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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Nice try but neither of these ladies resembles me, I do not have blue eyes. or pink hair in most lights.
  2. Oh for galtsakes Adam. He is an American politician who follows however ineptly in the footsteps of Roosevelt if anyone's. Whoever wins it will not make much difference to America, the poor will get poorer and the rich richer either way. The only blood dripping is what is boiling in your veins. Chill, vote, fume, chill. I do not want you to show up at the Election Party fully armed and wild eyed.
  3. Oh yes, inescapably. We are all members one of another, part of the continent, part of the main,
  4. Do Canadians technically qualify as "people"? I'd classify them as something more like "subhumans" or "savages." J \\Go ahead and classify Sunbonnet Man. if your ancestors had been nimbler you too could be classified among the Blessed
  5. I feel sorry for the Sloppers. They have already had to read and applaud these effusions and now they will have to do it again and pay for the privilege.
  6. Socrates would have been nothing without Xanthippe .
  7. This interests me very much, I did not see the debate and was startled that our media here described Biden as "quick-witted", as I had perceived him to be slow and dumb. Also, my mother died of an aneurysm, but up to her sudden instantaneous death she was entirely sharp and very much her own (eccentric) self. Truly we do not know the day or the hour.
  8. College degrees are never worthless even to the holders thereof, as they force a little knowledge into the heads of those who otherwise would never have acquired it, and keep them off the swollen job market for an essential 3 or 4 years when they would otherwise be joining gangs or siring unwanted children; compulsory national service is not a bad idea however, but when you tell it to the Marines (ie Brant) or the Israelis I wonder what they would say.
  9. Drier than usual, Brant. If I can entertain your question, neither a conservative nor a radical for freedom. I would like to choose my own party label. There are two kinds of people in the world, those who think there are two kinds of people in the world, and those who do not. Well, let's get started: males and females. --Brant there are two kinds of people in the world: me and the rest of you; short and tall; smart and dumb; fat and skinny; those who have read Atlas Shrugged and those who haven't; those who live in Canada and those who don't; I'm glad we agree on something, but we're both trapped in irony (there are those trapped in irony and those who aren't) Lucky for us, it takes all kinds and we contain multitudes within us. Carol One kind of person
  10. jts, take Housman's advice and add some barley to your diet. "Ale, man, ale's the stuff to drink for fellows whom it hurts to think.."
  11. Sophisticated? Mmm, I detect sarcasm. Are you trying to say the video is childish? C’mon, don’t hold back, let's hear it. I know how different it is in Canada, up there you never have to worry about suddenly finding yourself at the mercy of a bureaucrat with a full bladder. Try mentally putting yourself in the place of a 21st century Yank, I know you can do's just like how you put yourself into the mind of a 19th century Englishwoman when you reread (for the umpteenth time) all about Dorothea in Middlemarch. For the same reasons I didn't like your original, daunce was delighted by it (probably wet herself). She loathes Romney, he has committed the unpardonable sin of achieving wealth and success. She is smug in the certainty that her pet Obama, the "people's choice" (poet's choice?), will be re-elected. Her characterization of "sheeple" is most certainly her opinion of Romney supporters. Including those on this forum. I was not delighted with the original, if ytou mean the Shogun clip, I loved Shogun and remember the scene. I did not click on it or any of the other images. My comment was as 9th inferred about childish urological humourin general which I dislike. Although I do know a really funny British joke about a milkman. I do not loathe Romney, I do not loathe anyone for achieving wealth and success, and I defy you to find anywhere I ever intimated that I did.
  12. Do you really not understand the difference between "stories" and science? Since when do you put any credence in doctors' reports of their wonderful results? I thought you did not trust any of them.
  13. I didn't know jts was in league with the environmentalists.. he's positively Green! Live and learn....
  14. The reason that NHL negotiation sessions have always ended at lunchtime, resulting in two weeks and counting of no season start, has been discovered. Observers hope that adjustments will revive the process and bring both owners and players back to the table.
  15. How many potatoes did they feed those rodents anyway? Were they Irish, or PEIslanders?
  16. Better make it simpler than the sophisticated epistemological samples above however. You know how dumb and childlike the sheeple are.;
  17. I will play devil's advocate for MEM here; his post to me suggests that he is talking about "narrative" as in your own sense of "larger worldview or explanation of events in ideological context." The Big Picture so to speak.
  18. jts is terrified of food and seems to spend most of his time calculating the odds of what he dares to eat. It is enough to put a person off her Kraft Dinner.
  19. I can get you 100 solid advance votes from Americans in Halifax ... maybe they look Persian, but they swear they're American, -Tuxedo Stan group discount rate, Cdn funds only
  20. Michael, I am aware of the double standard for liberals, in which any every flaw and transgression is a symptom of pure evil, and for anything wrong a conservative might do, liberals have done much more and farworse ... it is the political rhetoric Adam imbibes daily. But my impression is he is just as vituperative about promiscuity in the men as in the women, and he remains permanently indignant about the long-ago excesses of JFK and Clinton--even Nelson Rockefeller. when I made my "slut" comment I was thinking of Bill, not Hillary.
  21. PS Adam reports that the bonnet and gloves were a big hit at the last, uh, aesthetic seminar.
  22. Sorry. No, it was actually kind of an inside joke, which on second thought, I should have posted privately to a couple of people. J No need to be sorry, your post was very funny. I for one am taking more notice of public art and architecture due to your sage comments on the forum!
  23. ...and when Valli renders "talk Like a Man" while singing like a girl the concretization is... sweet, sweet irony