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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I didnt watch it, but per the socialist slave media reports here, Romney took the mittens off and scored a TKO. Altitude likely was a factor for O and alt-sickness meds would not be an option as he would want to keep a clear head. But there are no excuses in politics. Well done Willard.
  2. My misspelling. Mr Benjamatic is right here on OL.
  3. Thanks, but I am not sure I totally qualify as part of mankind in O-land. Everybody is very nice but sometimes I suspect they think I am part savage.
  4. lol.In one of Montgomery's best and most autobiographical novels, the heroine loses a prestigious literary prize to a plagiarist.The plagiary is only discovered later through the merest chance. I am glad that it is easier to detect now. And this means that the university student plagiarists (and MSK, I have deduced that the dude you mentioned started his cut and paste ways there) will have to go back to commissioning original essays from actual writers and pay them a good rate.
  5. Not so lol at all. Mr Benjematic is already on the case.
  6. You can check for plagiarism on the internet? Damn, I better stop doing it then.
  7. Fast work Michael. How did you track that down? I noticed when you said he was faking it but I didn't realise it was that much faking,
  8. Oh no, there are far more than two types of insanity. Believing that there are always only two types of anything is not insanity, it is just a cognitive convenience.
  9. My posts #6 and 7 on "funny quotes" should be on here following PT's/ Sorry, my thread mixup
  10. The Hammer & Sickle on the east side does a pretty good brunch omelette, too.Some customers have complained about finding broken eggshell pieces in them, though.
  11. Naturally you frequent posh establishments like the Horse and Hounds. Real people go to the Hare and Tortoise. Or in Toronto, the Hag and Sporran.
  12. It can be deliberately suggestive -- look at Strauss's Hero's Life eg. But consider the Mozart aria "batti, batti". In the opera a girl is soothing down her jealous boyfriend and inviting him to hit her if it makes him feel better. The words to it we learned at school were about hearing a robin and knowing that spring is coming. The music itself suggests neither of those aspects of reality to me at all. It is just beautiful music.
  13. Damn right, Michael: I have known dogs (or they have known me) - each one is an individual,if encouraged to be - but still, after all a dog. If there's ever a case for animal rights, though, it's for those of the species who gained self-hood and character by their complete admission into human lives (not those poor, spoiled dogs stunted by their owners' neuroses) without being denied their inalienable doggism. Of giraffes and meerkats, however, no. No higher concepts there - or more to the point, self-awareness. And no rights for rats and snitches! --Brant Fascist! Ratty the Snitch
  14. ..."who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."
  15. Control yourself, Robert. Jts cares.
  16. I don't think her arguments could be better or more cogent than I remember them. I accepted them completely at the time of reading. It was her basic premises which I came later to question and find I could not accept.
  17. Jerry, yes I have read all of the works you mention, also We the Living and Anthem. But it was a long time ago and I confess I have not re=read them.
  18. No, it means we use bourgeois logic instead of proletarian logic. We're ruling class toadies, not racists. And besides, we can't help it. Hear, hear! Well croaked,sir. Toad -Toad Hall, Nevershire the 4th inst.
  19. lol on your dad, he sounds like a witty guy. No, I am not much on Wilde's fiction, I am an Eliot-Thackeray-Trollope person.I did read all of Shaw's plays and enjoyed them, though strangely I have never seen one on the stage. I liked Major Barbara. Amadeus was pure fiction; Mozart was pretty sane, insofar as any greatest genius of his age can be considered sane.
  20. Jeez Jonathan, have you been hanging out with Adam a lot lately?
  21. Er, you guys are always saying the Democrats are a bunch of thugs and have their marching orders from Marx if not Satan himself. Does that make you racists?
  22. Peter, you do realise the foxhunting quote is from Oscar Wilde? I should have cited but it is one of his most famous quips and I didn't bother as a lot of OLers would recognise it. But if you are going to use it in a public meeting you should know the source! You do not want to do a Hudgins.
  23. Elegantly put. It is fascinating to wonder how her philosophy might have been different if she had been drawn to deep study of other fields , such as anthropology even in its 1930s state, or world history.
  24. There are some posters -not trolls and none on OL-- on O-sites who seem so angry, so frustrated, so unbalanced and deluded that I truly hope they have no access to firearms. I mean that seriously.