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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Prior to the computer and communications explosion of the past 60 years, cities afforded the opportunity to meet with other people face to face and exchange idea. Written communication by itself is inadequate For some kinds of interaction face and body language are as important as verbal exchange. Now we can have all of that at a distance so the original need for cities is not as great as it once was. High speed communication and high speed transportation of physical goods make the concentration of cities less necessary and less desirable than in earlier times. Ba'al Chatzaf Yes, now we have, in Ed's fine phrase, "pinheads toiling away at the University of Google."
  2. People have weird inner geographical landscapes. For years my father patiently welcomed tourists with skis atop cars in July at the southern NB border, and dealt with their disappointment that the slopes were more than two hours away. Some of them were angry, and seemed to think he had personally duped them into expecting instant snow.
  3. C'mon pickup....Julio, you're on the kitchen perimeter, right? Go in and give a message to Chef Carbo.From Her. Menu change for the Minnesota Artists League luncheon. Pull the squash and turnip and substitute sushi. Yeah, I know. Apparently it's this one guy, he threw a tantrum and they say it's not worth arguing with him, he'll just dig in his heels and ruin their trip if he doesn't get his way. Those artsy types are such wimps. Yeah, I know Carbo won't like it. Get a load of him with that big bandage he doesn't even need anymore, Hero of the hot plate. Better move it, they're setting up their easels now...I always get nervous around those things, you never know what might be in them.
  4. Carol, Academics generally don't like this field because it is do-it-yourself (DIY) and that ejects them from their comfort zone. They want distance from selling and they want some kind of gate-keeping system they don't have to deal with for the public to access them or their stuff. Smart academics, though, like Ray Kurzweil, to cite one good example, embrace information marketing (which generally includes direct response marketing straight to the consumer) in addition to their other stuff--and make a small fortune while they make the world a better place. Michael I think I get it. And those ads for the info products, "Doctors hate him!" "Nail Stylists hate her!" etc play on this, no? I can't stand those ads/ To the genius who thought up the slogan I want to say, Guess what, I am not even a doctor or a nail stylist or whatever, but I hate him too. Except for the Language Professor, and I am a language professor of sorts. The Language Professor is kind of cute.
  5. Carol: You might have a different opinion had you observed her despicable performances in the NY Family Court, with real people and real children's futures in her hands. ] Would you want your son or daughter to be the recipient of her "fast decision making?" A...Of course I wouldn't. Watching her I am always grateful I could never have been subject of one of her character analyses, even without cameras on. .To me she is an entertainer and the disputants before her are actors. I certainly would not consider her an authority on dog breeding, say, either, even if she got a new show, "Sit!", as per MEM's point about Napolitano.
  6. When it comes to simple explanations of complex issues, I will take Judge Judy over Judge Napolitano any day.
  7. "And though my client he bare grievous wounds of Subsection VII.xi.-d of the Tax Code, yet valiantly did he set forth to counter-sue both the Board and Management..." ?
  8. Ludwig II of Bavaria is called "Mad King" in English? That hits the nail on the head of course! Mad King Ludwig used to squander the money of his Bavarian subjects to build his 'fairy tale castles' Neuschwanstein, Linderhof and Herrenchiemsee. Ironically, these castles today have become a veritable bonanza for the Bavaria state because they attract visitors from all over the world. If Solo and OL are preserved for the edification of future Net generations, the Swamp will still attract a lot more visitors than the Trough, except for thirsty dogs.It will have water slides and a Fountain of Reason featuring a statue of King Michael the Patient and his beauteous consort.
  9. Carol, I'm doing an information product on how and where to use story in selling online and I intend to offer it on the Warrior forum (a place devoted to the make money online market). There is a highly targeted group of buyers for this kind of material over there if it has the right slant. I have gone through a crap-load of material so far (including my most recent reading charmingly called Aristotle in Hollywood by Ari Hiltunen) and I have been putting out requests for input in several pertinent places. I intend to get this thing right. I believe I made a mistake trying to get input here on OL, though. Or at least with Michael. Even William. They are moved by different interests. Ya' can't win 'em all. The thing is to try, try and try. And fail fast so you can try again and succeed. Michael What is an information product? I understand this is a marketing term, and you know me and the internet. The only things the term conveys to me are books and videos, or "infomercials". I know, stone age.
  10. OK...enough of this intellectual crap.. **Tabled for next meeting is the application of PDS for admission to the Club, it seems that "Alfalfa" has endorsed the application, but insisted on conducting the complete physical exam personally. None of the other applicants have complained.
  11. My perspective is that of one individual human life. When one individual, or millions of individuals die,I care about the reasons. The "bigger problems for the world", are for rational types like you to fix as dictated by your Hierarchy of Caring.
