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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Your prez's report that women are trafficked across the border gagged with duct tape. Canadians are sick and tired of the elitists sneering and smearing our beloved National Fastener . " Buy new tape, but keep the old - the new is silver, the old is still good for a few inches"
  2. Is nothing sacred? Sure, go ahead, blame me and Canada. Wrong border, Trump, you bozo! The sordid culture of today takes another beautiful thing and degrades it to the dust. Bitterly, Red Green
  3. I suppose I could not comment on Roseanne Barr's racist remarks, without getting mistaken for her sympathizer by someone. Someone kind of dim. You are a twit sometimes Jonathan. You have forgotten any common sense you ever had about humour, for one thing, clean, blue, black or white or red all over humour or any discussion of same, in your zealous pursuit of Potemkin proofs of imaginary thoughtcrimes.
  4. In ref to the above, I saw CNN last night do the "you equated" accusation with someone who said that the wall around his house "kept bad people and critters out", a perfectly reasonable comment in context . I did not get the guy's name or role, and I think he should have specified coyotes, bears, skunks or whatever instead of repeating "critters"; and "bad people" clearly meant any possible intruder. There was no reference to refugees or anyone else, but the interviewer said he was "equating" them with "critters" (that sounds oddly childish to me, but maybe it is a regionalism). It was so boneheaded and transparent of CNN I was really angry. And I am a liberal. Of course I think the right is just as bad, and considering the ridiculous treatment I get now from you, I am being proven right. Er, correct.
  5. Your connecting nonexistent dots and gleefully doing the "you equated" lie repeatedly is what is pitiable/laughable. My view of "black people"( ie those I know or have heard of, is that of people, period, you know that, you have known that as long as I have posted here. You are wielding your tiresome "make any liberal look evil" editing kit as if it were original or ingenious. I will echo your advice to me and suggest you stick to what you know and are good at, ie creating art, and leave the all-purpose propaganda game to the pros.
  6. lol you have already hummed all I can remember of those lyrics, except!! "baby".. completes the phrase.
  7. Peter, that looks like a nice song, but get a grip. This is not Objectivist Singalongs. Do you really want to do the baritone part of "Zadok the Priest" or lip-synch "una lagrima lacrima" ? Because itmight come to that. Just a friendly warning.
  8. worth nothin, but free. zero-sum and a perfect equation. Janis's raucous joy and dreadful despair gave us unearned dividends. There is a moral in there somewhere, maybe, but Texas being involved, maybe not.
  9. fort freedom - a euphimism for the exercise yard? hmmmmm'....
  10. Brant, I fear I am succumbing to Senior Succinct Syndrome.Posting more substantially would just earn me more abuse of my substance from the J's, why should I make more effort just for more scorn? Anyway old friend, you are not exactly prolix yourself.
  11. Though-- maybe like those nonessential workers-whiners ,he has run up too much credit card debt to pay his lawyers,-- in which case, tough Roger, you hafta pay for your lack of self-discipline. It will be good for you.
  12. No, I do not though I know legal costs are hugely draining for anyone who has to pay for more than a one-time action, criminal or not. And I do not feel vicious, truly, toward Stone or indeed anyone I write about. So thank you for that withdrawal. Looking at Stone's luxurious property, and knowing of the wealth his associate Manafort had earned from his Russian clients, I did assume Stone had also benefited from his work in the past, and would be able to finance a year of litigation, at least. And that his chances of a presidential pardon would be pretty high. I still do think so, but if you can prove me wrong I will stand corrected.
  13. TO: M. Murmur, Manager, Section Earth 666-SE/ FROM: Z'Bub 9043, Marketing Coordinator Demon Dear Murry, The drop in admissions to the Opposition's boring eternal retirement home has not, in fact, resulted in a concomitant rise in our numbers. I hate to admit it but I think doddering old Luke got it right for once. Those people are just not dying like they used to in that sector. And a lot of them are Hindus who just get recycled, I know we already allow for that but maybe we should recalibrate, A lot of those souls expect to wake up somewhere they aren't all the time and when they die it is no different, even if they aren't Hindus or anything.We don't get them, Peter's gangel doesn't get them, who knows who they go into? Also, the recruitment drive has yielded big numbers! But... the quality control people are muttering that they can't find enough to meet minimum standard to establish decent bargaining conditions.To be blunt, a lot of the souls we are being offered are just not worth a damn. I wish those clueless wonders in that sector who claim that their fellow citizens are headed for hell could try to do my job for one day! In haste, Bubba ps, Is our area really frozen over up in Canada? I thought it was somewhere more southerly - our Kitchen.
