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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Intel#076587- Yeah, it's those wackos again. They're harmless. Their chief strategist is, get this, a chimpanzee who's not even able-bodied. Watch those Anhedonist nuns anyway, they're singing in a choir at St Pat's tomorrow, Whoopi is going to be in the audience so heads UP!
  2. lol, I thought you might offer to put me up on my way to Alberta for a half-strangling, egalitarian style
  3. 'The Position" being of course acute clinical depression, a fairly common illness. I first got it age 21 but was not aware of it at the time, my life was somewhat ruined by it at that time, I recovered and it did not recur until seven years later.
  4. WSS- Badlands indeed ! Doomed to the Knowledge, let's split up now in the thickets of Inevitable Research and hope that one will survive in body if not in spirit!
  5. "My position is too difficult to endure and no one understands this. May God and everyone forgive someone who only tried to do her best." So read the suicide note of one of my heroes, whose best was very good indeed. I am alive because others understood the position. Saved by the pill bottle. jts, if you say one further stupid word on this subject, I will come out to Edmonton and strangle you.
  6. I just Wikied Lofts to check the title. I see that she is compared to Hardy and Faulkner. I think she is better than both.
  7. There is a great novel based on the Donner Party, Norah Lofts, "The Road to Revelation."
  8. We ate each other, mostly. Alternatives were scarce. Don't know the vitamin makeup. Trogg and Donner Extinct
  9. He stares into the distance, a Lanza tune ringing in his ears, and laughs. The beautiful man child laughs. With orange hair. PDS please, if we are to craft this masterwork together, I mean when it is finished by the master, our hero cannot have orange hair, as that is too obviously Rand -derivative and more importantly evokes a turnip, which is not as erotic to the modern readership as it was to Rand's. He stares into the distance, a Lanza tune ringing in his ears, and laughs. The beautiful man child laughs. With orange hair. PDS please, if we are to craft this masterwork together, I mean when it is finished by the master, our hero cannot have orange hair, as that is too obviously Rand -derivative and more importantly evokes a turnip, which is not as erotic to the modern readership as it was to Rand's. This is no slur on Roark as a romantic hero, I am sure he was great in bed, but he was a lousy rotten architect.
  10. You've got me. I'm sure I could not counter-argue honestly, and as I've mentioned, I don't know how to cut and paste. All men are bigger than their philosophies. Women are smaller. Rest assured: many of those of us who're self-trained, non-academic philosophers will admit to battling with ITOE through many reads. Not aided by Rand's odd terseness of style and concentrated content in it. But understanding the O'ist theory of knowledge does impinge crucially on the rest - the ethics, which leads on to capitalism - and are gripes of yours, I believe. "Got you"?? Nuh- uh, I doubt that very much. I'd have to get up very early... In my o, Rand's terseness of style and concentration of content were because of her instincts and training purely as a writer, to say the most in the fewest words, and also because of her irritation or unwillingness at having to explain herself at length. She ultimately left that to Peikoff. She defined or redefined words, making her definitions essential to understanding her philosophy, so students of Objectivism in a way have to learn a second language, I understand the difficulties of that.
  11. He stares into the distance, a Lanza tune ringing in his ears, and laughs. The beautiful man child laughs. With orange hair. PDS please, if we are to craft this masterwork together, I mean when it is finished by the master, our hero cannot have orange hair, as that is too obviously Rand -derivative and more importantly evokes a turnip, which is not as erotic to the modern readership as it was to Rand's.
  12. caroljane

    Rise Again

    In addition to the Rogers, there is another Canadian "Rise Again", the Barra Macniells. "We rise again in the faces of our children We rise again in the voices of our song We rise again in the waves out on the ocean And then, and then, we rise again." I sing that with some of my ESL classes. The Hindu students get the reincarnation theme right away. You should see them nodding their heads sideways.
  13. caroljane

    Rise Again

    Re baritones, Elvis could sing. Hearing his voice conveyed the sexuality, in a way it was not necessary to see him swivelling his hips too, but that's opera for you. Music videos have a lot to answer for.
  14. caroljane

    Rise Again

    Thanks for the Witch of W, (you promised not to release those pictures, tho!) "O Queen of Air and Darkness tis true, tis true you say and I will die tomorrow But you will die today." I am such a fool for baritones. I just can't understand how women went mad for tenor voices. If Hvorostrovsky came to TO and I could get near him, my Respectability would be seriously impaired. I like falsetto the next, explaining my 60s faves.
  15. caroljane

