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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. AnnaLisa: Do you have the original links to the sources for your asertions? Adam Anna Lisa: This is twice. Do you have the original links to the sources for your assertions? Adam Looks like there will not be a reply from her -- there was a lot of speculation about Zimmerman's mental state, and she may have been referring to a Psychology Today article by Dale Archer, which I read, "Mind of a Shooter." Interestingly he asserts that the Martin incident had nothing to do with gun laws or Stand Your Ground and could not have been prevented. Looks like another potential new poster has fled, and a woman too. Come back, Annalisa! Ellen, Xray and I really need you to help make the OL Ronettes a reality (the Mikettes *I should say)Adam will be back on the Welcome Wagon when the election is over.... *first choice name was the OL Supremes but that seemed a little strident So, I guess the Four Horsemen of the OL Apocalypse never received consideration? I, of course, am the White Horse because I am innocent and pure and because it symbolizes Conquest... http://en.wikipedia...._the_Apocalypse It's a girl group tribute band - it would have to be Horsewomen. I can think of who you could recruit for Famine, etc however! Or if we can't get a fourth (Dr Presley regrettably is always busy on Karaoke Ladies Free nite at the Hag & Sporran)- maybe you could join us if the costume would fit you, as you said you can sing falsetto, Here's the Randettes signature tune...Chiffons salute One Fine Day You'll peruse me And see the truth of my philosophy One fine day You're gonna want me for your guru Dobedobedobephilosopher queen dobewapta.... You can start practising now.
  2. AnnaLisa: Do you have the original links to the sources for your asertions? Adam Anna Lisa: This is twice. Do you have the original links to the sources for your assertions? Adam Looks like there will not be a reply from her -- there was a lot of speculation about Zimmerman's mental state, and she may have been referring to a Psychology Today article by Dale Archer, which I read, "Mind of a Shooter." Interestingly he asserts that the Martin incident had nothing to do with gun laws or Stand Your Ground and could not have been prevented. Looks like another potential new poster has fled, and a woman too. Come back, Annalisa! Ellen, Xray and I really need you to help make the OL Ronettes a reality (the Mikettes *I should say).Adam will be back on the Welcome Wagon when the election is over.... *first choice name was the OL Supremes but that seemed a little strident
  3. I looked him up, I see, another Akin. But what can you do? The antiabortionists are very powerful in the Republican party and their constituents don't want them to shut up.
  4. Of course, we won't know unless he accedes to Donald Trump's rational, noble request.
  5. He doesn't actually say that he read her in college. He says we, so he's not telling a personal story here. It's somewhat ambiguous in that respect, and the content is just left-wing boilerplate. I love the Paul Ryan "obsession" bit, I mean talk about desperation. I agree. It's very unlikely Rand was on the curriculum or the radar at his college. That response was a result of staff research, as you say, boilerplate.
  6. Speaking of Holts, Tom Holt has some of the drollest fantasy mixtures of kitchen sink and fairytale ever written. Ye Gods is a good one that comes to mind, a lot of retired gods bickering in an old folks home... Alt history is my great favourite too, but they are so hard to do well, too often they just stick a 20th century person into the past . I like best the ones that posit things like, what if for some reason north America remained undiscovered until now? What if Alexander the Great lived to be old and held all of Europe? and so on... but there are not many good ones. A modern one, SS-GB by Len Deighton, in which Germany had recently won the war (as well it might have) is not only good Alt-H but a very good thriller/
  7. Life and death are circular and silly, and practically speaking, if we are back to Martin and Zimmerman, the Florida law is easily readable and accords more with your view than mine. Being not just comatose but dead, Martin cannot testify if he felt Zimmerman to be a threat to his life, and therefore felt justified in trying to kill him. Zimmerman, who certainly knew the law, will testify that he knewMartin to be a threat to his, so he felt justified in killing him. His testimony will, I suppose, be the objectiveness which we all crave.