  12. If we all treated each other like 5 year-olds, like you seem to wish we did, nothing would get done. Shit happens. You're upset that a private hospital has nurses answering phones? Dear God! Or that people make prank phone calls? "There should be a law!" If it can be proved that the hospital doesn't properly train their staff for their duties, or over-works staff to the point that mistakes are being made, they should suffer the same way any person suffers for doing a bad job. The share holders should suffer for not knowing what was going on in their hospital, or knowing and not correcting it--or thinking it was a good idea, while senior management should suffer for making such bad choices. They should suffer by losing patients to the extent it has been proved they have failed... The radio station should suffer similar consequences if people find their broadcasts offensive or in bad taste and choose to listen to other stations... People make mistakes; it's part of human growth. This was an unfortunate mistake--that's all. The DJs made a mistake; they obviously didn't want anything like this to happen. The hospital may or may not have made a mistake. And the nurse made a mistake--including the suicide. Why is this more of an emotionally charged issue than countless people being murdered around the world? There is no ethical dilemma to consider. Should people make prank phone calls? Can we make an ethical argument one way or another? Is it ethical to have the nurses that work for you answering phones? Again, is this a question of ethics? Everyone involved in this is going to get more punishment for this mistake than is warranted--there is far worse happening intentionally in the world. This is just overacting to an accidental--taking it completely out of context--as socialists do. World hunger would have been solved by now if it weren't for so many damn caring people... If we all treated each other like 5 year-olds, like you seem to wish we did, nothing would get done. Shit happens. You're upset that a private hospital has nurses answering phones? Dear God! Or that people make prank phone calls? "There should be a law!" Should people make prank phone calls? Can we make an ethical argument one way or another? Is it ethical to have the nurses that work for you answering phones? Again, is this a question of ethics? When adults behave like 5 year olds, and get paid for it, the consequences of "mistakes" resulting from their behaviour fall upon them as adults. There are no laws, nor should there be, against deceiving people for purposes of entertainment. Impersonating a celebrity in order to gain private medical information of a member of the celebrity's family, is no crime as far as I know. I was speaking of ethics, not legality. Deceiving ordinary people in order to play pranks on the famous is in my view unethical. It is they who will suffer the most for their "mistake" in being fooled. The famous will be embarrassed, but they are less likely to choke out their own lives than this ordinary woman who just thought she was doing her job. What do the facts of worldwide murder and hunger have to do with it? For the record, I am against them too.
  13. I will say influences then, rather than causes. As I see it this woman was deceived, by the actions of others, into violating her own ethical and professional standards to such an extent that apparently she could no longer endure her life. It is only my speculation, that the institutional influence of her hospital were inadequate to mitigate her personal suffering, or may even have exacerbated it, through actions taken by others there. I say the radio station and the hospital bear some moral responsibility for her death.
  14. I take your very good point. Actually, I never thought Perigo was a racist. He is a hatist. I think he hates people who don't like Mario Lanza, more than loves Lanza, for example He's like the inversion of the gospel song, "If you don't love your neighbour then you don't love God." "If you don't hate the Brandens If you don't hate the music If you don't hate the Muslims then you don't love Ayn."
  15. Hey Rick - the Buke is hitting on nuns now.Got this from Ellen in CorrMon. Nuns! If my mamacita heard this, she'd make me quit my job lol. -Ju
  16. caroljane


    It sure does. Wonder if there are many goats in that part of Penn.? I see that one of your alumni was a boxer. It reminds me of the Brit boxer and entertainer who said, "Boxing led me to philosophy. You bash him and he bashes you and after a while you start to wonder, what's itall for?" You'll find good philosophy on OL with not too much bashing, I hope. Welcome Carol PS You have great taste in music
  17. Do I sense an underlying resentment that Somebody has been left out again and not identified as world-class without having to do it Himself? Indeed PDS, you need to get out more. You might have been consigned to our world-class Gang if you would just be more assiduous and thrust yourself into serious discussions with inane comments, like me. I mean Me.
  18. I always did wonder why that well was up on top of a hill.
  19. Just call me :Buh'wheat and be my friend. Ba'al Chatzaf Sho'nuff will. Buckwheat latkes are my favourites.
  20. And its Principal is Mad King Ludwig of Bavaria, except with far inferior musical taste
  21. "Is it necessary to be emotionally outraged over every murder that is committed in the United States?" Good question, Jason Quintana! I got enraged about a US murder once, and argued it here on OL. I survived as did my opponents, to fight another day. The answer on Solo seems to be, "Only if the murderer is black, and the victim white". The survivors of this will be, guess what colour. Solo is no longer a forum or O-site, it is a hate blog in the orbit of Geller, maybe LP can lick up some of her scraps.
  22. lol "Behind every successful man there stands a surprised woman" -Maryon Pearson