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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. caroljane


    I think the dlemma is, the bracelet isl legally mine, but who should properly own it?
  2. caroljane


    Help me out here guys, if you can. The world needs a decent rationally-based Agony Aunt anyway. My paternal grandfather died long before I was born . I know almost nothing about him except that he I was ambidextrous and his children adored him and everybody in town liked him, that is only anecdotal evidence but I have heard a lot of it. He was a WW1 vet and he died at age 47, rumour says while he was cheating on his second wife , and he left seven children the youngest being the child of his second wife, my uncle. His second wife, my Grammie, inherited all his effects of course and among them she willed his WWI ID bracelet, she left them all to my father, her stepson. I now own this bracelet, which I cherish. I want to leave it to my son, who moreover has an interest in military history. I have already given him the WWII medals of his grandfather. I gave my uncle the military portrait of his father that dad had inherited, and he seemed so happy that I did that. I know that he was the youngest child of a father he never knew, and he is my uncle and I would not want to hurt him. Don't know what to do,
  3. Editor, please stop crediting wss for my comments. I do not mind as it is Canadian Groupthink, he would have written the same thing anyway, but it might be confusing to readers.
  4. Another fun feature of SOLO is the endless fooferaw over Christianity, Evolution, Gawd. Really tickles the fancy of folks whose lives are potentially ruled by reason. Not.
  5. Alright go on, take the mickey, I never claimed to be technologically literate, Beat up on a poor, well meaning centenarian with several interesting medical conditions,who never did anyone any harm and just wants to bring some sunshine into the world.
  6. Oh, I don't know how you did it but I suppose it is doable even by me. Here I was all ready to huff and puff about how you are our publisher (at your own expense and I hope nobody ever forgets that) and chief editor, but not our copy editor, and on and on I would go about how software is telling us what to write and interfering with our precious creative processes.... I was trained as a journalist and you don't get over that, but you get forgiven for it , by good people.
  7. My paternal grandparents both died long before I was born, but they seem to have been monarchists, naming their children Albert Edward, John Frederick and Charlotte Elizabeth among others, Either that or they were highly unimaginative and got the names from street names of St Andrews-by-the-Sea, the local honeymoon spot and weekend getaway of choice.
  8. Nevermind me, what would OL be without ghs or Brant's one-or-two word zingers?
  9. There was a Canadian vergin' On beddin' a luscious young surgeon. But he saw true reason When she went a-sneezin' And now he's not bingein', just purgin'.
  10. Michael, it costs me more. I am serious. Sometimes just one word is all I need to say and says it most effectively. You as a writer know that. I do not mean a swear word either.
  11. Did cavemen eat inoculated and carefully selected genetic lines of Yorkshire, Hampshire and Landrace pork, or did they hunt wild boars? J The Jewish cavemen hunted the wild boars and the Objectivist hippie fool cavemen et the pork.
  12. jts, why don't you branch out (branch, geddit?) and join Solo too? Might be a nice fit for you.
  13. re the falling Solo numbers, I hope MSK has not evolved so highly that he is not enjoying enormous helpings of tasty schadenfreude these days.
  14. Fortified by her Caveman Diet and her leagues of radio-podcast subscribers, she will resist. She will not fall! The guy Droug .... wants to deport (from the USA) any and all Mooslims....
  15. The above does not imply any personal relationship, as I believe Dog to be otherwise inclined. He is always whining that women won't date him. I can't imagine why that would be.
  16. Fortified by her Caveman Diet and her leagues of radio-podcast subscribers, she will resist. She will not fall! The guy Droug is one of the best things to happen to SOLO in a long time. Hates women, hates blacks, hates Hispanics, hates dissent, wants to deport (from the USA) any and all Mooslims, derides Objectivists large and small, would like to use bombs against civilians not on his 'keep' list ... a perfect reduction of all that is foul and extreme and beyond reason.
  17. I was referring to a true, proper, Objectivist happy ending, not a mere "arguably happy ending." When I fix We The Living, I'm going to have Kira making it all the way to Galt's Gulch, where she will join all of the other heroes of the world in removing their clothing and leaping about with their heads thrown back in sheer joy, as is depicted in so many Objectivist's paintings as representing how life "ought to be." J Hey, I think our Prime Minister is in one of those paintings! Galts Gulch North is the name of it I think.
  18. In a devastating blow, leading Objectivist thinker Dog the Booty Hunter Bandler has issued a statement that Diana Mertz Hsieh is a Leftist Hippie Objectivist Fool, I fear that this one will break her.
  19. Why does the new system tell me "your post is too short"? Does it not understand the concept of multum in parva? Or is it a comment on my writing style? Does it tell other OLers (I name no names) their posts are too long?
  20. Speaking of looks, did anybody see the Rage to Live movie? I haven't, but to me Suzanne Pleshette looks just like Grace.
  21. I tried to change assuming to guessing, as I do not want to make more of an ass of me, but the editor is not working.
  22. As they got on very well, without checking a photo I am assuming O'Hara had the sort of masculine looks Rand liked. He was Irish like her husband.
  23. Thanks! It really does brighten my day, and as I have spent most of it here with jts, it sure needed brightening. *29-30 No, I totally missed it....although I had been playing with working that very pun in somewhere myself!!! That is what associating with Albertans will do to a person. Good one, Peter.
  24. JTS, I think you should make a BIG contribution to the OL donation drive, to offset the costs of the content which you donate.