  8. He is silenced as far as I am concerned, I never heard of him till I saw your Rant. I thought you meant Rupert Murdoch at first. He is keeping pretty quiet these days. Carol Semi-functional Shiksa
  9. That is why we have laws, to define what is criminal and set punishments for criminal acts.
  10. Any Hungarians we can ethnically insult? You know the famous recipe for goulash.."First, steal a chicken..."
  11. lol. You Galiziners have such a great comedy tradition. Of course your jokes are all stolen.
  12. Not if the citizenry isn't, no, as previously they did not when firearms were not distributed to the public as in the UK for example, police were not armed. However where private firearms are legal, or where illegal firearms are known to be owned, it is necessary.
  13. No, but. Yes, but. Yes, but. And no. Scherk itself is the same as Sherk, Shirk and a few other respellings. The greatest concentration of Scherks is in southern Ontario. None of my elder Scherk's spoke other than English in my memory, but I assume a German-land, as we are associated with Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch) and the Mennonite sect. Apparently in the recent centuries, my Scherk family had origins in southern Ontaria via Pennsylvania via Netherlands. In the mix were a Belgian (Walloon) maternal admixture. The Anabaptists had to head for the hills if from Germany, the hills led them to other regions less hostile to the sects over time. Scherks are to be found from Serbia to France, and through Hungary to the Carpathians. Grandma one was last born to a family from Bergen, Norway, and ever behind. Norse all the way back to Neanderthal. Other grandma born to a family from north of Bergen, Norway, though lore suggests a certain tiny stature in that line came from Sami (Lapp) inmixture. Other Grandpa all the way back to London and some bog in Ireland, of Protestant Scot stock that blurred in and out in the melting pot until it went to sea to America (half that generation is still south of the line) and Canada in the late 1900s. Family lore (debunked in part) suggests this maternal great-grandmother was a Anglified Jew. I believed it all those years and secretly treasured my Irish Jew heritage, wrong as it was. The only ethnic food I ever got at home was Norwegian (courtesy of first grandma I dunno that you're so wrong. There's a saying, "Everybody's a little bit Jewish." That said, you sound like the blondest person in Vancouver.
  14. It sure would. Loosely connected, I read a good novel about a modern rabbi's wife called The Sunday Wife. A worthy update on Madame Bovary -- a beautiful, ambitious Orthodox girl marries a rabbinical scholar and much ensues. Highly recommended---I don't know if Baal is a novel reader but his wife might get a kick out of it.
  15. But it would have to have been Rebbetzin Rosenbaum....
  16. Automobiles which are designed to cause accidents, to kill their drivers by exploding on ignition, should certainly be banned.
  17. I wish they would come to Canada! The stuff the Tories did last election was not kosher! I second your concern for Adam, or third it, following Bill. Jeez, Adam.
  18. The US is a model of the modern democratic election process, with the largest electorate. Why should other nations not observe it? They might learn something.
  19. This is the actual size of Mr Romney's binder, because there's only one skinny woman in it!
  20. Speaking of surprises, Donald Trump has announced that on Wednesday he will reveal something that will finish Obama off completely. Oh, why must he be so coy and modest? Why make us wait two whole days?
  21. Isn't the problem for Koreans that they can distinguish pp from p from b, and English has just two sounds where they are used to three? Robert Campbell to our ears, yes as I understand it. I was thinking of a particular student who had the speech impediment in his own language, complicated by the fact that he had learnt English mostly from reading it. Quite a challenge.
  22. Adam, that is a great ad for the NRA or for AlarmForce Security systems. It is not an addition to the arguments,
  23. Brook's problem is relatively slight. Imagine trying to make yourself understood in English if you are a Korean who cannot distinguish between P and B or pronounce either one,
  24. I have only listened to a few clips of Brook, I noticed the w's but mainly I thought he had a New York accent - it did not sound Israeli to me at all. I thought he was a native English speaker with the impediment. Carol ESL teacher