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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Wow, it works in 15 minutes! Wow, and that trigger works in just 15 minutes! Impressive.
  2. I would give a day to have more than six Jane Austen novels, no doubt about it, my foreshortened life would have been happier having read the unwritten ones.. her last book was her greatest, imo, she was in a writer's prime at 42. Wunderlich too had so much to sing. Yet Mozart's work seems so miraculously complete, it is hard to imagine where he could have gone after the Jupiter symphony..hard o believe he was only 35. Robert Barnard wrote two delightful mysteries starring a surviving Mozart in alternate-history, stuck in England and never the sensation he was in Europe, yet with genius burning brightly. Pretty good mysteries as well as giving a great portrait of an elderly Wolfgang -touchy, vain, warmhearted, affectionate and always secure in the knowledge of his genius.
  3. Don't miss next season't Emmy winner for Best Sitcom! SHORE LEAVE: Three furloughed government employees, with their families, move back in with their retired parents, Oscar Karl ("O.K. ) and Ima Shore, , with hilarious results. O.K. and Ima are portrayed by Dennis Rodman and Caitlyn Jenner,
  4. When it starts to freeze over, wise guy. R. Cohn, DD for Breitbart Helliport Properties Inc.
  5. Somewhat on same note, if Solomon had over 1000 concubines, why did the Bible report that he "sleeps with his fathers"?
  6. COMING SOON ON MOLGA - the hottest new talk show that everybody's already talking about! STRICTLY ACADEMIC Respected real intellectuals discuss high-IQ topics and explain how the fake intellectuals start conspiracies, and more. In the first episode, highly-reputable musicologists analyze the 1979 classic rock opera the Wall and show how it prefigured President Trump's winner concept for national security. Guest: Ted Nugent, who also performs "The Show Must Go On." Don't miss it! Be there or be Rare!
  7. On page 5, she says that she had thought some facts had been thoroughly documented but found they had not, and this is partly why it has taken so long to write... interesting
  8. True. I guess you could call it an attempt at debunking that, to this reader at least, instead bunked. Epic fail.
  9. The pleasure is mutual, Marc. despite certain differences of opinion. Do I understand you are going to make a pilgrimage to Washington? Planning to volunteer as a government worker , as a mitzvah? lol. As to the govt leaders, maybe Macron is thrilled,with Trump but I have heard that Mme Macron is less so and considers him both boorish and boring, in French of we will see whose policy prevails!...
  10. Wouldn't you call PARC a hagiography? It certainly demonized the Brandens and her various other Judases and Pontius Pilates.
  11. Naysayer here. When did William leave? I just checked the board a couple days ago!! Say it isn't so.. I remind you again Marc, that unless you are a dual citizen of the US, Trump cannot be your president because you do not have a president, you have a prime minister, and I know you don't like him, and it is hard to share your idol with the entire population of America, but technically he IS NOT YOUR PRESIDENT. Didn't you also predict the Congressional elections would support Trump? Has it ever occurred to you that he might just get fed up with being thwarted by other people and resign and go back to what he is really good at, ie business? Part of his success there is that he knows when to fold 'em. Standing on guard against thee and thy mistaken enthusiasms, C.
  12. That would be... coming across this fun thread I had forgotten, on New Years' Day, in front of a roaring beach and walking along the snowbanks.. ohwell, you get the drift. Er MICHAEL, you know I am a collectivist and my original complo was expressive of appreciation for the collection of stunningly sharp, thoughtful, rigorously logical and/or down-on-the-floor funny productions he has produced here as posts/articles over the last seven years. Individually. No conflict with your comments at all, at all. We all win. OL is no place for losers!
  13. Trickling live exclusively on YOUR unique channel, a custom-fit mix of news, views and Who's Who's on the only things you want to hear about...amazing free preview starting soon!
  14. You're welcome! Braggart kids with guns are so darn cute
  15. Do your children bring your posts to school for "show and tell?" I'm sure they are mighty proud of strong, brave Internet Dad.
  16. Just came across this thoughtful piece of commentary , Jon dear. Am I correct in that you believe if one is homosexual, that he naturally prefers children as sexual objects, and therefore if one is heterosexual, does he not naturally prefer the same? Democrats, I know , are especially perverted so I will take it as a given and you need not take space enumerating them. sincerely, Jerrie Lee Lewis
  17. "You no longer agree with what the site owner thinks about politics, so why don't you go away."? Ellen, you know so much and so richly about Ayn Rand. She could never have tolerated Trump for a single minute. She preferred real men with minds and morals, preferably good-looking ones. Please respond to me why you believe he is acting for the best of America and freedom. We used to talk, very enjoyably as I remember.
  18. Er, your demand was, "I will continue to attack your mother if you don't do what I want (ie, stop contradicting me)." If you want to be left alone, you go where other people aren't. I have always found that strategy to work well.
  19. Kindergarten extortion in action. Watch out for your lunch money, Jules. He thinks you'll pay him to stop being obscenely slanderous, by not commenting on his primitive ill=-conceived notions of political reality. What other inducement does he have for suppressing your free speech? Hmmm... Enquiring minds want to know... But they don't want to know much.
  20. Well, I would consider that. I have always wanted to be taller. I'll have my people call your people.
  21. Hey, I'm jealous! Unlike William, I now live in a village, aspire to the bougeoisie it's never too late to try and social-climb) ), gossip with the guys at Tim Horton's with the best of them. Also, despite the flattering imaginings of some, am fairly petite. Yet William gets to be an archetype! And he never built a type in his life, I bet. Affrontedly, C. Lloyd Roark Archetext