  14. Dear Dr. Ninth, My attention has been drawn to your remarks , engraved upon the scrolls of "Thingly Existence" (as my modern Norman-Saxon translator has rendered it), and I strongly demur from your unholy inference that an outrage was committed upon the sacred body of the Mother of Christ. Firstly, as a married woman, Mary had consented to carnal intercourse with another human, and implicitly to being impregnated for as long as the traffic would bear, exactly as did all the other human women of her time and most other times, except yours. The "shall" that Odd Jamie (as we came familiarly to call him while his minions compiled our writings ) captured arightly the inevitable nature of her experience which, being entirely spiritual she undoubtedly did not even feel physically. As a fellow physician you will understand when I liken her blessed condition to the reverse of an "hysterical pregnancy". I heard she was thrilled with her baby news so of course I recorded that in my gospel. Joseph's reactions were not reported to me. I trust that this settles your doubts. My underangels from Sector Earth Eq489-1A have noted your attendance at church has declined steeply in recent years - recent decades, really. In passing, I note that my work here on the Admissions Committee has become much lighter in the past few months due to fewer qualified candidates from the entire southwestern sector. I congratulate you all on your admirable longevity. Yours in Divine Service, Luke Saint, Evangelist, Physician holyoldroller@cloud1.he i
  15. Nonsense Brant, and you know it. I am talking about appearances, which I know about, and suppositions which everyone knows about, and in a manner which may be uncongenial to you but is not, in fact, trite. Literally speaking. Literallyl and figuratively, literate and semi-literate, you used to know about. What happened?
  16. How weird does he appear with his peace signs? He looks like the love child of Nixon and Ichabod Crane. I think his strategy is right though. He can easily drag out the legal process for another 2 years and then comrade Trump will pardon him.
  17. Tonight on TV - 8:00 - Shore Leave - the younger Shores scramble to return from their Mexican vacation in time for work, but Mamie's dark tan and Richy's water gun cause last-minute holdups at the border. Guest Star: Rep. Steve King (Border Official) cameo appearance by the late Charlton Heston's Cold Hand.
  18. I too live inside for the past two weeks, not by choice but because of a week enjoying ill-health in hospital (storm , storm, ice, more storm), a thrill ride to Saint John in rainstorm for variety, a riotous overnight in an empty Chateau Saint John (roads closed again) followed by an invigorating round of ingenious medical tests (not only is nothing new wrong with me, some old stuff is way better!!!) and back to sweet home where every house now has a beautiful backyard rink, as well as a front-yard and side-yard is impossibly beautiful and silvery lacy icy and a children's paradise: no school, no church, banks and stores closed so no errands. No wonder I remember my childhood so fondly, and I am entering my second one so unexpectedly cheerfully. Obviously I am in the right place. Some people may consider the small-town culture of the east coast a hell, but they should know that they should rethink it, now that it has frozen over,
  19. OK, I must have got you confused with the other J - you're the good cop, right? The one who doesn't count heads leaping under guillotines onto the meadow for a good night's sleep?* I was an English instructor for adult immigrants and refugees and the odd quebecois stranded in a too unilingual work environment. Mostly, I learned from them, but there was enough reciprocity going to keep me working till quite recently. *caricature
  20. Gotcha J - I have seen his reality shows! Have you? Say, wasn't that you on the second episode of "Celebrity Mole" pushing the catering trolley? I think you are being deliberately obtuse. Satire is fantasy, of course, --but have you never drawn a caricature of anyone for any reason except hating them? Never done a quick cartoon of someone you actually liked? Or didn't know, or care about, except they were eminently caricaturable? ftr, I think Rodman is a fairly shrewd entertainer who has exploited his natural flakiness pretty well. He does, in fact, entertain me sometimes. Nothing seems to entertain you these days, except sadistic fantasies of the unworthy suffering for their contemptible unworthiness. Pity.
  21. BZEE'S BZZZZZ....zig-zag fron the Hollywood Hive.. Mutterings from the set of red-hot upcoming MAGA series Shore Leave indicate that relations between the two stars is anything but the amity of a long-married couple....more like the Amityville Horror! Dennis Rodman complains that his on-screen wife Caitlyn Jenner is as "unprofessional as they come and can't act her way out of a Clemson White House Big Mac bag. Man, she can't convince me that she's even a real woman!" Caitlyn for her part has claimed to be intimidated by Rodman's rudeness and more than once retreated in tears to the make-up room, causing frustrated delays for the rest of the cast. The final insult came when one of Rodman's posse was heard to state that Jenner only got the part because Roseanne Barr "said she won't have no more Gentiles for leading men", causing a media storm without which the beleaguered production could well have done.... How will a former Olympic champ emerge from these new challenges hmmm? Stay attuned to the bzzzzzzz.. Bzeee
  22. Marc my friend, you are literally right. No one is as literally unbelievable as Trump,