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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. All together now, campers: First we'll sing "Bread of Heaven" and next, "Great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts".... Ah, dear old days on the banks of the mighty St John.
  2. r I admire yours Adam, but I am starting to wonder about it. I sent you a PM on Nov 28 which asked for a reply which never came. Are you mad at me for something beyond the usual? Have I been dropped from the circle of your acquaintance for reasons I know not of? The message was only Socialist propaganda again cunninglydisguised as as a flyer from Madame Merciless Castle of Pain, but still. Manners is manners. Carol prepared to be heartbroken or to engage in flame war Adam tells me he did not get this message. I received no messages from Oct 19 to Dec. 2, during which time I sent five. If there was some glitch and anybody sent me a message I did not answer during this period, please let me know.
  3. - It's just typical British upper-class parenting. He'll probably ship them all to the Colonies. You can see where they learned to whinge.
  4. " Succeeding at seceding since 1971! Unsurpassed for fratricide and fine Pyrrhmanship."
  5. And some nasty commentary from MSNBC: If anyone can find out it would be veterans of the Objectivist movement, Rational Secession their Specialty
  6. If you alter your career goals anytime in the future, I don't think the Secret Service would be a good fit for you.
  7. Wow... I will wave consecutive translation on this one...I have no clue what you are attempting to communicate, my friend. That word "takings," can you provide a meaning for us dumb hicks down in the lower "57," or, without the imbecile in the White House's statement, the lower "50?" I missed the imbecile's statement, but "lower" seems to fit in your case lol. Takings are the night's earnings as from the box office at a theatre, or what Cousin Vito on the door hands you when the dungeon closes at dawn, at least he tells you those were the takings.
  8. I admire yours Adam, but I am starting to wonder about it. I sent you a PM on Nov 28 which asked for a reply which never came. Are you mad at me for something beyond the usual? Have I been dropped from the circle of your acquaintance for reasons I know not of? The message was only Socialist propaganda again cunninglydisguised as as a flyer from Madame Merciless Castle of Pain, but still. Manners is manners. Carol prepared to be heartbroken or to engage in flame war
  9. caroljane


    My uncle has offspring and the bracelet matters to him very much.Everything about his father matters to him, more than he himself knows. I see where you are going with the age question. He is around 75 I guess, but he does not smoke or drink and I do, so I might not be around to see if things go as planned. Not that I don't trust him or my aunt. Just that their views about the wishes of the dead are different from mine. They did not bury my grandmother where she had asked to be buried.
  10. caroljane


    Yes, objectively I think I should do that. But here is how I rationalize: If his mother had wanted him to have it, she would have given or left it to him. But she gave or left it to her stepson and thus eventually to me. Morality sucks.
  11. I once ate a caterpillar, just out of curiosity, and it too tasted much better than a turnip,
  12. I would too. I hate turnips. I once swallowed a minnow whole on a dare during a drunken fishing trip. It wasn't bad at all. Much better than a turnip. J I guaran-damn-tee that our paleo ancestors didn't use a "sous vide" either. I hear the Cave Man diet is a good way to lose 10 pounds, however. Me, I just go work in a rock quarry for the summer when I need to shed a few. Lose weight, ha. You just go there to meet women, but we won't tell your wife.
  13. "Old Spice"? J "If you want to be my lover, you'll have to change my depends..." Durn it, it won't embed when you specify the timing for the clip to start at. In case this is a subtle signal from the Tardis, if you want to be mine you'll have to change your politics,
  14. Speaking of omnivores who will eat anything, which do you think is more likely: that paleolithic man regularly ate pan-seared mammoth and venison with shallots, or that the bulk of his daily diet consisted of bugs, mice, newts and minnows I'd sooner eat a newt or a minnow than a turnip.
  15. Why do you sometimes forget such things? I forget the reason just now, but it'll come back to me. Carol Spice Girl
  16. The whole "victimology" industry is one of the most lucrative industry's out there. A... So takings are up at the dungeon these days, eh Colonel?
  17. Is it starve a cold and feed a fever or the other way around? I never can remember. I don't get colds or fevers much anyway. But next time I do, I will make sure not to eat or drink anything, just in case.
  18. That's what you said last weekend, so i heard. Carol not jealous anymore haha
  19. lol you think a middle class actually still exists? You fools, you brave, beautiful fools...."
  20. I have just looked at the Online list. Eleven thousand people are interested in Dr Mrs Dr! Verifiable! eleven thousand 11,000 - ought she to run for Congress?
  21. WSS, Thanks for the reply. Sometimes I forget why I love you, but writing like this reminds me.
  22. caroljane


    My uncle has offspring and the bracelet matters to him very much.Everything about his father matters to him, more than he himself knows.