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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. When should you shoot a cop? Whenever you go to prison.
  2. "No man is free who has a thousand ancestors" --LM Montgomery
  3. Just a quiet word about topic titles , Michael,,, some of your readers, albeit few, are wives and mothers who come here for respite from bobbleheads and pee-pee, and might be deterred by such keywords, from gaining significant epiestemilogical knowledge.
  4. Just noticed this old thread and can't resist one comment: "He Showed his True Colours" -- both of them?
  5. Kudos indeed. We need more polymaths like that. I wish that Darren guy had kept up the Randroid belt, even though he lambasted some OLers and used Crazy Janet's paranoid libels of MSK, he was really funny. I suppose they have had a fight.
  6. Dat sarcasm. (Wretched, bitter sob)..Oh, what's the use? You reach for the stars, you slave on parodic technique while holding down a backbreaking job two hours a week, you don't expect much when your fate is to aspire to satire.... and all you get is sarcasm, sarcasm...not your fault Kyle, you are, no, I'll be fine, I am fine, really. Just give me a minute. There, all better.
  7. Couldn't persuade her to stay home with pizza and watch Atlas II again, eh? I'm assuming she agreed with your reactions and would have walked out along with her lovable old cheapskate.
  8. I watched some of the Taylor- Burton biopic, it was a strange experience. I love celebrity gossip, the older the better, and biopics in general, certainly not expecting Lincoln here but the last thing I expected to be was bored. There was the supporting cast, doing a good solid job, and there were the two leads who appeared to be civilians hauled in from the street and shoved on-set because the costumes happened to fit them. I haven't seen Lindsay Lohan before but I had always heard she was an actress. Judging by this, she isn't one any more. As to her leading man, talk about casting outside the box. "Hey, I know! We'll get an American guy with no charisma who doesn't look like Burton, and can't imitate his voice!" When the Ivor character died I gave up. It was so obvious that I cared more about his loss than his brother Richard did. John Galt's hat acted better in AS1 than Bowler did in this. It wasn't even good-bad so you could enjoy cringing. Just deadly dull. I feel like Lifetime owes me money to compensate for what I watched, and I didn't even pay in the first place. Anybody else see it?
  9. No, I can't imagine. Why, such felicity of language, such unprecedently brilliant choice of descriptive language as this short phrase displays, it quite makes me swoon... it is the greatest phrase ever presented... I am sure others will shortly appear to praise it in much the same manner as myself.....
  10. Overheard in London, a conversation between the American and British Public Relations Representatives of Miss Kim Kardashian. APR: Can we get Miss Kardashian an opportunity to meet the Duchess of Cambridge? Any occasion, any way at all.. we wouldn't ask for William too.. just one fast photo? BPR: No, we can't. APR: I knew that, but I hadta ask anyway or she'd start screeching. BPR: She'll screech anyway. APR: I know. BPR: And she'll ring her mother and she'll screech, and.. APR: I KNOW, just quit it, OK? BPR: Sorry.
  11. There was an old thinker, yet boyish.. One night he forgot he was goyische.... After tankards of ale He joined forces with Ba'al ("Let's support Israel!!") And the National Guard went deployish.
  12. caroljane

    Love Songs

    D'accord, d'accord. Yes, it is. The one and only regret I have about my wedding day, is that i did not push harder for my choice for the first dance at the reception. But we didn't have karaoke access then, it was about what the band could play, the band being my friend and classmate and , I did not push. But my first choice was Dusty, well, fulldisclosure, Dusty ( I Only Want to Be With You), or He's a Rebel by the immortal underrated Gene Pitney. But they were old songs and though Gary knew them and thought he could fake them, we went with what we knew my mother wanted. And I am glad now. I forget what that song was, but who cares. I remember who I danced with. That's what love songs are really about, I guess.
  13. Oh, you were talking about the lyrics. Is that what you feel the most important part of the song? I can't agree with that, it is always the sheer sound for me. Anybody could make up words, but few can make up music.
  14. The sound came out really choppy on my computer, but it seems like a great, fun song. Don't know if you like any other genres, but there are usually music discussions going on here, I am taking part in one now. Pretty sure that you put "anti-life" in quotes because you well know that merely to sing is to be for life, expressing life, it can't be helped. Carol Age 113
  15. caroljane