    Rise Again

    Glad you have enjoyed the great good company of Stan too, Baal. There is a story about the last night of his life (I think it was on the CBC docu)- after a concert, he didn't go to bed early for the next day flight, he hung out with the other musicians, jamming and campfiring, singing his last night away. The nightingale never again to be the lark.
  16. OK, so he was on the tour with Our Lady of Perpetual Anhedonia and was indistinguishable from the other nuns. There's no excuse for a security lapse like this. Still no media, pray hard.
  17. Intel #007996 - Jesus Christ! He got away from the tour somehow and into the kitchen while she was there talking to the chef and now he's in hospital custody, she whacked him pretty good with that frying pan. The chef got minor injuries but he'll be ok, recommend some kind of medal or maybe a raise. No reporters onto it so far so our sorry asses are saved. So far.
  18. Could one say then that all liars are "true to themselves" due to the fact that every liar is aware of the truth he/she wants to keep hidden from others because the liar believes that hiding the truth serves his/her own purpose? I would say so. I am honest here on OL, but in real life I lie all the time for the usual everyday reasons. I specialize in the white and the Jesuitical, which I believe means to tell the literal truth in the order to achieve or maintain deception.
  19. In case it might seem that I invented the haggis balls along with the pub name, not so. They are a real menu item at the real McGugans and they are quite good. I do not recommend their neeps'n'tatties however, for reasons explained upthread.
  20. Do you ever find yourself wanting to deliver a knife-hand shuto to the adam's apple of any of the self-important pseudo-hippies who frequent such establishments?** **Rhetorical question--I know you are not that type. The karate type, that is. I see you as more of the Krav Maga type. Do you ever find yourself wanting to deliver a knife-hand shuto to the adam's apple of any of the self-important pseudo-hippies who frequent such establishments?** **Rhetorical question--I know you are not that type. The karate type, that is. I see you as more of the Krav Maga type. Looks like our local self importants are too hip for Starbucks, as I have not noticed the type much, lastime it was mostly guys in orange vests and a local busker, sobering up. However today, returning from lunch at the H&S (Haggis Balls and Smoked Haddock Chowder) I dropped into the Starbucks to stock up on serviettes and sugar, and there were two laptoppers at the window counter who might fit the bill. They typed in abstract concentration as they faced the street so that passersby could get a good look so that they could, of course, be oblivious of the passersby. One of them was a really beautiful young girl. I had to look up Krav Maga, as I am not as fitness conscious as I should be . My idea of a good workout is returning all my books to the library at the same time. My exercise plan is, I don't possess a car. If anybody attacked me my only hope would be to start talking and bore them into immobility. The Krav Maga looks interesting though. All of these courses are taught by Israeli army vets and they show pictures of them on club websites. The free lesson might be interesting. Actually all the martial arts in all the fitness places seem to be taught by Israeli army vets. There sure are a lot of them around. I know Israel has continuous conscription so there are a lot of vets out there, but do they all come here to become personal trainers or gym gods? It's like the saints' relics in medieval churches. I mean, I know they were saints and all, but how many thigh bones can one man have?
  21. A future Perigo scholar will write. "The mutton sandwich is a foreshadowing metaphor, a talisman of the sheeple who are to be masticated...."
  22. from the Office of the First Lady of the United States to: POTUS re: yr offer letter from Emir Thanks a lot for kicking this one over to me dear. Couldn't you just have explained to him that it isn't our custom to give girls in marriage at any age let alone 14, we don't care how many goats he has? M
  23. ....There is a dark intensity about him, although he has no Maori blood. In his lean, sensitive hand he holds a paper sack containing the mutton sandwich lovingly cut for him by his mother only that morning...
  24. Not that I doubt that the Great New Zealand Novel glowers from a top drawer. It opens as a beautiful man child, pent with passion for life and art, approaches the glittering gates of the Palace of Music....
  25. That one is on a par with Darren's parting shot over there. LP certainly brings out the eloquence in his flock. I was not aware that he wrote books. Commissioning one's own biography, or collecting all one's past writings into one volume is compiling a book, not writing one.