - as meaning equally, not more-- is a challenge intellectual and moral which causes us to judge ourselves, and others, and reach a balance of equality from our own judgment.
  24. Oh b o y z . I w a s g o i n g to a d j u s t m y mov e a b le fe a s t o f a tr i bu t e bir t h da t e before toda y . The sys t e m wi ll n o t a l l ow me t o be o v e r 100 now , an d I mu s t bo w t o f a te t hat I wh o h a ve a l w ay s be e n mi d d le aged as far as I remember, must adjust to getting younger. M aybe wiser. Tony and Brant you are right, I am much older than fathomable and will never admit it as is my privilege. Bill dear, it is not that I would expect Jonathan type bling much less electronics. What do you take me for? Mike M and Stephen and Michael and Kat, thank you dear friends. Nothing is as rejuvenating as you guys are.