    Love Songs

    Getting in the way of a song, so follows my previous thoughts on Words of Love. Covers, interpretations, re-orchestrations, well OK if you are going to give us something extra. But the first job of the interpretive musician , I think Buddy and Johann and Wolfgang would say, and Georg would say it really loudly, is to sing the damn song. As written.You know It just struck me that I am carrying on about my profound insights in music, when I am merely a listener, on OL where the host is a professional musician and composer. MSK, if I make too much of a fool of myself on subjects I don't really know, I know you will break it to me gently.
  16. caroljane

    Love Songs

    Getting in the way of a song, so follows my previous thoughts on Words of Love. Covers, interpretations, re-orchestrations, well OK if you are going to give us something extra. But the first job of the interpretive musician , I think Buddy and Johann and Wolfgang would say, and Georg would say it really loudly, is to sing the damn song. As written.
  17. caroljane

    Love Songs

    Getting in the way of a song, so follows my previous thoughts on Words of Love. Covers, interpretations, re-orchestrations, well OK if you are going to give us something extra. But the first job of the interpretive musician , I think Buddy and Johann and Wolfgang would say, and Georg would say it really loudly, is to sing the damn song. As written.
  18. The book he hasn't read, that particular wag is a genius. That tweet has layers, such as are not dreamt of in our philosophy. I have not seen any Empty Chair comments yet, mainly through not looking for any. If i had any organizational skills I would rush into that gap myself. Maybe we should remove this thread drift to Canadian Boring, but , objectively , it is not boring, so that would not be right. Btw I have never thought much about Justin Bieber, except he seems a nice boy and respectful to his mother which I of course consider a mark of character. But they say recently that he met the PM, dressed in overalls or something, thus showing disrespect to Harper. Anybody who publicly, shows respect for his mother, but not for Harper, is all right with me. So I am a Biebhead now or whatever the fans are. I just hope he does not move to Las Vegas too soon like the rest of them.
  19. caroljane

    Love Songs

    God, to be able to do that. Buddy Holly in his garage or wherever, thinking up that harmony. Bach plodding from church to church with a few dozen kids to feed and Sheep May Safely Graze chugging along in his head. Handel the tetchy bachelor wrangling unbearable prima donnas , following fashion to give up opera and take up oratorio. Mozart moving house one step ahead of creditors, worrying about his wife flirting with officers while composing a couple of sonatas "by the left hand". Mendelssohn, born lucky, and he knew it, creating the sound of gratitude to the gods he had inherited. Just all in a day's work. Strangely, when I read Atlas Shrugged, I imagined halley's symphony as sounding like Mendelssohn"s #5 "the Reformation". Although my fave of his is #3. To create those worlds of joy, out of nothing. Just their job, really. Sometimes I think these are the only men who have ever entirely lived.
  20. caroljane

    Love Songs

    Class by itself, "Words of Love", little perfect song that is uncoverable except by pure imitation, which the Beatles did so lovely. Lovelily. Whatever.
  21. You are a cruel one, Daunce, bringing up "tongs" around Selene, especially whilst I am taunting him on other fronts... You are a cruel one, Daunce, bringing up "tongs" around Selene, especially whilst I am taunting him on other fronts... Yeah, but if he can take metaphor (and I believe he can) he can take the tongs, and take them like a man,
  22. I wonder if this scene, crossed with Roark's trial, engendered the lawsuit ambitions in the creative brain of our fitfully-attendant Mr Benjematic. I hope he is doing OK, and that his folks are too. From what Mr Ben told us I gathered that Mr and Mrs Evil Despot were pretty cool. As to handling the truth, of course we can all do it. Or we could, if we had the right tongs. I don't , myself, but I know they are out there.